Street Fighter Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Adventure 2: SuperNOVA ❯ Breaking In ( Chapter 18 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 18: Breaking In
Time: 3:00 PM
Place: Sapporo, Japan
The HDV landed on a nearby plain in the suburbs of Sapporo. Kaori and her four friends saw a facility within a farm park. “Who builds a large facility within the farm park?!” Kaori cried
“Bison and his boys would.” Athena replied
“I did see Bison go inside that facility.” Jin said, “I also noticed the female assassin walk in with him. Tai, Sora, did you both take notice?”
“Yes.” They simultaneously said
“Since this is the case,” Athena said, “We should get to outer space from here.”
“OK, then.” Kaori said, and cooked up a plan. “Athena, go in and find the entrance. Tai and Sora, send Greymon and Birdramon to cover for Athena. Jin and I will wait here until you found an entrance to the inside of the facility. I have no idea of what this space colony is all about, but I am going to find that cannon. I will destroy it and kill Bison with my own two hands!”
“Are you all set?!” she cries
“Yeah!” they all shout
It did not take very long to find the entrance into the facility. “Kaori!” Athena cried from her walkie-talkie, “I have located the entrance! We'll go ahead! Find the magic fireworks flare!”
“Copy that.” Kaori acknowledged
She saw the magic fireworks flare. “Let's go, Jin!” Kaori cried and she and Jin rushed off to the entrance to the facility.
The facility was more like a cavern than anything else! Kaori grabbed Jin's hand and rushed ahead! “This is how I roll, Jin!” she cried, “You will love this!”
“This is not what I had in mind!” Jin cried,
“Trust me!” Kaori replied back, “You will enjoy the thrill of it all!”
With every twist and turn, Jin screamed as if it's for his life! Guards were aware of the couple's presence. The two tag-teamed to bring down as many guards as they possibly could!
Then, they reached the entrance of the base of operations. Athena and the others were waiting for them. They both looked at a locked door. “We have reached the centre of the facility.” Athena said,
“It seems that Bison hired some scientists to hijack and steal a few spaceships.” Kaori said, “We'll find one for sure!”
“How do we get inside?” Sora asked, observing the door “It's locked.”
“Some key is needed to get inside.” Athena agreed.
Everyone turned to Jin. “What are you all looking at?” He asked
Then, he realized why they were looking at him strangely. “Hey! No! Not me!” he cried, “I do not look for anything other than the Master Emerald!”
Kaori stepped to Jin. “Baby… Listen.” She began, “I know how much the emerald means to you. I want to help get it back. OK? Stop thinking of yourself and think of us!”
“Well…OK.” Jin said, “I guess you're right.”
“Right on, Jin!” Kaori said, “Listen. You're going to be OK. You know how to look for the emerald pieces, right? So… think of the key as an emerald piece. Good luck. I love you.”
“Yeah.” Jin said, “You too.” He left and snuck inside the `Death Chamber' sector of the facility.
Jin looks at a map in Death Chamber. He did not know where to look first. He focused his mind on the item at hand. “Great spirits of the Master Emerald,” he thought, “Help me search for the key that will lead me and my friends to the spaceship to launch to the Space Colony!”
Energy flowed around him as he remained focused. Then, it hit him! “An assassin holds it.” He said to himself, “He is hiding in a hidden room with the azure feeling and a creature that can strike at close range.”
Then, Jin rushes to another chamber. He dug through a wall that led him to another room with an “azure” feeling. Then, he saw… Fang the Sniper! “You!” Jin cried,
“Yeah, that's right, boy!” Fang cried, “I have the one and only key to the spaceship control room in this facility! I thought I had gotten rid of you! Now, this time, I will make NO mistake!”
“You will make no mistake, all right!” Jin cried, “I will kill you with my own two fists!”
“Try to catch me, if you dare!” Fang cried and he ran off.
“You little…” Jin cried and he ran after him!
The chase led him to a central air-conditioning room. He looked around. “Damn it!” Jin cried, “That stupid fool must be hiding somewhere!”
Then, he heard a loud growl! He looked around shouting, “Huh? Who's there?!”
Then, what he found is… a ghost! A giant ghost in that matter! It began to chase Jin! He ran away from the ghost! The ghost began to chase him down. It fired fireballs at Jin. He sped up to evade them.
The ghost then blew a huge fireball! Then, Jin saw something as he came around the giant ghost. A smaller ghost was holding an hourglass. Jin punched the small ghost.
The hourglass flipped! The doors above opened revealing sunlight! The giant ghost screamed! Then, it hid below ground. “That's it!” Jin thought, “It must be afraid of sunlight! I better find him and strike quick!”
Jin ran around searching for the ghost. He found the shadow… and dug deep. The ghost jumped and ran! Jin jumped ahead of the ghost and yelled, “Gotcha!”
He extended his right leg and foot and did all kinds of kicks on the ghost! “Shippu…”
Then, Jin flew up into the sky and did a spin-kick on the ghost! “…Jinrai Kyaku!!!”
Not only did Jin's move burn the ghost, but it also killed it! Then, Jin looked around for the key. He found it on the turnaround platform below the one he was on. “Hmph!” Jin thought, “Fang should have been thinking about what to do with me next time! Now, to let my girlfriend in…”
He grabbed the key and headed off the control centre.