Street Fighter Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Adventure 2: SuperNOVA ❯ A Rocky Fight ( Chapter 19 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 19: A Rocky Fight
Time: 3:45 PM
A door opens in the control centre. Jin was there. “Jin!” Kaori cried,
“Hey, baby!” Jin said as Kaori ran up to him and gave him a hug. “How did it go?” she asked
“It was quite a rough search, but I did find it.” Jin said, “You would not believe the time I took to locate it!”
“Nice job, Jin.” Kaori said, and kissed him on the cheek. “Let's go, everyone!”
Athena, Tai, Sora and their Digimon followed. Just then, they heard a voice. “You little brats! Did you really think you can get out of here alive?!”
Another door opens! “Bison!” Kaori cried, “What?! You want to dance with us?!”
“This time, I will take your lives as well as that Chaos Emerald!” Bison cried, “I call on you to destroy these pests! Come on out, my servant!”
He charged up his Psycho Power! A giant statue rose from the sand onto the circular platform! Kaori looked up, and thought, “This is going to be a rocky fight to the end!”
Then, she said out loud, “Are you thinking what I am thinking, Tai and Sora?”
“You bet, Kaori! Greymon!” Tai cried, “Provide cover for Kaori!”
“Birdramon!” Sora cried, “Help Kaori!”
“You got it!” their Digimon replied,
Kaori ran to the Psycho Golem. But, it punched her down to the ground!
“Take this, rock brain!” Greymon cried, “Nova Blast!”
He shot a fireball from its mouth! But it did not affect the Psycho Golem! “I got the next shot!” Birdramon cried, “Meteor Wing!”
A spurt of flames came from Birdramon's wings! It did not affect the Psycho Golem, either! It spun its arms around! It smashed Greymon and Birdramon! They fell into the quicksand!
“Oh no!” Tai cried, “Greymon!”
Jin cried, “Kaori!” She was also in the quicksand… and she is sinking! “Someone help her!”
Birdramon carried Kaori to safety! But when it tried to come back pick up Greymon, it was much too heavy for the bird! Greymon kept falling into the quicksand! “Come on!” Tai cried, “Digi-volve!”
“Birdramon!” Sora cried,
An aura of burning flame surrounded Greymon and Birdramon! “Greymon… Digi-volve to…”
Metal appeared all over Greymon and broken wings appeared! “…MetalGreymon!”
Birdramon cried, "Birdramon! Digi-volve to..." She gained extra legs and arms while keeping the wings intact! She became the Hindu monster Garuda, but is known as... "Garudamon!" she cried,
Athena and Jin tried to wake up Kaori! “Get up, Kaori!” Athena cried
“Come on, baby!” Jin cried, “Wake up!”
Kaori awakened slowly. Then, she noticed something on top of the Psycho Golem's head. It was a control box! She got up! “That control box on its head!” Kaori cried, “That's the weak point! Give it everything you got!”
MetalGreymon was sinking still, but then he shouted… “Mega Claw!!!” Garudamon shot out of the sand!
Its metal claw shot out of its arm and hooked onto the golem's back! “Kaori!” it cried, “Get on! I'm helping you reach the top!”
Kaori rushed to MetalGreymon's extended claw. She ran right to the tip of the claw. Then, she jumped up and cupped her two hands. Energy flowed around her body. It then condensed into her fists. She waited…
…and waited…
…until finally she screams, “Shinkuu…”
“Hadou-ken!!!” Her super blue aura fireball blasted the control box!
“Wing Blade!” Garudamon cried and fired the flaming phoenix spirit from her body on to the control box!
“Giga Blaster!!!” MetalGreymon cried and fired two fish missiles from its chest! It hit the control box!
It destroyed the control box! The Psycho Golem goes down! Kaori landed on her feet. “And another one bites the dust!” she cried, and she turned to her friends “Thanks to your Digimon, Tai and Sora. Thank you.”
“You're welcome.” They both said
Their Digimon turned back into their Rookie forms. “Let's go!” Kaori cried and they all ran into the spaceship control centre.