Street Fighter Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Adventure 2: SuperNOVA ❯ Bonded between Courage & Love ( Chapter 22 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 22: Bonded between Courage & Love
Place: Space Colony ARK Sector G-2
Cannon Countdown: 41 minutes
Kaori rushed with Tai in an effort to save their girls' lives. Bison cried on the P.A. “Come here if you want to save their lives!”
“Come on, Tai!” Kaori cried, “What would Sora say?!”
“You're right, Kaori!” Tai cried, “We have got to find them!”
Agumon blasted research project-like robots with the Pepper Breath. “Move it, guys!” he cried, “I don't know how long Biyomon can hold Bison!”
Then, they have reached a room with lots and lots of floors and switches. “Oh my God…” Kaori cried “How the hell do we get past that?!”
“I have no idea!” Tai answered,
“Try flipping a switch.” Agumon said as he found a lever with a green arrow pointing up. He pulled it. Everyone screamed as they all went upwards!
Then, Kaori thought, “If we flip the right combinations, then we can reach the research lab quickly in time to save Athena and Sora!”
“Let's go, everyone!” Kaori cried, “Find switches that can get us to the lab! Stay together because we are coming through! Move!”
Everyone ran to find switches. They were running as if under gravity defiance! They found switches all over the place. They flew up, down, right AND left with every switch! Until finally…
Place: Space Colony ARK Globe Research Lab
Cannon Countdown: 33 minutes
Inside the research lab, it was dark and lightless. The only source of light that did shine the room a little was Bison's Psycho Power! He was gripping Athena and Sora by their throats with both his huge hands! He chuckled evilly as the girl tried to breathe and scream! Biyomon lay down on the floor, exhausted and knocked out.
A door opens. Kaori, Tai and Agumon made it! Bison noticed them as they stepped in, “Let's take care of business. OK, Kaori and Tai?” he said
“Hand over the Chaos Emerald slowly and then we shall talk about your best friend and your girlfriend… that is, if you really care for them.” He continued. The girls were still choking for their breath!
Agumon noticed Biyomon on the floor. He cried, “Biyomon!”
He rushed over to his Digimon companion. “Are you OK?!” Agumon cried
“I'm sorry, Agumon.” Biyomon said, weakly “Bison was way too powerful. I did not stand a chance against him.”
“That's OK.” Agumon said trying to comfort Biyomon “Try to rest.”
Kaori took out the Chaos Emerald. Tai whispered, “What are you doing?!”
“Trust me, Tai!” Kaori whispered back, “I have a plan. If I leave this emerald to Bison, he will think it is a real one. I can knock out two birds with a single stone!”
Bison saw what Kaori is going to do. He said, “Put the Emerald down to the centre of the area… and back off!!!”
Kaori walked slowly. She carefully placed the Chaos Emerald on the centre circle of the lab. Bison chuckled. His eyes glowed in hellish red! A capsule ensnared Kaori!
“I'm not a fool!” Bison cried, “You thought you could trick me with a fake Emerald, right?!”
Then, he tossed Athena and Sora on opposite sides! “What?!” Kaori cried
“Sora!” Tai cried and he ran to Sora who is unconscious.
“It's time you took a ride, Kaori!” Bison cried, “To your death!”
“Athena…” Kaori said looking at her best friend who is slightly unconscious, “Try to wake up. I'm counting on you to finish the job!”
“Tai!” Kaori cried to him, “Take care of Sora and… kill Bison for me.”
“Farewell!” Bison said and his eyes glowed red again! “Kaori Sakumai Gonzalez!”
The capsule launched into space! Athena got up, coughing and rushed to the window! “Kaori!!!”
Inside the capsule, Kaori remembered what Athena had just said about the Chaos Emerald. “It has the same wavelength, and properties, but is less powerful than the real one.”
Kaori thought as she picked it up. “The same wavelength and properties… But, is it possible?”
Just then from the lab, the capsule exploded into space dust!!! Bison turned to Athena who is crying at the moment. He approached her, slowly. “Now we have some unfinished business to take care of! If you give me the real Emerald, I will release you all. You have my promise.”
Athena looked at Bison, “Kaori… has asked me to do something for her… for the first time in my life! I won't let her down! Because you killed her… you are going to die!!!!!”
She ran right to Bison! While the two were fighting, Tai was still holding Sora. “Sora!” he cried, “Are you OK?! Speak to me!”
Sora opened her eyes. “Tai…” she spoke slowly, “I'm sorry…”
“No. Don't be.” Tai replied, “I don't think you have done anything wrong. I did.”
“It's all right.” Sora said, “I… I did some things that I never gave… you credit for…”
“Like what?” Tai asked
“Like… the time you saved… me… from…” Sora fainted as if she died.
“From what?!” Tai cried, desperate for the answer, “Sora! Wake up!”
He sobbed out loud! “No! Sora!!! I won't leave you!” Then, he said silently, “I love you…”
Then, he was thinking back to a pyramid that only he, Sora and some of his friends were. As he did, he said in his mind, “I still have that nightmare in my head! I should have rescued Sora for the first time!” He still remembers the electrical fence that blocked his path… and he could not go through because he was afraid of what could happen to him. His real-world counterpart would suffer a horrible fate as his digital self would. He felt regret for the first time for Sora…
…now he felt an even more feeling of regret! He screamed, “Sora!!!!”
Just then, something in his body began to glow! Sora also has something glowing in her body! Then, a binding flash occurred…
There was nothing, but stars. Tai looked around. He was in white and his heart was glowing. “What's happening?” Tai cried, “Why am I here?”
Then, he saw Sora as an angel! She is in white with long shoulder-less sleeves and panty hoses that go up to her thighs. She also has a glowing gold halo over her head. Something was glowing on her body.
Then, he opened his shirt. He noticed something on his left pectoral. A bright orange sun is glowing! “Courage…” he said,
Sora awakened. She noticed on her breast a pink heart glowing. “Love…” she said
Then, she sees Tai. “Tai…” she started, “You really love me?”
“Yes…” Tai submitted, “I… was too afraid to say so before… I was afraid that… you would hate me forever.”
“That's not true, Tai.” Sora replied, “I would never do a thing like that. The thing I learned growing up is that... love is not all about caring for other people. Love is... searching and having feelings for one another.”
“Until now, I totally forgot that.” She continued, and then she said, “I love you too… with all my heart.”
She kissed him. Another glowing light began to bind into a flash…
Back in the space colony and all of a sudden, Sora awoke in Tai's arms! Their Digi-vices are going nuts! “I'm alive!” Sora cried and smiled, “Thank you, Tai.”
The two began to lock lips with one another. Both of them were in tears!
Then, a shot of power went through both Agumon and Biyomon! “What's this?!” Biyomon cried, “What's this power I am feeling?!”
“Yeah!” Agumon cries, “I got the power!!!”
Their Digi-vices said, “Supernova Digi-volution…”
Tai and Sora held their Digi-vices in their hearts. Suddenly, they fused themselves in their own exploding star! Their bodies fused with their Digimon!
“Agumon!” he cried, “Supernova Digi-volve to…” He Warp Digi-volved to Greymon. Then, it quickly became MetalGreymon. Then, it became a mighty soldier-like creature called WarGreymon and finally…
It stayed that way, but the armour in the back grew extremely sharper! The claws are gone and they are replaced by heavy fists! The helmet design was different as it now has a super-strong horn! Finally, a giant sword appeared! It was as large as a flagpole and as wide as a floorboard! In the body of the Digimon, Tai awakened. The new Digimon screamed out, “…VictoryGreymon!!!!!”
“Biyomon!” she screamed, “Supernova Digi-volve to…” She Warp Digi-volved to Birdramon. Then, it quickly became a birdman fighter named Garudamon and finally…
Flames of yellow surrounded the bird! Multiple wings appeared and four flaming red tails appeared! It had a flaming mane on its neck! Inside the Digimon, Sora awakened. The new Digimon screamed, “…Phoenixmon!!!!!”
The new Digimon appeared before Bison. Athena was down and her face was bleeding. “What's this?!” Bison cried, “You think you creatures can defeat me?!”
“You tried to kill me, Bison!” Sora cried inside of Phoenixmon, “But, you failed! My love for my boyfriend made me come alive!”
“Now, you will pay for killing Kaori!” Tai cried inside of VictoryGreymon, “And for attempting to kill my girlfriend!!!!!”