Street Fighter II Victory Fan Fiction / Street Fighter Fan Fiction ❯ Scarlet Terror ❯ Debut ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Scarlet Terror

By S. Krause and W.D.

Street Fighter

R – Violence, strong language, may eventually contain sexual content.

Contains one or two original characters.

This is the beginning of something WD wrote while half asleep a long time ago.

This is a fic about Vega; one of the most under-appreciated Street Fighter characters. What happened to insane narcissist after the events of the Street Fighter series?

Thoughts are written in ITALICS


Ken’s fists flew through the air in near perfect rhythm as he began his attack. If at all possible he wanted to overwhelm Vega quickly and bring the fight to a swift end. Even though he was in great shape, he suspected that if the battle came down to endurance alone the Spaniard may outlast him. 

Vega leapt backward to avoid the two quick strikes and landed gracefully on his toes. His opponent appeared to be a faster than he had anticipated, but that would just make it all the more enjoyable to break Ken’s spirit.

“Oh my,” he spat sarcastically. “Are you sure you’re prepared to share the secrets of your mediocrity with students?”

The snide remark went unacknowledged by Ken as he kept up the attack and lunged forward. He narrowly missed the masked man’s face with a high, sweeping kick.

Vega reacted immediately, dove forward into a somersault, and landed in a crouch with his claw extended. Noticing that Ken had not yet fully recovered from his last attack, he drove the sharp tips of his weapon into the other man’s outstretched thigh.

“Fuck!!” Ken raged when the blades punctured the tender muscles of his upper leg.

In the blink of an eye his blood now seemed to be everywhere; He was already in serious trouble.

“Hmm…” Vega almost purred at the sight of the crimson liquid pouring from his opponent’s wound.

It had been so long that he had nearly forgotten how delightful it felt to inflict such pain on someone. He had little time to savior the feeling however, as his morbid moment of euphoria had finally given the American an opening to retaliate.

In desperation, Ken spun his body around to dislodge the claw from his leg and managed to land a hard right-handed strike as he completed the circular motion. 

Vega winced when Ken’s fist firmly met with the side of his head. The spinning punch dazed him but he still had the presence of mind to immediately react and flip backward to evade a sustained assault.

Both of them again stood apart from each-other. Vega’s eyes narrowed as he watched his opponent incredulously through the narrow slits in his mask. 

Ken was already breathing heavy and could not help but be alarmed at the amount of blood dripping down his leg. Even putting just a portion of his weight on the wounded appendage caused immense pain, but he knew he had to endure the agony if he hoped to prevail.

This time it was Vega who seized the initiative. He jumped back against the wall behind him and used it to spring forward and propel himself through the air.  

Ken dove aside and rolled out of the way when his attacker launched his body at him like a projectile. The claw came within a hair’s width of slicing his neck as Vega flew by in a chaotic blur.

The former matador landed and turned around in time to see Ken surge to his feet and run towards him. When he got within arm’s reach again, Vega feigned with an upward thrust of his claw but then went low with a sweep of his leg instead.

With his body now compensating with adrenaline, Ken avoided the blades and managed to jump straight up to evade the sadistic Spaniard’s low attack. When he landed he went low as well and met the masked man’s crazed stare. For a brief moment they were eye-to-eye, and Ken forced himself to gather all of his will and energy into his fist.


Once again, Vega managed to back-flip out of jeopardy just in time. He looked up to watch Ken rocket into the air with a mighty uppercut. It seemed that the American fighter had put all of his might into the move by channeling his innate power to ignite his rising fist within a fiery aura. It was almost a pity to see so much effort accomplish so little. Sensing that this was his chance to claim victory, Vega leapt up to meet him when the flames began to diminish.

Ken’s eyes widened when he noticed the other fighter leave the floor to engage him in the air. A moment later he felt Vega’s arms wrap around his waist and realized he had blundered beyond recovery.


An unseen grin stretched the masked man’s lips as he secured a rear waist-lock.

“A beautiful ascent,” he teased cruelly, “followed by a tragic fall!”

Ken could do nothing as his body was flipped back and the trajectory of his descent altered. Seconds later the back of his head and neck were driven directly into the floor at high velocity.

Vega shuddered in delight as he executed his own dreaded version of an air suplex. He felt several of the muscular American’s bones crack and perhaps even snap from the force of the sickening impact. He immediately released his hold around Ken’s waist and sprung back to land softly on his feet. 

“Ahh… fucking shit…!” Ken struggled to think coherently as sharp pain ravaged his entire body. 

A concussion seemed likely and, judging by the tingling he now felt in his arms and hands, serious spinal damage wasn’t out of the question either. It wasn't until Ken realized that he could no longer move or even feel his legs that true terror began to set in. With one final act of desperation, he called upon what strength he could still muster and tried to sit up.

Amused by his victim’s agony, Vega slipped his mask off and set it down on the floor beside him. The gentle hum of the piano piece he had selected earlier on his opponent’s phone had just come to an end. He was quite proud of himself for handing Master’s such a resounding defeat within only a few minutes. When he noticed Ken trying to sit up, he bent down and mercilessly drove his claw into the American’s right shoulder.

Ken choked when the three metal blades pierced his skin. The savage stab had been so sudden and jarring that it caused him to immediately fall back onto the floor. 


He knew it was over. Even worse however, was that he knew he was now at the mercy of this madman. Clearly he had been in no condition to compete at the level he once had- Thank god Ryu and master Gouken couldn’t see him now. 

Blood flowed out of the fresh wound as Vega pulled back his weapon. He licked his lips when he noticed Ken’s uniform was already becoming damp from the red river trickling over the sculpted chest beneath it.

“You don’t have to die,” he bemoaned. “All you have to do is tell me where to find Chun-Li…”

Ken forced his head up and glared at the other man. Vega’s white shirt was covered with blood and he wore a sadistic grin on his youthful face. He wasn’t a psychiatrist, but Ken was fairly certain the guy was getting off on this. How demented was this freak?

“Go fuck yourself,” he spat defiantly. 

“Heh heh,” Vega chuckled. “What a shame. I suppose you leave me no choice but to get what I need from that little girl who works for you…”

Ken’s glassy eyes immediately went wide.

“Jenny?!” he choked. “She doesn’t know shit- leave her alone!”

Vega brought the tips of his claw to his lips and carefully licked one of the sharp bloody spikes. Much like his victim, the taste was underwhelming and a touch bitter.

“Hmm… you may be right,” he shrugged. “But... I’ll have to decide that for myself.”

Ken shook his head; he was starting to feel dizzy. He wasn’t sure if it was from the loss of blood or his own shame, but if there was anything he could do to spare an innocent kid, he would. Chun-Li was a grown woman, a capable fighter, and an Interpol agent. At least she would have a good chance against this dirt bag. Jennifer on the other hand was just an innocent child he had taken under his wing.

“Wait... Leave her out of this and I’ll help you.”

“Excellent,” Vega cheered. “I’m pleased you’re finally listening to reason.”

“Reason? Whatever. Chun-Li’s number is on my phone- Bring it to me.”

Delighted, Vega darted away to retrieve the small device. A few moments later he returned with the phone to the fallen fighter’s side and began to toy with it.


“Just give me the code,” he demanded. “I’ll handle the rest.”

Ken struggled to keep his eyes open as the room began to shift in an out of focus. Deep down he was terrified of losing consciousness because he knew he may never wake up. If he died now he’d never open his martial arts school or leave a meaningful legacy behind. His son Mel, Chun-Li, and Ryu had all helped him get his life back together after he had fallen into despair when his marriage ended. He owed it to them to survive; he could not let everyone down who had worked so hard to help him get his life back on track.

“I need medical attention,” he struggled. “You have to help me too, you sick fuck!”

“And I will,” Vega promised impatiently. “Give me the code and I’ll see to it!”

“It’s the date of the grand opening. Tomorrow- 0915.”

~ 0 9 1 5 ~

Vega keyed in the code and smiled triumphantly as the device unlocked. At last he had the means to trap his lovely prey. 

“So many personal messages with her,” he teased. “Oh- and some photos too! She’s still lovely… Perhaps you two are closer than you let on?”

When Ken only offered a soft cough in response, Vega rolled his eyes and slipped the phone into his back pocket.

“Pathetic and weak,” he sighed. “I can’t let you die yet- it would ruin my beautiful plans.”



In Progress...


At this point the story is about 40% complete. If you'd like it to continue from here please send this writer some candy or premium quality coffee. :-)