Suikoden Fan Fiction ❯ Chronicles of the Gate Rune ❯ Chapter Two: "Sword and Mind" ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chronicles of the Gate Rune
This is a work of fiction and has no real connection with the Suikoden Title. I do not own the Suikoden brand and I don't claim that I do. I just do this fan fiction as a past time. With that said on with the fic.
“Text” normal conversation
Text thoughts of character
Chapter Two: “Mind and Sword
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Previously on Chronicles of the Gate Rune, Lymsleia the current queen of Falena; went to the pier trying to avoid Miakis, her body guard, when she was suddenly surrounded by unknown men and was attempted to be kidnapped. If not for a mysterious man with silver hair they would have succeeded. After Lym was saved, Miakis arrived at the scene. Analyzing the situation, Miakis thought that the silver haired man was trying to abduct Queen Lymsleia and immediately lunged at him. Lym tried to stop Miakis but she has already engaged him.
Miakis, drawing out her two blades quickly closed the distance between her and the silver haired man. She didn't hear Lym stopping her all that was in her mind was to punish the man she thought was trying to harm Lym.
“W-wait a minute! I'm not the bad guy here!” the man tried to explain while dodging Miakis' swift attacks.
“Yeah that's what they all say, but in the end they are all lies.” The man dodged to the right, she quickly followed him and attacked again, Miakis unleashes a somersault which grazed the man slightly while momentarily losing his balance.
This guy is good, I haven't landed a clean shot at him from the beginning” Miakis thought to herself as she tried to land another hit on the man but to no avail.
“If this continues, I might have to try and REALLY fight her” The man stepped back and tried to reason with her again. “Seriously now! I just saved that little girl's life and this is the thanks I get?”
“L-little girl?” Lym silently repeated to herself while slightly shaking with anger.
“I thought she was being taken away by slave traders because she blindly followed them after receiving candy or something” The man added, still dodging Miakis' attacks.
“……” Lym silently stood while her fists were shaking; suddenly she walked towards some crates with some fruits. She grabbed one and hurled it at the man smack center on his face. The impact made the man fall on his back. Miakis paused for a while and wondered who threw the fruit. Lym walked towards the fallen man and…
“WHO ARE YOU CALLING A LITTLE GIRL?” Lym started to stomp at the man's abdomen while she continued “FOR YOUR INFORMATION I DIDN'T BLINDLY FOLLOW THEM, THEY APPROACHED ME AND TRIED TO KIDNAP ME!” Lym stopped to catch her breath while the man lied on the ground unconscious. “And another thing I don't really like sweets” Lym puffed as she kicked him one last time.
“But isn't assorted colored bon bons your favorite snack?” Miakis suddenly jabbed at Lym, her previous ferocity gone and now clamed.
“GEH! MIAKIS!!!” Lym almost fell over at what her trusted knight have said. Now red with embarrassment she repeatedly beats her hands at Miakis. “You shouldn't ruin the mood while I'm trying to make a point!”
“Eh? Sorry, sorry I was just saying the truth you know” Miakis jokingly tried to defend herself from Lym's attacks.
“Haha, so we're all calm now?” The man sat up while rubbing his abdomen. The two women suddenly remembered what has previously happened.
“Oh yeah! Miakis he's not the bad guy here, in fact he's the one who saved me!” Lym hastily explained, Miakis just looked on with a confused look face, then first, turning to the man and examining him for a second and turning back at Lym again.
“So…this is what you do to the guy who saved you from being taken away? You ferociously stomp on him that he almost died. If the late queen and commander, your parents were to see this they would be REALLY disappointed in you” Miakis said while shaking her head.
“WHA- It's not my fault he mistaken me for a little kid!” Lym pouted.
“I wonder why is that” Miakis smiled while she stared at Lym.
“H-hey! What are you trying to imply?” Lym turns red again at what she just thought what the answer was.
“It's because you have the face of a little girl, but I should say that your che-“The man wasn't able to finish his sentence when another fruit flew at his direction hitting him smack right on the face again.
“SHUT UP! And don't you dare finish what you're about to say!!!” Lym shouted; now even redder than before.
“Oh you mean the fact that you have such bountiful bre-“Miakis stopped as she saw the killer rage evident in Lym's eyes
“M-I-A-K-I-S!!!!” Lym now purple with anger and slowly creeped over at Miakis. “Sorry! Sorry! Please don't eat me!” Miakis pleaded as she shrunk at a corner. “-Sigh- It's not like I'll really eat you” the young queen withdrew her advance and faced the man.
“It's a little late but, Thank you for saving me back there.” Relief and gratitude were obvious on her face as she said those words.
The man stood up and brushed lightly his coat and said “Think nothing of it, I am a foreigner in this city and I should leave a good impression yes? It's just that next time I save you please don't let your bodyguard attack me with such killing intent” The man joked.
Lym tried to stop her laugh at the statement and answered “Rest assured hat it won't happen again. And Miakis, please see to it that these men get what they deserve” Lym pointed at the five unconscious men that tried to kidnap her.
“At once your majesty. Before I ran here I alerted the castle guards and should be on their way here, they will take care of these men. I'd rather exact punishment right here and now if it were up to me” Miakis motioned for her twin blades at her waist.
“That would be acceptable but I'd say that it's better to get information from them before you end their life, like who ordered them to take the queen and how did they know that the queen frequently came to this side of the pier. It looks really fishy in my point of view and another thing…”
The man faces Lym and continues “It will not be a pleasant experience for the young queen to see you kill these men right here.” The man places his hands inside his pants pocket and waits for Miakis' reply.
“We will have them properly interrogated at the prison later. And like Lym, it's a little late but Thank you for protecting the queen, we are in your debt not just the queen and me but the people of Falena are in your debt.”
“Might I ask the name of my savior so I can address you properly” Lym commandingly asked.
“I am Xreize Azureblade” Xreize bowed to show respect “And it was my pleasure to have been able to assist you, your highness.”
“Xrieze...” Lym softly smiled as she spoke his name.
“Your highness?” Xreize looked on wondering if there was something wrong.
“Huh? Oh! It's nothing really! Please forget what happened” Lym frantically waved her hands in front of her.
“Captain Miakis!!” A soldier called out, a few other soldiers were with him as they jogged towards them. They gave their salute to the queen and then faced Miakis to continue “We are here as you requested what are your orders?” The solder in unison with the others stood at a ready in front of the queen and captain.
“At ease men, take those men to the prison and interrogate them when they wake up. We need to find out who is behind this atrocious act.” Miakis was still giving orders when another soldier came running with an urgent message.
“Sauronix Castle is under attack!!! The enemy has already been able to breach the primary defense line and are now inside the city” The soldier immediately reported.
“WHAT?” Lym and Miakis were shocked by what they just heard
“How can a well fortified castle like Sauronix be invaded that quickly?” Miakis thought out loud as she tried to figure out how it happened.
Silently Xrieze listened in as the soldier continued his report. “Cavalry Captain Rahal is requesting immediate reinforcements; also Brigade Captain Roog has already headed out in the river with his unit in order to help repel the enemy.”
“This looks bad, if the enemy is able to take Sauronix, we will loose an important stronghold including the Dragon cavalry.” Miakis noted. She faces Lym and adds “I am the captain of the queen's knights but before that I am Queen Lymsleia's personal bodyguard I cannot leave her in this dire time.”
“Miakis…it's okay, you should go and help Sauronix, and it is your home town so you have a duty to protect it when needed.” Lym smiled at Miakis as she ordered the knight. “But!” Miakis tried to reason out but the queen stopped her and “It's okay, I'll be fine here besides Tsukari is here so I'm confident that I'll be safe.” Lym assured Miakis.
“Might I say that this was all in the enemies plans” Xreize started
“What do you mean?” Lym asked
“I mean, the attempted kidnapping must have been planned to go with the sudden assault on Sauronix, I assume that the enemy wanted the attack on Sauronix to be a decoy to divert your attention on the attack and give the ones who infiltrated the castle to kidnap the queen ample time to carry out their mission. Of course the soldiers and the Queens Knights will be busy repelling the attack while they try and kidnap the queen. But…” Xreize pauses
“The timing is completely off, the attack should have happened first before the kidnapping so why did it go wrong? A misinformation perhaps? If so, how did they know that the kidnapping failed? Knowing this have they decided to go on with the full assault on Sauronix instead?” Xreize took a few steps and stared into the horizon
For them to know the current situation…someone inside the city must be relaying information to them while spying on the queen but that is not important now”
“If you would permit me to take part in the counter attack at Sauronix you majesty?” This statement shocked the queen and Miakis. “But you have done enough and you need not involve yourself in our problem since you are an outsider” Lym answered
“That may be so but I need to confirm something and in order to do that I need to go to Sauronix castle. You could say that it will be for my benefit to be able to participate in the counter offensive at Sauronix, Your Highness.” Xreize explained. His reason seemed valid enough and with that Lym agreed to let Xreize participate.
“Okay then, Miakis along with Xreize will form a unit and help Sauronix Castle, use the river to go there faster, take the remaining Dragon Cavalry stationed in the city with you; you will need all the help you can get.” Lym briskly ordered and dismissed them.
“At once, Your Majesty!!” After saluting the soldiers carry out their orders while Xreize follows Miakis to the dock where their boat is waiting. After all preparations were complete they set off for Sauronix.
At Sauronix, Rahal and the Dragon Cavalry are having a hard time fighting off the enemy.
“Where did the enemy come from? How did they easily breach our defenses?” Rahal tried to evaluate their current situation.
“They suddenly came out of nowhere and started attacking. We can't even use the dragon horses because of some device they are using, the sound it's emitting is driving the dragon horses crazy and are unable to fight.” A Soldier informs Rahal.
“Damn! Flail is also affected by that device, at this rate we'll definitely lose! We need to hold out until reinforcements arrive!”
The wave of enemies continue to push the cavalry back into a corner, they just seem to be endless in number. Just as the cavalry was being decimated the advance reinforcements of Roog arrive, but just like the other dragon horses they were also driven mad and unable to fight. Roog met up with Rahal and asked the situation.
“How did the enemy breach our defenses this fast?” Roog asked Rahal
“We have no idea, they suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and we didn't see any boats or any of sorts they just like appeared out of thin air.” Rahal explained
“The dragon horses are unable to fight, the enemy is using some weird device that makes them go mad” Rahal added as they desperately tried to defend their castle.
“Miakis should be arriving soon; a messenger informed me that the queen gave the order to assist Sauronix.” Roog shared the only good news at that time.
“That surely gave me the hope to last a while longer…but if things keep like this I'm afraid our men will not be able to fight off this invasion.” Rahal sadly exclaimed.
“Rahal! Roog!” A familiar voice called out. Both men face's light up as they see Miakis run towards them from the dock. Xreize was shortly behind her.
“Miakis! You don't know how glad I am to see you!” Roog shouted his fighting spirit re energized.
“Miakis it's nice to see you with reinforcements” Rahal smiled with relief.
“Is it true that the enemy just suddenly showed up out of nowhere and attacked? Are you sure they didn't come in boats?” Xreize asked them quickly.
“Who the heck are you?” Roog seemed pissed at the sudden interrogation.
“His name is Xrieze; he volunteered to help us out.” Miakis answered
“We're glad to have you Xreize; and yes the enemy suddenly appeared out of nowhere and we were completely caught off guard. And no matter how many we slay they just keep coming. Also the enemy is using a device that renders our dragon horses useless and we can't make a proper resistance against them we are in a difficult situation”
“Was there a thick fog when the enemy attacked?” Xreize asked
“Huh? As a matter of fact there was a thick fog before all this happened…How did you…” Rahal seemingly wanted to know how Xreize knew about something like a fog when the enemy attacked
“I see…it's just like that time” Xreize stopped to think
“That time? You mean you encountered something like this before?” Miakis asked
“Something like that; anyway let me explain what we should do.” Xreize gathers Miakis and the others with a few more soldiers.
“Most of these enemies are illusions made by a magician. No matter how many you slay he can just make more and tire your soldiers out. That's his main objective. While some real soldiers are mixed in and carry out the main invasion.” Xreize explained briefly
“I'll be damned! All this time they're fakes?” Roog fumed
“First thing we need to do is get rid of the device that immobilizes the dragon horses, if I'm correct the device should be nearby because of it's limited range. It's probably somewhere at the pier send a team to find it, after we neutralize the device we will be able to use the dragon horses again; then we could take out the magician next. Like the device he should be at a considerable range in order to keep the illusions up. I bet he's at some small boat hiding in the fog.”
“Okay, you guys look for the device that's emitting this sound, like Xreize said, it's probably at the pier.” Rahal instructed the soldiers.
“After we find and destroy the device how can we find the Magician that's making the illusions?” Miakis asked
“Yeah, it's not like we can just charge through this fog and find him by trial and error” Roog loudly said.
“Leave that to me” Xreize assured Roog
“Haha; that sounds like something you would do Roog” Miakis giggled while saying that to tease Roog.
“I-I won't do something so stupid!” Roog blushed.
“Haha look you're all red!” Miakis teased
“I'm glad that you're all so relaxed while we are in a losing battle but please try to stay focused.” Rahal reprimanded the two.
“Sorry” They said in unison.
“Captain Rahal! We found and destroyed the device. It was at the pier as you have said” The soldier reported
“Alright! Now we have a fighting chance!” Roog clenched his fist “Lance! Are you okay now?” “ROOOOOOOOO!” The dragon horse bellowed as a response Roog rode off and engaged the enemies; he was waiting for this the whole time.
“There he goes again….Okay, now what about this fog?” Rahal turned to Xreize
“Right, it's really not difficult…all we need to do is make a whirlpool to suck in all this fog” Xreize grinned as he said this
“Whirlpool? How will we do that?” Miakis scratched her head at the statement
“Leave that to me” Xreize stood facing the river and raised his right hand a Water rune glowed brightly and slowly the water at the river began to move, then it's speed increased by the second and finally a whirlpool appeared and sucked in all the fog. In no time the fog cleared and a small boat the cliffs was in their sight. On it was the magician responsible for the illusions.
“There he is!” Miakis pointed out the man on the boat
“Roog! Now we got him! Let's stop his magic once and for all.” Rahal mounted on Flail streamed through the water at great speed towards the magician. With two Dagon Knights speeding towards him the magician only waited in despair before the knights knock him off the boat and stops his illusion magic.
The illusions vanish and the real enemies only remain, with the Dragon horses back in commission, it was at no time before the cavalry routes all the enemies. With the day saved and all those at Sauronix exhausted, they enjoy their well deserved rest.
Miakis searches through the pier and finally finds Xreize looking at the sunset. She approached him quietly and stood next to him. “You know, you didn't just save Lym but also helped in saving Sauronix castle. You have my thanks Xreize” Miakis softly smiled as she thanked Xreize.
“No thanks necessary, the people of Falena were very hospitable, this was something I could do to repay them.” Xreize slightly adjusted his sitting position and looked as Miakis. “You could always just give me your vital statistics as a token of your gratitude” Xreize said with a naughty grin on his face
“Unfortunately that information is classified and only the queen and myself are allowed to know” Miakis waved her finger while saying this.
“Then Lym's measurements then” Xreize tried to bargain with her
“I will be able to charge you with treason then” Miakis smiled but it's clearly she was angry
“Maybe the queen would be easier to talk to about this stuff…” Xreize rubbed his chin but then Miakis with blades in both hand advanced towards Xreize. “Holy—This is bad” Xreize started to run but Miakis shortly followed him.
The good news had reached the Palace by this time and Lymsleia was able to let out a sigh of relief. Hearing that Xreize played a major role in the counter attack made Lym smile as she pondered in her thoughts. Tsukari, in Miakis' absence stayed and guarded the queen as the other Queens Knights were out on individual missions. The queen waits anxiously for Miakis and Xreize's return.
“I'm glad everything worked out.” Lym haughtily remarked
“It is good that no one was badly injured.” Tsukari with a modest smile answered.
“Xreize Azureblade…He's not that bad really…” Lym said softly
“Did you say something Your Highness?” Tsukari asked while slightly tilting her head
“No, nothing really” Lym smiled as she replied
Unknown to all of them this was only the beginning of the trials they will have to overcome. A much more dangerous enemy waits in the shadows as Betrayal and Vengeance continue to brew conflicts that will lead to more bloodshed and war.
To Be Continued
Rahal- Rahal is a highly-skilled Dragon Cavalry soldier and Craig Laden considered Rahal his best advisor. And so, following the war, Rahal was appointed Commander of the Feitas Dragon Cavalry. During his tenure, Rahal worked to reform the cavalry. Among other moves, he opened the ranks to women.
Roog - Roog was a highly-rated Feitas Dragon Cavalry soldier and the head of the Assault Squad, the Dragon Cavalry's vanguard. Along with his dragon horse partner, Lance. Following the war, Roog became Commander of the newly-formed Sun Palace Dragon Brigade which was charged with the defense of Falena along with the Queen's Knights.
Dragon Horses - Dragon Horses are bipedal lizards with a passing resemblance to actual dragons. Dragon Horses are a staple of the Dragon Cavalry of Sauronix, whose knights are the only known group to use Dragon Horses as mounts. The versatility of these creatures make their use very diverse. Since the Dragon Horses are indigenous to the rivers of Falena, they can fight on the water just as easily as they can on land.
Sauronix Castle - The home of the Dragon Cavalry, Sauronix is the last large city in Falena before one reaches Nagarea. As such, Sauronix is built with defense in mind; the entire town is walled in, and defended by the Dragon Cavalry, who are equally able to defend on water and on land. Its dragon-horses draw great appeal, and the dragon riders are said to have many fans among the town populace.
Sauronix previously had great political importance in Falena due to its place as the first defense against Nagarea; however, since the Great Earthquake, this threat has been reduced. However, Sauronix still retains its importance the home of the Dragon Cavalry.
Water Rune - The Water Rune is descended from the True Water Rune and can be found quite easily in the wilderness or in rune shops. It utilizes one of the Five Powers of the World, to summon water to heal wounds, support allies, and attack. It is much more adept at healing and supporting allies than inflicting damage on enemies, however. It is naturally weakened by the Lightning Rune, but is more potent against the Fire Rune. A higher order of the Water Rune is the Flowing Rune.
Let me provide you guys some links to some sketches I did. I'm more of an artist than a writer to begin with so I might as well add some sketches in this fic ^^
Just copy-paste the link on a new tab to see the sketches. I think MediaMiner doesn't host links.
He is a foreigner like I mentioned but didn't clearly say where from right? Don't worry I'll get to that next chapter.
I'll have a hard time coloring this in photo shop >_>
I'd like to keep her young looking even though she's suppose to be 29 already XD
There's a reason why her clothes looks like Japanese clothes. I will get to that in time
So I hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter, it's longer than the first with all that's happened so see you all in chapter three.