Suikoden Fan Fiction ❯ Once More ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fandom: Suikoden 3Pairing: Jacques/AilaGenre: RomanceRating: R-NC-17Warnings: Lime/Lemon, Language, Hetero RelationsSummary: Geddoe takes the SFDF out on one more mission before it’s time for them to rest. Though this mission isn’t like the usual ones. Jacques and Aila are teamed, Geddoe and Queen, and lastly Ace and Joker. Jacques said he feels like a brother to Aila. But is that all there is to it?Requested By: ArchFaithBeta: NoneDon’t like, don’t read, don’t bitch.Once MoreSilverYoko(night-black-wolf)The Karayan youth sighed, her hands on her hips. Jacques and her had been out in this forest looking for any sign of unusual activity. Though the only kind she had spotted was the way the stoic blowgun user was acting. Jacques had been clinging and sticking to her, he had been walking steadily closer and had stumbled into her a few times. Though the heat was getting to her and her body was craving soda so she wasn’t polite when he started up on his weird act. She could feel the sweat trickle down her neck, curve across her collarbone, to pool in wrappings of her chest. Rubbing with the heel of her hand she tried to get the sting out of her eyes and the smell off of her. She had no clue where Jacques was anymore, he had walked off saying he needed to take care of something and left her to sit and brood. Which was exactly what she was doing. Her chest rose deeply with her breathing, the humid air making it feel like she was breathing in honey. Her curly hair was sticking to her neck and her face, most of her clothing was missing to try and get some relief from the heat. She sat clad only in her chest bindings and her, now, cut off bottoms; hand waving lazily in front of her face. She had searched fruitlessly for a river to dunk herself in. All she found was a lot of vegetation and bugs that had been all too happy to feast on her. So she had settled herself on the ground fantasizing about soda and the cool air of Calerian hotels.Her eyes were half mooned and she felt like screaming out her anger. Or just throwing a tantrum and telling the spirits to hurry up and get to winter. Her bow lay against the tree to her right, her quiver sitting beside it. Tugging at her frizzy curls Aila crawled along the ground, her body slinking and uncurling “’s so hot...sodaaaaaa....”Her hand flew to her dagger as she heard the cracking of a twig, quite near to her. She flipped to her back just as quickly, only to be stuck with a tired looking Jacques yawning at her. She growled at him as he made a jerking motion with his hand. “What!?” “Water...come on.”He turned his back on her without waiting for response, his bowgun swinging across his back. Pushing herself off the ground, making sure to grab her weapon, she ran after her partner. “Wait up! If you want me to follow hold on!” Her legs felt like lead in the heat, her body sluggish. It took all of her strength to even keep up and keep going. By the time they reached Jacques’s water hole Aila was panting and her sides were heaving. She could feel his gaze on her but she ignored it for hoping into the water and splashing around.A happy laughed bubbled past her lips as she felt her body temperature cool drastically and her mood improve greatly.“Come on Jacques it’s so much fun! The water feels great on your skin~” She swam around quickly, opening her mouth to take in water and spit it out at Jacques. She grinned, her white teeth flashing against her sun kissed skin. “Stop that...”A giggle bubbled past her lips as she looked at Jacques’s pouting face. His normally spiky hair was lightly dripping into his face as he tried futilely to push it back up.Pursing his lips the bowgun master threw off his sky blue overcoat and the white tank top underneath it. His boots were the next to go along with his cotton pants. Clad only in his boxers he jumped into the stream, chasing Aila around. She was laughing and screaming at the same time. Her laughing would cause her to swallow water at intervals and end up choking on it while she pushed Jacques away with her feet. “Hahaha....S-Stop! E-Enough I give!”Her back was against the muddy bank, pale arms on either side of her. Jacques breathing was rapid and deep, his muscled chest nearly touching Aila’s. His ice blue eyes intense looking over her. Her breath was hissing in and out of her teeth as she tried to push out of his cage of arms. Some of her hair had escaped the bonds she put them in leaving them to tease her skin, along with Jacques being so close. “Jacques wha–!”Lips crushed against the others with intense ferocity, all teeth, tongue, and lips. A slick tongue ran across closed lips, lapping at the full lower one. Fingers traced along tanned shoulders as the tanned hands came to dig into the creamy flesh of the attacker. Running her fingers along the underside of his jaw the teen looked through misty eyes at the man. Her breath came in puffs and pants, Jacques trembling and nuzzling. Her slim fingers tangled in his silky blonde hair, slipping through with ease. Her hands massaged the scalp as she pushed her body against that of her partner. Small whimpers escaped her lips as she felt strong calloused hands caress her breasts. Wedging her legs in between Jacques she rocked against his erection. She could feel the heat from it, making heat spread throughout her body. Jacques’s groan was swallowed by Aila’s mouth, her tongue wrapping around Jacques’s probing one. Pulling away when breath was needed, Aila rested her head on the creamy expanse of her partner’s chest.“T-This is If Geddoe knew he’d kill us! Relations with partners in the same force aren’t know that...”Her eyes were screwed shut and she nuzzled her face against the underside of Jacques’s chin. She felt a rumble in his chest, and a kiss to the crown of her head.“I know...but...”She nodded assent to his unspoken question and tugged at the bindings on her chest. She felt calloused fingers against her underwear and his own. The wrappings slid through her fingers into the water, the same for the underwear that Jacques was messing with.Linking her arms around his neck Aila pressed against him, her hand slipping between them to squeeze at the hardening erection. Her fingers played with the tip, tip of her finger dipping into the slit; eyes slipping shut as she heard the throaty moan of her lover. “A-Aila...”The voice was gasping and husky. The eyes showing all that he never said.A hot hungry mouth pressed insistently against her, thick tongue seeking and coaxing her own tongue into his mouth. Sucking on her tongue Jacques ran his fingers over her pebbled nipples, swallowing her moan. Her fingers ran slickly up his erection, going from hard squeezes to barely there caresses. Her other hand occupied with rolling his balls within her palm. She whimpered against his flesh, her body arching against his touches.“Jacques...please...! I-I need...”+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Push ing herself from the water Aila winced at the pain coursing through her legs. A soothing hand against her skin made her turn and smile tenderly. “I’m sorry, I forgot that sometimes there’s pain involved the first time for women.”She leaned her head back and nuzzled against her lover’s throat.“It’s okay...don’t worry about it. The pain is worth it.”++++++++++++++++++++++6 months Later++++++++++++++++++Rubbing at her swollen belly the seventeen year old Karayan warrior smiled sheepishly at Queen’s clucking. Ever since the Defense Force had found out about their secret romance there had been a lot of arguments and bickering but when it was found out that Aila had become pregnant everything had settled down. Geddoe lost it, Ace had fainted, and Joker walked away grumbling about more brats. Hugo had been to visit her and congratulate her on it and offer any help she needed. Also to threaten Jacques with death if he hurt her. Queen had taken up the position of mother hen. Always making sure she was comfortable and happy. Shooing away those who hovered too long.A quick peck to her forehead broke her away from her thoughts. Her eyes opened dreamily, her smile holding secrets. “How are you?”“Holding up, my back is killing me though.”“Mmm, is there anything I can do for you?”“Just sit here with me, I’ve had enough mothering for one day.”She grinned as she felt his nose nuzzle into her hair. Her hand coming to rest at her stomach once more.A/N: AUGH! I suck at hetero fics, which is why there is still no lemon, I was trying but nothing came out right -sweatdrop- As far as relationships not being allowed, I have deemed it so in this fic but in reality I’m not sure if they are or not.