Sukisho Fan Fiction ❯ On the Fence ❯ On the Fence ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: On the Fence
Author: Tsutsuji
Fandom: Sukisyo (Sukisho)
Pairing: Shinichirou (Minato)/Nanami
Rating: Adult, MA, NC17.
Word count: around 2980
Warnings: yaoi (should be obvious since it's Sukisyo!), a hint of bdsm with light bondage. Not beta'd.
Date written: 2/28/08. Minor edits made 3/1/08. Also posted at affnet, y!gallery, and my lj.
Disclaimer: The characters and setting belong to Riho Sawaki and Media Blasters and associates, and I don't make any profit from this.
Summary: Nanami, Shinichirou, a chain link fence: yaoi.
On the Fence
The question of what Nanami should make for dinner came up as he and Shinichirou walked home along the path that ran through the trees at the far end of the campus, and that led Shinichirou into a detailed discussion of what they might do afterward, and that led to pausing for a small demonstration.
Caught up in the anticipation, Nanami had turned toward the fence with Shinichirou close behind him before he realized it might be Minato, the more dangerous side of his lover's personality, pressing him against the wire links instead. Minato's hands usually gripped much harder than Shinichirou's, just like they were doing now when they pulled his arms up just a little higher than his head, but the voice that spoke into his ear was still mild and lilting with playful lust, not threat.
"Mm," Shinichirou said, his voice slightly muffled as he pressed his face into the back of Nanami's head and inhaled deeply. "You smell good... and you feel even better, like this...I'm not sure I can wait until after dinner!"
Either way, whichever side of his lover it was that held him pinned to the fence, Nanami's body flooded with heat at the words and the touch. He wished it wasn't so. He thought maybe if he'd noticed before the desire took over, he would have been more careful not to indulge Minato's rough tendencies, but it was too late to make that choice so consciously now. Besides, he wasn't quite certain; he couldn't crane his neck far enough around to see whether Shinichirou's irises had gone completely black, the one definite sign of the change to the darker personality - and his arousal didn't care, anyway.
All Nanami knew was that the hands of his lover possessed him, caressing his wrists even as they trapped him against the wire fence. The touch was coaxing, the voice was teasing, but the tug on his arms was firm. And while he was busy wondering, trying to decide whether to try to twist out of reach or snap a warning that might halt the dark side's manifestation, Shinichirou's tender hands moved with Minato's swift skill and purpose. A second later, Nanami's wrist was tied to the links with a handkerchief.
"Shinichirou?" he questioned, but the name rose from doubt to a whine of pleasure when his lover's tongue glided behind his ear.
"Move up," the gentle, teasing voice said. "Higher, so I can get up under you more."
Shinichirou nudged him upward with one hand and one leg under his thighs. Confused and uncertain as he was, Nanami took the hint anyway, and hooked one foot into the lower links to lift himself a few inches higher. It was just enough to raise him up a little above the taller man, so that the sharp prod of Shinichirou's erection settled more snuggly against his ass. Still, only when he felt it there did he realize what he'd done, and what Shinichirou really intended to do.
"Oh... but, Shinichirou! You don't really mean... not now, not here!"
"Mm," Shinichirou's voice hummed against the back of his neck, while his hands swiftly slid inside the waistband of Nanami's sweatpants and pushed them down off his hips. Nanami gasped, too startled by the shock of cold air on his ass to try to wiggle away - and it was too late anyway, even if he wasn't already half tied to the fence like this. Shinichirou's hand cupped the curve of his ass briefly, bringing back warmth, before slipping away again. The next thing Nanami knew, his other wrist was bound to the fence as well, and then Shinichirou was free to push the sweatpants completely off one leg, leaving them to dangle from the other ankle.
And so there he was, hanging off the fence, with both feet hooked into the links a few inches above the ground now, nudged apart by Shinichirou's thighs, and bound by the wrists to stay there until his lover let him go. Shinichirou put one hand over Nanami's fist that was clenched around the chain links and pressed his fingers between Nanami's. With the other hand he tugged the band off of Nanami's hair, and let the brown locks fall onto his face. He squeezed the trapped hand lightly, and his voice was soft and warm on Nanami's shoulder.
"That will help you take the strain off your arms, so you won't have to hold on so tight."
It was Shinichirou's light-hearted voice, but Minato's methods; Shinichirou's gentle, coaxing hands but Minato's determined thrust of his hips lifting him up onto his toes on the fence links. Given the differences in their heights, the reason for binding him like this almost seemed reasonable - and having sex on the secluded and little used path behind the school was hardly more dangerous or scandalous than having it in the office or the infirmary, after all. It was nearly dark; the lamps along the path were half hidden by tree shadows, and they could barely see the gleam of lights coming on in the windows of the dorm off to the left. Nanami almost dared to believe it was only Shinichirou giving in to spontaneous lust and the thrill of the moment, but he was still not certain.
With one hand still covering his on the fence, Shinichirou dropped the other hand down between them to cup and squeeze Nanami's ass. He bit his lip to stifle a groan.
He realized that Shinichirou had leaned forward to watch his face. He'd run his hand through his dark hair while they were walking, spiking it a little and leaving the neat appearance of the math teacher behind in the classroom, but that didn't guarantee he'd left Minato-sensei's personality back there as well. He was smiling and his eyes looked dark, but in this light, Nanami still couldn't tell for sure if they were only midnight blue or turned to black. Nanami's face felt hot enough to match the heat swelling his cock - red from shame, because he was relieved that it was too late now to protest even against Minato-sensei.
Maybe it doesn't matter which one it is, he decided. He closed his eyes and let the moan escape his throat this time. He really couldn't resist either of them, after all.
Shinichirou watched Nanami's face, watching the worried flex of his brows and the clenched jaw, until they gave way to an open-mouthed sigh when he continued to caress his lover's beautiful, naked ass.
He knew Nanami was genuinely shy, and so terribly inclined to deny himself pleasure out of old, misplaced guilt - maybe that was part of the reason it took so much coaxing, almost forcing, for him to let go sometimes - but all that resistance also heightened the arousal once it took hold, building the tension between wanting and reluctance. He knew Nanami shivered with every little protest he made, and those sounds did even worse to Shinichirou.
Nanami's sweet voice was naturally soft, but his moans grew sharper as Shinichirou fondled him from behind. He brought his other hand down to caress Nanami's throat, to feel the vibrations of moans and gasps. He wiggled his hips to prod Nanami's thighs further apart, and reached up between them to stroke his balls and teasingly finger the base of his cock. A particularly sharp cry burst from Nanami's lips when he ran his fingertip back between his tightening balls to the extra-sensitive flesh behind them. Smiling, he rubbed back and forth, barely brushing the puckered skin behind and the quivering sac in front.
"Now, now, Nanami-chan," he said, smiling behind Nanami's head. He moved his other hand back up to lightly cover Nanami's mouth as a reminder. "Not so loud! Do you want someone to hear you? They might think you're being ravished by some evil stranger, and come running to your rescue!"
"I'm sorry," Nanami panted, his breath hot and damp on Shinichirou's palm. "I can't - help it - when you - touch me - like - this- ah!"
Of course, Shinichirou continued to do exactly the same things that elicited the sound in the first place, tormenting another cry from Nanami's lips that was barely muffled by Shinichirou's hand. He laughed softly in Nanami's ear.
"Do you want to be rescued, then? I won't get caught like this, you know," he said, his voice dropping to a lower pitch that made Nanami's skin quiver, "It could cost me my job! If anyone comes, I'll run away - and they'll find you just like this..." He chuckled at the shiver of horror that ran through Nanami.
"Y-you wouldn't r-really leave me here like this, would you?" Nanami pleaded.
"Hm, maybe not," he murmured, caressing and coaxing his lover's reluctant arousal. "Maybe if anyone sees us, they won't tell - if I let them have you too..."
Nanami gasped. The threat might have horrified him, but it hardened his cock at the same time.
"Shinichirou..." Nanami whimpered with a break in his voice. His shoulders sagged. He bowed his head and let his forehead rest against the links, and whispered even more softly, "Minato-sensei..."
Shinichirou didn't answer, only smiled, knowing Nanami couldn't see his face.
It had been Minato's hard smile, Minato's glittering black eyes that gazed possessively at Nanami's nearly naked body, but his eyes softened when Nanami whispered his name. Ironically, the whispered evidence that Nanami trusted and accepted even his darker side shocked him back to himself - every bit as effectively as the whack on the head his lover had been known to use when Minato-sensei asserted his sadistic desires in less welcome circumstances.
"Nanami, my love," Shinichirou breathed. He felt like his head was clearing of mist, only to be lost again in the familiar soft scent of Nanami's hair and skin. "I would never leave you alone... not ever..."
He turned his head just a little, and licked the tip of Nanami's ear. His delightful lover shivered and barely stifled another loud moan.
"Shinichiro!" Nanami whined, soft and breathless. "Oh, please..."
The plea turned to a wordless sob when Shinichirou drew his hand away from Nanami's ass. He pulled Nanami's head around with the hand over his mouth, and leaned forward so that Nanami could look into his face again. Large, deep eyes gleamed like liquid in the near-darkness, searching his own desperately. Nanami's breath came out in hot little rushes against Shinichirou's hand. Shinichirou closed his eyes and kissed Nanami's cheek, then opened his eyes slowly again, letting Nanami see that the darkness was gone, but the desire wasn't.
"I won't leave you, Nanami," he said. "But... now that I've got you here, I won't let you go, either."
Nanami sighed and melted a little against him, and kissed the palm that held him silent.
Shinichirou smiled, but in truth the heat of his lover's lips on his palm sent a shock of heat to his groin. Making sure that Nanami was still watching, he licked his fingers, slathering them with saliva, smiling around them suggestively all the while.
"Remember - quietly!" he admonished as he let his hand slip down from Nanami's mouth and wrapped his arm around his chest. Nanami leaned back against him, letting his head fall back onto Shinichirou's shoulder; that single, unruly strand of hair flicked back and tickled Shinichirou's cheek.
Shinichirou didn't have his darker side's patience to tease his partner to desperation, and even less patience to tease himself, so he didn't waste any more time. He plunged his dripping fingers between Nanami's thighs and pushed one inside him, quick but not rough, one fingertip immediately followed by two. Nanami gasped, stiffened, then melted again in his arm.
Shinichirou felt his lover's heart pounding, his chest heaving in irregular rhythm, but the sounds that came from his open mouth were soft, deep sighs. Nanami's gentle voice was beautiful in his ears, always, but especially like this, protesting and pleading all at once. His normally high tones dropped lower and grew more ragged as Shinichirou pushed three fingers inside. When Nanami clenched, grasping his knuckles with tight, hot muscles, Shinichirou barely caught his own groan before it escaped his throat.
He wondered if Nanami knew what that would do to him, that tell-tale lowering of his voice, at least on some level. Shinichirou's cock, still trapped in the confines of his slacks, throbbed in need. His hips jerked forward and he inadvertently pushed his hand in deeper. So much for the little bit of patience he'd managed to apply; he'd only meant to prepare Nanami but not go in deep enough yet to hit his prostate, but he'd found it now. Nanami bucked and jerked in his arm, making the fence rattle as he struggled for more. Amazingly, he remembered not to shout out loud; instead he made a garbled sound and then hissed Shinichirou's name through clenched teeth.
In fact, Nanami's control was better than his at the moment. Abandoning his plan to go as slow as he could stand to go, Shinichirou yanked his trousers out of the way, wincing and letting out a whine of his own when his achingly hard cock was released. The cool air almost shocked the heat out of him, but a second later his hardness was wedged into the warmth of Nanami's welcoming ass, and pressing inside as quickly as he could get his fingers out of the way.
"Ahh," he groaned appreciatively. Nanami was still so tight and hot, clenching around him as if resisting. He was always resisting, reluctant, needing so much but denying himself, no matter how much they both know Nanami wanted this, wanted him. Nanami keened softly as he pressed inside, faster and deeper than he intended. It was Shinichirou who had to muffle his own cries against Nanami's neck, trembling as he clung to the smaller trembling body in his arms.
Nanami struggled, maybe as if to get away from the rough, sudden invasion, but probably, really, to accommodate Shinichirou. He pulled himself up on tiptoe and braced himself with his bound hands, fingers clinging to the chain links; when that didn't seem to be enough to coax Shinichirou to move deeper, he bent one leg and hooked his foot up higher on the fence as well, to spread himself wider and give Shinichirou more room. For a moment, Shinichirou stopped completely, unable to do any more than catch his breath, overwhelmed with the sensation of being trapped tightly within his lover's tight passage, which was only intensified by Nanami's wriggling and panting and trying to help.
Shinichirou tightened his arms around Nanami's chest and just breathed hot and slow against his neck, until he settled down a little. Then he flexed his hips slowly, just little jerks that embedded him deeper inside his lover, until once again Nanami relaxed against him. The chain link rattled again as his grip loosened and he gave himself over completely to Shinichirou's control.
"Please," Nanami breathed, face up toward the open sky, where a few stars twinkled far above them. His hair fell onto Shinichirou's face and neck. "Oh, yes.. please..."
Nanami's shy protests and struggles never failed to turn Shinichirou on, but when it really came down to it, it was this final, total submission that washed over him like a wave and pulled him under. He rolled like a wave himself, flexing in a fluid movement, in and out of Nanami's meltingly hot body, flowing together with his delicate, desperate lover.
Nanami's gentle moans were a counterpoint to his own hissing breaths, so soft and quiet that he could hear the wet suck and slap of their bodies moving together, the soft shuffle of his feet sliding on the damp grass, punctuated by the rattle of the fence at the end of each thrust. His vision focused on one thing: the way Nanami's delicate fingers clenched and released around the chain links each time he hit that perfect spot.
He speeded up slowly, letting it all build up inside. Each thrust began to tighten the spiral winding up inside his gut, and each one brought a higher note of desperation to Nanami's sighs.
It was time. Shinichirou reached around and down, remembering through the haze of increasing need to steady Nanami with one hand before he touched him with the other. It didn't matter now, though, if Nanami shouted out loud in his sweet, soft voice when Shinichirou's fist closed on his cock and began to pump. Nanami pleaded, confusedly, no and yes, too much and too soon and more, faster!
He felt Nanami tense, trying to hold back a little longer, and he could feel the heat radiating off Nanami's skin as the rush rose up in him. Whether he held back out of shame or just to make it last, the conflict only brought him to the precipice sooner. Nanami's voice broke, falling into wordless gasps as he came all over Shinichirou's hand.
Shinichirou held out just long enough to feel every dearly loved sensation of Nanami's beautiful release. When Nanami let his head drop back against his shoulder again, with his hair damp and limp, swallowing his last soft gasps, then Shinichirou closed his eyes and let go. His last few thrusts were hard and fast, yanking Nanami back and forth, rattling the fence again sharply. Then everything else blanked out to white and the rush of sound in his ears that muffled his own shout as he came.
Nanami sighed when Shinichirou reached up, with slightly shaky fingers, and released his wrists, then pulled him down into his arms. They stayed that way for a while, leaning against the fence together, catching their breaths. He didn't have to look closely now to know that it was Shinichirou alone that held him. Minato-sensei usually disappeared before these tender moments after the rush, and if that darker side held Nanami at all afterward it was only with the grip of possession, not the caresses and soft squeezes that Shinichirou held him with now.
He would take them both, he knew, as long as he always ended up in Shinichirou's loving arms at the end.
This is the first in a series of one-shot pwp scenes featuring characters voiced by Akira Ishida. I plan to do (so to speak) Naoji of "Meine Liebe," Hakkai of "Saiyuki," and of course, Xelloss of "Slayers" as well, and probably more.
A couple other notes: I haven't played the game, but I've seen the anime and the CG pics... The personality split between Shinichirou and "Minato-sensei" didn't come across very clearly in the anime, so I only know what I know about it from Sukisyo fan sites that give info on the characters, and from what I can guess from the cg set. I hope I haven't gotten it all wrong. And - while I was browsing through the cg set while I wrote this, I realized something: Nanami with his hair down... *nghahh* sigh...
and if you like this story and love Nanami-chan, I would like to recommend the beautiful art of kitmun at y!Gallery (