Superman Fan Fiction / Justice League Fan Fiction ❯ New Dolls ❯ The Thief's New Toy ( Chapter 9 )
The Thief's New Toy
People came and went through the main square of the city night descended upon the city with some people getting ready for bed while others began their night of fun. Humans, elves, dwarves, goblins and Orcs went about, their talk and laughs filling the air. Some were Adventurers, some were city guardsmen, some were soldiers and others were just regular city folk enjoying the night life. Amongst them all walked Aluna, a beautiful Amazon woman of impeccable beauty. She towered over most with her height of 6'7 that allowed her to use it to her advantage and keep people from bothering her. She had long flowing red hair that was done up into a high ponytail, yet the end of it still reached her lower back, just barely above the belt line of the dark brown leather pants she wore. Piercing blue eyes studied everything with great care like a hawk where they fell upon. Muscles adorned her body from her broad shoulders, muscular arms, six pack abs and thick muscular thighs with long toned legs along with large 44DD size breast that she kept in place with the tight fitting short sleeved shirt and leather armor. Luscious lips and a the nose ring that hung from her nose made her a very sought out woman from many suitors, both male and female wishing to court her. But the scars on her body, the sword and knife strapped to her hip were enough to drive many away after trying to talk to her.
Aluna was on her way to one of her favorite bars, her money pouch tied to her belt on her right side and her bag of holding on her left. She was halfway across the square when her honed and tested senses felt the hand reaching for her money bag. With lightning reflexes, her hand shot out to wrap around the wrist of the would be thief. Looking down, Aluna was surprised to see that said thief was none other than a girl who she guessed was no older than 16 years of age. Her face was smeared in places with dirt, short blonde hair that was dirty and unwashed for who knows how long. Her brown eyes looked up in fear at the tall Amazon warrior, terror filling them. She was dressed in dirty green dress that went down to her knees with a length of rope tied around her waist like a belt and upon her feet were simple slippers that were once white and now battered and ripped in places. On top of that, she was only 4'8 feet tall.
"Stealing from people is usually how you lose your hand little girl," admonished Aluna. "What is your name? Where are your parents?"
"Names Kel and my parents are dead. Killed in a raid three years ago. I was living in the orphanage until it was closed down several moths ago, I had no where to go so I's been living on the streets since then," explained the little girl now known as Kel. "I'm sorry. Please don't turn me over to the city watch!"
Kel pleaded with Aluna, giving her cat like eyes that made the Amazon's heart ache for the child. Aluna looked around before letting out a heavy sigh and released the child's arm. She took a gold coin from her money bag and gave it to the child.
"Here. Go get yourself something to eat," ordered Aluna and was rewarded with the child smiling before she took off running before stopping and turning to look at the Amazon, a devious smile on her face.
"Thanks for the knife too you fat cow," called out the child, holding Aluna's knife in her other hand.
"What?!" exclaimed Aluna as she realized that her knife was indeed gone and now in the clutches of the thief. "You little runt! I'm going to spank the hell out of you!"
With those words, Aluna took off after the little girl across the square. Fear filled Kel's eyes and she took off full speed across the square and down one of the many roads of the city. Aluna chased after the little thief, her eyes never leaving her prey as she followed the girl down several streets, twists and turns. Before long, Kel had led Aluna into the Lower District of the city, the poor side to be exact. Aluna caught sight of the thief entering into a burnt out building that looked to have been an administration building of some sort in the past. It's façade was now of a dirty white color with its windows and doors gone. The only light source came from the twin full moons that hung above, illuminating the empty building. Aluna rushed into the building after Kel, hearing the child race up the stone steps leading to the next floor above. With a muttered curse, the Amazon ran up the stairs, her long muscular legs taking them two at a time. Upon the second floor, she realized that she could no longer hear the footsteps of the thief. Aluna looked to the left of the hallway she found herself in and saw nothing but when she looked over to right, at the end of the hallway, she Kel standing inside a room at the end of the hallway , waving her knife at her while the child still bore the evil smile. Light from the moons outside highlighted the thief against the darkness of the building, lightning her up like a target.
"You little..." Aluna's voice trailed off as she took off full speed down the hallway and in moments she was entering into the room. However, as soon as she crossed into the room, lightning coursed through the Amazon's body, shocking her and forcing her body to lock up as the electricity hit her hard. She tried to cry out in pain but it seemed like her vocal cords were frozen too. A moment later, the electricity stopped and Aluna collapsed to the ground, knocked unconscious from the magic spell trap parchment Kel had placed upon the floor. Kel looked down upon the Amazon a dark and malicious smile upon her lips.
Some time later
Aluna was awoken by a stinging and painful blow that made her scream out and yet, through the pain and scream, she realized her voice of pain sounded odd. Then her tongue felt and tasted the fabrics in her mouth and almost gagged right there on the spot. She felt some thing pushing against the fabric in her mouth along with what felt like straps running along her cheeks to the back of her head. Another stinging and painful blow made her scream out again and this time she knew it was coming from someone smacking her naked ass as she felt the cool air run over her sore bottom. Alun tried to move her body but found it unresponsive. Her legs would not move the way she wanted to and felt rope holding them, spread eagle in place to what felt like wooden pillars and she could feel wood pressed up against her stomach and large breast. Then it hit her. She was naked and tied to a table, face down with her legs bound to the wooden legs of the table. Her arms were bound behind her back in a reverse prayer followed by rope lapping over her arms and back to hold her place against the table and prevent her from moving.
"About time you woke," said a familiar voice that filled Aluna with anger she turned her head in the direction of the voice and was greeted by the sight of Kel, standing there with a large paddle board in her hand. "Welcome to my humble home!" The little thief waved her hands around as if she presenting her home to some one important. Aluna's eyes looked around and she saw that she was inside what looked like a small wooden shack with no windows and only one door. There was a small bed in one corner, small brick fireplace, the table she was bound to, two small chairs, a small book shelf and small wooden chest at the foot of the bed. Aluna glared at Kel and began yelling threats and insults at her captor.
"Tsk Tsk. That just adds to your punishment. After all you did say you were going to spank me. Instead of you spanking me, its going to be me spanking you!" squealed Kel as she lifted the paddle board up and swung it back down harshly upon Aluna's bare ass cheeks.
The Amazon screamed into her gag at the top of her lungs as Kel repeated the process several times, bring pain and misery to Aluna's ass. Twelve smacks later, Kel stopped and peered into Aluna's face was greeted by the sight of tears running down her face yet there was still a fire in the Amazon and the bound woman resumed her muffled yelling. Kel only smirked.
"You're only just making it worse for yourself," said Kel as she hefted the paddle board up again. "Scream all you want. My dirty clothes and dirty underwear in your mouth will make sure no one hears your screams. Besides, I live the far corner of the Lower District and there is no one else around for a mile in any direction."
Aluna growled in anger and resumed her struggles to get free but the sting blow of the paddle against her naked flesh made her scream out in pian once more. What followed was a storm of blows crashed upon the flesh of her ass, pain blossoming out in all directions across the surface. It seemed to go on for what felt like hours and when Kel finally stopped, Aluna was a whimpering mess. Tears streamed down her face and her voice was hoarse from all the yelling she did. Her ass as a dark and deep red color that ached unlike anything she had felt. Aluna was filled with shame that a child had done this to her, a mighty Amazon warrior who was reduced to a pitiful mess.
"Well now. Now that the warm up is done, lets get on with your punishment. A hundred spanks!" announced Kel with a cheerful voice that sent Aluna into panic, begging for mercy. "Keke. I'm only joking. Besides, its time to go to bed."
Aluna laid her head down upon the table, a sigh of relief escaping from her gagged mouth that the thief was done spanking her. She closed her eyes, wondering how this had happened when she heard Kel approaching. Aluna opened her eyes only for them to go wide as Kel pressed a cloth to her face, covering her nose. Immediately, the Amazon realized it was doused with Sleep liquid and she tried to turn her head away from the cloth but in her bound form, resistance was useless as the child held the rag tightly to her face and before, Aluna felt her eyelids growing heavy as she fought back against the darkness that threatened to take over.
"Nighty night," whispered Kel as she watched the woman's eyes close, signaling that she was out. "I am going to have so much fun with you."
The following morning, Aluna awoke to pain in her ass once more and she opened her eyes in fear that she was being spanked once more but relaxed when she saw the roof above her and some sunlight streaming through a few of the cracks in the roof. Though most of the light in the room came from the fire that crackled in the fireplace. Pain across her body made her lift her head up and she saw to her horror that thin lengths of wire were wrapped tightly around her nipples and pulled upward with the wire tied to the beams of the roof. Then there was the wire wrapped around her clitoris in the same manner with the wire pulling up on it painfully from the beam above. Aluna moaned in anguish at the pinching and burning sensation upon her nipples and clit. Her arms were no longer bound behind her back but rather pulled to the corners of the table and held in place by several coils of rope around her wrists and arms. On top of that, her hands had been made into fists and then placed inside small leather sacks that prevented her from opening her hands despite her strength. The rope around her wrists kept the leather sacks closed tightly.
She was still gagged with the same filthy clothing and she let out a moan of disgust at that as the taste buds on her tongue tasted the foulness of the clothes. For a moment Aluna wondered if she was going to get poisoned from the clothing in her mouth. Her thoughts were interrupted when she realized that she was all alone in the shack, no sign of Kel anywhere. She saw this as a chance to attempt and escape and she flex her body against her bindings. The only thing this accomplished was her swore ass to flex and that sent a wave of pain across her body that made her stop, causing the bound Amazon to moan and whimper in pain. Aluna wasn't sure how long she laid there on the table looking up at the roof and trying to get free from her bindings with no success when the door of the shack opened up and in walked child dressed in very fancy clothes with an umbrella over her and large in the other hand. Then it dawned upon her that this child was none other then Kel. Gone was the dirty face child, now replaced with a pampered and well cleaned girl. She wore a dark blue short sleeved dress with frills around the shoulders and the hemp of the dress went all the way down to her boot covered feet and ankles. She wore a dark blue bonnet that covered her hair. In all, she looked nothing like the dirty thief from last night.
"Well good morning! I see that you are awake. Thanks to all the stuff you had in your bag of holding, I was able to make a lot of money selling your things," explained Kel, making Aluna scream in anger. "Oh hush you. I didn't forget you. I bought you some things too."
Kel put down the fancy bag she was carrying, rummage through it for a brief moment before pulling to items out that made Aluna's eyes go wide with terror as a shiver went down her spine. In Kel's hands was a thick black collar with a silver name tag upon it and a small bottle of ink. Aluna knew what these two items were: a slave collar and slave ink. Slave ink was used to put a mark upon a person's body, above the pelvic region to denote that they were a slave and belonged to a certain owner. Said ink would only last as long as the owner wanted. The collar was just used as a way to further the proof that the wearer was indeed a slave. Once the collar was put on, the owner of the slave would touch it with their fingers and say the name they wanted the slave to adhere to from now on. Together, the collar and the ink would force the slave to obey their master and punish them should they disobey any order or attempt to harm them.
Aluna whimpered into her gag and pleaded with the child to not enslave her. Kel only smiled at that, enjoying the fear in the older woman's eyes and her muffled pleas.
"Tsk. Tsk. This is your punishment," explained Kel as she placed the collar down on the table next to the Amazon's head which only scared her even more and made her panic. Kel took a step back as she watched the Amazon warrior struggle like a mad person against her bindings which in turn pulled upon the wires attached to her nipples and clit. Aluna screamed from the pain and was forced to stop, tears streaming down the sides of her face as it finally sunk in that she wasn't going to get free.
"Oh you poor thing. Don't worry, I'm going to take great care of you," said Kel in a mocking tone before she opened the bottle of ink and dipped a brush into it and began to paint the slave symbol upon Aluna's naked body. "I'm sure you're wondering why how I know how to do this. Let's just say that me being a poor and dirty kid allowed me to get into certain places where I learned certain things. I even learned how to act like a proper lady and how discipline disobedient slaves. There we go. All done."
Aluna's skin now bore the Kingdom's symbol of a slave, marking the former Adventurer as owned slave for as long as her captor wanted. Putting the ink away, Kel picked up the collar and placed it around the Amazon's neck, snapping it in place and allowing the magic in the collar to keep it from being removed by the slave.
"Now to give you a name," said Kel as she held up the name tag and was in deep thought for a few minutes before a evil smile formed upon her lips. "I know just the perfect name for you. Little. That's right. From now on your name is Little."
Aluna moaned into her gag at hearing that, more tears streaming down her face as she watched Kel pull out the knife that she stole from her last night and using to cut the wires followed by the ropes and then freed her hands. Aluna screamed in pain as the wires were then removed from her swollen nipples, the blood rushing back into them and then she screamed even more when the wire was removed from her clit.
"Oh shut up," ordered Kel and Aluna immediately did so, her own body forcing her silence her scream. She sat up upon the table and watched as Kel began removing dark colored clothes out of the bag and to her horror realized that they were the type of clothes that the rich used upon their slaves. In this kingdom, the rich paraded their favorite slaves in whatever style of clothing, no matter how perverse it was.
"Put these on," ordered Kel as she took a step back and sat down in one of the chairs, watching as Aluna gingerly picked up the items of black leather clothing. With a whimper she first put on the leather one piece suit that bore small holes around the chest area and ass, and a left the area around her pelvic region open, exposing her pussy. The leather suit was tight was a tight fit against Aluna's body as she pulled it on, realizing that it was size two times smaller. She looked up at Kel and saw the evil grin on her owner's lips, seeing that she purposely chose the small size. Aluna struggled to get the suit on but eventually she did, with the top of it ending around her neck just beneath the collar and then she had to squeeze her large breast through the small holes in front and it took some effort but she got it done. He base of her breast were squeezed tightly by the suit, causing them to swell a bit. Aluna had to do the same for her ass cheeks, which now hung out from the back of the suit. Next came thigh high, high heeled ballet boots and Aluna was forced to sit on the table to put them on and lace them up. Once done, Aluna tried to stand in them and found that the boots made her taller and made her ass look larger as she teetered upon them.
"Excellent. I'll finish the rest. Sit down in that chair facing the other way," ordered Kel as she got up and picked up the next item while Aluna did as ordered. "Now make your hands into fists and place your arms behind your back together."
Aluna did as she was ordered to and seconds later Kel placed bondage mitts over her closed hands followed by a tight leather armbinder with straps that went over the top of her shoulders and connected on the beneath her armpits. This had the effect of making Aluna's chest stick out, accentuating her already large breast even more and trapping her arms behind her back.
"Excellent. Now stand up Little and face me," demanded Kel and Aluna did as ordered albeit with some difficulty now that she could not use her hands and arms. Eventually she stood up on her hobbled feet and faced her Mistress as ordered. "Lean down a bit towards me."
As Aluna leaned over she saw what Kel was holding in her hands she whimpered in fear at the sight of the leather bondage hood. With a smirk, Kel placed the hood over her slave's head and like the suit, it was two sizes too small. Kel pulled her slave's hair through the two small holes on the side of the hood as she pulled it down upon the older woman's head. She struggled a bit but got it set in place and then pulled the strings in the back as far as they could go, tightening the hood. Aluna moaned into her gag as the hood held her head in a vice grip and so tight was the hood that it highlighted her facial features. Aluna's hair stuck out the sides like pigtails in a childish manner. With the hood now tied in place, Kel picked up the next two items: nipple clamps with bells on them. Without wasting any time, Kel placed the clamps upon her Aluna's already aching nipples and she was rewarded with a muffled scream of pain.
"Kekeke. And now for your leash," announced Kel, her voice carrying over the woman's crying voice.
Aluna was expecting a leash to be attached to the collar around her neck but then pain blossomed from her clit, causing her to cry out once more. Kel had indeed attached a leash to her slave. It was nipple like clamp that pinched down upon Aluna's clitoris with a leash attached to it from which Kel held onto.
"There we go. All done, Little. Now you like a perfect slave. And now its time for us to go move into our new home. I made a lot of money selling your things. enough that I was able to purchase a home in the upper district," said Kell excitedly as she picked the bag and tugged upon the leash, causing Aluna to whimper. "Come along Little."
Aluna was forced to blindly follow her Mistress, the heels of the ballet boots making it difficult for her to walk normally and so she struggled as she moved while the bells attached to her nipple clamps rang out every time she took a step, her large breast bouncing up and down. Aluna cried as she forced to follow the thief now her Mistress. Her life as an Amazonian Adventurer was over and her life as a slave began.