Superman Fan Fiction ❯ "Thanks A Lot" ❯ Kara Zor-El ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Be careful of what you wish...for it might come true." -- Unknown.
See the Progule for the copyright notes.
"Thanks Alot!"
Chapter #1 - "Kara Zor-El"
by Dr. Thinker
Kara In-Ze sighed the 10then durning her nightly flies over cities
near Smallville, Kansas. It's been a long three years since Superman brought her to. She smiled at waking up to Superman and Prof. Hamilaton at S.T.A.R. Labs. Kara told Superman some of the parts of the stories that Superman gotten from mother commucation signal for if the one mythical of the Green Laterns shows their faces--who would thought it was going to the last son of Krypton. To save her life, her mother
place themselves in a sleeping chamber until some comes to get them, but
some who, her mother, father, and her sisters were killed by the ice,
leavely only her. She was shocked to wake up to her face human, and remarked
some in Argoian to the old man--who turned out to Prof. Hamilaton. She was
defeating Darskied's henchwoman, Granny Goodness & her Fatal Furies, getting
the Kryptonian geneal Jar-Ux, his partner in crime Mar, and one of Argo's worst crooks, Gen. Zod, dealing with their space rats that attempted to over Smallville, trying
to defeat Darksied-controlled Kal-El, getting over that Argoain illness, blasting
that Kryption computer named Brainic with her heat vision. She was think she still too
young for the "Justice League"..and she really hated the "Teen Titans"--their need to get their arts as well as the Justice League before she joins them. Supergirl was stunned out of her thoughts by the sounds of electric power going out near Midville, Kansas. Unlike Metroplis or Gotham City, she is much rejected by people near Smallville, Kansas, so she landed on near the Midville Electric Company's planet that the supplies of the cities of Midville & Smallville, and the smaller villages near them.
"I bet you have a Superjob for me?" Supergirl asked. She saw two planet workers in
"Talk about your lucky breaks...a human could be killed out their."
one of the workers stated, "But didn't learn anything in Gotham
when Livewire attacked you?"
"That I'm weak to electric power..." Supergirl groaned. Beside magic
of Mr. Mxyzptlk. "But I will get the job down."
"Hmmm. I wish Superman or Batman was here." The second planet worker. "They
could something with this!"
"By the way, chance are you related to Harvey Bulllock?" asked Supergirl.
"Yep. He's my cousin." The second planet worker answered. "Second cousin,
twice remove."
"So that why is sooooo cousin is soooo batty." The first worker remarked. "Come
in, Boss L.L., would like to see you."
"Don't tell you work for Lex Luthor." Supergirl stated.
"It's Luthor, but not the Congressman." The second worker remarked.
"I didn't even know that Luthor had some one out here." Supergirl remarked,
"Mostly like a spy."
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Supergirl enter a nice room. She saw a huge black chair behind
a metal commucation board.
"I now what you thinking...I'm spy hired my father, It's happens many times....including when
I talk to your stuffy father...." The teenage Luthor stated.
"Father?" Supergirl asked.
"Superman." The teenage Luthor stated.
"Sorry..but he's not my father." Supergirl remarked.
The circle spinned around--revealing the teenage Luthor for the first time to Supergirl. She was
a female teenage girl with red hair. She was wearing a T-skirt and jeans. If it was for a Luthor-look
on her face...she would have thought she was not a member of Luthor.....
"I got most of my face from my mother...while I got hair and eyes from my father." Miss Luthor
remarked. "Why are you so powerful and have Superman's powers?"
"Let's take after we take care of this Supergirl job you have for me...Miss Luthor?" Superman.
"Call me, Lena." Lena answered. "Miss...make me feel more like Lex."
"Ok, Lena. Tell me what's up and I see what I can do..'
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Supergirl wonder what was the mystery object that crashed though the rough mountain that
Lena created to protect the wires from the usually "the Great Plain States" weathers. Lena
workers could repair the wires..but they need to get the mystery object out of the pit before
the rocket ship burns like a anything cooked by a bad cook. The holes was pretty deep. She
guess, she may break into lava before anything. The object looked like a 1959's comic book
ship. So I spaceship, what kind of planet would lunch something like this...not Argo
or Krypton. Anyway, I'm going to open this ship, once it get out of volanco...a little
more time, here, I'm turn into a "Datonka" bad boy. What's that sound? The space ship's
opening.....Supergirl flies for a closer look..and was stunn....
The girl was a young blonde girl dressed in a blue uniform with a blue skirt. Her
red boots were a little bigger then Supergirl's own.
"Who are you?" both the girl and Supergirl stated the same time. Annoyed, b
"The name is Supergirl, Ms." Supergirl stated.
"Impossible! My dad, stated that I would be the only Supergirl on Earth." The girl remarked. Then
Supergirl spotted the "S-Sheild" on the girl's blouse--though the Supergirl.
"Great Rao!" The girl stated--usually vision power...and got it body back..for a few mintunes, it
bounce back and forth between the mystery girl and Supergirl. "I thought you might be
a Supergirl robot build my him."
"Not really. Most of the robots are at Fotress. Plus, most of the Superman robots
were really build by me." Supergirl remarked. "Let's get you and your rocket ship..and find some place where we talk in peace and quiet."
"Sound like a plan!" The girl stated as she lift the back endrocket ship "Name's Kara Zor-El. I'm Kal-El's cousin,."
"Funny, the first name is the same as mine, Kara In-Ze." Supergirl remarked.
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"What?" Superman stated. "That impossible my uncle Zor-El dissappeared
before Krypton was drestoryed."
"Something is strange wrong here. She has the same first name, but
her last name is more Kryptonian then mine." Supergirl remarked.
"How common was the '-El' on Krypton?" Superman asked.
"By my mother guess...very common..." Supergirl remarked.
Meanwhile, deep in space, the wreck body of Pro-Monitor was
resting...when a mystery ghost with a green cape and green hood
"Monitor?" Scepte remarked. "I thought you were dead."
"I survired. I'm hidding this hyper-time--so I can repair myself--I'm
just hope that Anti-Montior is finally ancient history." The Monitor
"What's that?" Sceptre remarked.
"Since I create files on all superhumans and supervillains in
the Post-Crisis hands were repaired enough to do
filling I had been doing since the universe was created the
first time around." The Monitor remarked. "It's the Post-Crisis
version of Supergirl."
Sceptre saw two picture of a nice-looking teenage girl. The first
was a white mini t-shirt with a Superman "S-Sheild" on it and red shorts. She had white gloves on her hands and red boots. A black hairband was in her blonde hair. The second picture was a brunette room with a white mini t-shirt, blue jeans, sneakers,
and a red and black jacket, and a pair of eye glasses.
AGE: 16
HAIR: Blonde
EYE: Blue
FAMILY: Zor In-Ze (father-dead), Kalia (mother- dead), two sisters (dead),
Martha Kent (adopted aunt), Johnathan Kent (adopted uncle), Clark "Superman"
Kent (adopted cousin).
HISTORY: When Superman decide on visting his system, he discover the remains
of the planet, Argo. Inside, he discovered a information signal that was
created by Kalia In-Ze, that told Superman that Argoian discovered
Krypton's explode and sheild their planet--but it was not to last, to save
her family, Kalia placed her and her family in a sleeping chambers, but
ice broken into each family's member's chamber..expect on...a young teenage
girl named Kara In-Ze. Clark Kent took her to Earthling's parents's farmhouse--
so Kara can get into. She uses a wig and glasses to hide in plain sight
as Superman's cousin--Kara Kent.
ATTIDUE: Pretty comic with a bit of hyper-attidue. Superman's stiff attidute
can push her buttons badly.
POWERS: Super-Strengh, X-Ray Vision, Heat Vision, Flight, Super-Speed,
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"What's this..." Sceptre remarked as he circled over a near by button.
"A button. We can view what watch hat happen to this girl." The Monitor
remarked. A finger of one of the Monitor's hand pushed the button. "Now
we can see what happen--but from her point of view."
"I really didn't think you were Supergirl, Kara." Dick Smithson
stated. "I was too busy trying to locate that odd singing in
the cafe."
"Who was singing?" Kara Kent asked.
"Willy Walker. The weird kid in school." Dick replied.
"What's going on?" Scepte remarked. "How did see get into
two places at the same time?"
"How long will it take you to figure out." Sceptre remarked.
"Not long. Now that I have picture, I can figure out if
she's important or non-important superhero to Pre-Crisis
or Post-Crisis--and get her back to her rightfully era."
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"WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?" Kara In-Ze remarked.
"Trying to push this planet out of a path of a metor...but
it's seem my strengh isn't up to par with what I saw Superman
did on my way here." Kara Zor-El replied.
"Sorry, but I'm learn that we couldn't push big space objects. It all
start when I got Superman back from Darskied's planet, Aykoplis. We located
the commet ray, and smashed it out--hopefully to stop the commet..but Superman
want to look over the ray--and use to return the comet to back to space. Superman,
then had to go into space to push it...but half of broken off, and I risk my
life to get the other half...took me a week to recover from it." Kara In-Ze
"You sound a little bit grumpy about that." Kara Zor-El stated.
"Right on noise there." Kara In-Ze remarked. "You see Superman punished me
by making me stick to ground for six whole months--but I did stuff
in sercet around Kansas, but mostly sticking near Smallville & Midville.
After six month were up, Superman asked me if I would like to protect
Metroplis, Delware, while he on space mission for N.A.S.A. I helped
protect it from Phantom Zoners, and have let me have my way thought,
I still mostly stay put."
"I heard on the radio that they is a group of teenagers
with superpowers called the 'Teen Titans', why are you
not with them."
"Too weird for my taste...beside they got one alien
on their team already." Kara In-Ze. "Thought if I meet
one--I might change my mind..but until them..I'm not
joing up."
"Spectre, I had finally figure out who the girl in Kara Kent
disguese is...a young Kara Zor-El..." The Montior stated.
"How long before Kara In-Ze disappears?" Spectre remarked.
"If Kara Zor-El does back to the spaceship--Kara In-Ze & Kara Zor-El
will disapper in SIX MONTHS." The Monitor remarked.
Kara Zor-El & Kara In-Ze were resting in Kara In-Ze's room, when they
spotted a gray host with a green hood & cape.
"Who are you?" The Karas asked in union.
"I'm the Spectre. I'm here to restore you, Kara In-Ze, by
taking Kara Zor-El back to her correct era."
"CLARK!" Kara In-Ze yelled.
Clark rushed into the room.
"Hold it, Superman! I'm the Spectre. Kara Zor-El must return
to her own era, so Kara In-Ze lives."
Clark stated, "Spectre knows--not if, ands, buts--I'm taking
her back to her rocket ship--tomorrow moring!"
"If the Spectre give us some more information--I may
be a little bit more reason."
"Many eras ago--in a far away hypertime with no heroes,
two kids from the Midwest created a fiction character
called 'Superman'. Creating the first of my hypertimes..."
"..Killed by a nasty robot. I rather stay here." Kara Zor-El
remarked. Superman had to return to Metroplis for one
of daily patrol, and Spectre had a meeting with man
with a evil soul.
"I had a idea. We switch costumes. Superman won't know who's
who!" Kara In-Ze stated.
Kara remarked, "But your eyes...would that give you to Superman.."
"Nope--I tricked on time, and he was really upset with me."
Kara Zor-El. "This time--I get even with the Man of Steel,
and save your life."
Quicky, at super-speed, Kara Zor-El and Kara In-Ze switch Supergirl's
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"That was easy...." Superman stated as he throwed the rocket into space, and into
a hypertime hole that the rocket ship come out of....
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"The timeline is restor..." Scepte stated,
The Montior remarked, "Superman did tossed Kara's rocket ship back...but Kara Zor-El wasn't in...Kara In-Ze disgused herself as Kara Zor-El to prevent her
from killing herself in the Crisis."
Just then two humaniod appear. Kara Zor-El dressed as the Kara In-Ze's "Supergirl"
& Kal-El.
"I have brought both them. here to see how Kara In-Ze would change the Pre-Crisis world..."
"Who are you?" Kara Zor-El and Kal-El stated the same time.
"I'm the Montior. The main hypertime of this universe...I was broken in
the choas dealing with the Anti-Montior. I hide here to repaired myself
and look over this universe. This is hypertime is soooo close to the
the main one--it was effected by the Crisis itself."
"Can we see how well she ask with the other teams..and handle my
would-be weakness of Kryptonite, magic, red and green suns." Kara Zor-El
"May should learn to behavior herself." Kal-El remarked.
#####PART 2 - "SLIVER AGE AHOY!"#########################################
