Tales Of Syphona Fan Fiction ❯ Adbertos ❯ Chapter 4- Homesick ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Anna paused as she stepped onto the bridge that would take her into Luin. She looked ahead towards the town, biting her lip. It seemed the pathway was empty, most people having gone inside their homes for the evening. The inn was visible just ahead, lights shining brightly from its windows. This was no doubt the destination that Kratos had in mind.

The auburn haired man stopped beside her. “Is something wrong?”

“Um, no,” Anna replied, forcing a smile.

“I thought you were excited to be going home?”

“I am,” Anna assured him. “It has just been so long since I was here….” She continued staring towards the town, her memories of this place vivid in her mind. It had been evening in one of the earliest, and the Desians had seemed to come from nowhere….



The woman’s cry echoed through the streets; the small dark-haired girl paused, looking for the source of the voice. Tears streamed down her face as she pushed her way through the crowds of panicked townspeople, searching their faces for one she recognized.

None of the faces around her were familiar.


“I’m coming!”

“Anna! Where are you?”

“I’m here! Here I am!”

“No! Let me go! Where is Anna?”

The small girl broke through the crowd in time to see the Desians grab the searching woman, pushing her towards the others they held captive. The woman’s eyes darted around frantically, coming to rest on the small girl.

“Anna! Run away Anna!”

Sobbing the girl took a step forward, reaching out to the woman. One of the Desians took advantage of this, snatching her arm and pulling her closer. Anna struggled, pulling and screaming.

“Cease your resistance!” the Desian ordered, shaking her.

“Leave the brat!” another ordered, snarling towards her. “She’ll only slow us down. Our orders were to take only the strongest ones for his Lordship’s experiment!”

Anna screamed louder still, becoming silent only when the soldier struck out at her, causing the world to blur and slowly fade to black.



She jumped at the sound of her name, blinking rapidly as the memory faded.

“Anna? What’s wrong?”

“N-nothing,” she lied, looking away. “I guess I’m more tired than I thought I was.”

“Hmph,” Kratos stared at her, not entirely convinced. “Let’s get to the inn then, so that you can rest.”

“Yes, of course.”

She followed as he continued across the bridge and into the inn on the opposite shore. The simple wooden building was just as she remembered it, however she did not recognize the man behind the counter.

“We are in need of a room for the night,” Kratos spoke softly to the innkeeper.

The innkeeper looked at Anna, then back to Kratos. “I don’t want any trouble here. We have seen our share of trouble.”

Anna looked down at her frayed dress, if it could even be called a dress now. It was little more than a rag, held together by dirt and the will of the Goddess. Kratos’ apparel was in better shape, but he was streaked head to toe with dirt like herself. She was sure they looked like trouble to the innkeeper and couldn’t blame him the slightest for his hesitation.

Kratos pulled a small pouch from his belt, removing a significant amount of gald and placing it on the counter before the man. “We do not wish to attract attention and would be more than happy to refrain from creating any trouble.”

“I see,” the innkeeper said, eyes focused on the gald. “I’ve got a nice room available. And we can see to a hot bath for the lady. You too sir.”

“That would be sufficient,” Kratos nodded. “I have an errand to run. Would you kindly see that the lady is taken care of? I am willing to compensate you for your generosity, of course.”

“Yes, of course,” the innkeeper agreed, gaping at the additional gald that was placed before him.

“See that she is given all that she requires,” Kratos insisted, looking the innkeeper in the eye before turning to Anna. “I won’t be gone long. Stay in the room until I return.”

Anna nodded mutely, staring after him as he left the inn. She turned as she heard the innkeeper clear his throat.

“My wife will show you up and see that you are given a hot bath,” he smiled, gesturing towards the small stair where a pleasant, but unfamiliar, woman stood.

Anna followed the woman up the stairs and into a room, maids scurrying out as they entered. Bypassing the small table and neatly made bed they entered another room, this one with a large round tub. The room was warm, the tub filled with steaming water, large fluffy towels stacked nearby. Anna sighed with contentment, looking forward to the first real bath she could remember having in ages.

“Now dear,” the innkeeper’s wife said. “You get into the nice water and we’ll see that you’re all scrubbed up.”

Doing as she was bid Anna removed what was left of her dress. The innkeeper’s wife stood outside the door, ready to take the garment. Anna frowned at the destroyed cloth, knowing that no amount of effort could ever repair it.

“I’m afraid my dress is….” she trailed off as the innkeeper’s wife interrupted.

“It will be fine my dear, my husband says that we will see to supplying you with a new frock.”

“Oh, alright then.”

“Are you in your bath dear?”

Anna slipped slowly into the heated water with many silent thanks to the Goddess for the soothing bath. “Yes.”

“Then I shall assist you,” the woman replied, coming back into the room.

Anna opened her mouth to protest, embarrassed that the woman would take the instructions given to her so far, but before she could speak a steam of water surged over her head, all but drowning her. Gasping she looked up at the innkeeper’s wife, who only smiled before taking up a bar of soap.

“You seem to be in a rather roughed up condition,” the woman mused, her voice concerned. “Have you been traveling long?”

“Um, not very long,” Anna replied, still bewildered as she was attacked with the bar of soap.

“Where did you travel from?”

“North a ways,” Anna replied.

“I see,” the woman replied, nodding slightly. “The tower then?”

“The tower?” Anna replied, baffled. She winced as the woman rubbed at her head with the soap, pulling at the tangles that had formed in her short hair.

“The Tower of Mana,” she clarified. “Is that where you have come from?”

Anna shook her head, “No.”

The woman was silent for a moment and Anna was thankful for what she hoped was the end of her questioning. She greatly wished the woman would leave her in peace, however the innkeeper’s wife seemed to be a busybody and only too pleased to assist her.

“Your companion,” the innkeeper’s wife pressed; Anna sighed with frustration. “He has not been… unkind to you?”

“What?” Anna blinked as the woman poured more water over her head, rinsing out the soap. “No! Of course not!”

“You will forgive my concern,” the innkeeper’s wife answered, horrifying Anna as she elaborated. “Usually when my husband and I give lodging to those who appear as the two of you do… well, let us say that the roughness of the road is not usually the reason the lady is so battered. It does not suit me to stand idly by and watch some poor girl suffer at the hands of a brute. We are of course willing to give any assistance we can - if only we know it is needed.”

Anna stared at the woman, mouth agape. Swallowing hard she cleared her throat enough to speak. “I promise you, my… companion has not harmed me in any way.” The goodwife eyed her skeptically. “Really. I’ve been lost for some time actually. He found me and allowed me to accompany him here.”

Still frowning the innkeeper’s wife continued scrubbing. Anna was sure the top layer of her skin was going to be rubbed off, maybe the second layer as well. She was glad that her wounds had been so thoroughly healed earlier, otherwise she was certain she would be in no small amount of pain. Doubtless it was best to remain motionless and allow the woman to finish what she felt she was obliged to do; but when the goodwife suddenly took hold of her wrist, reaching for the makeshift bandage on her hand, Anna began to struggle.

“What in the name of Martel is wrong with you?” the innkeeper’s wife stared at Anna, flabbergasted. “You’ve an injury here that likely needs attention.”

“No!” Anna cried, pulling away from her.

“At least allow me to replace your bandage, that dirty rag will only breed infection!” the woman insisted, looking sternly at Anna.

“No, really, I’d rather you didn’t,” Anna insisted. “If you would leave some clean bandages I’ll see to it myself.”

Huffing in irritation the innkeeper’s wife stood, crossing to the door. “Fine, do as you like. I can not say I understand why you are refusing our help. There are plenty of warm towels there and a clean gown has been laid out for you as well. Is there anything else we can furnish you?”

Anna shook her head, cowering in the water.

“Are you hungry? Should I have a meal sent up?”

“Actually, that would be nice.”

Nodding her head the woman left the room, hurrying back downstairs. As soon as she was gone Anna grabbed a towel, drying off and fumbling into the dress that she had been given. She did not want for the woman to come back and ‘assist’ her in dressing.

The dress was a faded blue cotton, the skirt and sleeves long. There was a crisp white apron that went over the dress, which Anna declined to wear. The dress was comfortable, clearly having been worn many times. There was a fresh laundry smell to it, like soap and sunshine from having hung out to dry.

Suddenly exhausted from her ordeal Anna walked into the bedroom, crossing to sit on the bed. She wondered how long it would take for the innkeeper’s wife to find something she would deem suitable for Anna to eat. It could take awhile. Long enough for a nap perhaps.

With a yawn she stretched out across the bed, promising herself she would only close her eyes for a moment.


It had not taken Kratos long to finish his errands. He was hesitant to leave Anna alone for long; he did not trust the innkeeper. Not that the man had done anything, but his hesitation to assist them, only to have his mind changed with the presence of gald, did not sit well with Kratos. If the innkeeper were willing to bend his principles for them he would certainly not hesitate to bend them for others.

Therefore he had hurried through the dark town, making the few purchases necessary and leaving a false trail for the Desians to follow when they showed up. He was certain that they would eventually. He had spoken to the few people standing around the armory about the dangers of traveling to Hima and asked those in the items shop if the roads north of Luin were passable.

His errands complete he hurried back towards the inn, carrying two small bundles, entering just as the innkeeper’s wife started upstairs with a tray.

“Oh, sir, you’ve returned,” she turned towards him, smiling slightly. “The lady is upstairs. She has been given a nice bath and we found her a simple gown to replace the one she wore. I’m afraid it isn’t much, but it is better than what she had.”

“Thank you,” Kratos inclined his head.

“I was just heading up to bring her something to eat,” the woman continued. “Would you like for me to bring you something as well?”

“No, that won’t be necessary,” he insisted, reaching for the tray. “Here, I will take the tray up with me. We shall not require anything further tonight. I thank both you and your good husband.”

Bowing to him the woman relinquished the food, “Not at all sir.”

Kratos hurried up the stairs towards the room the goodwife had instructed him towards, knocking softly before he entered. His eyes quickly scanned the room for Anna, coming to rest on the bed. She was sprawled there, her head cushioned by her arms and her body curled up, soundly sleeping.

Setting the tray and bundles down on the table he crossed the room, looking down at her. She looked rather comfortable and he was hesitant to wake her. They had traveled to Luin at a hurried pace, too fast for someone in her condition, and he knew that she would require plenty of rest to recover. As gently as he could he lifted her head, sliding a pillow beneath it. A stout tug at the blanket freed it from beneath her, moments latter it settled across her still form.

Satisfied that she was taken care of he looked around the room. His cloak was folded across the back of a chair, one of two that were situated around a small table. There was only the one bed, currently occupied by the sleeping woman. He was suddenly grateful for his lack of need for sleep. He assumed the door on the other side of the room led to the bath. There was a large window looking towards the lake; he was sure that Anna would like that.

Sighing he took one of the chairs and set it before the window, sitting so that he could look out at the dark lake. He was certain it would be some time before Anna woke and he was indecisive as to what to do in the meantime.

He stared out the window for some time, watching the lights of the town diminish until only a handful remained. As the lights were extinguished the stars above shone brighter, bathing the town in an eerie light. He looked up, watching the bright pinpricks as they shone down on the world, unable to contain a cynical snort, all too aware of the deceit of the sky.

Kratos knew what hung above the world, invisible to those staring up at the brightly shining stars. The cause of all his problems, or at least the home to all of his problems. Grimacing he brought his gaze back to the lake, narrowing his eyes in thought.

When Anna woke she would demand answers, Kratos was sure of this. He had promised her answers but was not quite sure what he would tell her. Certainly nothing of the invisible world that hung above them, or the comet that helped make it possible. Likely she would think him mad if he did tell her; the less he told her the better off she would be.

Without a doubt she would want to know about her exsphere, and the Angelus Project. He sighed heavily, knowing it would be better not to answer any questions at all but knowing he would have to if he expected her to follow him any further-

He broke off at that thought; did he want her to follow him further?

This had all started out as a way to delay Kvar, put a temporary hold on his Angelus Project. Kratos was certain it would take him quite some time to replace his test subject; he had no intentions of letting him recover Anna.

It had become slightly more complicated when he had learned from Kvar that Mithos was actively searching for him. Of course Kratos had known this was coming, he had been expecting to meet with someone searching for him sooner or later, but he had not been expecting to have his cover blown while attempting to escape with a girl who could barely walk - forget about warping away!

He could abandon her here, but she would easily be found by Kvar. She was slowing him down, hindering his ability to escape Mithos, but he was unable to abandon her.

“Kvar can not be allowed to claim her again,” he reasoned to himself softly. “If he finds her she will be taken back to the ranch. Kvar will continue his experiment and eventually produce a Cruxis Crystal. This will only speed Mithos’ plans. She will have to stay with me.”

This settled he turned back to his previous dilemma of what he should tell Anna, or rather, how much.