Teen Titans Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Love worth Dying For ❯ Powers of Darkness ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 5: Powers of Darkness
Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog or Teen Titans. Sega and DC comics do
Ha ha ha, Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!, yelled an excited Sonic as he ran all around Station Square, forgetting that cops could be around.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooo!!! Sonic yelled in excitement while running up a hill in the city.
Only a few hours till I , Sonic was saying until all of a sudden, a large black energy wall appeared in front of him.
Unfortionately for Sonic, he was running to fast to stop quickly so he crashed against the wall.
Aaaaaaaaaaw, ..My head., the hedgehog complained as he took a few steps backwards.
The wall disappeared as a dark blue hooded figure wrapped with a cape and violet eyes appeared 15 feet infront of Sonic.
WHERE IS SHE!?, the hooded person demanded.
Ummm Who?, Sonic questioned in reply.
Tell me where Terra is NOW!, the figure ordered.
"I wander why she wants Terra. Sonic said to himself.
Sonic then says back in slight anger No way ! And Who are you?
The hooded figure is now getting furious.
NO? Then I, Raven of Azerath will either make you tell me, or destroy you.
She said in anger while unraveling her cape, revieling she was wearing a black leotard which exposed her legs, a yellow belt with red jewls on it, and dark blue boots.
The skin on her legs, face, and fingers was very pale.
She clenched her fists and they started glowing black spheres around them.
She raised her right hand into the air and a stop sign from behind her glowed black and floated a few feet off the ground.
Sonic stared at the floating stop sign wandering what will happen next.
Raven then pointed at Sonic with her index finger of the same hand.
The Stop sign started flying twards Sonic. When it was close to him, Raven then made a slapping motion with her right hand.
The stop sign then turned horrizontal and was about to slap Sonic.
Sonic moved his body back slightly and dodged the attack.
The sign then tried to slap him two more times, but Sonic dodged both of the attacks without moving his feet.
Then Raven made a chopping motion with her right hand and the sign turned vertical and was going to chop Sonic.
Sonic caught the pole of the stop sign with his left hand while it was at chopping motion.
Ha, Is that all ya got?, Sonic taunted while pushing the sign away from him.
Raven then raised her left arm so it was pointing at Sonic and opend up her left hand quickly.
Sonic suddenly was hit by a stream of water from a fire hydryn on the left side of the road.
Sonic let go of the stop sign and was hit by the water so hard that he was sent crashing into a building on the right side of the road.
After the water pressure lowered, a soaked Sonic got off the wall slowly.
The stop sign then slaped the left side of Sonics body sending him a few feet to the right and then it hit his head so he was sent to the ground.
a black car Raven telepathically picked up now was floating about 7 feet above Sonic.
It was coming down at him but he rolled on is side to escape the crashing blow of the car as it crashed on the ground and started to catch on fire.
Sonic then got up and turned to his right to face Raven.
He was about to charge at her but then the windows of the building he crashed on broke and the pieces were flying tward Sonic.
Sonic dodged the pieces by doing a 8 foot high backflip. He than dashed at Raven. Right when he was about to hit her, the glowing spheres on her hands turned into black flames.
She yelles Azerath Metrion Zynthos!, and she sent a mailbox at him.
The mailbox took a direct hit on sonic causing him to fall and slide his body about 20 feet away from her.
The mailbox conitinued to fly unuill it hit a parked car and blew it up.
Sonic gets up off the ground slowly with some effort.
Raven Then says again Azerath, Metrion, Zynyhos!. A volks wagon beetle covered with Ravens dark magic charged at Sonic with great speed.
Right when it was about to hit him, the hedgehog jumped on the bettle and jumped off of it landing on Raven, pinning her to the ground.
What do you want with her Raven!? Sonic demanded with anger in his voice.
She Must DIE!! Raven screamed in rage as she picked up Sonic with her telekenetic powers and sent him flying about 100 feet away from her.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Sonic came crasing through a window of a large building and landed his side on the floor.
People in the building started running around and screaming in chaos.
Sonic got up slowly noticing he had cuts on his arms and legs.
He put his right hand on his right cheek. When he took it off his cheek he saw blood on his gloved hand.
Raven then was levitating right outside the window and steped in the building.
Sonic turned to face her as she was walking twards him. Where is She!?, Raven demanded.
Im never gonna tell you, Freakin witch! Sonic said back in a harsh tone.
Thats IT!, Raven screamed as she was gathering black energy in her hands.
Sonic charged at her, but before he could hit her,he was screaming in pain as was being hit by a large dark beam fired at him by Raven.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Sonic was sent all the way across the building breaking the glass of another window while falling off the building.
Fortionately for Sonic he was only 5 stories up the building and he landed in a large trash can.
Raven flew twards the trash can and it started to glow black.
Raven made a clapping motion.
Sonic jumped out of the trash can as it crummpled up into a crumpled up ball.
Sonic landed on his feet with his knees bent in an attack poze, and was catching his breath.
His cuts from the glass were now bleedig pretty badly all over his arms and legs and steam from Raven's beam came out of his now dark chest.
Raven, who was about 10 feet away from Sonic, was also panting trying to get air.
Why do you want her dead so bad? Sonic demanded while panting.
That girl has done many horrible, unforgiveable things., Raven replied in anger to Sonic while panting.
Sounds more like you for trying to kill her., Sonic yelled at her as he rammed into Raven and pushed her against a nearby wall.
What could possibly be so horrible that you have to kill her for it? Sonic yelled while he had Raven against the wall.
She almost destroyed the entire city I live at and attacked innocent people. Raven snarled back and threw Sonic with her powers again, this time only about 20 feet away from her.
Sonics back hit against a wall and he fell to the ground.
Tell me where she is or else! Raven yelled at sonic as her hands started to turn black again.
This time she got a set of 9 inch long claws on each hand.
N Never., Sonic replied grunting in pain.
Raven then started running tward Sonic as he was slowly getting up off the ground.
She was now only a few feet away getting ready to slash Sonic with her left set of black claws annnnnnnnnd .To be continued.
* * * * * * *
Authors notes: Will Raven get Sonic to reviel Terras location to her? Will the goth girl destroy the blue blur? Find out in chapter 6.
Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog or Teen Titans. Sega and DC comics do
Ha ha ha, Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!, yelled an excited Sonic as he ran all around Station Square, forgetting that cops could be around.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooo!!! Sonic yelled in excitement while running up a hill in the city.
Only a few hours till I , Sonic was saying until all of a sudden, a large black energy wall appeared in front of him.
Unfortionately for Sonic, he was running to fast to stop quickly so he crashed against the wall.
Aaaaaaaaaaw, ..My head., the hedgehog complained as he took a few steps backwards.
The wall disappeared as a dark blue hooded figure wrapped with a cape and violet eyes appeared 15 feet infront of Sonic.
WHERE IS SHE!?, the hooded person demanded.
Ummm Who?, Sonic questioned in reply.
Tell me where Terra is NOW!, the figure ordered.
"I wander why she wants Terra. Sonic said to himself.
Sonic then says back in slight anger No way ! And Who are you?
The hooded figure is now getting furious.
NO? Then I, Raven of Azerath will either make you tell me, or destroy you.
She said in anger while unraveling her cape, revieling she was wearing a black leotard which exposed her legs, a yellow belt with red jewls on it, and dark blue boots.
The skin on her legs, face, and fingers was very pale.
She clenched her fists and they started glowing black spheres around them.
She raised her right hand into the air and a stop sign from behind her glowed black and floated a few feet off the ground.
Sonic stared at the floating stop sign wandering what will happen next.
Raven then pointed at Sonic with her index finger of the same hand.
The Stop sign started flying twards Sonic. When it was close to him, Raven then made a slapping motion with her right hand.
The stop sign then turned horrizontal and was about to slap Sonic.
Sonic moved his body back slightly and dodged the attack.
The sign then tried to slap him two more times, but Sonic dodged both of the attacks without moving his feet.
Then Raven made a chopping motion with her right hand and the sign turned vertical and was going to chop Sonic.
Sonic caught the pole of the stop sign with his left hand while it was at chopping motion.
Ha, Is that all ya got?, Sonic taunted while pushing the sign away from him.
Raven then raised her left arm so it was pointing at Sonic and opend up her left hand quickly.
Sonic suddenly was hit by a stream of water from a fire hydryn on the left side of the road.
Sonic let go of the stop sign and was hit by the water so hard that he was sent crashing into a building on the right side of the road.
After the water pressure lowered, a soaked Sonic got off the wall slowly.
The stop sign then slaped the left side of Sonics body sending him a few feet to the right and then it hit his head so he was sent to the ground.
a black car Raven telepathically picked up now was floating about 7 feet above Sonic.
It was coming down at him but he rolled on is side to escape the crashing blow of the car as it crashed on the ground and started to catch on fire.
Sonic then got up and turned to his right to face Raven.
He was about to charge at her but then the windows of the building he crashed on broke and the pieces were flying tward Sonic.
Sonic dodged the pieces by doing a 8 foot high backflip. He than dashed at Raven. Right when he was about to hit her, the glowing spheres on her hands turned into black flames.
She yelles Azerath Metrion Zynthos!, and she sent a mailbox at him.
The mailbox took a direct hit on sonic causing him to fall and slide his body about 20 feet away from her.
The mailbox conitinued to fly unuill it hit a parked car and blew it up.
Sonic gets up off the ground slowly with some effort.
Raven Then says again Azerath, Metrion, Zynyhos!. A volks wagon beetle covered with Ravens dark magic charged at Sonic with great speed.
Right when it was about to hit him, the hedgehog jumped on the bettle and jumped off of it landing on Raven, pinning her to the ground.
What do you want with her Raven!? Sonic demanded with anger in his voice.
She Must DIE!! Raven screamed in rage as she picked up Sonic with her telekenetic powers and sent him flying about 100 feet away from her.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Sonic came crasing through a window of a large building and landed his side on the floor.
People in the building started running around and screaming in chaos.
Sonic got up slowly noticing he had cuts on his arms and legs.
He put his right hand on his right cheek. When he took it off his cheek he saw blood on his gloved hand.
Raven then was levitating right outside the window and steped in the building.
Sonic turned to face her as she was walking twards him. Where is She!?, Raven demanded.
Im never gonna tell you, Freakin witch! Sonic said back in a harsh tone.
Thats IT!, Raven screamed as she was gathering black energy in her hands.
Sonic charged at her, but before he could hit her,he was screaming in pain as was being hit by a large dark beam fired at him by Raven.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Sonic was sent all the way across the building breaking the glass of another window while falling off the building.
Fortionately for Sonic he was only 5 stories up the building and he landed in a large trash can.
Raven flew twards the trash can and it started to glow black.
Raven made a clapping motion.
Sonic jumped out of the trash can as it crummpled up into a crumpled up ball.
Sonic landed on his feet with his knees bent in an attack poze, and was catching his breath.
His cuts from the glass were now bleedig pretty badly all over his arms and legs and steam from Raven's beam came out of his now dark chest.
Raven, who was about 10 feet away from Sonic, was also panting trying to get air.
Why do you want her dead so bad? Sonic demanded while panting.
That girl has done many horrible, unforgiveable things., Raven replied in anger to Sonic while panting.
Sounds more like you for trying to kill her., Sonic yelled at her as he rammed into Raven and pushed her against a nearby wall.
What could possibly be so horrible that you have to kill her for it? Sonic yelled while he had Raven against the wall.
She almost destroyed the entire city I live at and attacked innocent people. Raven snarled back and threw Sonic with her powers again, this time only about 20 feet away from her.
Sonics back hit against a wall and he fell to the ground.
Tell me where she is or else! Raven yelled at sonic as her hands started to turn black again.
This time she got a set of 9 inch long claws on each hand.
N Never., Sonic replied grunting in pain.
Raven then started running tward Sonic as he was slowly getting up off the ground.
She was now only a few feet away getting ready to slash Sonic with her left set of black claws annnnnnnnnd .To be continued.
* * * * * * *
Authors notes: Will Raven get Sonic to reviel Terras location to her? Will the goth girl destroy the blue blur? Find out in chapter 6.