Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ A New Hope ❯ Children's Games ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
AN: Well, I realize now just how much of a lazy person I am on updates. Forgive me of my laziness.
2 months later
Everyone around the table was smiling at Craven and Angel. In Angel's arms was a brand new baby girl, a mop of red hair on her head, and a look of defiance in her small gray eyes.
“So, dad, what've you decided to name our little bundle o' joy?” Fire's eyes danced with delight as he looked at the baby.
“Marie. Her name is Marie.”
“And we're hoping she'll be living a normal life, correct?”
“Correct. Or as normal as possible. She'll be living with Angel in the city, visiting every day or so, going to school like a normal kid, everything.”
“Oh, sounds like fun. Can we play with her?”
Angel handed Marie to BeastGirl, who ran off with Cybergirl, Robin, and Fire.
Craven smiled as he watched.
Deep in the darkness of her underground hideout, Ruby sat with a sleeping baby of her own, jet-black hair resting on his head, his emerald eyes shut.
Ruby hummed a soft lullaby to him.
“You will do well to rid this world of your father, Nathan…in any way you can.”
18 years later
“But dad, it's PROM night! Can't I just leave without any pictures of Johnny and me for once? It's not like you're never going to see me again! Honestly, you really bug me sometimes!”
“Look, Marie, sweetie, I'm not insisting, your mother is. I'm just the one taking the pictures. Now pose nice and smile and it'll be over quicker than you think.”
“Urgh! Fine.”
With that, she put her arms around Johnny's neck and leaned onto him. Craven took the picture and Marie let go of him, giving Craven a nasty look.
“Can we go now?”
“One more.”
She glared and stood by him, smiling happily, as another picture was taken.
“Okay, bye daddy. Be back later-don't wait up.”
And with that, Marie and Johnny were out of the door.
Once they arrived, Marie and Johnny were called over by their friends and were talking about all the latest fashions and whatnot. More people arrived over the time and began dancing.
As the party got more natural, Johnny walked over to Marie and her friends.
“Hey, Marie, can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Oh, hey-yeah, hang on guys.”
Johnny took her to one of the corners of the gym and stood there for a minute, looking around, before he started talking.
“Look, Marie, it's been fun and great and all, but I think we should start seeing other people.”
“Wait, so you're…”
“Dumping you, yeah. Hope you understand.”
Her heart was crushed, and it showed.
“Yeah, sure, I uh…understand.”
“Great. See you around.”
And with that, he walked off to join his friends.
Marie walked sullenly over to her friends who were talking and laughing.
“Marie…what's wrong?”
“Johnny, he…he…dumped me…”
“Aw, no…that really sucks, Marie.”
Marie sniffed. She felt a good cry session coming on.
“I...I think I'll head home now.”
“Okay…well, if it makes you feel any better, at least that creep Nathan didn't show up tonight.”
All the girls around her snickered, but Marie personally didn't see what was so wrong with him. Sure, he was considered `gothic,' but since all her friends were `valley girls' and she was a `gothic punk,' she didn't see any big deal.
“Sorry ladies, that creep did show up.”
They all turned and saw Nathan, wearing the usual black pants and a smirk, but he had changed into a somewhat nice-looking black shirt with a red tie around his neck.
“And if you girls don't mind, I'd like to speak with Marie here.”
The girls all nodded and turned around, whispering amongst themselves excitedly. Nathan held an arm out and she allowed him to put it around her as he walked her outside.
“Well, I came just in time to see him…leave you. Need a lift home?”
“Y-yeah, thanks. But you don't have to do this, you know. I can just walk home.”
“Nah, I insist. Besides, this isn't really my kind of thing, anyway.”
She nodded and he led her to his vehicle. He had a Suzuki Motorcycle, a sleek black and green one. She picked up and pulled on the back helmet, him grabbing the one on the driver's `seat.' They both got on, Marie holding tightly onto his waist as he gunned the throttle and sped them both off into the night.
Nathan didn't speak, and that was fine with Marie. She didn't feel very much up to talking at the moment.
“Hey Nathan, I uh…I live at-“
“At the Titans Tower, I know. Don't worry.”
“What? But how did you-“
“Just don't ask how I know. I have my…sources.”
Marie couldn't imagine how he knew where she lived. I've never told anyone that information. How does he know?
They took a right turn and sped onto the bridge from the harbor docks connected to the Tower. He gunned it again and they raced up to the Tower, slowing and stopping just at the rocky base.
Marie got off and pulled the helmet off her head. Nathan lifted the visor of his.
“So, uh, thanks for the ride.”
“No problem. You doing anything tomorrow?”
The question caught her off guard. Is he asking me out?
“Um, Nathan, I'd have to check.”
“Nate's fine. But uh…give me a call?”
“If you give me your number, sure.”
Nate produced a card with his number on it from his pocket.
“What, do you carry those around just in case?”
“Maybe. Who's asking?”
He shifted his eyes from side to side, and she laughed.
“Goodnight, Nate.”
“ `Night, Marie.”
He pulled the visor down on his helmet and zoomed off down the bridge.
Up in the Tower living room, Craven waited for Marie to make it up there and sit down on the couch before speaking to her.
“So, who was that dashing young fellow?”
“Dad, don't talk like that. Seriously, it frightens small children and occasionally animals. But if you must know, he was just giving me a ride.”
“Yes, but that wasn't the intended question.”
“His name is Nathan.”
“Weren't you heading out with Johnny earlier?”
“He dumped me. Nate gave me a ride home. Simple as that.”
She got up and left him standing there, heading to her room.
Speeding home, Nathan had a lot to think about. He took the black communicator out of his pocket and flipped it on after pulling over into an alleyway.
“Nathan, did you meet her?”
“Yes, I even gave her a ride home, mother.”
“Excellent. You didn't happen to see her father, did you?”
“Target Number Two not sighted, only Number One. But I asked to see her again.”
“And she said…?”
“She'll call me tomorrow.”