Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Bang and a Crash ❯ One-Shot
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
This will make absolutely no sense. I'm looking through my old notebooks ((and trying to find the ones I'm missing)), and I found it, so I'm writing it down.
((Probably goes with the “I Hate You” thing I seem to have going for them. Very strange.))
A Bang and a Crash
It started with a bang and a crash.
It started before that, when her ebony hair brushed against his papers. When he had bumped into her in the elevator. When they kissed. When they joined together in everyway.
And now they were breaking apart.
A bottle of glass cleaner was clutched in her pale hands. Her slender fingers curled around it as if she were holding a club. The glass was now broken; in her anger she'd been known for violence, but she had not done it.
His shoulders were shaking in rage, his knuckles cut and bleeding. Her amethyst eyes were wide in fear and surprise. She breathed his name, more whimper than word.
In a moment, the world changed.
He shouted. She screamed. Blurry vision, blurred by tears. Violet clashed with jade. Eyes vibrant red.
A crack between them, now a rift. A gaping ole. A step closer to each other and they fall.
She cried his name. He grabbed her, pulling her close. Teary eye met teary eye. Bodies pressed close. Lips met in a passionate kiss. They were falling into the abyss, hitting the cold void, clutching each other close, taking in each other's warmth.
Her darker than obsidian hair curled in tendrils around him. Strong arms embraced her.
It started with a bang and a crash.
It ended with in much the same way.