Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Blast from the past ❯ Look through the window ( Chapter 7 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Copy-Cat and Raven were in their hut, Raven was trying to mediate but Copy-Cat was sharpening his claws on the other side of the hut. “Do you mind?” Raven asked. Her boyfriend apologized, “I am most anxious to do battle with our enemy again.” he told her. Raven understood how he felt. She couldn't wait to beat Krall either so they'd be able to go home. She didn't want to admit it, but she missed the future, and was slightly nervous to thinking about what would happen in less than two days.
…If they missed their chance to get home, they'd never get back.
Copy-Cat walked over to his lady-friend and embraced her warmly. “At least we shall have each other.” He said to her, “What is our world, this world, or any world compared to what it is that we share with each other?”
Raven gazed deeply into her boyfriend's eyes, or rather his Robin's mask, and they kissed deeply.
Robin was working out to keep up his strength by doing simple chores. Fetching water in heavy pails and walking back and forth across the village. Chopping large amounts of fire wood… the usually things. He had refused to stop all morning, until Starfire urged him to relax and eat. Robin couldn't argue, and realized that maybe he was going about it too far, but he really couldn't stand much more of this waiting. “Why doesn't Krall show himself already?”
Starfire urged her husband to calm down and she recited a Tameranian poem passed down by the warriors of her home planet, despite the fact that Robin couldn't understand it too well; Starfire explained that what it meant was…
“One must never allow emotions to be one's weapon. Anxiety leads to mistakes, and mistake lead to certain downfall.”
Robin smiled warmly for the first time in years, and it also gave him an idea for how to figure what Krall was up to.
Beast Boy and Terra were still with Nicolo and Amano at their hut, giving them all a much needed helping hand. Since they were both poor, and still mistreated by many fellow villagers, their hut was in pretty bad shape and falling to bits.
So Terra used her powers to create stones and blocks that were stronger and reshape the hut and Beast Boy used his animal skills to help with simple chores, and even help fix a garden in the back so they'd never run out of food as easily.
Beast Boy was helping Nicolo hanging up the wet clothes to dry on the line and Nicolo was acting a little shy around him again. She was, however, well aware that Beast Boy and Terra were married, but that didn't mean she couldn't at least just like him and admire him.
“My brother and I could never be more grateful for what you and your wife have done for us.” she told Beast Boy. Beast Boy rubbed the back of his head nervously, “Aw… it's nothing really… it's just what we're here for.”
Nicolo didn't believe it was nothing. She and Amano had it the worst among all the people of the village. Ever since the death of their mother, and the not so recently death of their father, Nicolo decided to dedicate her life to looking after her little brother; be both a sister and a mother to him. She always looked out for Amano and taught him everything that she knew… but their lives were still no easier.
It was hard enough trying to live off after any battles, but those who were poor and starving lived in the most fear of anyone in the village. Would they die from starvation, or be mauled to death.
Sometimes Nicolo wondered if the people would ever accept her and her brother and lend a hand once in a while. Terra knew they would, eventually. “You're all in these wars together. Nobody deserves to be treated wrong.”
Beast-Boy agreed, and he knew that just because a few people were being mean, didn't mean everyone would be. “Believe me I know what it's like to have it rough.” Beast Boy explained.
He couldn't explain too much, as Nicolo and Amano wouldn't understand future-talk, but he did explain that just because sometimes things went wrong, didn't mean they would stay that way. He was glad to be who he was, and to have Terra for his wife and after he almost lost her so many times.
“I learned through a song… there is still hope for what you've lost, and what you desire, and how everyone is the same in many more ways than different.”
Nicolo felt that was most interesting, and both she and her brother had heard of Beast Boy's gift to summon music out of thin air, and alter his voice,
Beast Boy decided that maybe a little song wouldn't hurt, and it would be nice for the village to hear a soothing message to keep their hopes up, and Terra wanted to hear it too. “All right…” he smirked.
(Music cue)
As the music filled the air, and Beast Boy began to sang, a lot of the people in the village could hear it and moved in closer. Even Sarasim and the other Titans did.
(Beast Boy)
(Sounds like Placido Domingo)
Look through the window---
Walk though the door---
Feel a new feeling---
You've not felt before---
Look through the window---
There are wonders to see---
And the whole world will open---
To you and to me---
Walk though the door---
Feel a new feeling---
You've not felt before---
Look through the window---
There are wonders to see---
And the whole world will open---
To you and to me---
Look through the window---
Walk though the door---
Open your heart---
To joy ever more---
Walk though the door---
Open your heart---
To joy ever more---
Love and crosshatch is waiting---
In a place we all came fail---
In a place we all came fail---
Look through the window---
Walk though the door---
We're there---
Walk though the door---
We're there---
The song wasn't over yet, but a lot of the villagers began to applaud, and Nicolo asked if she could sing with Beast Boy, now that she knew the words. “May I…?”
Beast Boy was more than willing to let her join, “Only I'm going to sing the verse this time in Spanish.”
“And I shall follow you in English.” said Nicolo.
(Beast Boy (Nicolo))
Mire hacia afuera---
(Look through the window)
Abre el portón---
(Walk through the door)
Vas a sentir---
Abre el portón---
(Walk through the door)
Vas a sentir---
(Feel a new feeling)
una nueva emoción
una nueva emoción
(You've not felt before)
(JustBB) i>
Mire hacia afuera
Pues hay tanto a qué ver
Ahí vera un nuevo mundo
(And the whole world will open)
A ti y a Nascer
(To you and to me)
By this time… everyone huddled close and joined in, singing…
Look through the window---
(Look through a window)
(Look through a window)
Walk though the door—
(Walk through the door)
Open your heart---
Open your heart---
(Open your heart)
To joy ever more---
To joy ever more---
(To joy ever more)
(Just BB and Nicolo)
Love and crosshatch is waiting---
In a place we all came fair---
In a place we all came fair---
Look through the window---
(Look through the window)
(Look through the window)
Walk though the door---
(Walk though the door)
(Walk though the door)
(Look through the window)
(Look through the window---)
The crowds began to cheer, but it seemed more for joy and happiness rather than applauding for Beast Boy, and Nicolo pecked Beast Boy deeply on the cheek, “Dude! What's going on?”
Sarasim explained that Beast Boy had sang to a woman of the village, and engaged all the people to join in. “According to our bylaws and customs, you and Nicolo are now joined in wedlock.”
Beast Boy and Terra couldn't believe it at all, and Beast Boy fainted. Cyborg and Raven couldn't help but think the same joke… Beast Boy was going to wake up in the biggest daze of his life.