Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Blast from the past ❯ The end of Sarasim... Not ( Chapter 11 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The battle was starting to become one sided. Who knew how much longer the warriors and the Titans would hold off against the monsters, and with Raven and Copy-Cat still nowhere to be found? Worse than that, Sarasim was still being held at the point of Krall's sword, and Cyborg was helpless to make a move to save her. Then again… what was to stop Krall from killing her anyway?
“Now isn't this a shame?” Krall sniggered, “You thought you could overpower me and my forces with the loss of but one. Now your fate… SHALL BE HER'S!”
“NO…!” cried Cyborg, but as Krall readied to strike Sarasim thought he neck, the volcano began to rumble and quiver, which threw Krall off balance.
“What's goin' on?” asked Cyborg, “I thought this volcano was supposed to be dead?”
Sarasim couldn't understand it either, until the witch appeared at the top of the mountain. “Witch?” cried Krall, “You are behind this?”
The witch nodded and admitted she was breathing life back into the volcano. “Soon it shall erupt, and destroy every one of you mortals.” and she meant everyone, including Krall. He was just livid, “You were planning to betray me, and after all I have done for you?!”
The witch simple blasted him. All Krall ever did was awaken her form her eternal slumber, as well as be rude, obnoxious, and treat her like a slave when it was clear that she was many times more powerful than he was. “I have no further use for you, and it is time I did something I should have long ago.” Her hands began to glow madly, “Witch… no you cannot do this!” cried Krall, “NO---!” he was blasted into dust.
Sarasim shrieked as she covered her eyes in horror, Cyborg held her close, but that was big time scary! The witch however simply just cackled in amusement. “I haven't felt so good in centuries.”
She then gazed down at the battle below in the lands; the warriors were now all huddled together. As the army of monsters completely surrounded them all, locking them in an escapeless trap. “What shall we do?” cried Starfire.
For once… Robin didn't know.
Terra and Beast Boy held each other in fear. It looked liked the end. “How about one last kiss?” Beast Boy suggested. “Sure.” his wife simply said, and they did kiss.
The witch then made the volcano rumble some more. Her plan was to wipe out any and all villages in the landscape, and then press on to conjure life to take over the world and rule it forever.
Cyborg wouldn't hear of this, and he tried to shoot her with his cannon, but the shot didn't even faze her. The witch cackled and blasted Cyborg with a fire shot and he slammed hard on the ground. “Cyborg!” cried Sarasim. Cyborg was okay, but barely.
Finally, the witch used her magic to levitate both Sarasim and Cyborg into the air and hold them over the crater which was getting ready to blow. “And now… my evil reign shall begin… starting with the two of you!”
The titan could see what was happening from where they were. “CYBORG..!” cried Robin.
“LEADER…!” cried the warriors.
All they could do was watch in horror as the witch tossed their friends into the crater. POW! The lava burst upwards widely. “NO!” cried Robin.
Finally… the lava began to spew out and trail its way down the slopes, and the warriors were still trapped within the wall of monsters, and not event he titans could fly them all to safety. The witch was by herself with laughter and glee… her victory was assured until…
“Witch…!” shouted a familiar voice.
“What…?” cried the witch. “It cannot be…?!?!”
But it was, Sarasim was there, with Cyborg. They were both saved by Raven and Copy-Cat.
While the witch was distracted, Raven and Copy-Cat, Copy-Cat as Raven, used their powers to yank Sarasim and Cyborg away from the volcano before they were thrown, far away from the heat of the lava.
“Prepare yourself witch…!” Sarasim shouted as she withdrew her hidden knives. The witch simply scoffed, “Those weapons cannot harm me. I have lived for centuries and never known pain.”
“Maybe not this way…” said Cyborg, “But what if you saw THIS…?” and he shone all his built in flashlights directly one the witch, and of course. “YAAARGH…!” cried the witch as she covered her eyes, because like all witches. “LIGHT! I CAN'T STAND THE LIGHT!”
No only was she completely off guard while bathed in the light, she couldn't use her powers. “I'm… getting… we-e-e-eak!” the witch groaned. Sarasim and Cyborg gazed at each other and nodded. It was time…!
Raven and Copy-Cat knew what they had to do as well, and they scurried off.
Sarasim charged at the witch full force and rammed into her. “FOR FREEDOM…!” she declared, and rammed into the witch sending the both of them rolling down the mountain right towards the lava.
The warriors all gasped in horror as it looked as though Sarasim had fallen into he lava and died, but in actuality, the two Ravens had yanked her to safety, but kept her well hidden, and it had to look like she really supposed to be dead.
Still… the witch wasn't so lucky. She had fallen into the lava and exploded. Which caused all the slime monsters to vanish, and the volcano to stop erupting, and as for the lava that was still approaching. “Stand back…!” Terra said as she dashed away form the army and used her powers to tear up a deep, deep, trench so the laver would just seep back into the ground and harden so it wouldn't spread.
It was over, the war was won, yet the expected sound of cheering and joyful cries failed to erupt from he warriors. They had fallen for the bluff and believed Sarasim was really gone, but to them… she died their bravest and most boldest warrior ever.