Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Lifestyles of the Infamous ❯ Teammates ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Lifestyles of the Infamous
Third Class: Teammates
Jinx was sleeping through class.
Class, she learned, was far easier to cheat through, and, for most teachers, that was what they wanted you to do anyway. Managing not to get caught sneaking answers off the person beside you (or across the room, as some students had learned to show off their powers) was something students were doing for extra credit now.
Jinx was not thinking about this, nor was she thinking about the components used to create a bomb, and the intense process of planting it at the center of the city, then sending out your warning and giving adequate time for a hero to try and stop it. (Hopefully, the hero would fail, but Jinx was starting to see why they usually didn't.)
No, Jinx was just tired.
Three training sessions a day could do that to a girl.
She was sure, since others were also going through these intensive training sessions, it was just the fact she was forced to share the sessions with the infuriating midget she was supposed to call a partner. And the weariness of the day's lesson was mostly due to the fact that he was now sitting beside her, playing with a small grey metal ball. The tip of it seemed to be sliced off and replaced with a small green button. He chuckled to himself, rolling it across his desk.
Jinx was now awake and intrigued. She leaned over her desk and onto his.
“What is it?” she whispered.
“I'm not telling you,” he hissed back, a smile still stretched across his features.
“Listen you little brat. Tell me what it is or I'm breaking it.” She snapped her fingers, letting a spark of pink energy float up, just for good measure.
It worked. Gizmo shielded the ball with his hands, eyes growing wide.
“No!” he cried a little too loudly. “Fine! I'll tell you.”
The teacher cast them suspicious looks, clearing his throat a moment before continuing his lesson. Jinx sat back up before slumping down in her seat again. Gizmo gave her a look of triumph and safely tucked the ball away from her magical blasts.
Class ended far too late, but Jinx managed to pick herself up and get ready for the next one. (Something about the intricacies of wiring your doomsday device and evil lair to self destruct.) She pushed her way to the front of the room, only to be blocked by what could only be described as a mammoth.
And that's exactly who it was.
“Move it,” she threatened. “Some of us don't want to be in here all day.”
It—because she couldn't quite imagine it being completely human just yet—stared down at her, glaring.
Why is it always the huge guys with no brains? She sighed, dropping her arms.
“I said move. Please try and comprehend. It's not so hard.”
Judging by Mammoth's expression, it was not a matter of comprehension. In fact, he seemed to understand the situation pretty well. The fact was, she was a tiny sorceress who looked too small to carry her own books, and he was blocking the entire doorway with the muscle strength to lift the building. And she was buzzing around him like an annoying pest.
Jinx, who was tired of waiting patiently, got ready to force her way through the door, when her feet were suddenly no longer touching ground. Mammoth had grabbed her by the top of her head, lifting her up. She stared at him, eyes wide, mouth opening in a mixture of awe and fear, and dropped her books. He stepped over them, moving out of the doorway, and dropped her, letting her land neatly on her rear. She kept staring up, even as he passed, until the professor picked her up and forced her out.
It took another few minutes for Jinx to come out of her stupor. She began walking aimlessly, finally finding the cafeteria, where she noticed Gizmo and a small crowd situated around him.
A sly smile crossed her face. It was time for some payback.
“Now explain it to me again,” Jinx said, tossing the little grey ball up in the air. A look of horror passed over Gizmo's face.
Gizmo was in the worst position. He was stuck to the wall with paperclips, desperately trying to get free. Jinx was holding him captive until she got some information, but it wasn't making it any easier that she was treating it like a plaything.
“It's a bomb,” he recited. “Small explosive. Won't affect more than a few centimeters around it. Packs a punch, though.” He smiled proudly. “When put in the right situation.”
She tossed it in the air again, and he shouted.
“What were you using it for?” she asked, catching it neatly and stopping to examine it some more.
“I was gonna set it off in the Chem. Lab. It would set off a chain reaction with the other chemicals set out. Boom. No test on Thursday.”
She nodded. It was a worthy endeavor. “How many more of these do you got?”
“Why do you wanna know?” he complained. She responded by poising her fingers over the device threateningly.
“Just answer me or I break it in half.”
“Fine! Fine! I've only got the prototype—the one you're holding—and two other models. I was gonna test the prototype out first.”
“And I just click the little button?”
“Then ten seconds until explosion. Now let me go! And give it back.”
She waved her hand at him, and the paperclips came flying out with little pink sparks.
“There you are. But, uh, I think I'll test this for you.”
Gizmo landed with a sound thud on the floor, glaring up at her. “Oh, yeah? And what're you going to do with it?”
“Just exact a little revenge. Wanna watch?”
He grinned. “You betcha.”
Lunch was the perfect time for revenge.
Jinx sauntered casually across the room until she laid eyes on the behemoth that had managed to grant her grievance. She smiled, coming up behind him, leaning over his shoulder to greet him.
“Hi there,” she said, arms tucked behind her back, hiding the device. “Remember me?”
Mammoth didn't look up from his food. The saucy sorceress frowned, sitting down beside him.
“The silent brooding type,” she sighed. “Or just too stupid to put together sentences?”
He grunted. She leaned over him, dropping the small bomb into the meat he had yet to attack.
“Now, now,” she smiled. “I'm just here to be nice. I don't have to be. Piss me off and I can be very mean.”
He shoved a very large hand in her face and pushed her back. She flew away from the table, landing with a yelp. It was right then that the small bomb went off, exploding cafeteria food all around. Gizmo had not been joking when he'd said it packed a punch; Mammoth's face was completely covered in the rubbery stuff.
Jinx giggled, pulling herself into an upright position. “See,” she said. “I—”
There was no time to finish her statement. Mammoth had brought himself to full height, which was a good three feet above hers. He brought his arms over his head and slammed them down on the floor, causing the entire cafeteria to shake. The students who had snickered at the prank were now jumping out of their seats and shouting. The sorceress was rattled—quite literally—and tried to remain standing.
“That was a mistake,” he growled threateningly. He lifted up his lunch table, raising it over her. “You're gonna pay for it.”
Jinx stood in the shadow of the table, staring up wide eyed. Her shock was wearing off far too slowly. A fist was coming at her, and she couldn't put together the proper thought structure to move.
A metal claw came from nowhere, clamping onto the fist and throwing the oversized teen back. Mammoth landed on some lunch tables, snapping them. He sat there, dazed.
Jinx stood up, giving a grudging look to Gizmo. He grinned at her.
“How do you live without me?”
Her answer was cut off as part of a lunch table came flying at the midget, knocking him down. Jinx flipped out of the way of a bench. She let out a wave of pink energy, and the tables Mammoth was using as ammo crumbled, leaving him weaponless, save his own girth. He took this to his advantage, throwing himself at Jinx. She jumped out of the way, but couldn't escape the ground as it shifted upward, and she fell forward, grunting as the tile from the floor crashed over her.
Gizmo was up a moment later, firing off rockets from his pack. They hit Mammoth squarely, and he howled, hitting the ground again. Jinx barely managed to get out of the way, climbing on top of one of the tables. It rocked beneath her, but she managed to hold on, slowly making her way behind Gizmo.
“What's our plan?” she called up to him. He was not making it so well through Mammoth's seismic blasts. She caught him nicely as his spider's legs wavered beneath him.
“Our plan?” He wormed away from her, stretching out a new pair of legs. “I'm thinking we fire everything we've got.”
The Headmistress was not happy. All three students were currently sitting in a white room that completely neutralized their powers, at least until they could sort things out. The cafeteria had been completely destroyed, only rubble and remnants left. She wasn't worried about this, though. She was found Brother Blood far more troubling.
He was smiling.
“It's amazing,” he said. “I never knew students to cause so much destruction!”
The Headmistress coughed quietly. “What would you like me to do with them?”
He grinned, folding his hands together. “Double training sessions. All together. I want them working as a team.”
“If you don't mind,” she said uncertainly, “Why?”
A screen blinked to life before them, revealing a man wearing an orange mask. He leered at them through a single eyehole.
“Well?” His tone was demanding.
Brother Blood smiled coldly. “I believe we've found you a team.”
Oh my god.
I've updated.
It's spring break. I'm devoting the week to writing. Anything. Honest.
So I've got this one updated. I'm working on quite a few others.
Next chapter: Final Exam