Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ The Devil's Pay ❯ Debts ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This just kind of popped into my head. Probably came from Riles “Circles of Blood” ((it might be in my favorites if you want to check it out. It's an Inuyasha story.)) But this is just something I wanted to write down.
Story Warning: There will be murder, blood, cursing, and maybe some sexual content (but not until later), so be warned.
Chapter Warning: Someone gets killed off, but the authoress isn't too broken up about it.
The Devil's Pay
Prologue: Debts
Tara Markov was having a fabulous day.
She'd spent the morning with her boyfriend, enjoying his carefree attitude. Lunch was dedicated to her friends, the afternoon she had spent with work, and the evening she'd spent in the arms of her lover. It was nearing midnight now, and she was hurrying home.
Of course, that was just the basic outline of the day. The day was also filled with good little plot twists that kept her smiling. There was no better day than the one she'd had.
Tara shuffled her feet and clutched her jacket tighter. There was a thin layer of ice on the ground, and she was worried she might slip, ruining her perfect day. Underneath her jean jacket (with the little fuzz on the collar, to add a bit of flavor) was a thin little shirt. She was wearing a skirt that brushed against her ankles, and she shivered. It had been warmer this morning, and she was happy she'd brought her jacket, or she would be frozen by now.
She clicked her heels and kept walking. There was another five blocks to go, and she wondered if she should just hitch a ride. But it was near midnight, and no one was driving by.
Tara groaned as she turned right towards her boyfriend's house. She'd called him, telling him she'd be late, and now she considered calling him again and telling him to pick her up.
She paused as she passed under a streetlight. Quickly she turned around, saw nothing, and turned back, feeling paranoid and embarrassed. She could've sworn she heard someone walking behind her.
Tara continued on, glancing absently at the street signs (as if she didn't already know where she was going), glimpsing behind her every now and then.
Click. Click. Click.
She stopped, turned.
“Is someone there?” she whispered.
“…Okay, then.”
She hesitated before walking again.
(`Just another four blocks… Maybe three…')
She stopped.
She was lost.
Tara twirled around.
Click. Click. Click.
She jumped.
“Alright,” she said aloud, “There is no one there. I am just paranoid. There is…”
There was someone there.
She could see its figure in the background. It was impossible to tell whether it was male or female, but it wore a long cloak, covering its body in a formless shape.
It moved forward. Fast. It was walking at an incredible speed.
“Who…?” Tara stepped back. “What do you want?”
Its arm outstretched. She stumbled back and broke into a run, not caring which way she went.
Her heels were hindering her, but she couldn't stop to take them off. She glanced behind her, watching the shape move faster. Her heel snapped and she tripped, falling flat on her face.
She glanced up frantically, throwing back her head to get her blond hair out of her face. It was coming on faster, its arm right over her head. Its hand was claw-like, brushing against her forehead. She cringed. Suddenly, it threw back its cloak, and she watched the darkness envelope her.
She never got a chance to scream.
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Raven sighed as she unlocked the door of her shop. It opened easily, and she flicked on the lights, and locked it behind her. She didn't really feel like dealing with costumers at the moment.
She immediately grabbed the phone, and dialed the local police station.
“Hi,” she spoke into the phone, “I'm Raven Roth… Yes, that Raven Roth. Right… Well, I think there's another dead body in front of my shop.”
It was going to be a long day.
Authoress Notes:
He he. :evil grin: I honestly don't mind that I killed Tara off. Of course, I'll have to add various other characters to the next chapter. You will be shocked.
Next Chapter: the authoress tries to hold her attention span while a few characters try to hold their act together.