Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ The Pheonix Chronicles ❯ Raven's Emotions ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well, here we are again. I figured that this was needed so I spent the time to write down each of Raven's emotions in Nevermore. Within you will find a discription of the emotion, what she goes by, what she looks like, what her room looks like, etc.
Standard Disclaimers Apply: I do not own or make any money off of Teen Titans, Scooby Doo, Snoopy, Gundam Wing, or anything else I may have mentioned in here. I DO however own the storyline and revised ideas of said story. If you want to use any of it, just let me know, k? And please don't try to sue me. All you'll get is the dirt and dustbunnies that live under my bed, as they're about all I own.
Intuition- One of the 'Twins', referred to as 'Tuey', she's got Blue streaks in her hair and dresses in Blue and Silver mostly, Her room is decorated in varied blues and whites, with the ceiling having clouds and stars motifed across it. Her bed is a canopy bed with white gauzy draperies enclosing it, giving it a misty look. Her desk is covered with a dark blue fabric that cushions a small crystal ball and a book with the title, 'My Dream Diary'. The diary is thick and the crystal ball looks to be filled with a thick, flowy mist. She tends to be rather organized with small pockets of dis-organization scattered about the room. She also tends to be the nicer of the 'twins', but that is always subject to change.
Instincts- One of the 'Twins', referred to as 'Tinky', she's got Blonde streaks in in her hair and dresses in a lot of Black and Pink. Her room is decorated in varied pinks with decisive striking bits of black where it makes the most statement. Her walls are pinks and the ceiling is black with clouds and stars motifed on it. Her bed is a black canopy bed with multiple layers of black fishnet lace curtains pulled back and tied to the posts to expose her hot pink bedding. She's very punk-ish. Her desk is covered with a bright pink cloth which is cluttered with a tarot deck, tarot book, and a book with the title, 'My Readings and Hunches'. Her room is the messier of the 'twins'. She tends to be the more blunt and straight-forward of the 'twins', but she has a nice streak too.
Sassy- Most often called 'Sassy' or 'Sass', she has two Bright Pink streaks in her hair and dresses in varied colors, but pink is always present. Also, she almost always wears shorts or short skirts. Her room is decorated in bright splashes of color, with pink and blue being rather prevelant. Her ceiling is a replica of the painting 'Poppies'. She has a bookshelf FULL of magazines whose titles match every current event in Raven's life. A few of them have even made a home for themselves in a pile beside her bed. Her bed is a normal Full-size bed with a bedspread that looks like it was hung on a wall and they threw paint buckets at it. Her desk is more like a vanity that holds all her beauty supplies and jewelry. The only exception is a small book that is titled, 'How to Get Rae in Trouble'. She lives up to her name, being very smart mouthed and coquettish.
Optimism- Often refered to as 'Upy' (or 'that Bitch' by Pessimism), she has blonde hair with several small black streaks and always dresses in white with brightly colored accents. Her room is a cheerful sunshine yellow with blue and white splashed across her ceiling to make a 'sky'. The border running along the floor of the room is multiple types of flowers with the occasional small animal that seems to change from day to day. Known animals are: gophers, rabbits, birds, hamsters, and butterflies. Her bed is a normal Full-sized bed with a quilted flower patchwork bedspread covering it. On it are several stuffed animals. Her desk is very neat and organized with a book titled, 'Tomato Soup for the Dark Goddess's Soul' and a notebook with the title, 'Nice Thoughts for Today' on it. She's very cheerful and playful, never having anything bad to say about anyone (except maybe Pessimism).
Pessimism- Often reffered to as 'Pessi' or 'Downer' (or the 'Ever Depressed One' by Optimism and 'Pest' by Sassy). She has short, spiky black hair and dresses in black leotards and floor length capes. Her favorite cape has a silver lining. Her room is completely black; the curtains, the walls, the ceiling, the furniture, the carpet, everything. She has two lamps, one on her desk, and the other being a floor model near her bed. Both of them are a burnished silver color. Her bed is a canopy bed with heavy black curtains shrounding the rarely seen soft silver bedding inside. She has a bookshelf next to her desk with several neat rows of folders on it with titles like, 'Today's Plans and How They'll Fail' and 'Plans for the End'. Her desk is nearly barren except for the lamp, a book titled, 'And you think that is going to work?', and a small silver jewelry box that's kept hidden under a black cloth. She's verry dark and gloomy, having little patience for the other emotions or even Raven herself, and almost no patience for Optimism, whom she is constantly trying to thwart.
Happy- Goes by 'Happy' or her middle name, 'Lucky' (for Happy Go Lucky). She has rainbow colored hair with the stripes going around her head instead of up and down in streaks. She dresses in colorful pastels, most often in leotards with a skirt or coulots. Her room is painted in a gentle pastel purple with wispy white clouds all over the ceiling and walls. Her bed is a normal Full-sized bed with a rainbow patterned bedspread on it. Her desk is somewhat organized with a book prominent titled, 'Awaking the Goddess-Finding Your Inner Light'. She's very bouncy and upbeat, always in a good mood. Prefers to be called 'Lucky'. She says 'Happy' makes her sound like a dwarf.
Suspicion- Most often called 'Scully' beause she's a conspiracy therorist. She has black hair with two purple streaks in her bangs that she lets hang down while she keeps the rest pulled back in a ponytail. Incidently, her hair is a couple inches longer than shoulder length. Her room is done up in shades of purple and blue with a litle white here and there. She has a normal Full-size bed with a white bedspread with what looks like large inkblots on it (you know, the kind Psychiatrists use). She has a filing cabinet instead of a bookshelf where she is rumored to keep a file on everyone Raven has ever met, including her other emotions. Her desk has stacks of folders on it along with two books titled, 'Criminal Prosecution-The Art of Catching and Keeping the Perp' and 'It's Worse than you think and they ARE out to get you!'. Her walls are taken up with pictures of Raven's other emotions and people she has met along with the banner heading the top,'The Usual Suspects'. She's very driven to protect Rae and that is probably the #1 reason that she does anything. She's one of the few emotions that gets along with Pessimism. Her, Pessi, Hate, and Anger sometimes get together and try to stage coups against the other emotions so Rae will act in a darker, more protective manor, 'For her own good.' She likes to torture 'Fear' occasionally, but only because it's so easy. She also tends to get along well with 'Tinky' who gives her advance warning when something is going on. Point in fact, if not for 'Tinky', 'Scully' wouldn't get listened to nearly as much.
Sad- She's most often refered to as 'Sad' or 'Mopey'. Her hair is Electric Blue with a single black streak in the front. She tends to dress in shades of black, gray, and blue. She also wears a black lace veil over her face like she's at a funeral. Her room is depressingly black and gray. Her bed is a canopy bed draped in black lace which she usually keeps pulled back to show the multitude of stuffed animals on her electric blue bedspread. Her walls are bare except for a few pictures of people from Raven's past that she's lost and one poster for Evanescence whom she adores. Her desk is also bare but for the lone book titled, 'I Will Remember You...' . She constantly looks depressed and rarely associates with the other emotions, but will be the first one to show up and be consoling when something bad happens. The other emotions tend to let her have her space except for Happy who intrudes on everyone once in a while and Sassy who like to steal her veil.
Anger- Often called 'Pissy', not to be confused with 'Pessi', because she's often in a foul mood. Her hair is a bright Red with two black streaks in the front. She most often dresses in black and red with the occassional bit of white. Her room is red and white with multiple lamps for a bright lighting. Her bed is a normal Full-sized bed with a black comforter with little white specks on it. She has a 'heavy bag' for boxing in her room that she uses to vent herself on. Hatred often comes over to hold it and help piss her off more just so she can vent. Her bookshelf has various books and magazines on it along with a gag gift from Optimisim, '10 Easy Steps to Anger Management'. Her desk is full of papers where she has written little snipets on people that have pissed her off. On the corner of the desk is a notebook titled, 'People and Things that Piss Me Off and Why'.
Hatred- Most often refered to as 'Hate' or 'Scorn' as she usually doesn't have anything good to say about anyone. She has dark crimson hair with a single black lock on the right side of her head. She dresses in mostly crimson and black. Her room is decorated in reds and black with mosaics all over her walls and ceiling of demons and humans alike being tortured in a medieval-like hellish environment. Her bed is a canopy bed draped in a rich crimson satin that is rumored to hide all manor of whips, chains and straps for the express purpose of punishing those that dare to intrude on her private hell. Optimism and Happy have both learned to give her room a wide breadth. Anger seems to be the only one allowed inside without known repercussion. Her desk is fairly neat with stacks of drawings on one side and a book on the other titled, 'Oh, How I Loathe Thee, Let Me Count The Ways'.
Jealousy- Most often called 'JC' (don't ask), she has short, spiky green hair with little black tips. She dresses in Black and Greens, leaning more towards pants than dresses. Her favorite outfit is a pair of black jeans and a green boat-neck sweater. Her room is done up in a pretty shade of emerald green with black here and there. Her bed is a normal Full-size bed with an emerald green bedspread on which a few stuffed bears lie. Her walls hold posters of various bands and t.v. personalities. Her bookcase is full of classic works like 'Anne of Greene Gables', 'Huck Finn', 'Sleeping Beauty' and 'Beauty and the Beast'. She also has a complete collection of Shakespeare. Her desk is piled with stuff like a brush, nail-polish, and hair-gel alongside papers and books that she's currently reading. On top of the stack is a well read book entitled 'Cyrano de Bergerac'. Her room is deceptively normal looking to be one of Raven's emotions.
Intelligence- Having earned the nicknames 'Nerd' and 'Miss Smarty-pants', she actually prefers being called by her name, but has settled for the common 'Velma' that always seems to be her tag. She has shoulder length chocolate brown hair with a long black lock on the left side of her head. She is often found with a pair of glasses perched on the end of her nose when she is deep in a book. She dresses in browns and yellows, preferring the more earthy tones. Her room is decorated in earth tones with the walls being painted a soft, pastel yellow. Not that you can see much of them for all the bookshelves lining them. Her bed is a normal Full-sized bed with a quilted bedspread on it, decorated with various characters from history, making it a beautiful mosaic. The bookshelves are chock full of books on just about every possible subject. Her desk is very neat and orderly, like the rest of her room. On it are a small number of books with a book entitled '1001 Things Everyone Should Know' and a large logic puzzle book. She gets along well with the other emotions, even if she doesn't always understand them. Suprisingly, she enjoys sitting down and debating 'Scully's' conspiracy theories as she finds it an interresting logic puzzle.
Curiosity- Dubbed 'Snoopy' or the 'Gossip Queen' by the other emotions, she often has her nose in everyone else's business. She just can't stand to not know something. She has Purple hair teased into little flyaway strands that flip up at the ends. She dresses in purples and grays and an ever present trench coat that says 'PRESS' on the left breast pocket. Her room is done up in black and white with purple accents. Her walls are covered in the framed covers of her magazine, 'The Daily Raven'. Her bed is a canopy bed with purple sheers and a dark purple bedspread. Sitting on her bed is a large stuffed 'Snoopy'. Her desk is covered in reports and clippings from her magazine and notes for the next issue. On one corner is a book titled 'The Truth Is Out There'. She loves to drop little tidbits to Suspicion just to watch the ensuing chaos.
Memory- Mostly called 'Elly', she just can't let anything be completely forgotten. She dresses in reds, browns, and greens. She tends to lean more towards pants or coulots than dresses and always has her trusty camera at hand. Her room is decorated to look like various scenes from her life that she truly enjoyed. Her bed is a normal full-sized bed with a scene of all the Titans hanging out together on the beach at the base of the tower. She has a few bookshelves lined with photo albums stuffed to capacity. Her desk is cluttered with photos and snipets from 'The Daily Raven' as she is the photographer for the magazine. On one corner of the desk is a notebook entitled 'Memories-Heart and Soul'.
Conscience- 'Connie' and 'Little Angel' are the most often used tags for her and she really doesn't seem to mind. She has Silvery Black hair and dresses in silver, black and white. She knows that their is shades of gray between right and wrong and tries to gently steer Rae rather than openly protest or affirm her actions. Her room is a gentle off white with a normal full-sized bed. The comforter is a soft, hazy silver. She has a bookshelf with various books on philosophy and psychiatry on the shelves. Her desk is clean and neat with a book entitled, 'The Good, The Bad, and The In Between'.
Humor- A sneaky little emotion, she's most often refered to as 'Giggles' or 'Pain in the Ass', depending on which emotion you ask. She has short, spiky blue hair on top and black shoulder length hair in back. She tends to dress in black, blue and gray, preferring cat-suits and leotards to anything else as they don't inhibit her erstwhile stunts. Her room is full of joke stuff and memorabilia from funny movies. Her bed is a normal full-size bed that has a comforter printed with the Titans done up to look like Scooby and Gang, complete with the T-car painted up like the Mystery Machine. She has a bookshelf lined with joke books and funny movies. Her desk is a mess with notes on her latest escapades. On top of it all is a notebook entitled, 'My Sisters, My Victims-Which Prank To Pull Next' and a book entitled, 'Fragments From the Darkside'. The good emotions put up with her antics for the most part, but draw the line when the darker emotions try to get her to pull some of her more cruel pranks. For example, if you were to look very closely, you'd notice that the head on one of Jealousy's bears has been sewn back on. JC still hasn't forgiven her.
Love- Called 'Love' or, more often, 'Dovey'. She's the shyest of all of Raven's emotions. She has long Pink hair with two black streaks that she keeps braided and pulled together in the back in a ponytail. Her wardrobe is mostly dresses and done in shades of pink and white. Her room is decorated in pinks and whites with a ceiling done up to look like the early dawning sky. Her bed is a canopy bed draped in overlapping layers of pink and white. Her bedspread is a fluffy cloud white with little doves and ravens embroidered on it. She has a bookshelf full of poetry books and romance novels. Her desk has a few books on it along with a few folders. Among them are 'Romeo and Juliet' and a notebook entitled, 'Romancing the Dark Goddess'. She's always present but usually ignored or over-looked by most of the others. As such she gets to look on while the other emotions scheme or whatever.
Wisdom- A newcomer to the emotional gallery, she showed up when Nevermore rearranged itself. She is an enigma to the rest of the emotions but seems to be able to reach each of them on a different level. Her hair is a deep midnight blue with a single silver lock in the front. She looks quite a bit like Raven herself, except for the fact that she looks to be in her late 20's. She wears a long black cloak that looks like it has the universe captured in it's folds. No one has seen inside her room yet, but it probably won't be long until someone, probably Snoopy or Lucky, gets up the nerve to invade her space, and when they do it won't be long until everyone else knows at least a little.
O.K., so whatcha think?
I thought that if I was going to be changing Nevermore and the emotions then I had better describe them to you guys.
Hope you like. Incidentally, I only put in the emotions that I thought had a strong presense in Raven's mind, but if you can think of one I didn't add but need to, just let me know.
And for those of you that don't know, I write Gundam Wing fics too. Actually, this is the only NON-GW fic I write. 'Fragments From the Darkside' is another one of my fics, based off of StormRaven's insane ramblings. If you want to read, go for it. But be warned, it's pretty stupid.
Thanx, NekuYasha and StormRaven :)
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