Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Wrong One ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wrong One
By E-307

Disclaimer: The characters featured in this story are property of DC Comics. I don't own them at all…I'm just borrowing them for this little story.
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He'd said `Sleep now. Explain later.' Later came and there was no explanation. In fact, Tim was gone before Kon even woke up. There wasn't even a note of any kind. Tim was just gone…his clothes…and the flowers that had caused it all. All gone, leaving Kon to clean up and put his pants back on in silence.
Kon thought about it alone for awhile. None of the others had come back yet either. The clone grew restless, walking around before finally deciding to go look for Tim.
Night had fallen by the time Kon was flying over Gotham. Night made locating Tim even harder than it would've been during the day. He also had to make sure he stayed mostly out of sight. Kon didn't want to have to listen to a lecture from Superman about how Batman doesn't like metas flying around his city unannounced. Batman didn't like it even when they were announced. Kon rolled his eyes at the thought, continuing his search.
Several more minutes of flying around and Kon still hadn't found Tim. He was all set to give up and head back to wait for Tim at Titan's HQ when he noticed something below. Two shadowed figures jumping rooftops, one obviously was chasing the other. The runner looked like a woman but the chaser was clearly a male. He wasn't big enough to be the Bat so Kon flew down after them.
The clone didn't get a chance to catch up to them; both shadowed figured slipping into a run down building. Kon nodded to himself and flew after them. The chase led all the way to the basement. Kon barely saw a boot slip through a door at the bottom of a flight of stairs, but was pretty sure it was Tim. Just fly in, help out with whatever was going on, corner Tim, and demand an explanation. Seemed like a good enough plan.
“Robin?” Kon asked as he floated through the door. While he was right in guessing that it hadn't been Batman he was chasing after, he was wrong in thinking it was Tim.
“Superboy? What're you doing here?” Nightwing asked as he saw the floating teen. Kon wasn't pleased but he still looked around the room to see who Nightwing had been chasing.
No one was in sight in the room. Apparently they were in some sort of wrestling room, the floors covered in the standard wrestling mats. There were no windows and no doors other than the one they'd come through.
“Who were you chasing?” Kon asked, the thought popping into his mind.
“Harley Quinn,” Nightwing answered, a hint of anger in his voice. Before Superboy could think much about it, there was a strange sound. The wrestling dummy in the corner of the room slid back wards and a familiar head popped out of the hole in the ground that had been opened.
“You called?” Harley Quinn exclaimed with a laugh. She hoisted a bazooka onto her shoulder and fired. Instead of a missile of some kind, a large green ball was fired from the weapon. It was heading right for Kon but he didn't seem to care. Nightwing however had a pretty good idea what it was.
“No! Don't!” he yelled, but it was too late. Kon caught the ball easily in one hand and looked up in confusion. Seconds later, the ball exploded and sent a thick pink cloud all around. Kon was engulfed quickly, Nightwing followed soon after despite efforts to put on a gas mask of some kind.

“Hey Red, it's the wrong…” Harley whined down the hole she was standing in.
“Who cares? Let's go, Harl!” came a familiar voice from out of sight. Harley flashed to two heroes a smile before disappearing down the hole, the dummy that covered it before sliding back into place.
The thick pink cloud began to dissipate among coughing from Kon and Nightwing. While all Kon could think about was the strange heat spreading through his body again, Nightwing was reaching for an anti-toxin and trying not to look at or think about the teen that was nearby. The smile that had been forming on his face as he pulled the auto-injector out vanished when a strong hand grabbed his wrist.
Almost as soon as Dick Grayson turned to see who had grabbed him, Kon crushed their lips together. Willpower and his grip on the auto-injector slipped away as Kon forced his tongue into Dick's mouth. By the time the auto-injector hit the floor, Dick's gloved hands were slipping under Superboy's shirt.
Neither hero paid much mind to the tearing sound as the tight t-shirt was torn during remove, Kon removing his hands from Dick only long enough to get the shirt over his head before it was tossed to the floor. It as then that the acrobat felt it. The creeping, tingling sensation that the still rational parts of his brain identified as Superboy's tactile telekinesis was busily unfastening parts of Dick's costume!
Considering that Kon had seen Robin's uniform enough, it wasn't a surprise he could guess where the armored suit fastened together. There were only so many places it could do so and still be effective and comfortable. All these thoughts, along with most others, were washed from Dick's mind the moment he felts that tingling sensation getting into his jockstrap. Dick pulled his mouth away from the teen of steel's and met his lusty gaze. Mask covered eyes focused on blue ones before that cocky smirk graced Kon's face and the clone moved back in.
In what had to be a burst of super speed, Kon had removed Dick's gauntlets and shirt. And before they even hit the ground, the cloned teen was sucking and nibbling at Dick's throat. As the moan worked its way out of his mouth, Dick's hands were busy. Tracing over rock hard muscle, the acrobat's nimble fingers make quick work of button and zipper. A little growl comes from Kon, the clone's hands settling on Dick's costume covered ass and squeezing as those fingers brushed the erection straining again the fabric of Kon's boxers.
Rather reluctantly, Dick wriggled back from Kon's grip. Once at arm's length, the acrobat tugged hard on the denim. The move pulled the jeans down to Kon's knees and pulled his boxers down enough to expose jet black pubic hairs. Kon-El took one look down at himself before placing a hand right on Dick's chest. The older hero only had time to blink before tactile telekinetic power had his pants pushed down.
Dick took one look down at the erection pushing against his armored, and now wet with pre-cum, and then back up at the other hero. The clone had that cocky smirk and lusty gaze still and it was all Dick needed to decide he wanted that smirk gone. He was going to wipe it right off Kon's face and have him moaning in pleasure. A smirk of his own became seen.
Nightwing did not have the power of super speed but it would have been difficult to convince Superboy otherwise as he suddenly found himself naked, on his back, and with the older hero nibbling at his ear while one hand pumped his steel hard-cock. Groaning, Kon tried to reach down and take control of the situation back but his wrists were quickly forced back to the mat beneath them. While he could've easily overpowered the acrobat, Conner found it a much better idea to just lay back and enjoy the treatment as the hand on his cock picked up speed and that hot mouth moved to the side of his neck.
Dick chuckled softly, nipping at the flesh pressed against him. He'd gotten Kon right where he wanted him and in the same move he'd managed to step out of all his clothing save for his jock and mask. He was just happy Kon apparently forgot to tie his shoes. That would've required two moves. Satisfied with the quickly put together plan so far, Dick continued. His strokes slowed as his mouth moved down Conner's body.
As interesting as licking and sucking on every inch of Kon's chiseled body seemed to Dick, he had other plans. The acrobat moved down quickly, leaving a wet trail with his mouth. Pulling his hand off Conner's length, Dick didn't even give the teen time to protest before taking it into his mouth and starting to bob.
The rave haired acrobat pulled back just in time to avoid the affects of Kon bucking his hips and yelling in pleasure. Making a blind grab behind himself, Dick picked up one of his boots and brought it over. Looking up, he noticed that smirk still on Kon's flushed face and leaned back down. With the blow job resuming, Kon was distracted from what Dick was up to.
From within the boot, Dick removes a small black and blue capsule. A bit of pressure and Dick popped the top right off. Simple, non-toxic, environmentally safe, and completely harmless to human life. Bat Oil-Slick capsules. Useful for tossing around and tripping people up. And as it occurred to Dick, they made some pretty good lube too.
Pouring the liquid over his fingers, Nightwing continued to bob slowly up and down Superboy's cock. Using the free hand to spread legs that could probably be used to snap him in two, Dick brought his oil-coated fingers up to Kon's ass. It didn't take long for him to find what he was looking for and start to press in.
Dick increased his suction to distract Conner but he couldn't stop it all. The acrobat was only able to pull his mouth back quickly as the clone tried to arch up and away.
“Relax,” Dick said before quickly taking the younger hero's length back into his mouth. The resumed blow job got Conner back down onto the matt, Dick working his finger back in. He pushed in all the way, not even waiting before starting to pump it in and out of Conner. Pleased with the tightness, Dick sped up his work. This brought several grunts and groans out of Superboy but did not do what the former Robin wanted.
Spurred on not only by the noise but by the anticipation of feeling Conner's tightness around himself and wiping that smirk off his face, Dick moved the process along. Removing his one finger, he pressed two back in. He held his mouth still around the head of Conner's cock as the fingers sank all the way in. The teen of steel had started to writhe and moan, getting louder as Dick started stretching him.
Pulling off Conner's steel-hard length, Dick chuckled at the protests coming from the teen. The acrobat let his free hand's fingers brush teasingly across the saliva coated cock. A devilish smile came to his face at the gasping shudder this gesture brought out of Conner. Wrapping one hand around Superboy's cock and using the other hand to continue thrusting his fingers into the clone's ass, Dick twisted his fingers and grinned. The move had caused Conner to arch up off the mat and moan, the smug look faltering.
With his target found, Dick went on the assault. Pumping the hard cock in his hand, he mercilessly rubbed that spot within the clone. With his own erection throbbing, Dick didn't intend to waste any time. He just needed one thing to happen and he wouldn't have to wait long. With a strangled yell of pleasure, Superboy bucked his hips right up off the mat. Dick's fingers slipped out of Conner as the teen came, thick white seed spilling onto rock hard abs.
The moment the panting clone fell back onto the mat and began to recover from orgasmic bliss, Dick moved in. The former Robin scooped up the cum from Superboy's abdomen, catching one last spurt from the half hard cock. Mixing it with the oil, he used it to coat his neglected manhood. Superboy didn't even know what was going on until Nightwing had pushed his knees up until they met the clone's hard chest. He realized what was going to happen the moment Dick moved into position, his re-hardening cock pointing at his face.
Both men produced groans as Dick pressed his way into Conner. While Dick was reveling in the heat and pressure around his length as well as the fact that he'd finally gotten rid of that smirk, Conner was dealing with a mix of pleasure and pain that had his erection back and pointing right at his face by the time he felt the other hero's pubic hair met his skin. A little part of the clone's mind that was mostly drowned out by lust and that delicious heat was wondering if Tim felt this way only hours earlier. There wasn't much time to dwell on that thought or any other, though.
One hand taking Conner's wrists and pinning them above the clone's head while the other braced on the mat next to it, Dick pushed himself up and pulled back. The slapping sound of flesh on flesh was joined by Conner's moans and cries of pleasure as Dick began to piston in and out of him. The pace was fast, Dick opting only to pull half way out before pounding right back in. The acrobat had also chosen an angle he'd been hoping for. Each thrust caused the acrobat's member to brush Kon's prostate.
Dick had made sure the smirk wasn't going to come back. Looking through the lenses of his mask, Nightwing was enjoying the fact that Superboy's face was a mix of pleasure and need. No more arrogant smirk. There was only one thing that could make it better and Dick was surprised to get it.
“Ghhhn…c'mon! Fuck me…!” Conner spoke up, words mixed with some grunting and the tail end of a moan. Dick was all too happy to oblige, answering with the request with a groan and a harder thrust. For several minutes, nothing but the sound of two heroes in the middle of hot, chemically induced sex could be heard. Just as Conner reached the point where he was going to free his hands from Dick's grip to jerk himself to orgasm, he felt his half-Kryptonian balls draw in close.
With a deep and low moan, Conner's second orgasm caused him to spurt several shots of cum right onto his own face. One shot even made it directly into his mouth but the clone didn't seem to care. It was this sight and the already tight walls around his cock squeezing tighter that sent Dick over the edge. While Conner had just moaned, Dick yelled out his pleasure as the clone's ass milked every last drop of cum from his length.
Once the last shot of the white stuff left him, Dick started to fall forward slowly. Summoning enough presence of mind, the crime fighter pulled out of Superboy. Taking just a moment to watch some of his seed running out of the younger hero's ass, Nightwing let his legs down. Slowly, thoughts of lying down and going to sleep began to burn away as the heat the pollen cloud had brought started to dissipate.
Mask covered eyes widened as the first young man to wear the Robin suit looked up from Superboy's half hard cock to the young hero's cum-covered face. Panting and trying to catch his breath much like the clone before him, Dick Grayson looked around. Scattered clothing was located before the dark haired vigilante looked back at the prone form of Superboy.
“Dammit!” he cursed, punching the mat below. He was not happy in the least bit. Not only had Harley and Ivy's slipped through his grasp, he'd been hit with the sex pollen again. And worst of all it had been with Superboy. Nightwing had a feeling that Robin was going to be pissed.