Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fan Fiction ❯ My Dear Denise ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok, this is the ONLY time I'm going to say this.
In a small town East of Bennington, Vermont, the sun rose. It was Denise Vaughan's twenty-second birthday. She awoke at seven in the morning, roused by the sun shining through her window. She shaded her eyes as she got out of bed and groggily headed to the master bathroom. After relieving herself and doing her usual morning routine, she slipped on a black robe and headed down the oak staircase. She padded lightly in her fuzzy slippers to the kitchen and retrieved everything necessary to make coffee. The house was quiet, and that was unusual. She poured water into the dated machine.
I wonder where Doc is, She thought to herself as she started the coffee machine. It whirred to life, bubbling and spitting as it heated the water. Slowly, dark liquid dripped into the glass pot and Denise yawned and stretched. A soft meow alerted her to a presence at her feet. She looked down and smiled at the orange tabby as he stared at her with bright green eyes.
“You hungry, Doc? I was wondering when you were gonna show.” He meowed in response. Denise strode to the walk-in pantry and retrieved a large bag of Kitty Chow. Doc was patiently waiting by one of many dishes near the wall closest to the outside door, and dug in after Denise had filled his bowl. Denise then filled the rest of the small bowls, which consisted of four, with Kitty Chow. She exchanged the cat food for Dog Chow and filled three other large bowls on the other side of the kitchen. After replacing the bag, she fixed a mug of steaming coffee and leaned against the green-tiled island.
“You better eat up before the others figure out I'm awake,” She said to Doc, still happily munching on his chow. Denise sipped slowly on her java, thinking about the day ahead. Suddenly she heard soft paws running down the back porch and in the blink of an eye a small group of cats burst through the doggy-hole in the kitchen door, followed quickly by a large bloodhound and a small, panting bulldog.
Abruptly she heard excited barking coming from outside. Then a large, over-excited lab came bounding through the hole, skidding across the hardwood floor. Denise chuckled to herself as the last of the herd dug into his food, and she finished the last few sips of her coffee.
Now, time to get started.
She put her mug in the sink and trudged back to her room to get dressed.
Denise was finishing tying her boots when she felt a strange tickle at the back of her skull. She stopped for a second and the feeling was gone. She placed a hand on the back of her head, fingers fondling through her thick, blonde hair. She touched her skull, but felt nothing like a bump.
Well, that wasstrange. I've never felt thatbefore. She dismissed it and walked out of her room, and padded down the stairs to the front door. She threw open the screen and stepped into the early morning sun.
Ah, what a beautiful day. The sun shone brightly upon her home in Vermont. It consisted of over sixty acres of land with a white fence marking the boundaries. In addition to the herd of dogs and cats that lived with her, Denise had acquired numerous unwanted animals, of which included livestock and others that were distinctly more exotic. Denise glanced around, deciding who needed attention first. She decided to tend to the horses and other livestock, since they were the easiest, so she stepped off the porch, heading south toward the barn.
By the time Denise had felt the strange tickle for the fourth time that day, she had decided to phone Dr. Stevens. Upon listening to her symptoms, he had chalked it to nothing more than nerves, and stated that she needed to hire some help for that reserve she was running. She had thanked the doctor taken some Advil and gotten back to feeding Jack and Chloe, her resident tigers.
Yes, tigers.
After feeding the rest of the animals and releasing them into their larger habitats, Denise decided to go inside for a snack. She came through the kitchen door, and found Doc was asleep on his back, lying on the kitchen island.
Well, that's none too surprising. I'd be surprised if he was actually awake for something other than food. She pilfered through the pantry, and settled on a box of cheez-its. After exiting the pantry, she found Doc was eying her from the counter, seeing if she intended to feed him, again.
“No, these aren't for you.” And with that Doc went back to napping.
Maybe I should put him on a diet. She then sat at the white kitchen table and opened the box. Denise was happily munching away on her favorite snack food when the phone rang.
After a long practice session, Leonardo showered and went to his room to meditate. Thanks to Donnie and April, the lair now had many amenities that one wouldn't think a sewer home could have, like cable, internet, and plumbing. Leo lit his incense and candles, and sat on a cushy pillow on his bedroom floor. His assumed the lotus position, and began to clear his mind of everything. After a few moments Leo was completely relaxed, and in deep meditation. His mind began to wander in the void.
Complete darkness. Walking through the darkness, pulled by some unknown force. Suddenly a small sphere of light in the distance. It begins to get bigger and bigger, and suddenly opens up to a new world. One full of lushness. Zooming through the clouds, looking down on the land, seeing everything. Towns, trees, mountains, valleys, everything. Sunlight stretches across the land, still being pulled by something. Searching for something, must find it. A farm, in the distance. White fence, barn, farmhouse. Inside house, going up oak stairs, searching. A woman. Sitting on a bed, head down, tying boots. She's lovely, with blonde hair like the sun's golden rays and lightly tanned skin. She looks up suddenly, startled. She has beautiful eyes, the color of the deep ocean. She brings a hand to the back of her neck, and…
Leo shot out of his trance and fell backward onto the floor. He sat for a few moments, startled and confused.
What was that? I've never even remotely experienced anything like that. I wonder what it means. Leo hurriedly got off the floor and rushed to Splinter's room, eager for answers.