Tekken Fan Fiction / Tamagotchi Fan Fiction / Vampire Princess Miyu Fan Fiction / Street Fighter Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Tsunami Angel ❯ The fighter Within ( One-Shot )
Amai is an orphan. She lives on the street, cold and frightened. But when Street Fighter Sannta comes into her life, she is turned into the most powerful orphan there ever was in Santaroso...........
Tsunami Angel
The girl sat in the shadows. "Where are you, you little thief?" shouted the rough voice of the street seller. He shoved the skip that was blocking his way angrily to the side. Behind it, cowering, he found Amai. Amai lived- well, slept- in this gutter behind the skip. Once an old rubbish-point, it was a perfect, sheltered, hidden nest for her. And for the rats. She shivered. She was wearing a shabby brown scrap that she had stolen from the back of a travelling peddler's wagon. At her side hung a small rusty dagger on a belt of simple dragon hide. The street seller looked at her bony body and sallow complexion and felt sick. He felt like he should push back the skip all the way and leave the poor creature to die. He turned away. "I'm sorry mister." Said a small voice.
He turned back slowly. The girl was holding out an apple core. "I'm sorry. I'll do work, whatever, to pay for it. I was just so hungry."
He scrunched his eyes together and clenched his fists. "It was just an apple. Who cares?"
Amai stood up. "Me, sir. I care. I needed some food. So I took it."
The street seller opened his eyes quickly and studied the girl, trying not to flinch as he eyed her disgusting form. "Is that what you think? That when you're hungry you can just steal things? When the mood takes you?" he knew his voice was getting increasingly higher.
"No mister. I'm sorry. That was a wrong thing to say." Amai said mechanically. She broke into a huge grin, showing despicably yellow teeth. "I'm not very good at this yet."