Tekken Fan Fiction ❯ Dreaming Alone ❯ Missing More Than The Train ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
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<b>Dreaming Alone<br>
-</b>Chapter 7-<i><b><br>
</b></i><b><u>Missing More Than The Train</u></b><p>&quot;...And this one?&quot; Jin
said in a deathly voice while he took out the knife from the packet
examining it carefully.<br>
Jin was stopped at a small souvenir booth at the train station while the
train was '<i>resting</i>'. He had examined about 12 knives already and the
shop-keeper was just keeping himself amused by cleaning his souvenir's.<br>
&quot;Very good,&quot; the shop-keeper said in a dull voice not even looking upto see
what Jin had picked up.<br>
&quot;Alright!&quot; Jin squealed in delight, then he put it down and picked up
another one slicing the air. &quot;...And this one?&quot;<br>
&quot;Very very good!&quot; said the Frenchman, not exactly beaming with happiness.<br>
Jin picked up another knife and was about to ask the same question until
Julia came upto the shop, seizing his question.<br>
&quot;How much is this cowbell?&quot; she asked while placing her hand on a
beautifully woven straw hat. Her silky hair just going below her shoulders
were not in any sort of plait, she looked really natural and beautiful. She
was wearing a maroon shirt with lovely marble patterns of white and a long
maroon skirt as well as a thin silky scarf draped around her neck.<br>
&quot;18 francs,&quot; The man replied with a bit more vigor for a proper customer.
Julia took out her purse and scrambled for the right amount of money. (A/N:
This is before the Euro came out, I still like the franc!)<br>
&quot;Ahem, Excuse me,&quot; Jin interrupted,&quot; I came here first, so I get to buy my
thing first! I will take this one! How much?&quot;<br>
&quot;12 francs,&quot; replied the disbelieving salesman at Jin. The bell rang
signaling for the train, Julia reached for the cowbell and took it.<br>
&quot;Hurry up, the train's going to go soon!&quot; Julia instructed Jin.<br>
&quot;Ah yes,&quot; Jin said going into the side pocket of his jeans, he couldn't find
any money,&quot; I don't know where I put my money?&quot;<br>
Julia looked at him impatiently and steadied her hat clutching the cowbell.<br>
&quot;Aaah, here they are!&quot; Jin said gleefully removing his hat. (A/N: don't ask
me how he got a hat onto his head...)<br>
&quot;Hurry up!&quot; Julia said to him looking at the train.<br>
&quot;One minute Senórita, ugh I can't recognise any of the money here!&quot; Jin said
irritated, then he looked at Julia and smiled. &quot;Why don't you tell me what 2
is, 4..8..12?&quot;<br>
&quot;I don't know!&quot; Julia hastily thrust the money into the shop-keepers hand,
&quot;here, keep the change!&quot;<br>
Jin smiled to himself as Julia ran towards the train.<br>
&quot;Do you want this knife?&quot; The shop-keeper asked.<br>
&quot;Nah, &quot; Jin replied carelessly still looking at where Julia had been.<br>
The train was moving away from the station now and there was a very
distressed Julia holding onto her handbag and hat running behind it. She
just stood at the spot where the train was, Nina, Anna and Xiaoyu had gone.
Jin caught up with her one hand holding the hat and the other one he pointed
to where the train should've been.<br>
&quot;Oh, we missed the train!&quot; He laughed and beckoned Julia to see the amusing
side of it. She was also looking at the spot but didn't think of it as a
joke and was crying, she'd never been out alone before.<br>
&quot;Senórita! Don't cry!&quot; Jin comforted her, she looked down tears spilling
from her eyes, crying silently at first while Jin went to the other side of
her. &quot; Good girl!&quot;<br>
Then she started crying loudly, tears of fear.<br>
&quot;Hey...you were quiet just a minute ago? Senó- oh man, people are looking at
<i>me</i>! Look it's raining Senórita!&quot; Jin said, he didn't really know what
to do when girls started blubbering. &quot;I'm here, look!&quot;<br>
When Jin said the last phrase she started crying harder.<br>
&quot;Ok, I'm not here, see I've gone, <i>poof</i>!&quot; Jin said panicking while
covering his face behind his hat. &quot;Senórita! Oh please!!!&quot;<br>
He was running around her in circles trying to get her to be quiet.<br>
&quot;Hey, the bell, the bell!&quot; Jin said in a last vain attempt to silence her
and stop people looking at him. He seized the cowbell and started ringing it
to make her stop crying and get out of the rain.<br>
&quot;Excuse me?&quot; Julia asked going over to an information desk where a man stood
behind it, &quot;When is the next train to Zurich?&quot;<br>
The man looked at his schedule.<br>
&quot;The next train to Zurich will leave at 8 o' clock in the evening,&quot; came the
formal reply.<br>
Julia looked down, a bit disheartened that it was going to be so late. &quot;Oh,
thank you!&quot;<br>
Julia was walking around the station not looking where she was going and she
bumped into Jin again.<br>
&quot;Hi!&quot; Jin smiled toothily.<br>
Julia walked forward mentally slapping herself.<br>
&quot;Listen the next train will be coming late, so we will have to catch a train
in the morning from Zurich. So we have to get a bus or hire a car, what
would you prefer, bus or car?&quot; Jin finished walking with her.<br>
Julia looked at him and put on a sarcastic smile. &quot;Since we have met, you've
been bothering me at my wits end!&quot;<br>
&quot;What are you talking about?&quot; Jin said innocently.<br>
&quot;For the whole trip you've about eaten my head off!&quot; Julia complained.<br>
Jin looked at her in mock disbelief and shock. &quot;Me?&quot;<br>
&quot;Whenever I'm with you something always is going wrong!&quot; Julia rambled on,
Jin smiled coyly and admitted that. &quot;And because of you, today I missed my
train. Now I want to get to Zurich safely, so you go your way and I my own!
Okay! Thank you!&quot;<br>
Julia turned on her heel and fled off, Jin laughed it off and followed her.<br>
&quot;Oh Senórita, our destiny is the same and our train so why take different
roads?&quot; Jin protested, then with a sly smirk he added. &quot;and besides, a girl
like you <i>needs</i> a guy like me!&quot;<br>
Julia stopped walking and looked him in the eye.<br>
&quot;That's where your wrong, because a girl like me <i>doesn't</i> need a guy
like you!&quot; Julia added sternly. &quot;Now please, don't follow me!&quot;<br>
Jin laughed lightly to himself and grabbed for her back in order to stop
her, however he had caused a small tear towards her dress, a small but
seeming tear. Julia stared wide-eyed at what she had just heard she quickly
went to the nearest wall and hid her back. Jin looked at the little piece of
cloth, then seeing no where to desert the vile thing he put it into his
mouth. He ran over to Julia who was looking around for clearance.<br>
&quot;Don't come close to me!&quot; Julia screamed at him.<br>
&quot;Don't worry!&quot; Jin said in an attempt to calm her down, &quot;Don't cry!&quot;<br>
&quot;Just go,&quot; Julia hissed breathing deeply.<br>
&quot;I've got a needle and thread, I'll stitch it! Make a nice embroidery
pattern at the back!&quot; Jin said in panic.<br>
&quot;Just go!&quot; Julia's tone rose.<br>
&quot;I'll buy you a new dress!&quot; Jin said panic stricken.<br>
&quot;Go!&quot; Julia said a bit louder.<br>
&quot;There's a clothes shop over there!&quot; Jin pointed sweating.<br>
&quot;<i>GO</i>!&quot; Julia roared like a hungry lioness.<br>
&quot;Keep calm!&quot; Jin whispered shaking and left sweating.<br>
Julia closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall for a moment. she
only had her handbag, but she had money and could buy some new clothes, good
thing her money wasn't with the luggage in the train.<br>
A calm sunny afternoon where the sun was risen. Beautiful trees embroidered
the sidelines of the clean road, small cars sparkling like jewels went by.
Julia wanted so badly to get a lift, not one car stopped. She signaled but
the driver didn't stop by, she turned her head only to see that she had
caught the attention of a police car! It stopped right in front of her, she
bit her lip so hard that she left dents in it. Her white blouse and blue
jeans weren't really causing any attention so she didn't know what they
stopped for.<br>
Two podgy police officers stepped out of the car and walked upto her.<br>
&quot;Hello!&quot; The taller of the two greeted in English.<br>
&quot;Err...hello,&quot; Julia smiled uncertainly.<br>
&quot;May I see your passport please?&quot; The taller man asked.<br>
&quot;Um...I don't have my passport!&quot; Julia said hoping they understood her
problem. &quot; I kind of left it on the train!&quot;<br>
&quot;I want to see your passport!&quot; The man insisted.<br>
&quot;No no!&quot; Julia shook her head impatiently. &quot;You don't understand, I was on a
train- I missed my train, I was on the Euro-rail- Paris, Rome!&quot;<br>
He muttered something to the other man in French.<br>
&quot;It's not my fault! I missed my train!&quot; Julia argued.</p>