Tekken Fan Fiction ❯ One Tainted Secret ❯ Story of my Life ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Note from Michelle: This story had been rated "R" for a reason. So I'm warning you younglings now. Also, this is a rather dark piece…hence the genre: ANGST, but it will calm down to a SOFT ROMANCE later on (since I am a hardcore mushy romance writer). I welcome all comments and flames.

The majority of the characters featured in this fable do not belong to me, for they are copyrighted to Namco, however, some do. And just to sort out any confusion, this story takes place during Tekken 3. However, I've twisted up Xiao's past with my own dark imagination. Hope you like.

One Tainted Secret

Chapter One: Story of My Life

By: Michelle

Don't be fooled by my happy exterior. It's all a façade. This is the story of my life. But I must say for me being only sixteen… it is definitely unraveling more excitingly than I thought it would be. My name is Xiao and I love a good adventure. Excitement is what I have been aiming for all my life …and I'm finally nailing it.

It has been only three days in my new home in Japan. The Mishima Mansion, to be exact, and still after three days I get completely lost when wondering about. How did I get here? A bizarre story, actually.

I am the daughter of a wealthy Chinese aristocrat... but instead of living life as a wealthy princess as one would think, my life was a shitfull piece of hell. As a child, I had been disowned by my father. He scorned me for being a girl, telling my mother that he doesn't borne useless females. My father was disgusted at me for my sex and had me locked up away from him when I was merely three years old. I've never seen my father again since then, and I'm glad.

Though I was locked away, I had my own living space, my own tutor, but my freedom was restricted. My darling Uncle Wang would come everyday and taught me the most priceless aspect ever: he taught me how to fight. I don't know why he spent his all time putting up with a brat like me…but I guess it was out of pity on how shamefully his brother had disowned his only daughter. My mother would also come everyday to see me and nurture me, loving me as every biological mother would. But after he was born, she stopped.

A few years later, my little brother was born…and that made my life even more miserable. Not only did my father disown me, but I lost my mother as well. For years, I watched my brother grow up under the love of both parents, running around playing doing whatever he wanted freely…oblivious to his locked up sister. I couldn't help but hate him for having everything that I should have had. I was the first child! From that moment on, I had to get myself out. I'd soon die from all this torment and I couldn't let that happen. Though my life was shit, I wasn't dumb to commit suicide. But I was dumb enough to create a scene. I escaped from my restricted living space and went on a rampage, attacking everyone in my path.

My uncle was the only one that could stop me. He knew that if my father found out about my disobedience, he'd kill me mercilessly. And it was my dear uncle that helped me escape from that hell hole. I was only fourteen then.

For the next year or so, I lived with my uncle. Life with him was decent. He was poor and we lacked life's necessities, but I had my freedom, and nothing could take that away from me. I spent most of my time at amusement parks and soon grew very fond of them. It was the only place that I was able to lose myself, the only place where I can escape from my harsh reality. But as time went by…revenge still saturated my heart. Because of my troubled childhood, my life was tainted and I could not enjoy anything. Something had to be done to cure me from this.

A year later, talks and rumors in the streets proclaimed of a very, very wealthy Japanese man's appearance in my town. Rumor has it that his man owned all of Japan…he was that fucking wealthy. My mind quickly went into work then. I found out the exact time and place of this Jap's arrival. Through numerous nights of careful planning, I ran away from my dear old uncle. I left behind a letter to him thanking him for my freedom and wishing him the best of luck in life.

With my uncle's teachings of self-defense, I managed to stowaway on this rich Jap's ship. I heard that this man was old. Wrinkly old. And I spotted him easily…but he wasn't an easy target. My plan was to take that old geezer down, but he was so heavily guarded. So I did the next best thing…I took the guards down as well. I severely wounded all the damned guards and finally managed my way to the old Jap and stood tall…but I only came up to his belt buckle.

Somehow, I had amused him and he halted his guards when they came after me with clawed hands. With a deep breath, I told him to aid me in my revenge to my parents, which was to prevail over them by gaining power…and by gaining power I wanted to become big with the largest amusement park in China.

The old fool laughed at me. I threatened to not only take down more of his pathetic crew, but slaughter them all. This got his attention somehow. I don't know if it was his love for his men or his interest in my fighting. He told me to take part of this tournament that is taking place in Japan. A tournament in which whoever was the winner could have whatever prize they coveted. I accepted.

So, here I am. In my new home. For a place this big, barely anyone lived in it except for me, the old man, and a number scattered servants all over the place.

But for some odd reason, I couldn't help but feel like I'm being watched. Everywhere I go and turn, I feel eyes on my back, watching my every move. I tell myself it was just the servants, but it wasn't until I started to attend school to find out that there was someone watching me intently. Someone that was also living with us.


"Five minutes, Miss Ling," Lucy called to me. She was my personal maid assigned to me by Heihachi Mishima, which was the old fool's name by the way. I've never had a maid before…so her constant presence is something I had to get used to.

It was my first day of class, which meant I will be surrounded by peers of my own age group. Life for me has definitely changed, but I tell myself it's for the better. Heihachi told me if I was to live under his roof, I had to abide by his orders. And his orders were for me to attend school like a girl my age would. I would complete my school assignments before practicing in the dojo. The Asian culture was always so strict on education, seriously.

I felt like royalty. Not only do I have my own master bedroom, my own maid, but I had my own limo to take to school…damn, Heihachi does have a lot up his sleeve. I looked up at the billboard on the entrance of the school campus and laughed. He even owned the whole damn school.

First class: Introduction to Psychology.

I walked into the classroom and I felt uncomfortable immediately. Like a sixth sense, the kids knew straight out that I was new. Not only new, but a foreigner. They looked me up and down, left to right, and even in criss crosses…hell! I'm wearing the same damn uniform as they were and I look just as Asian as they do, why they were looking at me oddly I had no clue. Shitty snobs.

I chose my seat at the very back of the class. To my right was some bulky guy with spiky hair, to my left was a girl with flipped up hair. The hell is up with the hair-dos in this country? I felt their eyes on me but I didn't look at either of them, my eyes stared straight ahead at the chalkboard. I didn't want any friends and I sure as hell didn't feel like being friendly.

"Ling?" the professor called me.

'What the hell do you want?' was what I wanted to say, but instead, I politely replied, "Yes?"

She smiled at me. "Would you care to stand up and introduce yourself?"

Every head turned to look back at me and I wanted nothing more than the ground to open up and swallow me whole. With shaky legs, I stood up.

"Ling Xiaoyu is my name, and I just arrived from China three days ago," I spoke in nearly perfect Japanese. Those Japanese lessons from Uncle Wang paid off. I smiled smugly at amazed faces. I bet those shit heads were just waiting to hear a ridiculous Chinese accent so they can poke and laugh at me.

"How delightful," she smiled at me again. "It's a pleasure to have you, Xiaoyu."

I sat down. The girl to my left lightly touched my arm and my attention snapped over to her.

"I'm Miharu," she whispered, giving me a smile.

Even in my bitter mood, I had to smile back at her amiability. I opened my mouth to say something but the professor had already started her lecture.

After class, she mouthed to me and I nodded.

The class dragged on and on and many heads around me were slumped down on their desk, fast asleep. I, on the other hand, stayed wide awake. This was my first experience in being taught in a large classroom with classmates. It was quite exciting.

I shivered. Someone was staring at me, I can feel it. I darted my eyes around the classroom for a suspect…and finally landed on the guy to my right. I looked to my right and that spiky haired guy had the strangest expression on his face. It was like…he's never seen a Chinese girl before. Like…there was a mixture of interest and aspiration in his eyes. ARRGGHH!! I can't concentrate with him! Annoyed, I simply placed my chin in my hand and stared straight back at him. He narrowed his eyes at me and looked away. That sure did the trick.

A piercing bell rung just outside the hall and that, I guess, signaled the end of class. Everyone exploded out of their chairs and stampeded out of the classroom. I sighed. One down, five more to go. I gathered my books together and left the classroom.

"Xiaoyu!" the girl with flipped up hair called me from behind.

Oh yeah, it was Miharu. I turned around and gave her a warm smile, glad that out of the entire species of Japan, one had a heart.

"Where are you heading?"

"Government," I handed her my schedule.

Miharu made a face. "Hope you can stomach it." Her eyes quickly scanned my schedule. "Oh perfect, you have trig and lunch with me," she said happily, handing me back the piece of paper. "Do you know where government is?"

"I'm sure I can manage, but thanks though."

"All right, I'll see you at lunch then," she adjusted the bag on her shoulder, "its nice meeting you."

"Thanks, I'll see you," I smiled and she waved. I watched her run down the hall for a moment before I headed for my own class.

I checked my watch; we had a six minute break between each class. Heading up to the third floor, I found my locker and shoved my bag in, grabbed my government book, and slammed it shut.

The kids littered the halls, weaving in and out like ants and I blended in quite nicely since everyone was all in uniform. I guess I was cut out for school after all. With my book clasped in my arms, I proceeded to weave through the marching ants.

Unexpectedly, I felt a sudden tremor rush through my body when I felt someone's hot breath by my ear and I swirled to my right. But all I saw were kids walking about. I quickly whirled to my left and caught a glimpse of the tall retreating back of the spiky haired guy from earlier. Did he do that?


"That's all you're eating?"

I took a huge bite from my chocolate candy bar. "Yeah, why?"

"Nothing," Miharu said nonchalantly, digging into her salad. "I've just never met anyone who eats a chocolate candy bar for lunch and then washing it down with chocolate milk."

I stifled a laugh.

"So how do you like your classes?"

"They're all right," I said as two other girls sat down at our table. One was tall, tall like a tree, with gorgeous brown hair that rested on her shoulders in waves and curls. The other was short, about my height, with short blonde hair. The blonde gave me a smile and the brunette nudged Miharu for an introduction.

"Oh," Miharu said, putting down her fork, "Xiao, this is Audrey and Pricilla," she looked at me, "Xiao's new from China."

"Oooh, is Japan different from China?" Pricilla asked, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Same blue sky, same green grass, but other than that, yeah, my life is totally different living here," I explained to them about my being in the tournament.

"The Tekken Tournament?" Pricilla gasped.

"Is that what it's called?" I asked.

"People are traveling from all over the world to attend this fighting tournament, but it's not easy to get accepted in," Audrey explained, and then looked at me up and down, "how did you get in?"

"Err, I had a personal talk with someone and we agreed on certain guidelines," I stated simply, not wanting to go into the whole massacre I created on my way here.

"Where are you staying at?" Miharu asked with a mouth full of apple.

"Heihachi Mishima is my guardian."

Audrey gasped, Miharu dropped the apple she was eating, and Pricilla's eyes looked they were about to pop out.

"Mishima Manor?" Pricilla nearly shrieked, "you lucky girl."

"Yes," I said, rubbing my deafened ear, "it's quite a palace."

"Oh…my…God, you guys," Audrey grasped the table for dear life as she stated slowly, "Jin Kazama lives at Mishima Manor."

"What?!" the girls shrieked again.

I rubbed my other ear. "Who's Jin Kalama?"

"Ka-za-ma," Audrey clearly enunciated for me. "He is the most highly sought-out-for, highly demanded male on every girl's list on this campus."

"I don't think he lives with me," I said.

Audrey huffed. "Honey, I know everything there is about Jin Kazama, and yes, he does live at your place of residence. Heihachi is his grandfather."

"Well, I haven't seen him."

"He's probably on the other side of the mansion. That place has its own zip code," Pricilla said, twirling a thick strand of blonde hair.

"You guys, there he is," Miharu said in awe, pointing to the other end of the cafeteria.

I craned my neck to see this famous Jin Ka-za-ma, but there was a group of guys all clustered together. "Where?"

"There," Pricilla pointed, "the one in the plaid pants."

"They're all wearing plaid pants," Miharu corrected.

"That's it," Audrey stood up and gathered her bag together, "I'm going in."

Miharu gave a snort and laughed. "Good luck," she called out to the departing Audrey.

"Why are you wishing her luck?" I asked. I'm getting kind of curious about this Ka-za-ma who happens to live with me.

"Because rumor has it that he already has a little Indian girlfriend," Pricilla said. She rolled her eyes and spat, "That lucky bitch."

"You don't even know if that's true," Miharu countered to Pricilla.

"Yeah, huh!" Pricilla exclaimed. "I even saw her pick him up after school one day."

"Stop stalking him! He has enough of those," Miharu shook her head. She turned her attention back to me, "But even if that were true, he's all about high standards." Miharu pointed to Audrey, "Even tall, thin, beautiful Audrey can't even hook him."

I turned my head to see Audrey walk up to a very tall, very big guy with…spiky hair! Oh my God, that's him!? I snapped back to Miharu. "Miharu, he has psychology with us," I hissed.

"I know," she said casually, popping a grape into her mouth. "Why else do you think I signed up for that class?"

"Because you like psychology?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You might enjoy it, but I hate it," she sighed heavily, "he's worth the pain, though."

"Soo…I take it all three of you guys are in love with him?"

Miharu pointed two fingers: one to Audrey and one to Pricilla. "Them two are, as well as all the other females. I just think he's nice to look at. Plus, psychology is just a GPA booster for me."

I glanced back at him. He looked kinda bored as Audrey was talking to him. I saw her flick her pretty brown hair and lightly touch his chest as she laughed. I must admit, he does look pretty good. Dark brown eyes, thick dark brows, hair all in disarray, big big hands, a sensual mouth…suddenly my body grew really hot and my nipples hardened. I quickly turned around. Holy shit.

"Good stuff, huh?" Pricilla said, smiling at me devilishly.

The hell? Was I that obvious? I looked down. Nope. Can't see my hard nipples. I cleared my throat and stood up. "I'm gonna get more chocolate milk."

"Hmm," Miharu tossed me some money, "grab me one too."

"Yeah, me three," Pricilla jabbed some money in my pocket.

Straightening my skirt out, I walked over to the concession corner and grabbed three cartons of chocolate milk. After paying, I turned and ran head first into the stone wall. Or I thought was a wall. I fell on my ass pretty hard.

"Are you all right?" a low voice above me boomed, chuckling slightly.

"You freakin' knocked her out, Kazama," a voice to my right laughed.

Something grabbed me around the waist and hauled me to my feet. Stunned, I took a moment to regain my composure before I looked up at the idiot who stood in my way. The second I looked up, I felt like I was hit again for the second time…it was the Kalala boy. Err, Kazama.

Oh, God. I've never seen anyone look so good. How come I didn't notice his good looks during first period? Maybe because of all the girl's constant babbling about him got to me. Mmm, his white uniform shirt was left buttoned at the top…allowing all female eyes to feast upon. He gave me a smug smirk, as if he knew I was astonished by his dreadful good looks. And I straightened myself up immediately. Why the hell am I here again?

"My milk," I said out loud just as I remembered it. I searched the ground around me, but they weren't there…

"Right here," his big hand held all three milk cartons. Big, big hands…big hands running down on my body…dammit, there I go again.

Hastily, I snatched the two cartons in one hand and one in the other. I had to get away from this guy fast. He makes me feel funny. "Thanks," I said before I jetted off back to my table. The guys roared with laughter behind me, but I didn't turn around. Already I've made a fool of myself in front of "Mr. Ideal," and it's a shame…because my first impression has already been imprinted in his mind that I'm "the girl who fell on her ass." A fucking shame, I am.

I tossed a carton to Miharu and she caught it. "Xiao, your bow's crooked," she pointed out.

I looked down. "Hmm, so it is," and straightened it. I sat down and my ass nearly missed the chair. GOD! Why am I so jittery all of a sudden?! Grabbing the table, I yanked the chair to me and sat down angrily.

"You okay?" Pricilla asked, one eyebrow arched.

"Yeah, I just ran into Kaza-" I caught myself, "collided into the wall."

Pricilla laughed, "You should be careful, Kazama might see you."

Haha…too late for that.


"Miss Ling, dinner is ready," my maid informed me just as I finished up on my last trig problem.

Rubbing my eyes, I dropped my pencil and stood up. Ah, stretching feels good…how long have I been doing trig homework? "Thanks, Lucy," I replied, yawning a bit. When I didn't hear anything, I looked over my shoulder and saw that she was waiting patiently for me, a light blue dress draped over her right arm. "It's okay, I got it. Just leave the dress on the bed."

Lucy nodded and did her bidding. The door closed with a quiet thud when she exited.

Every night at exactly eight o'clock dinner is served, and my presence was expected. Heihachi was a strict man who followed a strict agenda. Tardiness of any sort was not tolerated. Just last night I showed up five minutes late and, as punishment, he took away my chocolate brownie for dessert. Damn him.

For a man of high importance, a formal attire was expected, which explains the light blue dress on my bed. I quickly stripped out of my uniform and donned in the dress. Feeling naked with my shoulders bare, I took my hair out of their normal pigtails and they rested on my shoulders perfectly, covering up my nude feeling.

I've never worn dresses until I arrived to Japan. Upon my arrival, Heihachi hired a seamstress who ravished me with an entirely new wardrobe. It was unexpected as well as astonishing, but highly uncalled for. Especially since I wear the same uniform to school everyday…but I guess the dresses are for his own amusement since I have to wear a different gown each night when attending dinner.

I arrived a few minutes early to the dining room, so I better get my dessert tonight. The table was already set and prepared and I stood next to my chair with my hands clasped in front of me, waiting patiently. The dining room doors opened behind me and I bowed my head as he walked over to the table.

"Good evening, Sir Mishhhh-" I trailed of when I saw it wasn't the old man. Oh God, it's him again. So, Audrey was right about him living here after all. Interesting how I never ran into him my first three nights here.

Jin walked to the opposite side of the table and stood next to his chair, never taking his dark eyes off of me. What is up with him and his staring problem? Fine, if he wanted to play the staring game, he'll get it. Clearing my throat slightly, I stared right back at him, trying my best to look intimidating. The dim lights in the room made him, if possible, look even more desirable and I felt myself grow hot again. But that didn't stop me with my staring, oh no. I'm determined to win…determined to break this guy. This little game went on for about a minute or so until the doors behind me opened again. And about time too. I was about to go over and slap that stubborn Kazama.

"Good evening, children," the old man declared loudly as he made his way to the head of the table.

"Good evening, Sir Mishima," I bowed.

"Good evening, grandfather," I heard Jin say.

"Sit," Heihachi ordered and we all sat. The first course was brought out, and after we were all served, the old man spoke again. "Xiaoyu, I don't think you've met my grandson yet."

Ooooh yes, I have.

"This is Jin Kazama," he introduced, "and the reason why you haven't met him on your first days of arrival was because of his punishment for disobeying me."

Wow, we got ourselves a rebel here. I really wanted to ask what his crime was, but I clamped my mouth shut. None of my business. I sat still and nodded a hello in Jin's direction.

The old man turned his attention to Jin, "Have you learned your lesson?"

"Yes, grandfather," Jin said in a low mono toned voice.

I couldn't help but wonder if he's feeling embarrassed. I sure hoped so, then we'll both be on equal grounds. Me falling on my ass and him getting yelled by his ol' grand-pappy.

"And what have you learned?"

"I have learned not to sneak out after my curfew."

"And why were you sneaking out?"

"I wanted some fresh air."

"Boy, don't you lie to me," the old man warned in an ominous tone. "Who was that whore you were meeting up with?"

I nearly choked on my soup. I bit down hard on my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing out loud. Stop it, Xiao. Stop it, Xiao. Stop it, Xiao.

"Look, I told you I learned my lesson and it's not gonna happen again," Jin snapped.

"Good," Heihachi stated simply. "But your curfew will still remain at ten for another week."

Jin exhaled loudly.

The old man was quiet now, nonchalantly sipping his soup. None of us said a word until the main course was served. The silence stretched long and I started to get uncomfortable. I peeked up at Jin through my bangs and he looked a bit edgy himself. Good, so he did get embarrassed.

"Xiaoyu, tell me about your first day," the old man finally spoke.

"Exciting," I answered simply. "I've had a private tutor all my life so this is a drastic change for me."

"And your homework?"


"Glad to hear it," and Heihachi turned his attention to Jin again, "How was your calculus exam, my grandson?"

"Aced it."

"Political science?"

"Aced it."

"Excellent," the old man smiled.

Geez, what was this guy? Some kind of freak genius?


After dinner was over and we were dismissed, I retreated back up to my room to read the assigned chapters for government. The chapter dragged on and on and I ended up just scheming through the entire chapter. I answered the study questions in the back and shoved the book away. I glanced up at the clock.


Not bad, not bad. My curfew was eleven so I can go for a quick jog. Donned in my shorts and a sweater, I headed out for a few miles.

The weather felt great. It was cold, but not freezing. The mild wind splashed onto my face as I ran, listening to the rhythm of my heavy breathing and the pebbles crunching beneath my tennis shoes. Feeling my tension ease, I sighed heavily; I'm so completely relaxed right now. Jogging on for another twenty minutes or so, I slowed down to a fast walk when I neared the manor.

The bushes to my left rustled. Before I could react, a giant figure leaped out at me and clamped my mouth shut, holding me tight around my waist all in one smooth motion.

"What are you doing out so late?" a voice rasped in my ear.

Quickly, I twisted my body and side stepped, freeing my arm and rapidly swinging it behind me, aiming for the bastard's head. But his reaction was fast and he caught it, twisting it behind my back. My cry of pain was muffled by his hand and I felt him jump in surprise of my scream. That was my queue; I swung my leg up behind me in a backward kick, my foot making heavy contact with the back of his head and his body crumpled away from behind me.

My attacker fell, landing with a sickening thud onto the pebbled pavement and I wasted no time; I jumped on top of him. I sat on his chest, locked his arms between the ground and my feet, and held the bastard's head to the ground by his hair.

"What the hell did you think you were doing?!" I searched his face, but it was too dark to see.

"Let go of my hair," he demanded in a low deadly voice. He coughed and struggled to free his arms and I slammed my feet down harder, tightening the grip.

"Who the hell are you," I demanded.

He chuckled and I froze. I knew exactly who it was and I immediately jumped away right when it came to my realization.

"I thought your curfew was at ten," I said, squinting into the darkness to see him.

Jin stood up. "It is," he said, brushing off the grass and dirt from his arms. "But I told him I was out with you."

Anger boiled up inside me. "You asshole," I hissed. "If you want to meet up with your whores, do it discreetly by yourself and do it by not getting me involved."

"Asshole, huh?" he taunted, walking towards me. He stopped at merely an inch away from me, bending his face down close to mine. "I'm an asshole for looking out for you the entire night?

"Bullshit, I can take care of myself. No one was around me while I was jogging."

"You were wrong," he jeered. "I was with you."

"Oh really? I'm guessing your Indian whore stood you up and you decided to tackle the first cunt that crosses your path for a good fuck?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Shut the hell up, there's no Indian whore."

I laughed and held up my hand. "Jin, it's okay, you don't have to lie. Your secret's safe with me because I really don't give a damn what you do," I stepped aside and gestured my arm for him to pass. "Better not keep your girlfriend waiting."

He didn't budge from his spot and I grew bored of this foolish bicker. Tired and aching for a hot bath, I walked pass him towards the manor. He grabbed my wrist and swung me back to him.

"You're hurting me!" I yelped.

"There is no whore," he hissed in my ear.

Twisting my wrist free from his death grip, I stumbled back nearly falling on my ass again. Rubbing my injured wrist, I glanced up at him and was slightly taken back at what I saw. He looked at me with an angry and hurt expression. Did I offend him in calling his girlfriend a 'whore'?

"Look, I'm sorry I called your girlfriend a whore. I'm sure she's lovely," I apologized pathetically, but I wanted my hot bath.

He exhaled heavily and walked over towards me, using his immense height to its best advantage as he towered over me. And it worked, I felt myself shrinking under his smothering gaze.

"Don't go believing every damned thing you hear about me," he warned in a low voice. It sounded almost threatening.