Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Love's a Sneaky B@$t@rd (an off-beat love story) ❯ Couldn't be More Obvious if it Came up and Bit You on the Ass ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author: Murasaki Rose
Email: jianu_dbz@hotmail.com, or murasaki_rose@dbzmail.com
Archive?: Go for it! Just let me know where so I can link to ya!

Title: Love's a Sneaky Bastard
Warnings: language
Rating: PG-13 (may change later on)
Series: DBZ/Tenchi
Couples: V/B, G/R, K/18
Genre: Crossover - Action/Adventure, Romance


Chapter 4 - Couldn't be More Obvious if it Came up and Bit You on the Ass

Slipping into the kitchen in hopes of finding a pint of ice cream to drown her sorrows in, Ryoko was surprised to find someone already there. Seated at the kitchen table was Bulma, moping over her own pint.

"Looks like we had the same idea," the older woman commented softly.

Bulma glanced up and smiled wanly at the other woman, "Feels like I'm always in here anymore."

Having snagged her own pint by now, Ryoko joined her at the table. "Guy trouble again?"

Taking another bite, Bulma sighed and nodded sadly, "Yamcha and I just don't 'click' anymore."

"I never really thought you two meshed well as a couple anyway. He's too . . . meek for you."

"I suppose so," Bulma grinned wryly, "Who'dve thought that such a bad boy would turn into such a softie."

"I still can't believe he was EVER bad."

"Just ask Goku."

Now it was Ryoko's turn to smile sadly, "Yeah, I'll have to . . ."

"Guy trouble?" Bulma asked. She hadn't missed that wistful tone in the female senshi's voice.

"I . . ah . . no, I-"

"Don't be embarrassed, Ryoko," Bulma reassured the other woman, "It's only natural. Son-kun's a wonderful guy."

"A taken one too."

Bulma patted her shoulder, "It's like the saying goes, 'the good ones are always taken'."

Ryoko raised a powder-blue eyebrow at her, "Thanks, now I feel much better."

"Gomen, Ryoko."

The blue-haired alien shook her head, "Nah, it's all right. There's really nothing you can say that could help anyway."


"Now the first thing you two are going to do is SWEAR to me that you won't try phasing through solid objects until I think you're ready." Noticing her "students" lack of concern, she glared fiercely at the pair. "I MEAN it!! If you try before you're ready you could end up fused permanently to a wall, or worse you could end up dead!"

Gohan's eyes grew round and he nodded vigorously in agreement. He wouldn't try anything without her say-so. Goku merely nodded, for reasons he was just beginning to understand, he was having trouble keeping his thoughts from wandering.


"VEGETA!!!!!!!!! Get back here!!!!"

Smirking inwardly, Vegeta calmly marched towards the gravity room, pretending to ignore the furious woman behind him. The saiya-jin no ouji greatly enjoyed working the chikyuu-jin woman into a rage. Despite being physically weaker than himself, she was intellectually smarter than he, and her temper rivalled his own. Which made pissing her off all the more entertaining. For some reason, the pretty blue-haired onna didn't fear him, unlike the other Z senshi.

Shutting the gravity room's door behind him, the ouji let his internal smirk become external. He was feeling the best he had in ages. The onna and her obnoxious "boyfriend" had separated once again. He'd gotten the best of her in this morning's argument, and the repairs to the gravity room had been completed. The only thing that could make it better would be his ascent into super saiya-jin, he was close now, he could feel it!


"Ooooo! That damn saiya-jin!" Bulma growled as she stormed into her lab. "One of these days I'm going to figure out how to hit him hard enough to hurt him!"

Why her? Of all the people on the planet, why did he pick on her?! He was civil, one could almost say polite, around her parents. He ignored everyone else unless they disturbed his personal bubble. So why did he even bother her? If she didn't know better she'd swear he went out of his way to annoy her!


"Oh, I just know their children will be adorable!" Bulma's mother squealed happily, clapping her hands together.

"Whose children?" Dr. Briefs asked.

"Why Bulma-chan and Vegeta-chan's of course!"

"Dear, they aren't even dating."

"It won't be much longer darling. They're just made for each other! Just think, soon we'll be grandparents!"

Smiling at his wife's unending optimism, Dr. Briefs couldn't help but get caught up in her excitement. It would be nice if their daughter got together with the gruff saiya-jin. After all, he seemed to be the only one who not only tolerated, but ENJOYED her temper.

"And of course Ryoko-chan and Goku-chan's children will be adorable too."

Dr. Briefs looked up at her in surprise, "I wasn't aware that they were together."

"Oh they aren't, but it's only a matter of time!" the cheerful blonde chiruped. "Just you wait, I know what I'm talking about."



Disclaimer: Here we go. I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are all the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc. I also do not own any of the characters from Tenchi Muyo. They are the property of Pioneer, AIC, their creators, and probably some other people I don't know. However, all the other characters in my stories are mine. I'm not making any money off of this, its just for fun. And to top it off I'm a college student who works part-time at Wal-Mart so you know I don't have any money. So if you sue me you won't get anything.