Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Love's a Sneaky B@$t@rd (an off-beat love story) ❯ If You're not a Saiya-jin, Why'da Have a Tail? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: Murasaki Rose
Email: jianu_dbz@hotmail.com, or murasaki_rose@dbzmail.com
Archive?: Go for it! Just let me know where so I can link to ya!

Title: Love's a Sneaky Bastard
Warnings: language
Rating: PG-13 (may change later on)
Series: DBZ/Tenchi
Couples: V/B, G/R, K/18
Genre: Crossover - Action/Adventure, Romance


Chapter 1 - If You're not a Saiya-jin, Why'da Have a Tail?

Ryoko's first impulse when she saw the Ginyu pod was to have Ryo-ohki blast it into oblivion, but something held her back. "Just one pod? That's not right, the Ginyu always travel together." Teleporting outside her ship, Ryoko floated closer to the pod, noticing for the first time, the extensive damage the little craft had taken. The ship wouldn't make it much farther on it's own. Curiosity getting the better of her she flew in front of the pod and peered into the window. 'Who the hell?!' she thought, staring at the unconcious man inside. 'That's not one of the Ginyu fools . . . if I didn't know better, I'd swear he was a saiya-jin.' Staring at the man a bit longer, Ryoko made her decision and began guiding the pod towards her ship.

Once inside, she phased into the pod to get a closer look, the lower half of her torso sticking out. "He's a handsome one," she muttered softly checking his pulse. Weak, but steady. Picking him up, she discovered that he was bleeding from several wounds and would not survive unless he got some medical attention. Phasing them both out of the pod*, Ryoko carried him to the cabin. "Ryo-ohki! Head for the closest safe base immediately! Top speed!"



"You're lucky ma'am. If you'd arrived even an hour later than you had, your slave wouldn't have survived. You should be more careful with him, it's a waste of good money."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!!!!!!" Ryoko screamed at the doctor, grabbing his shirtfront. "I'm no slave owner, kisama! People have no right to own a thinking, feeling being!!!"

"M-m-my apologies, ma'am. I merely assumed . . ."

"What made you think he was a slave," she snarled barely containing her rage. She despised slave traders and owners alike, as far as she was concerned, they were the lowest of the low.

"W-well, the bio scan said that he was a saiya-jin and the preliminary check-up showed that he has been de-tailed," he paused to clear his throat, "and only saiya-jin slaves have their tails removed. No free saiya-jin would allow it."

Setting the doctor down, Ryoko continued to glare at him, "Can you restore it?"

"His tail?" the doctor looked surprised. "Most likely. But why . . ?"

"If he was a slave, then I'll see to it he's sent somewhere he can be free. If he wasn't, well . . . I'll just play it by ear."

"As you wish."


The soft beeping alerted the dozing Ryoko to her rescuees state. The tank had drained and he was climbing out, restorative fluid dripping from his wild hair and down his muscular form. He wasn't aware of her yet and she took this to her advantage, her eyes roaming his body hungrily. 'He's perfect! I've never seen anyone so amazing!'

"Ano . . . miss? Have you seen my pants?"

Ryoko blinked and shook her head, "Your what?"

"My pants," Goku replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "I could'a swore I was wearin' em when I fell asleep."

Ryoko giggled, "You were, but they took them off when you were put in the tank," she replied, tossing him the clothes she'd picked up while he'd been healing. 'Waittaminute, was I just giggling?! Argh!!'

Goku caught the garments and smiled at her, "Sankyuu!" Ryoko nodded, watching unabashedly as he dressed. Or tried to dress anyway. He'd run into a small obstacle while trying to pull his pants over his rear. Looking at his backside the tall saiya-jin got a pleasant surprise, "My tail!" Dropping his pants he grabbed his tail, rubbing it against his cheek like a cherished pet. "I got my tail back!" he crowed happily, oblivious to the show he'd given a now blushing Ryoko. Releasing the furry appendage, Goku pulled his pants back up, this time tearing a hole to thread his tail through. "So where are we and who are you?" he asked, now pulling the shirt over his head.

Recovering quickly and grinning like the cat who ate the canary, Ryoko made a proposition to the Chikyuu warrior, "How about I answer a question then you answer one, na?"


"To answer your questions, my name is Ryoko and we're on one of the few remaining "free" stations in this part of the galaxy."


Ryoko's face grew serious, "Now to answer a couple of mine, who are you and what were you doing in a pod belonging to one of Frieza's Ginyu force?"

"I'm Son Goku!" he replied, beaming at her. "And I was in the ship `cause . . ." Goku's own expression became serious as well, " . . . it's a long story." A loud growl echoed through the room, and Goku grinned sheepishly again. "You think we could eat first?"


A week passes . . .

'I can't believe I'm going back,' Ryoko thought for possibly the thousandth time that day. She was finally returning to the place that held so many memories . . . good and bad. She'd never planned on returning, but after hearing Son Goku's outrageous tale, she'd agreed to take him to Chikyuu. 'It's not like I have to get out. I'll just drop him off, then leave. That's it,' giving herself an affirmative nod, Ryoko went in search of her passenger. 'Knowing that bottomless pit of his, he's probably in the kitchen.'

Sure enough, that's where she found him, putting the finishing touches on a large pot of something. And it smelled really good. "Wh-what are you making?"

Goku turned and smiled at her, "Miso soup. It's almost done, ya want some?"

Once more, Ryoko found herself smiling back at the Chikyuu-raised warrior, "I'd like that." Taking a seat she watched her strange guest rummage about the cabinets for bowls. "Second cabinet on your left."


"It's been a long time since I've had Chikyuu cuisine," she commented as Goku sat down across from her. He'd divided the entire pot into two large bowls, knowing that Ryoko's appetite was right up there with his. At Goku's curious expression she continued, "I used to live there."

"Hontou?! Why'd ya leave?" He asked, immediately sorry as Ryoko turned away, her eyes reflecting a deep pain. "Ah, gomen nasai Ryoko! I didn't mean ta make ya sad!"

She smiled a little sadly at him, her eyes glimmering with unshed tears, "It's all right. You didn't know . . . and it was a long time ago . . ." she shook her head then swiftly changed the topic, "Why don't you tell me more about yourself? You never did explain how a saiya-jin got on Chikyuu-sei."

Goku chuckled, "Well see, I didn't even know I was a saiya-jin `til just a year ago when my oniisan show'd up ta get me . . ." the cheerful saiya-jin easily rolled into his tale, enrapturing the woman until he mentioned his son.

"You have a son?!"

"Aa, Gohan da. He's real strong too. Could even be stronger than me someday," he said, his chest puffing in pride. "Ya should have seen im fightin' Frieza. He wouldn't give up for nothin!"

"Really," Ryoko replied, her voice lacking in enthusiasm. For some reason, the news of his son made her heart hurt. "Is . . . is his mother still alive?"

"Uh-huh. But she won't let me train Gohan at all. Says that we don't need fighters anymore," Ryoko watched in amazement as Goku's normally bright smile was replaced with a dark scowl, his hands clenching into fists. "But it doesn't feel right ya know? Somethin' inside me says Gohan NEEDS ta fight."

"Of course he does, he's half saiya-jin, ne? His very blood demands it." Ryoko tipped her head thoughtfully, "As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever met ANYONE of saiya-jin blood that didn't fight in one way or another. No matter what their power level or how diluted their saiya-jin blood is, they ALL fight."

"Wow. Say Ryoko, how'dya know so much about saiya-jin? Are you one too?"

"Iie, what makes you think I'm saiya-jin?"

"You got a tail, just like me."

Blinking in surprise, Ryoko looked over her shoulder at her oft-forgotten appendage. "Oh yeah, that. Well, I may have a tail, but saiya-jin aren't the only species with them."


"But to answer your first question: I've been roaming the universe for a long time, so I've run into plenty of saiya-jin and saiya-jin hybrids." Standing up, Ryoko grabbed Goku's arm, pulling him out of his chair after her. "C'mon, let's go somewhere more comfortable and swap pasts."

Goku stopped suddenly and taking hold of her arm, turned her facing him, "You don't have ta talk about anythin' you don't want ta. I know it makes ya sad."

Ryoko smiled sadly, "Iie, I don't WANT to. I NEED to talk about it." She closed her eyes and shuddered, suddenly afraid of what his reaction would be to the truth. To Goku she looked so frail and delicate that he was overcome by a wave of protectiveness and wrapping Ryoko in his brawny arms he held her close, purring softly to calm her. Throwing her arms around him, Ryoko buried her face in his chest, secretly wishing this moment could last forever.


One year later . . .

"Goku, look at this . . ."

Stopping on his 1,003rd one-handed push-up Goku joined Ryoko, looking up at the view screen. His eyes narrowed when he caught sight of the ship closing in on them. "That looks like Frieza's ship."

"Close, it's his father, King Cold's ship."

"Frieza's on that ship," Goku growled.

"I wouldn't doubt it. And if he's come all the way out here, I'm sure he's headed for Chikyuu."

"Can we beat him there?"

Ryoko shook her head, "Iie, at the rate they're traveling, they'll overtake us in moments."

"How about teleporting?"

"Still too far."


Ryoko took hold of his hand, "Don't worry, Goku. Even if he beats us there, he won't do anything until he sees you."

January 16, 2003

*~I'm not sure if she could do this in the series or not. My reasoning is this: If she couldn't do it then, she's been alive long enough to have learned how to by now.


Disclaimer: Here we go. I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are all the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc. I also do not own any of the characters from Tenchi Muyo. They are the property of Pioneer, AIC, their creators, and probably some other people I don't know. However, all the other characters in my stories are mine. I'm not making any money off of this, its just for fun. And to top it off I'm a college student who works part-time at Wal-Mart so you know I don't have any money. So if you sue me you won't get anything.