Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ A Nightly Encounter ❯ Secrets Revealed! ( Chapter 2 )
trademarks of AIC, Pioneer, and whoever else may own the rights to it, so
please don't sue me (it's not like I have any money anyway :P). However, this
story is my original creation and is copyrighted by me. Please don't copy it and
claim it as your own. This story is based on the Tenchi Muyo: Ryo-Oki continuity.
"A Nightly Encounter "
(_) = thoughts
"_"= Speaking out loud
("_") = Telepathic speech
Chapter #2 Secrets Revealed
Author's Note: It has been several months since the scene occurred in chapter one. Lets see how things pan out as secrets are revealed! Writing format is changed, make note of this!
It is mid-morning in the valley that is occupied by the various members of the Masaki Clan.
Ayeka, Sasami, and Mihoshi were doing household chores, Ryoko was sleeping Lazily on a tree near the shrine, while Tenchi and His grandfather Katsuhito were sparring with their bokkens. Throughout all the activities, a single person was monitoring them all. Little Washu was hold up in her lab observing the various members of her family, and making notation all the while keeping tabs on several dozen experiments happening in various parts of her vast laboratory.
Well it seems that Tenchi is improving, while my wayward daughter is sleeping again. She keeps this up she'll never get his attention. Washu had finished her mental comments when her Crab doorbell rang.
It was Sasami requesting her presence at lunch. "Well gotta put in an appearance at least once today." she said to herself as she made her way to the lab entrance.
As all the house hold gathered for lunch (Except Nobuyuki, who was at work) Washu was now thinking of something very important when a mental call came out to her.
("Hey Mom, What's up you seem way out there?") Asked Ryoko telepathically.
Both had grown closer through the intervening months and were on more friendly terms with each other.
("No, My little Ryoko, I was just remembering something important I had to do in my lab.") . Answered a nervous Washu
("Now, You really think that was all, I can sense it wasn't. Now remember we had a deal, no secrets or lies! Now tell me Mom!") Asked an now upset Ryoko.
"All right what is wrong with you two", asked a concerned Tenchi. Over the time the women had stayed in his home, Tenchi had been able to pick up certain things that the girls exhibited. One was when Ryoko and Washu were having a conversation telepathically. This was more than a discussion, and He knew it.
"Well?" Now looking a both of them, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing to concern you Tenchi. Ryoko dear, lets discuss this after breakfast in the lab all right?" asked a calm Washu.
After looking at her them Tenchi, Ryoko answered; "Ok Mom, but this better be good!"
"Trust me it is!" Said Washu (Though not for me or Yousho I'm afraid.)
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After breakfast was over, and everyone dispersed to their daily routines, Ryoko and Washu headed to her lab.
Once inside, Washu materialized two floating cushions and her and her daughter sat down.
"Ok, What's so troublesome, that you let it touch my mind?" Asked Ryoko
Washu then grew into her adult form and Ryoko gasped.
In front of her was her mother with a protruding belly.
"Mom, What... who.... why....?" Washu then grabbed both her daughter's hands and slowly started to tell her stories with tears running down her eyes.
"It started several months ago. We started seeing each other and it became more serious and obviously more intimate......."
"Who Mom?" Ryoko was worried it might me who she hoped wasn't.
"No, Dear it isn't Tenchi, now please let me finish." She was still weeping and clutched her daughters hands more firmly. Now Ryoko was worried for her mother, she squeezed back to show she cared.
"Well, we have been seeing each other when this occurred or more precisely developed about 2 months ago." Ryoko was sensing fear in her mother, so as she is blunt by nature, she asked;
"Why haven't you told him Mom?" Washu looked her daughter in the eye, and said;
"I don't want another of my children to be forced away from me! I'm afraid he and the baby would leave me, and I can't take another loss like that. I lost my first child, then Kagato stole you from me, I can't go through that again!" She then collapsed in her daughter's arms and wept uncontrollably. Ryoko did her best to comfort her mother.
After a few minutes, she calmed down enough for Ryoko to ask;
Who is it Mom, if it isn't Tenchi, then who? As Ryoko quickly ran through all the men that had visited their home these last 3 months, she knew it was only two who could have been able to be the one.
As, Washu was about to speak, Ryoko put her finger up, and said: "Look, Mom, I don't say anything to you about your personal life, but if it could be who I think it is, neither of them would desert you, they're too good hearted for that."
Washu slowly nodded, "I agree now, I just was so scared to be abandoned again."
"Then, go to him and tell him, because even in your child form, you can't hide it for long!"
She nodded then she hugged her daughter. To think that you could give me such good advise, oh I'm so proud to be your Mom. Thank you my little Ryoko". They hugged again then Washu made a portal, and stepped through it to a certain shrine keepers office.
*********************************************************************** ***********
Hello, Dear, how are you doing?" asked Washu (Who stayed in her adult form this time)
Katsuhito was sitting at his desk writing up prayer verses for visitors to the shrine to hang on the sacred tree. He had his back to Washu.
Well, what do I owe the pleasure of your visit for Wasssss......................?!?!?
He stared at the building abdomen of Washu. He couldn't talk nor could he think as he continued to stare which of course made Washu nervous again. Tears started to well up in her eyes "Oh, Gods say something you idiot," which she said as much to herself as to the stunned man she loved.
"Wh.. wh... when?"
"It was conceived 2 months ago, Yousho, ... by us!" She then knelt down and placed her hands in his. "I wanted to tell you earlier, but I was afraid you'd reject me." (She was shaking like a leaf now) Katsuhito suddenly changed to The younger Yousho, and gathered his love into his arms and hugged her tightly. "I Love you Washu Habuki, I am..... happy to see that another life will be born out of our love for one another."
Washu was crying now, but these were tears of joy and happiness. (Yes, he wasn't going to leave her alone, and they were going to have a baby, their baby together.)
Then he let go of her and slowly walked to the far closet. he opened it and then came out with a ornate case. He knelt down, opened the case and there was a ring of wood. Washu was trying to keep from fainting as she surmised that the wood came from Funaho, Yousho's tree, and they this was in Jurian traditions a wedding band.
If you will submit to being my wife, I will set up the bonding ceremony witnessed by our family so we will be connected mind body, and soul, together for as long as we both shall live.
Washu grabbed the ring and set it on her finger, then she reached out and kissed and hugged the now young Priest as the afternoon rolled into night.
Chapter #3: Union of Love
Next, telling the family their secret and the wedding of two old souls, with a new one on the way. Hope this will make those that have e-mailed me about this story happy, it will not go past chapter #3!