Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ A Second Chance ❯ A Mystery for Mihoshi ( Prologue )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer and Foreword: Tenchi Muyo! and its characters are copyrights and
trademarks of AIC, Pioneer, and whoever else may own the rights to it, so
please don't sue me (it's not like I have any money anyway :P). However, this
story is my original creation and is copyrighted by me. Please don't copy it and
claim it as your own. This story is based on the Tenchi Muyo: Ryo-Oki characters,
so Mihoshi isn't as dizzy, though much more clumsy!
This story will be continued and revised!
I thank Steve (Datexan) James for Pre-reading this Story!
A Second Chance
Chapter #1: A Mystery for Mihoshi
Like all detectives, Mihoshi Koramatsu was curious about mysteries.
That was one thing that stuck to the daffy Galaxy police detective, to solve that mystery.
Otherwise, she couldn't keep a thought in her head for more than 30 seconds.
The only other thing she did keep in her head were high mathematical formulas and
theories, which totally drove the resident scientific genius Little Washu Habuki, mad!
(Might be one reason she is!!)
But back to the original thought, Mihoshi just hates an unsolved mystery.
There was one that kept her on edge.
Every evening Nobuyuki Masaki, Father of Tenchi Masaki
(The reasons these 5 girls were living here in the first place),
seemed to disappear from his office in his house for an hour every night
that he wasn't late at work!
Now otherwise he would reappear without incident or that anyone had noticed
(All except Mihoshi, & Washu)
Washu had known of Nobuyuki's travels almost every night and thought nothing of it, until she saw that Mihoshi was trying to snoop around trying to find out where he was going!
This gave her a mischievous idea. "Why not get her on the case officially, and drive her nuts for once!"
thought Washu. So, after dinner one night Washu approached Mihoshi and told her of her
concerns about Nobuyuki's disappearances.
Now Mihoshi had the excuse to intensify the investigation, as one of the house members (Washu) had asked her (A Galaxy Police officer) to check on Tenchi's father, "To make sure he's OK" said a seemingly worried Washu.
Don't worry Detective First Class Mihoshi is on the case!" answered a happy Mihoshi.
"Good, that'll keep her out of my lab, and out of my hair!" Though a happy Washu!
Over a week later Mihoshi had a very uncharacteristic frown on her face.
She couldn't figure out how he left his office and come back.
Now if she could think that she was in a home with a resident scientist that could open
portals to other places, you'd think she would figure that out. But, Mihoshi didn't put that idea together with that
To her that Nobuyuki was human and so wouldn't have had that type of technology.
It was while searching his office, during the time of day she would have been taking her afternoon nap that she found it. She was so frustrated, that she sat down in the chair behind his desk and leaned back, then a portal magically opened and Mihoshi fell in!
She ended up on a path about 10 meters from the Masaki Shrine. She first got her
bearings, and then her detective instincts kicked in, she saw the path lead back through the forest and away from the shrine.
A series of footprints led to the grave of Tenchi's mother Achika Masaki.
She had died when Tenchi was five years old. She remembered back to an earlier
conversation she had with Tenchi's grandfather about the way Achika died, and of how Nobuyuki had not taken her death well.
He basically left Tenchi in the care of his grandfather, and for almost a year he grieved.
This separation had caused a strain in Tenchi's relationship with his Dad.
So much so, that Katsuhito became Tenchi's father figure while his own Dad sank into work, and girlie mangas to cope with the loss of Achika. Now that Mihoshi understood where he was going, she would stake out the area around the gravesite after dinner.
She observed Nobuyuki as he ate dinner and took his customary walk up stairs to his office. When he closed the door, Mihoshi excused her self and within minutes, made her way to a spot in the brush around the gravesite.
As he walked out of the portal he went to the bench in front of the gravesite and sat down.
As she observed him, Nobuyiki started to talk to his wife's grave.
**Note as Nobuyuki is speaking, Mihoshi's thoughts are in ( )!!***
"Hello, My dearest. I am here again, ... but I fear that I can't keep this charade up much longer."
("What was he talking about?" thought Mihoshi)
"I can't keep this mask up in front of them much longer, especially Tenchi."
(I'd better take notes, I might have to inform the others about this! thought Mihoshi)
" I miss you so much my love, and I can't stop thinking about to you. I have had a hard week so far dearest, seeing how Tenchi is still not able to choose one of the girls. Now you know I would love for him to choose quickly, so he would see when you have someone to love, and that person loves you back, that it is the greatest feeling you can have. I know you know what I mean my darling Achika!"
("Oh my, I didn't know he was this lonely!" Mihoshi thought)
"I just wish Tenchi would realize this and not keep these girls guessing.
If he takes too long, ... He might lose them all!"
Mihoshi then began to think back through her life.
She realized that except some dates in college and the Police Academy, she hadn't found anyone who really took her seriously, ... except Tenchi.
Now, she was beginning to feel the pangs herself, that were being described by his father
"I think I will be joining you soon, my love, I'm simply too lonely here.
I mean I'm happy that our son has the attention of all the girls, but it just makes it worse on me. That's why I act the way I do, to keep women away.
I'm too afraid to find someone like you asked me to... to... when you ..." He then started sobbing quietly.
This was a revelation to Mihoshi, not only was Nobuyuki not a real peeping tom,
but he purposely acts that way so he can keep the girls away .
'I feel so much like him, except I'm using my job to keep men away.
I know I'm a bit of a bubblehead, but I know I can make someone a good wife
and I do want to have kids someday. But I don't see it happening with Tenchi much anymore. I mean I have Ryoko, and Ayeka to compete with. I need to be realistic, I don't have much of a chance."
Then after a moment of silence she made a decision.
Mihoshi slowly get up from her hiding place and made her way towards the weeping
man. Without thinking about it, she comes around him, and kneels down and hugs the startled father of Tenchi. Within several moments he melts into the young woman's shoulders and sobs loudly and hard. She keeps rocking the middle-aged man as he lets over twelve years of frustration, ... and grief out.
It took about fifteen minutes for Nobuyuki to cry himself out!
As he finally calms down, he raises his face to hers, and sees that she too was crying as quietly as he was loud. He wanted to thank her for all she did, and then he has an idea, he slowly drew her to his shoulders and repeated what she had done for him earlier, she then began her crying, which lasted another ten
more minutes. He knew this was from her heart, as the way she cried made him
understand that she wasn't holding anything back.
When she quieted down she held up her head and saw a smiling kind and caring face. Nobuyuki said; "Thank you! I really needed to do that but, I didn't have any close friends I could confide in!"
She smiled back and replied; "I needed someone too, I didn't know I was so sad, but now" (She takes and squeezes his had) "I have someone to talk to,... and you have one too!"
Looking down to the ground at that moment, Nobuyuki asked; " Did you hear everything Mihoshi?"
Now looking guilty, she quietly nodded yes, then she slowly whimpered out why she was there! She told him of her suspicions, and what Washu said.
After some silence as he contemplated what Mihoshi had said, he then stated:
"I am glad you and Washu cared enough to check up on me, I had some unhealthy thoughts over the last two weeks." He looked out towards the overhang near the graves. "I was thinking that the cliff there would have made a good jumping off point". Mihoshi looked at him, terrified, but before she could react, Nobuyuki held his hand up to her and continued." It's OK, I don't want to do that anymore, I realize now that I have friends who care for me and I won't think about those thoughts anymore, I promise!"
At that Mihoshi hugged him again relieved that he wasn't going to hurt himself.
Then after a few moments of silence, Mihoshi spoke both looking at each other's eyes. "Mr. Masaki, if you need to talk to someone, I can talk to you, it's OK really."
"Thank you Mihoshi, and please call me Nobuyuki, I mean friends do call themselves by their first names right"
Both have a smile on their face with that remark
"Ok, Nobuyuki, do you think it's time to go home now, the others might be worried? asks Mihoshi.
Nobuyuki answers: "I guess your right, but when we get back, do you want some hot tea, I feel like talking some more with my friend!"
Giggling, Mihoshi answered. "Oh Nobuyuki, I'd be happy to!"
And instead of going walking back through the portal, they both headed for the shrine stairs. Mihoshi and Nobuyuki are chatting arm in arm as they head for home and have a new appreciation of caring, friendship, and maybe more!!
Well, hope I got you people thinking of some more odd combinations but
If you do explain away the Hentai aspect of Nobuyuki's character,
he had to have been a good man at heart to produce Tenchi and his moral standing! But, still it's an interesting idea!
Ok I have had several requests to continue this story.
So, I'll write up 1 or 2 more chapters to fill this one shot out!
trademarks of AIC, Pioneer, and whoever else may own the rights to it, so
please don't sue me (it's not like I have any money anyway :P). However, this
story is my original creation and is copyrighted by me. Please don't copy it and
claim it as your own. This story is based on the Tenchi Muyo: Ryo-Oki characters,
so Mihoshi isn't as dizzy, though much more clumsy!
This story will be continued and revised!
I thank Steve (Datexan) James for Pre-reading this Story!
A Second Chance
Chapter #1: A Mystery for Mihoshi
Like all detectives, Mihoshi Koramatsu was curious about mysteries.
That was one thing that stuck to the daffy Galaxy police detective, to solve that mystery.
Otherwise, she couldn't keep a thought in her head for more than 30 seconds.
The only other thing she did keep in her head were high mathematical formulas and
theories, which totally drove the resident scientific genius Little Washu Habuki, mad!
(Might be one reason she is!!)
But back to the original thought, Mihoshi just hates an unsolved mystery.
There was one that kept her on edge.
Every evening Nobuyuki Masaki, Father of Tenchi Masaki
(The reasons these 5 girls were living here in the first place),
seemed to disappear from his office in his house for an hour every night
that he wasn't late at work!
Now otherwise he would reappear without incident or that anyone had noticed
(All except Mihoshi, & Washu)
Washu had known of Nobuyuki's travels almost every night and thought nothing of it, until she saw that Mihoshi was trying to snoop around trying to find out where he was going!
This gave her a mischievous idea. "Why not get her on the case officially, and drive her nuts for once!"
thought Washu. So, after dinner one night Washu approached Mihoshi and told her of her
concerns about Nobuyuki's disappearances.
Now Mihoshi had the excuse to intensify the investigation, as one of the house members (Washu) had asked her (A Galaxy Police officer) to check on Tenchi's father, "To make sure he's OK" said a seemingly worried Washu.
Don't worry Detective First Class Mihoshi is on the case!" answered a happy Mihoshi.
"Good, that'll keep her out of my lab, and out of my hair!" Though a happy Washu!
Over a week later Mihoshi had a very uncharacteristic frown on her face.
She couldn't figure out how he left his office and come back.
Now if she could think that she was in a home with a resident scientist that could open
portals to other places, you'd think she would figure that out. But, Mihoshi didn't put that idea together with that
To her that Nobuyuki was human and so wouldn't have had that type of technology.
It was while searching his office, during the time of day she would have been taking her afternoon nap that she found it. She was so frustrated, that she sat down in the chair behind his desk and leaned back, then a portal magically opened and Mihoshi fell in!
She ended up on a path about 10 meters from the Masaki Shrine. She first got her
bearings, and then her detective instincts kicked in, she saw the path lead back through the forest and away from the shrine.
A series of footprints led to the grave of Tenchi's mother Achika Masaki.
She had died when Tenchi was five years old. She remembered back to an earlier
conversation she had with Tenchi's grandfather about the way Achika died, and of how Nobuyuki had not taken her death well.
He basically left Tenchi in the care of his grandfather, and for almost a year he grieved.
This separation had caused a strain in Tenchi's relationship with his Dad.
So much so, that Katsuhito became Tenchi's father figure while his own Dad sank into work, and girlie mangas to cope with the loss of Achika. Now that Mihoshi understood where he was going, she would stake out the area around the gravesite after dinner.
She observed Nobuyuki as he ate dinner and took his customary walk up stairs to his office. When he closed the door, Mihoshi excused her self and within minutes, made her way to a spot in the brush around the gravesite.
As he walked out of the portal he went to the bench in front of the gravesite and sat down.
As she observed him, Nobuyiki started to talk to his wife's grave.
**Note as Nobuyuki is speaking, Mihoshi's thoughts are in ( )!!***
"Hello, My dearest. I am here again, ... but I fear that I can't keep this charade up much longer."
("What was he talking about?" thought Mihoshi)
"I can't keep this mask up in front of them much longer, especially Tenchi."
(I'd better take notes, I might have to inform the others about this! thought Mihoshi)
" I miss you so much my love, and I can't stop thinking about to you. I have had a hard week so far dearest, seeing how Tenchi is still not able to choose one of the girls. Now you know I would love for him to choose quickly, so he would see when you have someone to love, and that person loves you back, that it is the greatest feeling you can have. I know you know what I mean my darling Achika!"
("Oh my, I didn't know he was this lonely!" Mihoshi thought)
"I just wish Tenchi would realize this and not keep these girls guessing.
If he takes too long, ... He might lose them all!"
Mihoshi then began to think back through her life.
She realized that except some dates in college and the Police Academy, she hadn't found anyone who really took her seriously, ... except Tenchi.
Now, she was beginning to feel the pangs herself, that were being described by his father
"I think I will be joining you soon, my love, I'm simply too lonely here.
I mean I'm happy that our son has the attention of all the girls, but it just makes it worse on me. That's why I act the way I do, to keep women away.
I'm too afraid to find someone like you asked me to... to... when you ..." He then started sobbing quietly.
This was a revelation to Mihoshi, not only was Nobuyuki not a real peeping tom,
but he purposely acts that way so he can keep the girls away .
'I feel so much like him, except I'm using my job to keep men away.
I know I'm a bit of a bubblehead, but I know I can make someone a good wife
and I do want to have kids someday. But I don't see it happening with Tenchi much anymore. I mean I have Ryoko, and Ayeka to compete with. I need to be realistic, I don't have much of a chance."
Then after a moment of silence she made a decision.
Mihoshi slowly get up from her hiding place and made her way towards the weeping
man. Without thinking about it, she comes around him, and kneels down and hugs the startled father of Tenchi. Within several moments he melts into the young woman's shoulders and sobs loudly and hard. She keeps rocking the middle-aged man as he lets over twelve years of frustration, ... and grief out.
It took about fifteen minutes for Nobuyuki to cry himself out!
As he finally calms down, he raises his face to hers, and sees that she too was crying as quietly as he was loud. He wanted to thank her for all she did, and then he has an idea, he slowly drew her to his shoulders and repeated what she had done for him earlier, she then began her crying, which lasted another ten
more minutes. He knew this was from her heart, as the way she cried made him
understand that she wasn't holding anything back.
When she quieted down she held up her head and saw a smiling kind and caring face. Nobuyuki said; "Thank you! I really needed to do that but, I didn't have any close friends I could confide in!"
She smiled back and replied; "I needed someone too, I didn't know I was so sad, but now" (She takes and squeezes his had) "I have someone to talk to,... and you have one too!"
Looking down to the ground at that moment, Nobuyuki asked; " Did you hear everything Mihoshi?"
Now looking guilty, she quietly nodded yes, then she slowly whimpered out why she was there! She told him of her suspicions, and what Washu said.
After some silence as he contemplated what Mihoshi had said, he then stated:
"I am glad you and Washu cared enough to check up on me, I had some unhealthy thoughts over the last two weeks." He looked out towards the overhang near the graves. "I was thinking that the cliff there would have made a good jumping off point". Mihoshi looked at him, terrified, but before she could react, Nobuyuki held his hand up to her and continued." It's OK, I don't want to do that anymore, I realize now that I have friends who care for me and I won't think about those thoughts anymore, I promise!"
At that Mihoshi hugged him again relieved that he wasn't going to hurt himself.
Then after a few moments of silence, Mihoshi spoke both looking at each other's eyes. "Mr. Masaki, if you need to talk to someone, I can talk to you, it's OK really."
"Thank you Mihoshi, and please call me Nobuyuki, I mean friends do call themselves by their first names right"
Both have a smile on their face with that remark
"Ok, Nobuyuki, do you think it's time to go home now, the others might be worried? asks Mihoshi.
Nobuyuki answers: "I guess your right, but when we get back, do you want some hot tea, I feel like talking some more with my friend!"
Giggling, Mihoshi answered. "Oh Nobuyuki, I'd be happy to!"
And instead of going walking back through the portal, they both headed for the shrine stairs. Mihoshi and Nobuyuki are chatting arm in arm as they head for home and have a new appreciation of caring, friendship, and maybe more!!
Well, hope I got you people thinking of some more odd combinations but
If you do explain away the Hentai aspect of Nobuyuki's character,
he had to have been a good man at heart to produce Tenchi and his moral standing! But, still it's an interesting idea!
Ok I have had several requests to continue this story.
So, I'll write up 1 or 2 more chapters to fill this one shot out!