Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Ah My Tsunami Muyo! - The Human Sphere Saga ❯ Part One - The Mirror is also Water ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Legal Tiff
I truly thank the efforts of AIC / Pioneer Entertainment for the grandiose environment and palate for a lover of this particular anime, Tenchi Muyo.... I have taken the liberties of splicing the OVA Video and Manga, Universe, and some of the Shin Tenchi, along with characters from the Movies, using these versions together to help create this story; and as such I give all due fore credit to the creators for the series and works mentioned above.
I hope that this work meets with approval of fans everywhere, and as well as to the spirit that the human imagination can lead to.... with a chosen palate.
The rest of the places depicted come from certain other arenas; and the rights belong to them as well, just enjoy the story for what it is, kay?
This particular story uses the theme of Ah My Goddess!! heavily as well, kudos to the creators of that series as well, with the same respects and legal handoffs as necessary.
Now, yet again.... =^^=
Author: Scot R. 'Gaian Knight' Johnson
E-Mail: gaianknight@hotmail.com
(Ah! My Tsunami Muyo: Part One - The Mirror is also Water)
*Two minutes ago*
"..........................holy...... heaven............"
His eyes are transfixed, with a pulse rate that threatens to stop stone dead cold. What he sees before him only adds to a sense of pure fantasy, as well as a major flush of panic.
"~ Are you Aleaic? ~"
"...um... uh... um... mm.. eh... I... ah..."
The form before him, floating like air was ground, simply a vision, simply. She only giggles.
*An hour before*
"Ho hum.. man this sucks."
Aleaic says this for the seventh time this evening, whom has been studying for his chapter test in computer graphical computational algorithms. The factual that of being stuck basically baby sitting the men's dorm of Tekomi's Academy of Technology, even though the dormitory guard droid system does most of the work anyway, isn't exactly the most action packed job there is.
Being a lower classmen, even two years into his studies, really compacts like so much waste matter, thus Al also considers for himself, yet again. At least the Sempai has been more than understanding with Aleaic's dedication with studying.
Skinflint, of course she does, which is why poor Al has been stuck guarding this stupid, smelly, laundry bot malfunctioning, ozone infused, yet suprisingly leak proof dorm, (the last noted since it's pouring outside,) for only the past MONTH!!!
"I think I get the boot program right about now."
A simple mortal with dirty-blond hair down to his shoulders, he looks no more special than your average human sapien of this year and age, the plain cloth of a dorm student seemingly unchanged in centuries, it seemed another thing hadn't changed as far as college students go in this era.
Almost as if on cue, his stomach growls. WHY in the name of Kami does one start being hungry when one doesn't move is beyond this compterminal pedofile's mind! But the cellular service is still quite efficient, thus Aleaic decides to himself as he stands to head to the impromptu kitchen area. (Barely..) "..hmm.. McyD, or pizza reconstituted out take."
Al quips, taking a look at the usual dataflap on the wall, near the cellular, as he scrolls the appropriate area cellular numbers, and compiles it into a set of savable memory grams, something Al usually forgets to use.
"Burgers, that'll work! Just hope the dopes don't add the onions this bloody time." Al thinks out loud, as he starts to hit numbers. Then a lightning bolt strikes somewhere nearby, rather close by! This causes him, in his surprised state, to punch numbers he didn't even realize, a bit more randomly than he should realize, not to mention a bit too many at that, (which he doesn't realize either.)
"Jeeze! That one was close! Better check the Uninterrupable Power-Supply later before.. oh.. Ah!" Receiving the appropriate signal, the current ordering automated jingle begins playing on the earport.
"Er.. those clowns can't do good music, even if all the server farms are.. oh! Ah, yes, I'd like to order one...."
"::~ Hello, this is the Dimensional Relief Assistance Office, we're glad you called, we are sending you a Representative to meet you as soon as possible. ~::"
"EH? What the? H.. Hello?"
"::~ We're sorry, but the primary method of transport is currently in use, please wait until our Representative can reach you to assist, but be assure you will be in contact soon! ~::"
"Excuse me, who did I just."
"::~ ..{Caller Goddess Automated Bioroid #4517-OP/S}.. *click..* ~::"
".............uhhhhh.... what did I just do?" Finally looking over at the numbers he punched in blave of reason. "Huh.. must have punched a international code. CRUD, Sempai will freak if she gets the bill for THIS one!
..hmm.. *evil chuckle* ..hacking task to do list!" He says, smiling with an evil smirk. Hacking into the Global Cellphone Database is a fun challenge anytime. Something the Dojo apparently actually appreciates him for, even a few instructors.. (..in private that is.)
He shrugs it all off, and finally on a second attempt, gets the appropriate burger joint. He orders the triple decker to go, with basil fires and a lemon-cherry cola. He just hopes the onions are off this time, which he implies heavily, at least three times to an annoyed sounding proprietor.
"DAMMIT!!" ..and they aren't as a result. "I am going to kill those 20-28086's for brains!!"
Twenty hungry minutes later, after flicking the onions into the recycler... (AGAIN..) and downing the entire meal with gusto, and then cleaning up, he is about to return to studying, when.
*SLAM!!!!!* "YO!! Little SOPHY!!!!!"
Aleaic only slightly turns to see his Sempai, a brusque, blond female that could pass as a Extreme Powerhouse Wrestler, male that is, barges in with a pair of similar (real) males, all dripping wet.
All dripping mad as well. "Who the hell said you could mess with the Climatizers!?" The Sempai screams as water runs down her messed up tresses. Al just sighs and then turns around to face the different type of storm. "Ah.. oh.. uhuh, so you didn't like your shower then Tasha?" Al says with a light tone not meant as very light.
"Don't get cute Sophy! You killed off the wrestling matches we had planned!!" This Tasha yells with more volume. "Yeah dude!" Bellowing, one of the black haired flunkies. "Tasha here had a guy in a great headlock pin, when your stunt made her slip!!!"
Aleaic only hits the 'save key' for his homework, and stands matter of factly. "Excuse 'moi', but what makes you think I had something to do with that?" Al says, flinging a hand towards the window-hatch, now displaying a misty, post rain effect.
A memory chip is then 'shoved' in his face as a response. "Even a Freshy could hack the signature code of a hacker around here. That, and the code for a star sparkle with a comet coming out of it, GIVES US A DAMMED CLUE!!!!" Aleaic winces, as he knows he's busted, not that he's very sorry for this, not one bit. "Yeah, so it is my signature, so what." Al finally admits, just before he adds his defense.
"But, well.. you know.." ..Al then flings his arms wildly out! "..that's what you get for STICKING ME IN HERE ALL THE DAMMED TIME!!!" Al then plops back down in his study cushion before continuing. "Don't you think I get sick of sitting in this room almost every night?! HUH!? Don't you think I get sick of being in here!? What about my feelings huh?!"
"What about it?" Tasha says, wringing her mangled hair out.
"I see.. you don't care." Al says with exasperation, dryly at that. Tasha then begins 'her' response. "Well Sophy, you aren't exactly the most sociable person on campus. Heck! You should be grateful your social embarrassments aren't out on full display for everyone to make fun of every night." Aleaic winces very visibly. "HECK, more.." ..continues Tasha "..you can't even land a girlfriend! But that's what you get for being a foreigner, not a real surprise I guess.
You'd think the human race would have gotten rid of genetic de-evolutions such as you by now." Tasha then leans closer for effect. "So, you'd better remember who's giving you the place to stay Sophy, or you'd be the one in that unauthorized storm out there!" Tasha then walks over to a mirror on a wall opposite from the hatchway, and then asks while continuing to fuss with her hair. Her flunkies simply thump on the floor, giving Al the evil eye.
"Oh yeah, any calls Sophy?"
Aleaic, after 'months' of similar, and sometimes worse, verbal abuse, finally 'snaps'!
Al SLAMS the note-comp case down!! "I.. have 'HAD' it with you! Sempai is an age-old honorable term, one you smash my face into everytime you see me! I never even get a REAL thank you or anything such for what I do for you!!" Aleaic then stomps to his Cell Unit on a small dresser.
"Just.. just.. just GET someone else to be your bootlicker from now on!! I'm meteor!"
And at this, grabs the CPU (cellular phone unit), pushes past a surprised Tasha and her flunkies, and heads to the door hatch, but stops after opening it briskly. "Oh, and I accidentally made an international call. Enjoy the bill!" *Stomp stomp stomp*
This leaves three surprised dorm mates in Al's wake. Gape jawed at that.
After a tirade filled rant heading down two floors, bypassing few faces, Aleaic finally bursts outside and heads down a side alley to avoid anyone else. A good while later, the somewhat agitated, colorfully laced language drifts over to the campus overlook, where a excellent view of the Sea of Japan is.
The sun long having since drifted off, the view however is glinted by the silver hulls of the two Terran Union space stations still being glazed by sunlight high above. Also the constantly viewable Orbital Ring, could be seen, partially alit in sunlight down nearer the area of the sunset, the rest of it's titanic stretch running high overhead with a few pips of light running along it. A view that helps calm down this mortal in an age he felt lost in.
Life certainly hasn't been easy, as 3417 hasn't been a peachy year for young Al, as this, latest episode seeming part of a personally believed curse leaves it's indelible mark.
Aleaic, the youngest of six children of Terrai and Jeain Kerensky, with Hikara, Caladeni, Alusair, Luriena, and Keturia. All elder sisters, seemingly has faced obstacle after harsh obstacle, mainly to keep up with the believed, (and self imposed actually at that,) expectations of a Terran Ambassador and a Family always seemingly doing great things.
The work he did in Pre-College in Coral Springs, Florida, in the American Union territories, with lots of impressive demonstrations at Comp-fairs in his four years of pre-college days, got him noticed by several very prestigious high-tech campuses. But despite even the prestigious American Union MIT a calling, Aleaic thought an expansion of horizons, not to mention to experience something exotic before his Father stuck him in some Ambassadorial role, that he decided to look to other shores. After much private searching (a trick with several nosy sisters to keep off his back,), he settled upon a simple looking technical academy called Tekomi Academy, a place where he thought his technical and exotic tastes could be quenched. (That and the rumors of mecha being openly used wasn't a bad attractant either.)
The road though, as mentioned early on here, hasn't been easy in the overall adjoining. This is mainly since first and foremost, centuries of the great global community hadn't alleviated all the natural restrictive tendencies of this culture. Being called a Gaijin by his Sempai on the very first day basically told Aleaic of his place on campus, all but outright. And despite having proven his technical ability, as well as more than demonstrated mecha piloting proficiency, even so far as to attaining Gamma Class piloting status, (only two steps below official military rating classifications,) he'd still been basically relegated to bottom of the social food chain.
Not that he ever had much use for the social landscape, the Sempai system basically seemed to apparently benefit those with power, to basically bully the lower classmen. (An old human trait/habit.) But being also basically more or less being shunned by the general campus populace, though to a lesser extent of the foreigner classmates, has made life more than difficult for this student, leaving only his studies to prevent a total meltdown of hacking proportions!
At the very least, the instructors appreciate good students, though to a point, even there. The practices have some noteworthy situations, even so far as to grades, which Al only 'remarks' about when they're below a 3.0 test grade. (Not too far, as prodding too much gets him seriously frowned at.)
Yet despite all that, being the son of a respected Ambassador has certain advantages, mainly unused at this point. He was told from the start, that he'd be allowed to hold an off campus residence if he wanted to, said one not used since Aleaic didn't relish complete and total isolation. That, and being labeled a rich preppy didn't particularly suit him either. He didn't use all of that, wanting to make his own way, almost to a fault even, and not have things 'too' easy for him. (A dichotomy he let make life harder for him, than it should have up to this point. Sphere Humans and their egos.)
But now, after what he'd been saddled with this night, it didn't seem so bad after all. He did respect his Sempai (relatively), it's not like he'd been forced to become a total Cinderfella of a sort for the Dojo. It's just all the nights of being basically caged by mild discrimination, covered over with a thin film of rules and expectations of the Dojo, that caused him to get a sense of revenge this evening. He therefore had hacked into the local section of the Global Climatizer Network: The system that controlled the weather and climate patterns of a particular region under a systems control, which dealt with the needs of the world agriculture and population demands, as well as to equalize the distribution of water on a still rather crowded world. (About four billion plus souls, even with colonization practices towards new colony worlds and all.) The system was also an automated one, with this particular Climatizer section located on campus for the Weather Department of the campus.
When Aleaic hacked into the local weather Climatizer, and set it for a good ten minute downpour, it was for after being told for the 'thirty-seventh' night in a row, to watch the dorm. This was basically a useless/pointless/etc.. envoy, as especially when the campus security droid system, along with the sensor system, was nearly impenetrable in the first place. (Noted when Tasha forgot her keycard one class day, and tried to sneak in a window.) That, combined with the fact that the entire area hadn't seen a true crime in FIFTY years, outside of DUI's and such minor crud.
Wouldn't you be tiffed off just a bit? (Go ahead, curse all ye like with this bloke.)
Of course, Aleaic knew that he'd eventually get yelled at by both the Headmaster and Sempai Council of the campus, which meant that off campus bit was looking truly healthy right about now. This is as regret finally begins to replace fuming, with Aleaic ending his jaunt at the best point of the Campus for relaxing, viewing, and such student downtime activities.
"I need to stop being trouble." ..he admits to himself finally, the cycle ending like this eventually. He just walks over to his usual cool down, memory longing spot of choice.
Ambassador's Outlook: A perfect spot to see the entire campus, the stars, the sea, the celestial works, you name it, it all just was an excellent place to relax and stare into literal space. Here, a statute of the founder of the Academy, some two thousand years past, stood in the center of a crystal orifice, demarcated within, showing a current holographic projection of the Terran Republic's reach, only seventeen star systems outside of Sol System. The graphic showing the glory of the reach of humanity, much of which was accomplished by his much long lived Father, only seven hundred plus years. (Medical science works wonders indeed.)
This place among none other helps calm down this frazzled teenager of eighteen stressed out years, (and five months.) It's here that Aleaic agrees on something for the umpteenth time this semester year. "Being a Sophomore sucks singularities."
Aleaic then sits at a usual spot, plopping down with disdain, with the sea at his back, easily seen with a turn of the head. It doesn't hurt, as he looks around simply, that he's alone either, more likely due to the storm he created.
"Heh. Zeus has nothing on me. Or is that Odin?" ..put with a heavy chuckle.
For the next few minutes, he just sits there, letting the cool sea air flow around him, not even caring if a natural storm hit him at that moment, the effect would feel good actually. It was a moist and warm day, with enough mugginess that the cool air was calming. The stars above despite the Orbital Ring, were clear as crystals, more to the calm feeling.
*Breeeeeeeeeep........ Breeeeeeeeeeeeeep.........*
"Eh? ..what, already?" ....or was, no rest for the wicked it seems.
*Brup* "Yes. Aleaic speaking."
"::~ It's about time we found you. ~::"
"Huh?! (It's that number again..? What the?)"
"::~ Sorry for the delay, that storm you caused prevented us from sending your Representative to meet you as per normal conditions. It's good that we waited, you're in the right spot now! ~::"
Aleaic looks bemused, looks at the CPU, and then figures he's being scammed or something. "Ah.. *Ahem* Hey! How'd you get this number?"
"::~ Don't worry about the details sir. We thank you for choosing the Dimensional Relief Office! *click* ~::" The cheery voice answers back, before closing the line.
"Huh? Hello?! HELLO!!! Hey!!"
Aleaic tries to trace the number, but hits a cell call block. "Damn! What is this?! How'd they know...? Must have been a trace.."
As he tries to back trace the call... (~ ...he doesn't realize yet a growing glow field is forming in the sea just behind him. ~) "Huh.. I bet that Sempai found that number and is playing a practical joke. Haha, good one." Knowing full well, cell conversations are usually recorded, hacking them to send a prank call is too easy. He growls in trying to trace this back without realizing.. (~ ..while the glowing field begins to start churning the water heavily, making it rise.... ~)
"Man.." Scanning his the cell log files, but still constantly hitting cell blocks after repeated tracing attempts. "Haha! Dang little scuzzy-heads. This must be funny to those bulkheaded dorks. Peachy.. just.. ..eh?"
(~ The churning has started to foam at quite a heavy rate, the noise is quite loud. And with it, a heavy teal glow begins to emit out, this all combined is what finally nabs Al's attention... ~)
"..wh.. wha.. what.. ??????" Al says, as he barely crank turns his head, but notes all too clearly! (Like who wouldn't!!)
(~ Seeing the area below him begin to 'rise' above him, in a column of teal glowing, spiraled cone of water. ~) Aleaic staggers to his feet.. (~ The mass and detail rousing up more and moreso. ~) Aleaic notes there are.. (~ ...lines of teal-blue light surrounding it, as well as similar colored sparkles, all almost ethereal in nature. ~)
Also, the sight 'quite' UNNERVING in mass and height, almost like...... "AGGGHH!! THEY SUMMONED A WATERSPOUT!! THOSE IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!"
Just then, the 'cone' explodes out, as a flood of teal light flares all over the outlook, sparkling everything for a good hundred meters with bouncing, glowing teal sparkles, forcing Al to cover his eyes with his arms!! Slowly then, as the 'show' fades away, and Al has to take a moment to readjust his overloaded senses, with the first thing that he notes on lowering his arms, is a *giggling* sound. And then a hazy image that seems to be.. 'floating'.. in the air and over......
....the water. HUH!? "What............. the........... HECK!?" Aleaic says, as he begins to note more and more detail, until the detail becomes FAR too much to believe!! Aleaic is frozen still, as is his breath, as he can feel no control over anything except his eyes.
Then the first immortal words are spoken..... "~ Are you Aleaic? ~"
"..........................holy...... heaven............"
His eyes are transfixed, with a pulse rate that threatens to stop stone dead cold. What he sees before him only adds to a sense of pure fantasy, as well as a major flush of panic!
"~ Are you Aleaic? ~"
"...um... uh... um... mm.. eh... I... ah..."
The form before him, floating like air was ground, simply a vision, simply. She only giggles.
"..I.. I am.. ..who.. w.. who are..?" The vision flings it's long mane of think teal... (TEAL?!) *ahem..* ..teal hair, a shower of sparkles fly from her glowing mane. It's a 'very' good effect, as the floor drops out from somewhere in Al's heart, but doesn't affect his current vertical standing.
"~ My appologies, I am the Representative you requested for. I am the Alpha Level High-Dimensional Goddess:
...Tsunami. *tip toe 'landing'* I was sent by the Dimensional Relief Assistance Office to grant you a Wish. ~"
Aleaic barely registers this, as he 'does' note that this.. this.. Tsunami, person.... thing.. something, speaks like the air was embraced by her words, and then caressed like a truly precious thing. Aleaic meanwhile, keeps stumbling for words.
"..uh.. w.. wish? A wish? Wish? Who.. wha.. who are you?"
"~ Tsunami, Goddess Alpha Level. ~"
"I, n.. no, I mean 'who' or 'what' are you, and.. and.. and.. where are you from? Wha.. who.. are.."
Another giggle of shimmering gold sounds out. "~ I think you are confusing yourself. If you wish to know, I come from the Dimensional Relief Assistance Office, in the System Oversight of Jurai Core. And I was sent by a proper summons you created by calling our Cell-Line Center. ~"
"Y.. you are?" He fights a titanic struggle to refrain panic, including his impulses of flight, and as a result, he is rewarded by his eyes literally searching over this.. uh.. goddess he supposes, one clothed in a scheme of mostly white and teal colors.
Tsunami's primary attire is centered upon a rather intracate breastplate of a glowing white gold of some sort, set below a split collar line, which is also split, both running down in a 'V' to where the cleav.. uh, area, is. This is laced and covered by a thin film of silk.
The incredibly slender arms, that seem to Al to be a silk of it's own, are covered by light robe sleeve coverings, also set in rather impressive silks, with teal-blue edgings that seem to be inlaid with gems of some kind. The coverings are split along the centerline each, letting the arms move freely from the hence, silky the arms themselves tressed in a light, sheer silk sleeve similar to the one covering the cleav.. uh, area. The hands are gloved similar to the arm length gloves, but with the delicate fingers openly shown, both of which are adorned with glowing jewelry of golds, silvers, and gems of mainly diamonds and sapphires.
The glowing breastplate is designed seemingly like a depiction of trees and countless leaves, with a large Teal gem on the right plate portion. A run of sheer silk runs from the jewel, and ends up somewhere in the back. (Probably a nice back too.. uh.. ahem.)
The lower dress portion below the plate, is similar to the arm coverings, with the hemline at the ankles, and split along the centerline as well, allowing similar free movement for the legs, also wrapped in sheer silk as the arms and cleav.. uh.. area. The hems are all lined with silver and gold writing, rather than in jewels. What the script is, is beyond a heaven struck Al.
The waistline is set with a indigo silk sash, with a bow in the back, and a pair of runs that literally flow in the wind to the left of Tsunami. Just above the sash, is a second V line, revealing.. un.. well, skin. (Al also notes a diamond in her navel, which almost makes poor Al 'crack'.)
But the clothing are not the primary attraction, as Tsunami's slender form is crowned with a beautiful façade on top. The hair is a gorgeous teal-blue, glowing with an internal light of no known source, setting apparently the theme color for the attire. They are set in a set of two minor ponytails both along the hair baseline, framing a larger, center-high ponytail, all and each held by intricate braid clasps of silver with blue gems. The hair also has a small glint of silver running along the top right portion of her hair. The clasps take the light from around, and lens flares it.
Then there are the eyes, most easily drawn to. They are a deep, warm pink, gleaming and glistening with the light of the campus behind Aleaic. (Which by now has been OBLITERATED from his conscious.) An interesting note is the two blue dots above her teal eyebrows, as well as two small triangles set below the edge of the eyes, just above the cheeks, also blue in color. More striking is the fact that the two dots are also glowing, not to mention with the rest of her body and form, also glowing from 'whatever' that just occurred!!
But the final stroke is the smile, with lips stained in a silvery pink, and one that could melt six FEET of ploycarbonite diamond infused navel.. UH, AHH, tritanium!! Um, the smile, yes, it is starting to become as hypnotic as the voice it inhabits. A few gemmed bracelets and an encrusted necklace of silver and sapphire rounds out the..
Aleaic doesn't realize that he's been looking Tsunami over for the last 'five' minutes, apparently drinking in every little tiny morsel of detail, even down to the slip-on booties set the same as the gloves, with silver and teal-blue alternated, colored toenails. The right most one even has a diamond embedded in it, though how is BEYOND Al.
Tsunami, meanwhile, has calmly noted all this, as she allows Aleaic to basically eye grope her.
..until.. "~ Enjoying the view? ~"
"Huh? =??= HUH!!?! OH GODS!!!!!!" *spins around, blushing Volcanically.*
"(OH MY GODS!!! HOW COULD I DO THAT TO HER!!! STUPIDSTUPIDSTUPIDSTUIPD!!!!)" Aleaic, realizing his 'folly' is basically close to shearing his hair out, along with head attached to it.. "(Mom would ~ KILL ~ me if she saw me doing that!!)"
Tsunami though, for her part, only giggles again, though much more than she expects to.
Something about this mortal immediately interests her, probably why she allowed him to look her over for so long. As this was all occurring, no one else has come by yet, as a Prevention Aura Spell, standard practice in a First Contact situation, was in effect. That way, only the intended, and contacted party get the chance to receive a Wish. Actually, anyone else that happened to be nearby at the time, could technically have receive the Wish, but certain 'added' protocols are used to prevent the Wish from being used by the wrong party. But this is a seriously rare occurrence, as usually the contacted party is alone in these circumstances.
Usually, in Standard First Contact cases, the Wish is sent to those that have something special about them, or why would Wishes even be allowed to be granted? The long history of these particular mortals, throughout recorded time, has shown a tact for greed and less than savory decisions. The Wish therefore is meant to give those that show better than average auras, or souls that are relatively immune to using a Wish in a poor manner, or usually anyway, the chance to a better place in the world for themselves. Or at least to grant them something special in their short lives. (Even for lifespans in the half-mellennia, compared to immortality.)
In this circumstance however, Aleaic was noted 'special' from the start, moreso than the norm. Usually the chosen Contact person gets the idea relatively immediately, and the fact that this Aleaic not only didn't get the picture, as well as the fact he was apparently more interested in her, or just too in awe of what's happening, told of an aura that would and could use the Wish in a most unique manner. She therefore let him have his time, she didn't mind to her own amusement.
Aleaic meanwhile though, was too worried about self admonishments, finally calming down enough to turn around and face the one he believes he insulted somehow.
"Oh man, uh.. woman! I'm so sorry for what I did.. I just, well.. was, well.. I.. um.." Al stutters while making a stance of a repenting sinner, or something such. =^^=;;
"~ I see.. *giggle* ..well, Father did choose our end forms. It's only natural for our Creator to give such desires and reactions to his children as he sees fit. Besides, how you looked at me is by far the most flattering I received yet, sometimes it's less so. ~" Tsunami finishes, with a dry look that looks more serene to Al than intended.
Al then stammers again.. "But.. I .. heh.. if you say so... haha.. hahaha... WAHAHAHAHAHAH.. eh? (This ain't right, what am I DOING!?)"
"~ Talking to me I thought. ~"
"Huh?" Al blink-quips out in surprise. Tsunami just looks at Al simply.. "~ You though, 'what are you doing'? ~"
Al's eyes widen. "You.. you.. read my.. oh my." Aleaic shakes with trepidation.
"~ Yes, we Dimensionals have such an Ability. We employ it to help clients in anyway we can. It's common among us Dimensionals, if such is an ease to mind. ~"
"Uh.. yeah.. uh... uh.. kay.." Aleaic finally catches all of this, and puts 'faulty' memory chip into slot B. "(I see, this is some kind of joke. No, that dammed burger! I knew those fries had something funny about them!!!)"
"~ Pardon? ~"
Aleaic's panic sense finally gets the better of him.. "O ..o.. o.. okay.. y.. y.. you just stay there, I'm.. uh.. going to check with someone, yeah, I.. uh, you just stay..
..there." Backing up more and more, until he screams down the sidewalk back to his dorm.
"~ Oh ..oh my..
..this ones going to take some work. ~" Tsunami flicks a locket of hair from her left cheek, and giggles. She then starts to follow simply enough.
*Thirty seconds later.. (yeah, 'that' fast..)*
"Huh? Hey Al!! hey!!" Hiwa says, as Aleaic SCREAMS upstairs!! "Jeeze!!
These weird foreigners.." Hiwa says, looking back at her study Padd.
*HUFFHUFFHUFFHUFF* (Done with an occasional, manic yelp or laugh of the insane.)
Tasha finally finishes drying her hair out.. "When I get my hands on that damn Sophy." *SLAM!! WHAM!! LOCK!!!* "What the!?" Aleaic is laying on the closed hatchdoor, panting like an EXAUSTED marathon runner.
"Okay pal, what the HECK took you so long to come back crawling." Tasha starts as per usual.
"Did.. *HUFF* ..you... *WHEEZE* ...send her?"
Tasha smacks her hands to her waist. "Hey, I'm asking the questions Sophy!"
"Did you send her?!!" Al says too hard, and about gags...!
"Hey.." One of the flunkies remain, holding a semi-cold one. "..don't yell at the Sempai!"
Al groans, stands erect, and straightens up. "Okay, I'm sorry. For the yelling, the hacking of the weather, the fact that this place stinks but I deal with it 'ANYWAY'!" Al flops his arms to his sides. "But can you tell me who that woman you sent is?!" ..and then at the hatch.
Tasha and the flunkies look at each other, then back at Al, all speak as one. "What woman?"
"*SPUTTER!!* What WOMAN!?" Stuttering.... several incoherent...... sentences, but then recollects his train of though. "The teal hair, the sweet honey voice, the glowing physice, the sexy clothing. Uh, well.... more well fitting than sexy, but.. "
Tasha closes near Al and PUSHES a hand in his face! "What are you blabbering about Sophy? You been hacking under a pillow again?"
Al looks blankly at his Sempai and has a disbelieving look. "You.. don't know?" Tasha then has a frazzled look. "KNOW WHAT!?"
"............uh.. ..um.. well.. I.. uh.. ah.." Aleaic becomes rather confused, and starts to fidget with his fingers.
At that moment, a knock on the hatch gets everyone's attention in the room. "Uhhhhh....."
"Answer the door Sophy!" Tasha orders, a bit more than exasperated, turning back to the mirror. "Darn Gaijin." Aleaic very gingerly complies, and opens the door, and then promptly falls flat on his butt from terrified surprise! "Oh.. oh.. oh no......" Standing before him in the hatchway, is the surprise of his life and evening. "~ The information seems correct, Client Aleaic does live here. ~"
"(She FOLLOWED ME!? AY YIYI!!)" Tsunami all too serenely floats through the hatch, and has the hatch close behind her. "~ Now about that Wish.. ~"
"Now wait I.." Aleaic the Stunned tries to respond. The glorious entity then pokes a gemmed finger on Al's nose. "~ It's 'your' privilege that you received this honor Aleaic. I cannot complete my task until I convince you my cute little agent. ~"
"Agent? What agent? ME!?" Tsunami giggles some more, Aleaic is beside himself!
Tasha and the flunkies meanwhile, look AGASHT!! While Aleaic was flattened by the sight before him, these three are crushed by the sight! "You.. you mean 'that' woman?" Tasha stammers out, she doesn't know what to think. "Uh.. *gulp* y.. y.. yeah.." Al just stammers just as badly.
"~ What a quaint place, plenty of room I must say. ~"
Aleaic just groans. "(This ain't right..)" "~ What isn't right Aleaic? ~"
"Huh? I.. uh.. um.."
"~ Eh? ~/ Eh?" Tsui and Al say simultaneously in shocked suprise, as Tasha looks like a pressure valve on the brink!!
"You.. little... too bit.... Gaijin!! *RED EYES!* All this time, playing off on our hospitality!! And now, after everything we did for you!" Tasha then suddenly STOMPS past the two, to the hatch, and shoves it back open!! So hard the hatch cracks on it's siding! "YO!! We got a Goldbagger here!! WE KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THEM DON'T WE!?!!"
"(Isn't that goldbricker?)" .. "~ I wouldn't know.. ~" .. "Err.."
This starts a growing tremor, one that enters the room in a massed rush of bodies from out of nowhere! And in 'short' order as they chant 'goldbricker':
"HEY!! Wait a minute!"
"Let me get.."
"Let me go!!"
"Don't you touch that!!"
"YEEK!!" .. "~ Oh.. hello.. ~"
"Hi.. uh.. LET US DOWN!!"
"~ Where are they taking us Aleaic? ~" .. "Uhh, I don't......... HEY!! NOT THAT TOO!!!"
*THUNK!!* "And call when you get a new place Sophy!" *SLAM!!*
"Uh......" *blink blink..* =<<= =>>= =Oo=
"~ And we're outside again. ~"
"Um.. yes.. I guess.. yeah, you're, um.. right.. yeah.." Aleaic, along with a confused goddess, with ALL of Al's possessions; are now outside, the contents stuck in futuristic storage containers.
"I think I got kicked out."
"~ Oh.................... how rude. ~"
Aleaic blinks, and realizes he's been carrying Tsunami all that time, blushes 'heavily', and finally lets her down.. "Sorry."
Tsunami straightens out her attire, and Aleaic has to look away as her navel glints from the street hoverlights. "~ You mortals are strange creatures. ~" ..she summarizes, straightening her jeweled braid clasp. Aleaic notes a more silver-blue glow coming from it than noted before, as well as a pair from the secondary ponytails.
"Ahem, yeah I guess so. I think.. uh.. anywho." Al rings his hands in nervousness and uncertainty, as he tries to think of a way out of this mess. However, Tsui brings attention back. He looks around, wondering if this ruckus would bring campus security units or such.
"~ Ahem... now, may we begin? ~" Al looks back, sighs, and turns to listen, with no way out apparently. Tsunami goes into a cheery but basic instructor 'mode'. "~ Now, I, as your Representative, must inform you of a few certain rules, that way there is no inherit confusion. ~"
"Too late." Aleaic says in unfocused sarcasm, but gives in to the situation, and crosses his arms to listen. "~ Now..
~ 1. This Wish is accorded to you, allowing you anything your heart desires, and in so doing, allows you the chance to experience your fondest dreams. ~"
Al nods. (...blankly..)
"~ 2. It should be noted that while you have no set time limit, you are required to engage the Wish before I can depart. I cannot leave until you do so, even if you must be 'persuaded'. ~"
Al cocks an eye. "Persuaded?"
"~ Let me finish. ~" Aleaic continues to look neutral, this is all just too weird.
"~ ..it is my ability and duty to show suggestive ways to allow you to decide upon your wish, if you do not have a ready request at hand. ~"
Al only looks. (...blankly #2..)
"~ 3. You are only limited in the nature of the Wish, so as long as it doesn't contain effects detrimental to another person of immediate note, and/or that causes said effects to make a separate subject act out of norm, or in an illegal manner set by the laws of your world. You are also refrained from detriment to yourself and to this World as well..
..besides, destroying your world would make a MESS of the System! ~" Tsunami finishes by mock 'disgust' with her arms, which Al thinks of otherwise.... (..poor bloke..)
"U.. Um.. yeah, fine. Anything else?" Al quickly regathers.
"~ Just one, you're........ not one of those...... 'types'........ are you? ~"
Aleaic's eyes turn into two black dots. "Types?"
"~ You know, those, um.. less than savory.. um.. well..
..you know.... S&M and all... ~"
*BINK!!* "NO I AM NOT!!!!!!!!!!"
"~ Oh, you aren't, very good!! The task will be much more reasonable then! ~" Tsunami claps her hands and hops once cheerfully. Aleaic just feels something in his head sputter and pop like a firecracker fizzling. "(Weird..... um.. oop.)"
Tsunami ignores that, and then takes a look behind her at the large pile of containers, and rubs her palms together. "~ You need help with those I presume? ~" Before Aleaic can respond, Tsunami suddenly creates a black opening of some kind, and causes all the containers to rise and disappear into it!
Tsunami pats her hands, and smiles sweetly to Al. "~ Don't worry, I put them in a Subspace Storage Unit. They're safe in there, until we find you a new place! ~" Tsunami sweetly smiles.
Al stammers again. "Is.. is that, that Wish stuff you talked about?"
"~ Oh.. ~" *..giggle* "~ ..that one is a freebie. Shalt we? ~"
Aleaic looks in awe at his new benefactor, as she floats off, all the while.. "Never order the fries."
*On the road, adventurous at that.*
It's been a few hours, and Aleaic is quite bluntly stumped, or even quite 'possibly' lost.
The instructions his Father left him for finding a place got trashed by the EMP from one of the lightning bolts from his 'storm'.. (..cheap diskcard. Too cheap..) ..and now he's been basically searching vainly for any sign of a place called: Shrine.
So far.. nada, zippo and zilch.
"Man." Looking at the map grid in his Gelphi Skiff, a small two seater that Al had semi converted into a mobile comm vehicle. (Little Al has a fetish for communications equipment.) The advantage being that it can access ANY GPS-Delta IV Satellite, as well as any unscrambled Comm signal, (and even a few scrambled ones he hacks into, just to listen.)
The GPS display doesn't show names of buildings outside of town, and the diskcard had that extra info. Well, not everything is perfect.. "I'll be a hacked program, I can't figure where to go now." Aleaic sighs and wipe-drags his face.
"~ I can help. ~"
"Huh?" He looks at the haunting rose pink eyes, and then looks down simply with a blush. Tsunami responds simply. "~ You seemed so determined to find this place you mentioned, I didn't want to interrupt. Is this what is known as human ego? ~"
Aleaic chuckles.. "Uh.. yeah, I guess it is." Aleaic then slumps into his quite cushy seat. Tsunami does the same in her similar seat, just to imitate.
"~ Well.. I can find it for us. ~" Al looks up again.. "Really?" Tsunami smiles sweetly in return. "~ Sure.. another 'freebie'. ~" ..said with another perfect giggle.
Aleaic nods and chuckles, then opens the vehicle hatch, and looks at the goddess..
"Something tells me I'm going to start to stack up a large 'tab' here." Just before he then gets out.
Tsunami steps out of the hover vehicle as Aleaic does. "~ Where you going? ~"
Fishing in his pockets for his credit chip card.. "Actually, I'm thirsty. Want something?"
The benefactor smiles warmly in kind. "~ Sure. ~"
............clunk.* "Here you go."
Aleaic hands a can of cola to Tsunami, whom sits on a lighted bench, one that glows from below, within it's own structure.
"~ Thank you. ~" Aleaic bows, sits, and then opens and takes a good guzzle of the Japanese version of cola, this one tastes like a barley mix. Sweet, though thick.. "*urp* Excusez-moi."
Tsunami begins to laugh upon Al's all too humanesc sound, quite heartily, a bit more than Aleaic expects, though yet somehow, the sound is rather soothing to hear. Tsunami, after settling back down, fumbles with her can, and manages to open it. And after a gentile drink, she looks at Al who has finished his drink, and imparts, a soft closed eye smile upn her façade.
"~ It's too bad there aren't more mortals like you. Ones that speak their souls out, and still keep their humor at the same time. Despite the gray in your heart, that much I can sense, it is strong and refuses to be snuffed out, and one that can still think of others in any case. ~" Tsunami says, which makes Aleaic more self-introspective in look this time.
Tsunami then looks at the sky.... "~ I'm glad, that I was chosen to grant your Wish. ~"
Aleaic looks at his benefactor uncertainly, and makes a decent front to question this conception. "Really?" ..is the 'front' he uses.
Then, a soft hand takes Al's, if for an instant, Al's eyes WIDEN for this moment. "W ..wow....uh.. yeah, I guess so.." Aleaic feels the hand like it was make of a softness not even the gods could imagine, which was pushing the 'logical' thought, but then looks more genuinely logical, as he considers the goddesses wardrobe.
"Um.. ..say, uh, how come you wear that get up?" Tsunami looks down, and stands, looking at her attire, swaying it side to side. Al quickly concentrates on his drink rather than stare again. "~ What? My clothing? Does it offend you? ~"
Aleaic !!SPITS!! and shoots his head back up!! "Oh nonononono.. I just mean.. I.. um.. as, well, beautiful as you look in that, it's also gotten us a few more looks than I'd care for. Like you said about mortals, and, um.. all that." Aleaic looks thoughtful for a moment, then.. "M.. maybe, um, something less conspicuous. At least, um, until we reach.. uh, where ever this place is."
Tsunami nods appealingly with understanding. "~ Sure, another one on your 'tab' then. ~" Tsunami giggles, and simply returns to the vehicle, placing the 'cola' on the hood, and then...
"(What is she.......?)" *FLASH!!!* "WHOA!! Tsunami!?" Aleaic falls flat, and staggers/stumbles back to his feet. "~ Yes? ~" Tsunami says as she pokes her head up over the vehicle top. Al stops and... "..holy..." ..immediately can tell a difference, and this time Al can't hide his staring. "...oh.."
Tsunami has done as requested, and now wears simple blue jeans, a white laced silk blouse with a white rose pattern upon a sheer material, white socks over the pants cuffs, white sneakers of the normal fashion of the area, and a simple teal and white jeans jacket, embroidered with the word 'Goddess Tsunami' in several places, elegantly at that. The amount of jewelry is consistent though.
The hair is in a ponytail, with a silk, white bow in it, the ends flowing like the sash previously did, still with the silver-blue device in the mane. Tsunami then deliberately spins herself around to be better judged, knowing what she is doing to poor Al. "~ Preferable? ~"
"Wow.." Catches himself better of staring this time, more to the amount of detail this time, (less that is,) rather than actual self-control.
"~ I'm pleased you approve. Now, shall we? ~" Said, as Tsunami retakes the cola, leaving a stupored Aleaic standing by the park bench.
"......................................... maybe those fries were worth it. "
*Summary of the night: In a word: spirited*
Much of the night passed without finding their goal, mostly because Tsunami decided to play with Aleaic a little bit, which got Aleaic semi-suckered into a night tour of Tekomi itself. They even ended up grabbing a late night sushi snack along the way, which was semi okay, it filled them up.
The purveyor saw Tsunami, and nearly forgot to take Al's order off of the habachi grill. Al 'saved' that one in time.
Then Tsunami found of all things, a open air pavilion with a cluster of trees that the cool wind was snuffed out by. A slow song played over the intercom speakers, embedded in the trees. A small fountain was at the rear of the pavilion. When the heaven to earth sent goddess saw this, she immediately hauled Al with her, and for a short time, forgot the reason she even came here.
In fact, Al saw that Tsunami was so happy, that 'he' forgot that he was with a goddess. Then, because the mood implied it, as well as a prophetic song over the intercom, Tsunami and Aleaic caught themselves up in a small waltz. Al, never having taken a formal dance step without his mother's guidance, in his life, managed such grace with his newfound partner. Tsunami of course is beyond perfection in her twirls and dips. After a short time of this though, they both realized what they were doing. They both break away after staring at each other a tic too long, and..
"S.. sorry.."
"~ That's... that's okay. ~"
Aleaic smiled very calmly, and then bowed. Tsunami giggled and curtsied in kind. Then for a small while after, they sat and talked like two friends reacquainting themselves.
After, they perused the local shoppe, basically window shopping. Al had to catch himself as they passed a number of clothing and jewelry stores, as he kept visualizing Tsunami in any item or garment he saw. Tsunami 'noted' this.. "~ Why thank you. ~" ..she said several times. "But.. I.. I didn't.." This only makes Tsunami giggle rather hard. Al just sighs dejectedly for being caught. (Prior to the smile anyway.)
After eventually getting back on the now rather deserted road, they passed a few of the older structures of the old quarter, away from the main domes of the city arcologies and all, before heading out to the more secluded hills to the east.
At one point along here, Tsunami had Al stop near an overlook along a road, and then surprised him by the goddess tending to a wounded bird sparrow, one that had fallen from above it's tree perch somehow. Aleaic was impressed to say the least when the small creature was healed very easily, and released back into the tree it had apparently been sleeping in.
Aleaic needless to say felt quite honored. "Wow." Tsunami surprises Al when she then says.. "~ Thank you for allowing me that. I appreciate that very much. ~" ..and as Al gets them back on the road, he mulls the meaning behind that verse.
But, eventually, Tsunami got note of Al's growing impatience after three hours of this, mostly from sleep depravation, and finally, she uses a Homing Spell, one that led them to an area rather high into the southeastern Tekomi hillside area.
Eventually, they come upon a large area, populated by a number of somewhat abandoned buildings, pocked into the forests of mixed pine and bamboo, ones that seemed to have a strange and ancient religious look to them. When they pass around a ledged corner, Al notes the look of decay in not only the structures, but the stone steps surrounding it. Much time has passed through these hills apparently.
"~ Here we are. ~" Tsunami says, as she pulls herself out of the vehicle. Aleaic looks around, and begins to profess awe. The place is very old, and such can be felt in the air. "Wow..... is this the place?" Aleaic says, taking detail of the age of the buildings. "It's.. it's an old Shrine is it not? Wow. I've read books about these places. But I thought they all were national monuments of something?"
"~ It's what you asked for, right? ~" Tsunami asks, like a appraiser selling property. (Well, not 'that' bad..)
"Uh.. ..yeah, yeah I guess so. I.. yeah, sure, this can work. Yes.. th.. thank you...." Al simply agrees to, rather than be a hassle, such is his flaccid state. The air of the Shrine is so quiet and peaceful, though a chill is beginning to retain more. It almost seems magical to the senses.
Tsunami blushes rather heavily when Al thanks her meanwhile, though Aleaic though misses this, as he's too engrossed. Then he looks back past the hillside out west. "Man.. whoa.. quite a long distance out of town.. man.."
Aleaic takes a few steps towards the edge of the hill, with a spectacular view of the city and much of the Prefecture below. Even the half moon reflecting off the sea, even the Orbital Ring can be seen better, including a late night launch of a supply shuttle further off the northern coastline. The city below sparkles like so many jewels glinting. A mask of a few clouds play above, hinted by the moonlight.
"Wow.. this is just 'amazing'! Do you see this view Tsunami?"
"~ Yes I do. ~" Tsunami says, stepping up next to Al, holding her hands in front of her below her waist. As she looks on, she then feels the need to serenade the sight before them both.
"~ Father was correct. There 'are' shores that cannot be touched, even if the hand managed so, because those shores will always be too far away. If you see the universe in this manner, then you will understand how vast this universe is.
.And how special. ~"
Aleaic hears this, and takes one of Tsunami's hands out of reflex, his heart pounds.. gods, her hand is so soft. "My.. my father.. said something similar to me just before I left for college here. Maybe your father knows my father." Aleaic chuckles, about to let go of her hand, but it's gripped tighter suddenly.
"~ Maybe my Father does. All mortals are children of his in one sense or fashion of another. Maybe he knows you too. ~"
Aleaic continues his tirade of blushes at that, he looks away nervously suddenly, and strikes up the courage to speak his heart. "If he does, um.. thank him for.. ah.. letting me meet you.. Tonight has been something I want to remember very much." Tsunami counters Al's blush, while Aleaic looks between the view and Tsunami, as he speaks his next peace.
"Heck, you even got me to get away from that darned Dojo dorm! I guess I wasn't happy there." Al looks down. "And, what more, with your kindness, your generosity, your, um.. well.." Aleaic, trying to dance around the more sensitive areas of compliments, though his thoughts come across clearly enough to Tsunami. He is then suddenly notes Tsunami making a soft sound of some kind. "Huh? Milady?"
Tsunami is quietly/openly smiling/crying/laughing/etc. All the while griping Al's left hand with both of hers.. "Hey.. are.. are you okay?"
Tsunami wipes a few crystal tears away before she speaks. "~ I'm sorry. It's that.. well, I usually only get compliments after a Wish is granted.. I.. I never have received such kindness 'before' a Wish has been granted, and it's not like I ask for or even care for such attention or lauding. So, I'm.. speechless. ~" Tsunami looks with her pink, glistening eyes at a heart struck Aleaic.
"~ Truly, that you'd give me so much thanks for only the smallest, slightest of things. And even more, giving me so many gazes, looking longingly at me, like I was a special person to you. ~"
Al grips Tsunami's hands more as he implores. "You are."
Tsunami is surprised to hear this. "~ Huh? ~"
Aleaic looks at both hands and then looks into her eyes. "You 'are' special. My.. my mother says everyone is born with something special to give. And you.. you, that I've seen give more than most of others I ever have! I know I'm hardly worthy of even this attention, especially all in one night, and yet..." Al looks level at Tsunami.
"I know you are special to everyone on this world. I.. I just.. only wish, wish that.. maybe.." Aleaic looks down, and unwittingly opens his heart completely. "~ Yes? ~" Tsunami says, her heart racing, she doesn't realize she is blushing and flush even moreso. She holds her breath, like it was meant to witness this moment for her.
Aleaic, meanwhile, speaks without fear..
(As well as lacking foresight.)
"I.. I wish.. I had a 'love'... like yours, with me..
..forever." ..Al nods to himself, smiling, his heart is quite calm.
Tsunami's mind though shifts gears. "~ You mean that? That is your Wish? ~" ..as she comprehends this. Al though does NOT even realize it yet.. "Yes.... yes I do."
"~ Then.. ~" Tsunami smiles, and starts to concentrate. "~ ..that is your Wish. I shall fulfill it. ~"
"I.........*BINK!!!* ......... HUH!? WHOA, WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!" Aleaic suddenly realizes his 'mistake'!! "WAIT!!!!!!!!!"
It is already 'far' too late, and Tsunami's eyes close, as her forehead sigil suddenly turns into a single point of light, one that stabs straight into the cool night sky, causing the clouds overhead to suddenly part, revealing a circle of pure blue light, within which another world can be somewhat discerned. Many teal-blue glowing ethereal lines flow along with the primary beam, giving the entire effect a fantastic look.
As the Wish becomes connected to the System of Jurai Core for appending and processing, the winds around the hillside bluster quite forcefully. Aleaic has to cover his eyes for the umpteenth time that evening, both from debris, and the light, this all the while pleading to a deafening wind that this was a mistake, one not heard, and one not necessarily believed as such.
Tsunami's simple garments become awash in a glow of teal light, as more sparkles and ethereal lines surround, and play out from her form. At the height of the transfer, her form is slightly arched backwards, her arms pointing down and her wrists/hands cusped outward, and fingers slightly curled in and down. Her mane flows very serenely.
Yet.. finally.. as the mini-maelstrom dies down with the light display, the main beam gently descends from the sky back to it's originator.
At the end, for a moment, she is so serene. Majestic all the same.
Aleaic though.
"Wha.. what... wh.. wha.. what.. just happened?????" Aleaic is almost a sight of panic, having forgot that his charge has such abilities, it takes a supreme/titanic amount of willpower to prevent a screaming retreat.
..but that passes with 'realization'. "Oh man........ don't tell me........ oh Lords............." His breathing as shallow as his mind can comprehend by. Tsunami then finally settles to the ground again, landing with the tip of her right, white sneaker, with a most warm calm look on her face. Then her eyes flutter open.
She then looks at the 'freaked' out Al, with an unexpectantly pleased smile.
"~ Well. I am happy to inform you, despite the unusually large nature of the Wish you made, that it has been granted and accepted by the Dimensional Relief Office! ~"
Al's mind makes a cake pan smack sound, as... ".........uh.. wha... what.. what exactly does.. 'that' mean?" Aleaic asks, acting dumb, hoping in vain it's not what he thinks it is.
It 'is' in vain.
"~ Silly, you Wished for me to be with you forever. It has been granted. ~" Tsunami then curtsies in completing a transaction, apparently satisfactory to her graces.
"But.. I said....." Aleaic's brain mush jolts with acceptance, that the damage is done.
"..for.. someone.. like... uh.. you... 'you'... ah... ..ok.. I.. see... ok...
"~ Why are you sorry? ~" Tsunami asks. "I.. heh.. don't have a clue.. *head scratching..* ..are, are you sure it's...... it's for.......... real?"
Tsunami only nods, and retakes Al's hand. This time there is something added to the touch. "~ As real as my touch is.. ~" Aleaic gulps wide eyed, not sure what to do next. "..Y.. y.. yeah."
As he begins to register the reality he just had occur, the wind picks back up naturally, the night air this time has a sharper, colder feel to it. "BRRRRR.. guess the Climatizer can't do anything for thermodynamics."
Tsunami actually shivers as well, suprising the mortal, whom waits for her response. "~ Yes, it's quite cold. Let's head inside. ~"
The two manage find their way inside the closest of the structures, which has the look of a disused residence, and after Al wrestles the slide hatch open, and a customary.. "Anyone here!?" ..both end up in a barren, somewhat disused living room, part of which has a lower floor depression he doesn't clearly see.
The feel of age is quite apparent, as well as the creaks and groans of the superstructure. Further off the left, a higher area with an embedded table, a dining area. More left, a very warped and buckled stairway can be seen. The darkness is a bit stifling, but doesn't seem utterly unfriendly. They shuffle in, trying to feel their new surroundings, as Al tries to get his nightvision, and takes a step forward..
..he fails.. *SLAM!!* ..and too late realizes his tired state as well, and accidentally stumbling past the depression edge, falls 'FLAT' on his face!
"..ow.." ..catch that 'unfriendly' part. =^^=
"~ Oh my!!! ~" Tsunami cries, rushing over to help Al up, but both only manages to heft Al's head in her lap, with Tsui in a kneeling position. "~ Your nose is broken! It's bleeding. let me help! ~"
With a slight nasal blockage sound. "Is this.. ow.. on my tab as well? Ow!"
Tsunami cradles Al's head in her arms, and smiles. "~ No silly. This stuff is part of the Wish now, or.. ~" Aleaic just simply waves his left free hand quickly. "*Nasal* Okay, my nose hurts too much to argue anyway." Aleaic lets Tsunami use a Healing Spell to plug the worst of the damage, as only a slight bruise mark remains. "Thank you." Still a bit of nasal strain.
"~ You're welcome, the bruise should be gone by morning. ~" Aleaic though blurts out fast. "N ..no.. no.. I.. I.. mean.. um.. thank you, even more than before..
For everything tonight."
Tsunami caresses the face of her new charge, and then pats it. "~ You should rest. ~" Aleaic doesn't argue with that, as he nestles down in Tsunami's lap, the last sight he has is of Tsunami's glowing face. He's not sure of either dream or reality.
Either way, it's heaven.
*At the edge of dawn.*
"(~ I shall create a place we can share together, one that allows me to make him happy. ~)"
At the edge of morning, daybreak that is, Tsunami, Certified Alpha Level Dimensional, and now resident of Earth, begins invoking a Special Spell, one that brings old life back into the recesses of this majestic place, nestled into the hills. The Spell has no actual name, as it's more a Spell of the Heart.
Spells like this one are always special.
As she begins, she winds her arms and hands in a special pattern and flex. "(/::~ By my well seal true name, air to ocean, by the power I am endowed with, ocean to earth, with the power to create hope, earth back unto air, by my power that is engraved by the light.. *arms and hands out*
..return these old hallows to a state that they may know second breath, life full with new memories to share within.. *arms wound, hands open*
..by my seal true name. Invoke the Past into the Future, become the Present to shine forth again! ~::\)" As she finishes, her hands are aglow, pointed at the ground, cupped behind.
Then, by the hundreds, 'thousands' even, ethereal lines and glowing beams of light from trees and bushes, anything that has leaves upon them, anything that they touch also give off light. The ensuing haze of light, energy of restoration, light that causes everything it touches to become young and in good repair once more.
The light becomes so bright, it seems to threaten to betray itself by shining off the Orbital Ring overhead, but no such is a threat, as this light can only be seen by Tsunami alone. The Shrine grounds, plants, trees, structures, look like a thousand years were washed away.
It's like heaven was transplanted. "(~ This shall make him happy. I 'know' it will. ~)"
*Late morning. Probably afternoon.*
"Uhh.. man.. *heavy eye lids* ..where am I? *looking around sleepily* ...........Sempai?" A sleepy headed Al wrenches himself off his back, and looks around.. "..wh.. wha.. WHOA!!!!!"
He finds himself in a bed, not only that, but in a large room, one well stocked with furniture, and including all his containers along one side of a wall. He removes the bed covers, and then remembers, checking his nose injury from last night, and finding it is totally gone!
Then realizes he's been in a western style bed, rather than a floor matt! And that, this isn't the Dojo! "Whoa.............. that... that 'wasn't' all a dream was it?" Al speaks to himself.
Just then, a gingerly smell of something wonderful waifs Al's repaired nostrils. "Wow. Something smells great!"
Aleaic fiddle-manages finds a bath robe to cover his shirt and shorts.. (..'how' he's in those isn't though about..) ..and pulls it out from one of his containers, meanwhile berating himself to set all his stuff up later, and heads down stairs, too curious to worry about hygiene just yet.
"Hello?" Al says, as he looks around, and sees the, about almost crisp, brand new living section, complete with couches and a wallscreen unit, with the walls are only adorned in simple pictures.
He finishes going downstairs, and.... "~ Well good morning sleepy one, you sure were zonked out last night. ~" Tsunami calls over when Al appears in her gorgeous eyes. Aleaic sees, and immediately knows it was ALL real the previous night. All he can do at first, is stare, and then rub his temple. Finally..
"Yeah.." ..he says, walking over, noting a Japanese-style kitchen aisle rug. "G ..guess I did. WHA?!!!!!!!!"
Tsunami, in a simple cooking kimono, with a image of a large blue carrot on the front, her hair held back by a cloth sash. And near her on the well polished dining table, a large breakfast feast! "You.. y.. you can cook too!?" Al sees in GAPE awe!! What kind of fantasy was he in?!
"~ Oh yes. It's one of my favorite pastimes. ~" Tsunami cheerfully responds with. The mortal agency can only scratch his head. "I ..I'm.. not used to this."
Tsunami suddenly looks pensive, and pulls her towel to her chin. "~ Oh.. did I err? I didn't think to ask if you wanted breakfast.. I.. just... ~" Aleaic reacts wide eyed, and acts swiftly, and leaps over next to her, and takes her hands. "Nononono!! This looks GREAT!! REAL GREAT!! This looks 'so' delicious!
I'm just surprised, that's all." Aleaic nuzzles the silken hands for a bit, making Tsunami sigh contentedly. Tsunami smiles and then kneads Al in the arm. "~ Go eat silly, you must be vamished. ~"
Aleaic bows to Tsunami traditionally like, which garners yet another giggle, and then guides himself to the table, looking over the incredible spread. Tsunami notes the look in Aleaic's eyes, and is pleased to watch. Aleaic however is unsure of where to begin, there's so much, so many delicacies, so much to smell! But before he chooses anything, he looks up at Tsunami.. "What about you? Haven't you eaten?"
Tsui nods her head unto.. "~ We don't actually require human nourishment, though, I already tried much of this stuff out as I made it. So do not worry, and eat! ~" Tsunami says, more concerned with Al's appetite. "Okay, sounds like a professional chef's habit though." Al chuckles.
He then breaks down and tries a sample of a tempura battered scallops.
The first bite: delicious.
The second bite: delicious.
The third: delicious.
The sixth: delicious.
The tenth.
The sixteenth.
The forty-second.
The something after the umpteenth.
The something after the umpteenth after the umpteenth.
Even the very last few bites, almost forced down rather than wasted, are the pretty much the same.
Tsunami takes note of all this, noting which ones give more pleasure than others, a few give off slight cringes, and she makes note. Some bring tears, and bear for special times..
..some, make Tsunami shed a tear.
Finally.. "Oh.. gods. *sound of patted tummy..* ..that was sooooooooooooooo good!" Tsunami is beaming like the sun, impressed with the mortal's appetite. "~ I'm so happy you enjoyed it. ~"
"Enjoyed it? I couldn't stop myself, it was so good!" Al says, looking over the 'damage' he imbibed upon. "I even kept drawing myself even to the weirder stuff, and they tasted better than the stuff I 'recognized'! Other than the Thai noodles that had a 'wee' too much spice, and I survived that pretty well. I should add a bit of spice to my diet, before I 'have' to go on one that is." *chuckle..... ..urp.* "..oops.. ..Excusez-moi.. "
"~ I'm glad, it makes me happy to see you happy. ~" Tsunami looks cutely at Aleaic, whom looks self conscious of this. "It does?"
"~ Yes. ~" She makes sure to stress this last, albeit in a gentile and convincing manner.
"Then I'm happy that you are." Tsunami giggles. Aleaic burps again. "Sorry. I'd better learn to control that, sorry. Sorry."
Tsunami then looks longingly at Al, as he rubs his belly simply. "~ Can I ask you a question? ~"
Al looks over. "On a full stomach? Guess I'll hazard it." Tsunami openly laughs this time, Aleaic finds it captivating, until when the laughing finally subsides, and she looks into his eyes once more.. "~ I wanted to ask, did you mean what you Wished for last night? Did you really mean.. for me.. to stay here with you? ~" Tsui looks with glistening eyes. (..yeah, 'that' kind... =^^= ..)
Aleaic has to lay on his back to think, he's so full. But the answer isn't very long in coming. "You are the first person, outside my family and rather tiny friendship circle, to come into my meager life, and to help me, even.. touch.. me." Al rolls his head in Tsui's direction.
"Yes.. I 'truly' did mean what I said." Aleaic then pries himself back into a sitting position, up so as to meet to meet Tsunami's gaze.. "I really and truly meant for you to be with me, if not the words, the intent and heart spoke them. Always and forever." Al finishes, surprised he could say something like that, but with no regret.
Tsunami's next smile is flooded with satisfaction. "~ Then I shall make sure I fulfill the Wish with everything that I have to give you. ~" Aleaic hears, but interrupts as he makes a counter query. "But. I have to ask now." Al starts, looking uncertain... "~ Pardon? ~" Tsui remarks back, noting Al's feelings. It makes her smile.
Aleaic looks introverted suddenly, fidgeting again. "Did I just do something really selfish? Am I keeping you from helping others now?"
"~ You mean, did you..... ~"
Al continues on despite. "I mean: Was it fair for me, a dopey arse mortal to make you stay here? I.. I mean... what did you think when I said that? Ii must have been VERY selfish...........
...and now you can't help anyone else now. Am I a bad person for doing this?" Al finishes, looking up again.
Tsunami is taken aback, rare is it, that a mortal responds in such, after a Wish is granted. Course, it's just as rare for a situation like this, so it's valid, one supposes. But then, Tsui smiles instead, and decides on a 'way' to impress a proper answer for Al's worried question. "~ Can you lean in close, I want to answer that question properly. ~"
Aleaic blinks, and just shrugs, and manages to comply, making sure to be quite close to help her out. His sense of trust doesn't realize better. "Okay. Fire away." Not realizing any better even before..............................
'Heaven' is the response, a heaven filled with warm fire. The sudden kiss Tsui gives Al is one that melds with his lips, suprises him with a fire that he cannot describe, nor can he break away, nor dares to.
..not from frozen fear........
......but from bliss. "(Sh.. she's.. kissing me? ..wo.. w.)" He realizes belatedly, as a cool chill runs down his spine, as the 'fire' continues. Tsunami then begins to pull into the kiss further, letting in emotions she's forgotten that existed to sweep through her. So much so, that she puts her hands fully around Al's head. The 'eternity' takes all of two minutes, thirty seven seconds is entirety. It's almost a pain to break it, but somehow, both know it's time to.
"~ Thank you. ~" Tsunami says in a dreamlike state.
"Uhhhh.. .uh.. anytime. " Also quite piqued.
"~ I'll remember that. ~"
Aleaic then regains his composure, and draws away a bit, as a flood of emotion hits him then and there! "W ..wha.. did we just.. I mean.. I'M SORRY..... I..!!"
Tsunami reverses this trend swiftly, with a soft finger on Al's lips. "~ You did nothing I didn't force on you. I only gave you the answer to seeked. How you interpret the answer is up to you, and how we will spend life together. ~"
"I.. I see.." Aleaic breathes out, and then chuckles innocently. Then.... "Well.. then I suppose I'd better earn my part in it all, at the very least.." He then evaluates himself. "After a bath."
"~ Do you wish me to help? ~" Tsunami perks her head up.
=@@=!! "Yiye.. um.. ah.. ..uh, let's do that part another time, I fear my self control is hashed right now!"
"~ *giggle..* As you wish sahib. ~" Aleaic cocks his head. "Sahib? Uh kay." Al quips, as he about-faces to the stairs. Tsunami giggles into the kitchen with several plates. Al realizes, turns around, and... "Um, did you want help with those dishes. Eh?" A push to his back.. "~ Nay. Thine to your task, and mine to myself. ~" Aleaic quickly gives in and heads upstairs.
Ignoring thoughts he's in some weird dream of playing house and all, Aleaic manages to find the new lavatory upstairs, along with a large, Japanese bath type theme, along with a 'well' stocked set of toiletries. The latter Al wonders while bathing, how they all got there!!
A clean three-quarters of an hour later, and Al returns downstairs to find Tsunami gone. H looks around wondering, but then hears some soft singing outside. And there walking out, Al hears the sound of a singular, tenored heaven choruses the air.. (('Insert 'Saint Sasami Song here..')) ..hummed to the tune of wind passing by. (Even some hover traffic that shoots by can't muss this up.)
Aleaic ends up just sitting at the bottom of the entrance steps on the residence porch, and watching Tsunami sing, while doing a light bit of sweeping. Several small birds are perched about her, even one on her broom tip. The tune is so melodious, Al feels younger somehow, just hearing it. Finally... "Exquisite." Al with a whisper, his hands on his chin. Tsunami looks over. "~ Thank my Mentor. My voice was crafted by her. ~" She adds with yet another giggle.
Aleaic laughs, and then steps up nearer to her. The birds flutter away, but Tsunami doesn't heed mind. Al starts with a thought. "(She's so happy.) Well, such a fine craft, but only the user actually crafts it, not the teacher."
"~ You sound like a priest.. ~" Tsunami giggles, Aleaic however thrusts his chin up. "Almost, Ambassador's son.. *BINK!!* HOLY!!" Al says with hands smacking his skull. "I almost forgot!! I have to call Mom and Dad about all of what happened!
Well.." ..thinking carefully.. "..almost all of it. I doubt a goddess would be believable information at this point, or smart to blurt out anyway." Tsunami giggles. "~ A logical train of thought. I'd have trouble believing myself either if I didn't know myself. ~"
This time, Aleaic laughter stabs the air. A simpler chorus.
*Late afternoon*
"My Sister is 'WHAT'!?"
"::~ She's coming to meet you Little Aly.. ~::" The voice belongs to the Mother: the always cheery Jeain, especially when Aleaic calls.
It took a full hour just to catch up on the last three months apart, as well as to digest gossip and information between both sides of the globe (mostly her side of it..) And that wasn't even the previous nights events, along with news that Al has a girlfriend. (Best way to describe it.)
Al could almost hear the rancid gossip going on back in Coral Springs right now.
But the news that he had finally taken on Father's offer of off campus residence made Jeain just as happy, something about learning real life in the real world finally. (If his mother only knew.....) Then the news that Keturia was arriving in Tekomi on a surprise visit (i.e. ..inspection for Father probably.) ..sometime today, definitely DROPPED Al's tiny world into a singularity.
"Um.. and.. um, when am I supposed to greet her?" Aleaic asks, nervously scratching his head, with Tsui 'listening' in the background, giggling where noted, like now.
"::~ Anytime now. She should have gotten in on the Orbital Bus around 0900 your time zone. Assuming the Quasar Line wasn't procured again. ~::" Aleaic could only laugh, as the Line was a primary trade and travel route along the Mother planet's great Circle Route, and also one usually 'procured' by the Terran Military out of the blue. That had happened right when Al had left home to come to Tekomi.
A progenitor of ill things that came later.
"I can hear Sis ripping heads off now if that happened.. *hearing a tone..* ..ah, guess my cell call zone allotment is about up! It's been great to hear you mom!"
"::~ You too dear, and 'you' take care of that new 'treasure' of yours. And I don't mean the house! ~::"
"Heh, I will mom. I love you, and see you around."
Aleaic endures the dreaded 'phone-kiss' tirade, all the while knowing Tsunami is 'listening', and giggling even more. He fights off the usual facial flush and extricates from the cellular as the allotted cell time expires.
Al turns and looks droopy. "Mom can be loving at times, albeit overbearing all the same."
Tsunami laughs at this description. "~ I think it's cute. ~" Al groans playfully. "You would."
"~ So I get to meet your Sister right? ~" Tsunami stands gracefully.
"Looks like, and I'll probably get the rough download from her, knowing how much like Mother she is."
"~ Then I can get pointers. ~" Tsui giggles, as she turns to the large, open pane windows. Aleaic places the cellular back into it's charge hook-slot, and looks over at the teal super model outshining beauty. "Can I ask you a question?" Tsui turns back. "~ Yes? ~" Aleaic nods with his neck to the living area about them.
"Where'd all this stuff come from? Sis might get suspicious when she sees it all." Aleaic says matter of factly. Tsunami though smiles slyly.
"~ Just tell her that it was all here when you arrived. ~" Tsui says with a wink. Al looks in awe, and claps. "Dude. Devious."
Tsunami smiles more normally. "~ Flatterer. ~"
"And the food? Uh.. nevermind, same thing right?" Tsui giggles. "~ Aye. ~" Aleaic then sighs.. "I feel spoiled already." Just then, a nature call comes calling. "Oops, guess I'll be in the lil boys room."
"~ Okay. You need help there too? ~"
Aleaic's 'response' sends Tsunami laughing hard into the kitchen. Aleaic extricates/excuses himself upstairs, groaning, and 'makes good' his task, all the while thinking.. "How will Sis know where to find me? I'm still not sure this place is the right place. Probably get as likely a visit from the local security constable as my Sister."
After finishing, and cleaning up, he heads down to the kitchen, following the smells of cooking, this time a much lighter meal is being cooked. Soup from the smells alone, even a bit of baking. "(Wow.. what can't she do?)"
"(~ I'm not aware of such... ~)" Al *urks* at that, and continues on.
But he doesn't 'find' Tsunami, not suprising he supposes, but then the sound of a chime distracts him.
"~ I'll get it! ~"
"Okay!" Aleaic shouts back to the living area. "(Hope that's my Sis, and not my 'other' worry.)"
Aleaic decides to set up some fruit drinks, and is about finished when sounds of girlish chatting pings the air. "Yep. Sis alright. Could make friends with a crogitiy in five minutes flat."
Al's about to go out with the drinks, when a HEAVY chime sound strikes the air.. "Eh? I thought she got the door... eh?" A light plays across his peripheral vision.. "HUH!?!" =@@=!!
As Al puts the tray back down with the drinks, he notes a vortex of light splays out from the open pot of Miso soup, one that starts to bend over and strike the floor, and. ..and..
Something is materializing from the light!!
Aleaic almost blows a brain cell with what he's seeing, as a second Dimensional being suddenly has appeared..... OUT OF THE SOUP!!!
"Wha.. wha.. wha.. wha.. who.. who.. who.. whooooooooOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo are... are you... you?"
A blue haired, young girl finishes materializing, and notes Al's stammered query. As she looks the mortal over. "~ Who are... eh? Oh! You must be the one my Big Sister Contracted with. I think the file picture looks right. ~"
Aleaic though tries to look thoughtful, despite his confusion, then realizes. "Con.. con.. contracted? You.. you must mean that.. that Wish thingy! Oh I see........"
"~ You *ARE* the one!! How COULD you!! ~"
"Eh? ..wha.. wha.. what?"
The next thing Al knows, a spatula is plastered to Al's face. The nose is broken again, and then promptly falls hard to the floor with a thick *THUMP* sound!
Two other forms enter the kitchen rather swiftly after hearing the crash, and....
"~ Sasami!? ~" Tsunami looks in surprise!! "~ Big Sister Tsunami!!! ~" With a gushy glom to boot! "~ You followed me? ~" Tsunami says, looking into the eerily childlike version of herself. "~ I was lonely.. ~"
"Sister?" Says a third voice, one Al definitely knows. "Ahhhhhhhhh! I see I'm seeing something interesting to record here." And happens to have a vidcorder with her. He looks up and sees a slender sisterly figure with a long brown ponytail that hip angles as much as the owner does as she looks down at the stricken brother.
"Ow ..ow.. what the.. ow.." Aleaic speaks with a blockage, his nose REALLY hurts! "Hi Keturia... ow............ owie.."
"~ Sasami, that wasn't very nice. ~" Tsunami looks with admonishment for this, 'Sister'? "~ But..... but he 'stole' you from us! ~" Sasami speaks, tears of worry dropping out.
"~ That's silly Little Sister. I've contracted to someone special. He didn't 'steal' me Sister. ~" Tsui looks calmly at Sasami. Sasami though. "~ But, what about the.. ~" Sasami pleads a bit too much again.
Tsunami resultantly then looks sternly at Sasami. "~ Sasami, settle yourself. You broke Aleaic's nose you know? ~"
Sasami, a seemingly mirror reflection of Tsunami, except for the size and apparent age difference, as well as the presence of two triangles on her head, rather than circles like Tsunami. A more conservative dress attire adorns Sasami, rather than Tsunami's attire was, her mane set in two low ponytails, with a braid down the front of her left ear. The accouterments though are just as glamorous as Tsunami's are, though being an elder sister there has privileges.
Aleaic meanwhile, is helped up by Keturia, whom is pinching Al's back, mainly in egging on. "You have some explaining to do Little Bro." Keturia speaks, placing an arm on Al's head.
"Uhhhhhnnnn. I guess I do, don't I." Aleaic gingerly pats his bleeding nose.
While Tsunami gets Sasami to drag out an apology, Aleaic nods, with a resultant head rush from blood loss, and thinks to himself.
Life just got even more interesting.
(End Part One)
Author Notes: If you're read to this point, congratulations, reading makes your smarter everyday. That and welcome to my revamping of this story line series. Well, more of a clean up, and then the beginning to adding new stories over time, for a series I have had still in my mind, ever since I left if behind to do other things.
Those that have read my Valkyrie Knight series over in the Ah My Goddess! section of this site (fanfiction.net) will get to read the benefits of my hopefully improved storyline capability.
And the intent to finish this one as I saw it go towards all along.
And yes this was SI originally. Time however seems to make me at least feel it's not this anymore. Now I just want to tell a good story in this unique way. And as said, finish this as intended too. Hopefully this will carry through reading the cleaned up chapters I have done already, and further beyond.
This is for the Tenchi and Ah My Goddess! Fans out there everywhere, since even after all this time, the two series are my core 'bible' as far as anime enjoyment goes. This is still my attempt to do them both service.
Have fun with future chapters. =^^=
I truly thank the efforts of AIC / Pioneer Entertainment for the grandiose environment and palate for a lover of this particular anime, Tenchi Muyo.... I have taken the liberties of splicing the OVA Video and Manga, Universe, and some of the Shin Tenchi, along with characters from the Movies, using these versions together to help create this story; and as such I give all due fore credit to the creators for the series and works mentioned above.
I hope that this work meets with approval of fans everywhere, and as well as to the spirit that the human imagination can lead to.... with a chosen palate.
The rest of the places depicted come from certain other arenas; and the rights belong to them as well, just enjoy the story for what it is, kay?
This particular story uses the theme of Ah My Goddess!! heavily as well, kudos to the creators of that series as well, with the same respects and legal handoffs as necessary.
Now, yet again.... =^^=
Author: Scot R. 'Gaian Knight' Johnson
E-Mail: gaianknight@hotmail.com
(Ah! My Tsunami Muyo: Part One - The Mirror is also Water)
*Two minutes ago*
"..........................holy...... heaven............"
His eyes are transfixed, with a pulse rate that threatens to stop stone dead cold. What he sees before him only adds to a sense of pure fantasy, as well as a major flush of panic.
"~ Are you Aleaic? ~"
"...um... uh... um... mm.. eh... I... ah..."
The form before him, floating like air was ground, simply a vision, simply. She only giggles.
*An hour before*
"Ho hum.. man this sucks."
Aleaic says this for the seventh time this evening, whom has been studying for his chapter test in computer graphical computational algorithms. The factual that of being stuck basically baby sitting the men's dorm of Tekomi's Academy of Technology, even though the dormitory guard droid system does most of the work anyway, isn't exactly the most action packed job there is.
Being a lower classmen, even two years into his studies, really compacts like so much waste matter, thus Al also considers for himself, yet again. At least the Sempai has been more than understanding with Aleaic's dedication with studying.
Skinflint, of course she does, which is why poor Al has been stuck guarding this stupid, smelly, laundry bot malfunctioning, ozone infused, yet suprisingly leak proof dorm, (the last noted since it's pouring outside,) for only the past MONTH!!!
"I think I get the boot program right about now."
A simple mortal with dirty-blond hair down to his shoulders, he looks no more special than your average human sapien of this year and age, the plain cloth of a dorm student seemingly unchanged in centuries, it seemed another thing hadn't changed as far as college students go in this era.
Almost as if on cue, his stomach growls. WHY in the name of Kami does one start being hungry when one doesn't move is beyond this compterminal pedofile's mind! But the cellular service is still quite efficient, thus Aleaic decides to himself as he stands to head to the impromptu kitchen area. (Barely..) "..hmm.. McyD, or pizza reconstituted out take."
Al quips, taking a look at the usual dataflap on the wall, near the cellular, as he scrolls the appropriate area cellular numbers, and compiles it into a set of savable memory grams, something Al usually forgets to use.
"Burgers, that'll work! Just hope the dopes don't add the onions this bloody time." Al thinks out loud, as he starts to hit numbers. Then a lightning bolt strikes somewhere nearby, rather close by! This causes him, in his surprised state, to punch numbers he didn't even realize, a bit more randomly than he should realize, not to mention a bit too many at that, (which he doesn't realize either.)
"Jeeze! That one was close! Better check the Uninterrupable Power-Supply later before.. oh.. Ah!" Receiving the appropriate signal, the current ordering automated jingle begins playing on the earport.
"Er.. those clowns can't do good music, even if all the server farms are.. oh! Ah, yes, I'd like to order one...."
"::~ Hello, this is the Dimensional Relief Assistance Office, we're glad you called, we are sending you a Representative to meet you as soon as possible. ~::"
"EH? What the? H.. Hello?"
"::~ We're sorry, but the primary method of transport is currently in use, please wait until our Representative can reach you to assist, but be assure you will be in contact soon! ~::"
"Excuse me, who did I just."
"::~ ..{Caller Goddess Automated Bioroid #4517-OP/S}.. *click..* ~::"
".............uhhhhh.... what did I just do?" Finally looking over at the numbers he punched in blave of reason. "Huh.. must have punched a international code. CRUD, Sempai will freak if she gets the bill for THIS one!
..hmm.. *evil chuckle* ..hacking task to do list!" He says, smiling with an evil smirk. Hacking into the Global Cellphone Database is a fun challenge anytime. Something the Dojo apparently actually appreciates him for, even a few instructors.. (..in private that is.)
He shrugs it all off, and finally on a second attempt, gets the appropriate burger joint. He orders the triple decker to go, with basil fires and a lemon-cherry cola. He just hopes the onions are off this time, which he implies heavily, at least three times to an annoyed sounding proprietor.
"DAMMIT!!" ..and they aren't as a result. "I am going to kill those 20-28086's for brains!!"
Twenty hungry minutes later, after flicking the onions into the recycler... (AGAIN..) and downing the entire meal with gusto, and then cleaning up, he is about to return to studying, when.
*SLAM!!!!!* "YO!! Little SOPHY!!!!!"
Aleaic only slightly turns to see his Sempai, a brusque, blond female that could pass as a Extreme Powerhouse Wrestler, male that is, barges in with a pair of similar (real) males, all dripping wet.
All dripping mad as well. "Who the hell said you could mess with the Climatizers!?" The Sempai screams as water runs down her messed up tresses. Al just sighs and then turns around to face the different type of storm. "Ah.. oh.. uhuh, so you didn't like your shower then Tasha?" Al says with a light tone not meant as very light.
"Don't get cute Sophy! You killed off the wrestling matches we had planned!!" This Tasha yells with more volume. "Yeah dude!" Bellowing, one of the black haired flunkies. "Tasha here had a guy in a great headlock pin, when your stunt made her slip!!!"
Aleaic only hits the 'save key' for his homework, and stands matter of factly. "Excuse 'moi', but what makes you think I had something to do with that?" Al says, flinging a hand towards the window-hatch, now displaying a misty, post rain effect.
A memory chip is then 'shoved' in his face as a response. "Even a Freshy could hack the signature code of a hacker around here. That, and the code for a star sparkle with a comet coming out of it, GIVES US A DAMMED CLUE!!!!" Aleaic winces, as he knows he's busted, not that he's very sorry for this, not one bit. "Yeah, so it is my signature, so what." Al finally admits, just before he adds his defense.
"But, well.. you know.." ..Al then flings his arms wildly out! "..that's what you get for STICKING ME IN HERE ALL THE DAMMED TIME!!!" Al then plops back down in his study cushion before continuing. "Don't you think I get sick of sitting in this room almost every night?! HUH!? Don't you think I get sick of being in here!? What about my feelings huh?!"
"What about it?" Tasha says, wringing her mangled hair out.
"I see.. you don't care." Al says with exasperation, dryly at that. Tasha then begins 'her' response. "Well Sophy, you aren't exactly the most sociable person on campus. Heck! You should be grateful your social embarrassments aren't out on full display for everyone to make fun of every night." Aleaic winces very visibly. "HECK, more.." ..continues Tasha "..you can't even land a girlfriend! But that's what you get for being a foreigner, not a real surprise I guess.
You'd think the human race would have gotten rid of genetic de-evolutions such as you by now." Tasha then leans closer for effect. "So, you'd better remember who's giving you the place to stay Sophy, or you'd be the one in that unauthorized storm out there!" Tasha then walks over to a mirror on a wall opposite from the hatchway, and then asks while continuing to fuss with her hair. Her flunkies simply thump on the floor, giving Al the evil eye.
"Oh yeah, any calls Sophy?"
Aleaic, after 'months' of similar, and sometimes worse, verbal abuse, finally 'snaps'!
Al SLAMS the note-comp case down!! "I.. have 'HAD' it with you! Sempai is an age-old honorable term, one you smash my face into everytime you see me! I never even get a REAL thank you or anything such for what I do for you!!" Aleaic then stomps to his Cell Unit on a small dresser.
"Just.. just.. just GET someone else to be your bootlicker from now on!! I'm meteor!"
And at this, grabs the CPU (cellular phone unit), pushes past a surprised Tasha and her flunkies, and heads to the door hatch, but stops after opening it briskly. "Oh, and I accidentally made an international call. Enjoy the bill!" *Stomp stomp stomp*
This leaves three surprised dorm mates in Al's wake. Gape jawed at that.
After a tirade filled rant heading down two floors, bypassing few faces, Aleaic finally bursts outside and heads down a side alley to avoid anyone else. A good while later, the somewhat agitated, colorfully laced language drifts over to the campus overlook, where a excellent view of the Sea of Japan is.
The sun long having since drifted off, the view however is glinted by the silver hulls of the two Terran Union space stations still being glazed by sunlight high above. Also the constantly viewable Orbital Ring, could be seen, partially alit in sunlight down nearer the area of the sunset, the rest of it's titanic stretch running high overhead with a few pips of light running along it. A view that helps calm down this mortal in an age he felt lost in.
Life certainly hasn't been easy, as 3417 hasn't been a peachy year for young Al, as this, latest episode seeming part of a personally believed curse leaves it's indelible mark.
Aleaic, the youngest of six children of Terrai and Jeain Kerensky, with Hikara, Caladeni, Alusair, Luriena, and Keturia. All elder sisters, seemingly has faced obstacle after harsh obstacle, mainly to keep up with the believed, (and self imposed actually at that,) expectations of a Terran Ambassador and a Family always seemingly doing great things.
The work he did in Pre-College in Coral Springs, Florida, in the American Union territories, with lots of impressive demonstrations at Comp-fairs in his four years of pre-college days, got him noticed by several very prestigious high-tech campuses. But despite even the prestigious American Union MIT a calling, Aleaic thought an expansion of horizons, not to mention to experience something exotic before his Father stuck him in some Ambassadorial role, that he decided to look to other shores. After much private searching (a trick with several nosy sisters to keep off his back,), he settled upon a simple looking technical academy called Tekomi Academy, a place where he thought his technical and exotic tastes could be quenched. (That and the rumors of mecha being openly used wasn't a bad attractant either.)
The road though, as mentioned early on here, hasn't been easy in the overall adjoining. This is mainly since first and foremost, centuries of the great global community hadn't alleviated all the natural restrictive tendencies of this culture. Being called a Gaijin by his Sempai on the very first day basically told Aleaic of his place on campus, all but outright. And despite having proven his technical ability, as well as more than demonstrated mecha piloting proficiency, even so far as to attaining Gamma Class piloting status, (only two steps below official military rating classifications,) he'd still been basically relegated to bottom of the social food chain.
Not that he ever had much use for the social landscape, the Sempai system basically seemed to apparently benefit those with power, to basically bully the lower classmen. (An old human trait/habit.) But being also basically more or less being shunned by the general campus populace, though to a lesser extent of the foreigner classmates, has made life more than difficult for this student, leaving only his studies to prevent a total meltdown of hacking proportions!
At the very least, the instructors appreciate good students, though to a point, even there. The practices have some noteworthy situations, even so far as to grades, which Al only 'remarks' about when they're below a 3.0 test grade. (Not too far, as prodding too much gets him seriously frowned at.)
Yet despite all that, being the son of a respected Ambassador has certain advantages, mainly unused at this point. He was told from the start, that he'd be allowed to hold an off campus residence if he wanted to, said one not used since Aleaic didn't relish complete and total isolation. That, and being labeled a rich preppy didn't particularly suit him either. He didn't use all of that, wanting to make his own way, almost to a fault even, and not have things 'too' easy for him. (A dichotomy he let make life harder for him, than it should have up to this point. Sphere Humans and their egos.)
But now, after what he'd been saddled with this night, it didn't seem so bad after all. He did respect his Sempai (relatively), it's not like he'd been forced to become a total Cinderfella of a sort for the Dojo. It's just all the nights of being basically caged by mild discrimination, covered over with a thin film of rules and expectations of the Dojo, that caused him to get a sense of revenge this evening. He therefore had hacked into the local section of the Global Climatizer Network: The system that controlled the weather and climate patterns of a particular region under a systems control, which dealt with the needs of the world agriculture and population demands, as well as to equalize the distribution of water on a still rather crowded world. (About four billion plus souls, even with colonization practices towards new colony worlds and all.) The system was also an automated one, with this particular Climatizer section located on campus for the Weather Department of the campus.
When Aleaic hacked into the local weather Climatizer, and set it for a good ten minute downpour, it was for after being told for the 'thirty-seventh' night in a row, to watch the dorm. This was basically a useless/pointless/etc.. envoy, as especially when the campus security droid system, along with the sensor system, was nearly impenetrable in the first place. (Noted when Tasha forgot her keycard one class day, and tried to sneak in a window.) That, combined with the fact that the entire area hadn't seen a true crime in FIFTY years, outside of DUI's and such minor crud.
Wouldn't you be tiffed off just a bit? (Go ahead, curse all ye like with this bloke.)
Of course, Aleaic knew that he'd eventually get yelled at by both the Headmaster and Sempai Council of the campus, which meant that off campus bit was looking truly healthy right about now. This is as regret finally begins to replace fuming, with Aleaic ending his jaunt at the best point of the Campus for relaxing, viewing, and such student downtime activities.
"I need to stop being trouble." ..he admits to himself finally, the cycle ending like this eventually. He just walks over to his usual cool down, memory longing spot of choice.
Ambassador's Outlook: A perfect spot to see the entire campus, the stars, the sea, the celestial works, you name it, it all just was an excellent place to relax and stare into literal space. Here, a statute of the founder of the Academy, some two thousand years past, stood in the center of a crystal orifice, demarcated within, showing a current holographic projection of the Terran Republic's reach, only seventeen star systems outside of Sol System. The graphic showing the glory of the reach of humanity, much of which was accomplished by his much long lived Father, only seven hundred plus years. (Medical science works wonders indeed.)
This place among none other helps calm down this frazzled teenager of eighteen stressed out years, (and five months.) It's here that Aleaic agrees on something for the umpteenth time this semester year. "Being a Sophomore sucks singularities."
Aleaic then sits at a usual spot, plopping down with disdain, with the sea at his back, easily seen with a turn of the head. It doesn't hurt, as he looks around simply, that he's alone either, more likely due to the storm he created.
"Heh. Zeus has nothing on me. Or is that Odin?" ..put with a heavy chuckle.
For the next few minutes, he just sits there, letting the cool sea air flow around him, not even caring if a natural storm hit him at that moment, the effect would feel good actually. It was a moist and warm day, with enough mugginess that the cool air was calming. The stars above despite the Orbital Ring, were clear as crystals, more to the calm feeling.
*Breeeeeeeeeep........ Breeeeeeeeeeeeeep.........*
"Eh? ..what, already?" ....or was, no rest for the wicked it seems.
*Brup* "Yes. Aleaic speaking."
"::~ It's about time we found you. ~::"
"Huh?! (It's that number again..? What the?)"
"::~ Sorry for the delay, that storm you caused prevented us from sending your Representative to meet you as per normal conditions. It's good that we waited, you're in the right spot now! ~::"
Aleaic looks bemused, looks at the CPU, and then figures he's being scammed or something. "Ah.. *Ahem* Hey! How'd you get this number?"
"::~ Don't worry about the details sir. We thank you for choosing the Dimensional Relief Office! *click* ~::" The cheery voice answers back, before closing the line.
"Huh? Hello?! HELLO!!! Hey!!"
Aleaic tries to trace the number, but hits a cell call block. "Damn! What is this?! How'd they know...? Must have been a trace.."
As he tries to back trace the call... (~ ...he doesn't realize yet a growing glow field is forming in the sea just behind him. ~) "Huh.. I bet that Sempai found that number and is playing a practical joke. Haha, good one." Knowing full well, cell conversations are usually recorded, hacking them to send a prank call is too easy. He growls in trying to trace this back without realizing.. (~ ..while the glowing field begins to start churning the water heavily, making it rise.... ~)
"Man.." Scanning his the cell log files, but still constantly hitting cell blocks after repeated tracing attempts. "Haha! Dang little scuzzy-heads. This must be funny to those bulkheaded dorks. Peachy.. just.. ..eh?"
(~ The churning has started to foam at quite a heavy rate, the noise is quite loud. And with it, a heavy teal glow begins to emit out, this all combined is what finally nabs Al's attention... ~)
"..wh.. wha.. what.. ??????" Al says, as he barely crank turns his head, but notes all too clearly! (Like who wouldn't!!)
(~ Seeing the area below him begin to 'rise' above him, in a column of teal glowing, spiraled cone of water. ~) Aleaic staggers to his feet.. (~ The mass and detail rousing up more and moreso. ~) Aleaic notes there are.. (~ ...lines of teal-blue light surrounding it, as well as similar colored sparkles, all almost ethereal in nature. ~)
Also, the sight 'quite' UNNERVING in mass and height, almost like...... "AGGGHH!! THEY SUMMONED A WATERSPOUT!! THOSE IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!"
Just then, the 'cone' explodes out, as a flood of teal light flares all over the outlook, sparkling everything for a good hundred meters with bouncing, glowing teal sparkles, forcing Al to cover his eyes with his arms!! Slowly then, as the 'show' fades away, and Al has to take a moment to readjust his overloaded senses, with the first thing that he notes on lowering his arms, is a *giggling* sound. And then a hazy image that seems to be.. 'floating'.. in the air and over......
....the water. HUH!? "What............. the........... HECK!?" Aleaic says, as he begins to note more and more detail, until the detail becomes FAR too much to believe!! Aleaic is frozen still, as is his breath, as he can feel no control over anything except his eyes.
Then the first immortal words are spoken..... "~ Are you Aleaic? ~"
"..........................holy...... heaven............"
His eyes are transfixed, with a pulse rate that threatens to stop stone dead cold. What he sees before him only adds to a sense of pure fantasy, as well as a major flush of panic!
"~ Are you Aleaic? ~"
"...um... uh... um... mm.. eh... I... ah..."
The form before him, floating like air was ground, simply a vision, simply. She only giggles.
"..I.. I am.. ..who.. w.. who are..?" The vision flings it's long mane of think teal... (TEAL?!) *ahem..* ..teal hair, a shower of sparkles fly from her glowing mane. It's a 'very' good effect, as the floor drops out from somewhere in Al's heart, but doesn't affect his current vertical standing.
"~ My appologies, I am the Representative you requested for. I am the Alpha Level High-Dimensional Goddess:
...Tsunami. *tip toe 'landing'* I was sent by the Dimensional Relief Assistance Office to grant you a Wish. ~"
Aleaic barely registers this, as he 'does' note that this.. this.. Tsunami, person.... thing.. something, speaks like the air was embraced by her words, and then caressed like a truly precious thing. Aleaic meanwhile, keeps stumbling for words.
"..uh.. w.. wish? A wish? Wish? Who.. wha.. who are you?"
"~ Tsunami, Goddess Alpha Level. ~"
"I, n.. no, I mean 'who' or 'what' are you, and.. and.. and.. where are you from? Wha.. who.. are.."
Another giggle of shimmering gold sounds out. "~ I think you are confusing yourself. If you wish to know, I come from the Dimensional Relief Assistance Office, in the System Oversight of Jurai Core. And I was sent by a proper summons you created by calling our Cell-Line Center. ~"
"Y.. you are?" He fights a titanic struggle to refrain panic, including his impulses of flight, and as a result, he is rewarded by his eyes literally searching over this.. uh.. goddess he supposes, one clothed in a scheme of mostly white and teal colors.
Tsunami's primary attire is centered upon a rather intracate breastplate of a glowing white gold of some sort, set below a split collar line, which is also split, both running down in a 'V' to where the cleav.. uh, area, is. This is laced and covered by a thin film of silk.
The incredibly slender arms, that seem to Al to be a silk of it's own, are covered by light robe sleeve coverings, also set in rather impressive silks, with teal-blue edgings that seem to be inlaid with gems of some kind. The coverings are split along the centerline each, letting the arms move freely from the hence, silky the arms themselves tressed in a light, sheer silk sleeve similar to the one covering the cleav.. uh, area. The hands are gloved similar to the arm length gloves, but with the delicate fingers openly shown, both of which are adorned with glowing jewelry of golds, silvers, and gems of mainly diamonds and sapphires.
The glowing breastplate is designed seemingly like a depiction of trees and countless leaves, with a large Teal gem on the right plate portion. A run of sheer silk runs from the jewel, and ends up somewhere in the back. (Probably a nice back too.. uh.. ahem.)
The lower dress portion below the plate, is similar to the arm coverings, with the hemline at the ankles, and split along the centerline as well, allowing similar free movement for the legs, also wrapped in sheer silk as the arms and cleav.. uh.. area. The hems are all lined with silver and gold writing, rather than in jewels. What the script is, is beyond a heaven struck Al.
The waistline is set with a indigo silk sash, with a bow in the back, and a pair of runs that literally flow in the wind to the left of Tsunami. Just above the sash, is a second V line, revealing.. un.. well, skin. (Al also notes a diamond in her navel, which almost makes poor Al 'crack'.)
But the clothing are not the primary attraction, as Tsunami's slender form is crowned with a beautiful façade on top. The hair is a gorgeous teal-blue, glowing with an internal light of no known source, setting apparently the theme color for the attire. They are set in a set of two minor ponytails both along the hair baseline, framing a larger, center-high ponytail, all and each held by intricate braid clasps of silver with blue gems. The hair also has a small glint of silver running along the top right portion of her hair. The clasps take the light from around, and lens flares it.
Then there are the eyes, most easily drawn to. They are a deep, warm pink, gleaming and glistening with the light of the campus behind Aleaic. (Which by now has been OBLITERATED from his conscious.) An interesting note is the two blue dots above her teal eyebrows, as well as two small triangles set below the edge of the eyes, just above the cheeks, also blue in color. More striking is the fact that the two dots are also glowing, not to mention with the rest of her body and form, also glowing from 'whatever' that just occurred!!
But the final stroke is the smile, with lips stained in a silvery pink, and one that could melt six FEET of ploycarbonite diamond infused navel.. UH, AHH, tritanium!! Um, the smile, yes, it is starting to become as hypnotic as the voice it inhabits. A few gemmed bracelets and an encrusted necklace of silver and sapphire rounds out the..
Aleaic doesn't realize that he's been looking Tsunami over for the last 'five' minutes, apparently drinking in every little tiny morsel of detail, even down to the slip-on booties set the same as the gloves, with silver and teal-blue alternated, colored toenails. The right most one even has a diamond embedded in it, though how is BEYOND Al.
Tsunami, meanwhile, has calmly noted all this, as she allows Aleaic to basically eye grope her.
..until.. "~ Enjoying the view? ~"
"Huh? =??= HUH!!?! OH GODS!!!!!!" *spins around, blushing Volcanically.*
"(OH MY GODS!!! HOW COULD I DO THAT TO HER!!! STUPIDSTUPIDSTUPIDSTUIPD!!!!)" Aleaic, realizing his 'folly' is basically close to shearing his hair out, along with head attached to it.. "(Mom would ~ KILL ~ me if she saw me doing that!!)"
Tsunami though, for her part, only giggles again, though much more than she expects to.
Something about this mortal immediately interests her, probably why she allowed him to look her over for so long. As this was all occurring, no one else has come by yet, as a Prevention Aura Spell, standard practice in a First Contact situation, was in effect. That way, only the intended, and contacted party get the chance to receive a Wish. Actually, anyone else that happened to be nearby at the time, could technically have receive the Wish, but certain 'added' protocols are used to prevent the Wish from being used by the wrong party. But this is a seriously rare occurrence, as usually the contacted party is alone in these circumstances.
Usually, in Standard First Contact cases, the Wish is sent to those that have something special about them, or why would Wishes even be allowed to be granted? The long history of these particular mortals, throughout recorded time, has shown a tact for greed and less than savory decisions. The Wish therefore is meant to give those that show better than average auras, or souls that are relatively immune to using a Wish in a poor manner, or usually anyway, the chance to a better place in the world for themselves. Or at least to grant them something special in their short lives. (Even for lifespans in the half-mellennia, compared to immortality.)
In this circumstance however, Aleaic was noted 'special' from the start, moreso than the norm. Usually the chosen Contact person gets the idea relatively immediately, and the fact that this Aleaic not only didn't get the picture, as well as the fact he was apparently more interested in her, or just too in awe of what's happening, told of an aura that would and could use the Wish in a most unique manner. She therefore let him have his time, she didn't mind to her own amusement.
Aleaic meanwhile though, was too worried about self admonishments, finally calming down enough to turn around and face the one he believes he insulted somehow.
"Oh man, uh.. woman! I'm so sorry for what I did.. I just, well.. was, well.. I.. um.." Al stutters while making a stance of a repenting sinner, or something such. =^^=;;
"~ I see.. *giggle* ..well, Father did choose our end forms. It's only natural for our Creator to give such desires and reactions to his children as he sees fit. Besides, how you looked at me is by far the most flattering I received yet, sometimes it's less so. ~" Tsunami finishes, with a dry look that looks more serene to Al than intended.
Al then stammers again.. "But.. I .. heh.. if you say so... haha.. hahaha... WAHAHAHAHAHAH.. eh? (This ain't right, what am I DOING!?)"
"~ Talking to me I thought. ~"
"Huh?" Al blink-quips out in surprise. Tsunami just looks at Al simply.. "~ You though, 'what are you doing'? ~"
Al's eyes widen. "You.. you.. read my.. oh my." Aleaic shakes with trepidation.
"~ Yes, we Dimensionals have such an Ability. We employ it to help clients in anyway we can. It's common among us Dimensionals, if such is an ease to mind. ~"
"Uh.. yeah.. uh... uh.. kay.." Aleaic finally catches all of this, and puts 'faulty' memory chip into slot B. "(I see, this is some kind of joke. No, that dammed burger! I knew those fries had something funny about them!!!)"
"~ Pardon? ~"
Aleaic's panic sense finally gets the better of him.. "O ..o.. o.. okay.. y.. y.. you just stay there, I'm.. uh.. going to check with someone, yeah, I.. uh, you just stay..
..there." Backing up more and more, until he screams down the sidewalk back to his dorm.
"~ Oh ..oh my..
..this ones going to take some work. ~" Tsunami flicks a locket of hair from her left cheek, and giggles. She then starts to follow simply enough.
*Thirty seconds later.. (yeah, 'that' fast..)*
"Huh? Hey Al!! hey!!" Hiwa says, as Aleaic SCREAMS upstairs!! "Jeeze!!
These weird foreigners.." Hiwa says, looking back at her study Padd.
*HUFFHUFFHUFFHUFF* (Done with an occasional, manic yelp or laugh of the insane.)
Tasha finally finishes drying her hair out.. "When I get my hands on that damn Sophy." *SLAM!! WHAM!! LOCK!!!* "What the!?" Aleaic is laying on the closed hatchdoor, panting like an EXAUSTED marathon runner.
"Okay pal, what the HECK took you so long to come back crawling." Tasha starts as per usual.
"Did.. *HUFF* ..you... *WHEEZE* ...send her?"
Tasha smacks her hands to her waist. "Hey, I'm asking the questions Sophy!"
"Did you send her?!!" Al says too hard, and about gags...!
"Hey.." One of the flunkies remain, holding a semi-cold one. "..don't yell at the Sempai!"
Al groans, stands erect, and straightens up. "Okay, I'm sorry. For the yelling, the hacking of the weather, the fact that this place stinks but I deal with it 'ANYWAY'!" Al flops his arms to his sides. "But can you tell me who that woman you sent is?!" ..and then at the hatch.
Tasha and the flunkies look at each other, then back at Al, all speak as one. "What woman?"
"*SPUTTER!!* What WOMAN!?" Stuttering.... several incoherent...... sentences, but then recollects his train of though. "The teal hair, the sweet honey voice, the glowing physice, the sexy clothing. Uh, well.... more well fitting than sexy, but.. "
Tasha closes near Al and PUSHES a hand in his face! "What are you blabbering about Sophy? You been hacking under a pillow again?"
Al looks blankly at his Sempai and has a disbelieving look. "You.. don't know?" Tasha then has a frazzled look. "KNOW WHAT!?"
"............uh.. ..um.. well.. I.. uh.. ah.." Aleaic becomes rather confused, and starts to fidget with his fingers.
At that moment, a knock on the hatch gets everyone's attention in the room. "Uhhhhh....."
"Answer the door Sophy!" Tasha orders, a bit more than exasperated, turning back to the mirror. "Darn Gaijin." Aleaic very gingerly complies, and opens the door, and then promptly falls flat on his butt from terrified surprise! "Oh.. oh.. oh no......" Standing before him in the hatchway, is the surprise of his life and evening. "~ The information seems correct, Client Aleaic does live here. ~"
"(She FOLLOWED ME!? AY YIYI!!)" Tsunami all too serenely floats through the hatch, and has the hatch close behind her. "~ Now about that Wish.. ~"
"Now wait I.." Aleaic the Stunned tries to respond. The glorious entity then pokes a gemmed finger on Al's nose. "~ It's 'your' privilege that you received this honor Aleaic. I cannot complete my task until I convince you my cute little agent. ~"
"Agent? What agent? ME!?" Tsunami giggles some more, Aleaic is beside himself!
Tasha and the flunkies meanwhile, look AGASHT!! While Aleaic was flattened by the sight before him, these three are crushed by the sight! "You.. you mean 'that' woman?" Tasha stammers out, she doesn't know what to think. "Uh.. *gulp* y.. y.. yeah.." Al just stammers just as badly.
"~ What a quaint place, plenty of room I must say. ~"
Aleaic just groans. "(This ain't right..)" "~ What isn't right Aleaic? ~"
"Huh? I.. uh.. um.."
"~ Eh? ~/ Eh?" Tsui and Al say simultaneously in shocked suprise, as Tasha looks like a pressure valve on the brink!!
"You.. little... too bit.... Gaijin!! *RED EYES!* All this time, playing off on our hospitality!! And now, after everything we did for you!" Tasha then suddenly STOMPS past the two, to the hatch, and shoves it back open!! So hard the hatch cracks on it's siding! "YO!! We got a Goldbagger here!! WE KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THEM DON'T WE!?!!"
"(Isn't that goldbricker?)" .. "~ I wouldn't know.. ~" .. "Err.."
This starts a growing tremor, one that enters the room in a massed rush of bodies from out of nowhere! And in 'short' order as they chant 'goldbricker':
"HEY!! Wait a minute!"
"Let me get.."
"Let me go!!"
"Don't you touch that!!"
"YEEK!!" .. "~ Oh.. hello.. ~"
"Hi.. uh.. LET US DOWN!!"
"~ Where are they taking us Aleaic? ~" .. "Uhh, I don't......... HEY!! NOT THAT TOO!!!"
*THUNK!!* "And call when you get a new place Sophy!" *SLAM!!*
"Uh......" *blink blink..* =<<= =>>= =Oo=
"~ And we're outside again. ~"
"Um.. yes.. I guess.. yeah, you're, um.. right.. yeah.." Aleaic, along with a confused goddess, with ALL of Al's possessions; are now outside, the contents stuck in futuristic storage containers.
"I think I got kicked out."
"~ Oh.................... how rude. ~"
Aleaic blinks, and realizes he's been carrying Tsunami all that time, blushes 'heavily', and finally lets her down.. "Sorry."
Tsunami straightens out her attire, and Aleaic has to look away as her navel glints from the street hoverlights. "~ You mortals are strange creatures. ~" ..she summarizes, straightening her jeweled braid clasp. Aleaic notes a more silver-blue glow coming from it than noted before, as well as a pair from the secondary ponytails.
"Ahem, yeah I guess so. I think.. uh.. anywho." Al rings his hands in nervousness and uncertainty, as he tries to think of a way out of this mess. However, Tsui brings attention back. He looks around, wondering if this ruckus would bring campus security units or such.
"~ Ahem... now, may we begin? ~" Al looks back, sighs, and turns to listen, with no way out apparently. Tsunami goes into a cheery but basic instructor 'mode'. "~ Now, I, as your Representative, must inform you of a few certain rules, that way there is no inherit confusion. ~"
"Too late." Aleaic says in unfocused sarcasm, but gives in to the situation, and crosses his arms to listen. "~ Now..
~ 1. This Wish is accorded to you, allowing you anything your heart desires, and in so doing, allows you the chance to experience your fondest dreams. ~"
Al nods. (...blankly..)
"~ 2. It should be noted that while you have no set time limit, you are required to engage the Wish before I can depart. I cannot leave until you do so, even if you must be 'persuaded'. ~"
Al cocks an eye. "Persuaded?"
"~ Let me finish. ~" Aleaic continues to look neutral, this is all just too weird.
"~ ..it is my ability and duty to show suggestive ways to allow you to decide upon your wish, if you do not have a ready request at hand. ~"
Al only looks. (...blankly #2..)
"~ 3. You are only limited in the nature of the Wish, so as long as it doesn't contain effects detrimental to another person of immediate note, and/or that causes said effects to make a separate subject act out of norm, or in an illegal manner set by the laws of your world. You are also refrained from detriment to yourself and to this World as well..
..besides, destroying your world would make a MESS of the System! ~" Tsunami finishes by mock 'disgust' with her arms, which Al thinks of otherwise.... (..poor bloke..)
"U.. Um.. yeah, fine. Anything else?" Al quickly regathers.
"~ Just one, you're........ not one of those...... 'types'........ are you? ~"
Aleaic's eyes turn into two black dots. "Types?"
"~ You know, those, um.. less than savory.. um.. well..
..you know.... S&M and all... ~"
*BINK!!* "NO I AM NOT!!!!!!!!!!"
"~ Oh, you aren't, very good!! The task will be much more reasonable then! ~" Tsunami claps her hands and hops once cheerfully. Aleaic just feels something in his head sputter and pop like a firecracker fizzling. "(Weird..... um.. oop.)"
Tsunami ignores that, and then takes a look behind her at the large pile of containers, and rubs her palms together. "~ You need help with those I presume? ~" Before Aleaic can respond, Tsunami suddenly creates a black opening of some kind, and causes all the containers to rise and disappear into it!
Tsunami pats her hands, and smiles sweetly to Al. "~ Don't worry, I put them in a Subspace Storage Unit. They're safe in there, until we find you a new place! ~" Tsunami sweetly smiles.
Al stammers again. "Is.. is that, that Wish stuff you talked about?"
"~ Oh.. ~" *..giggle* "~ ..that one is a freebie. Shalt we? ~"
Aleaic looks in awe at his new benefactor, as she floats off, all the while.. "Never order the fries."
*On the road, adventurous at that.*
It's been a few hours, and Aleaic is quite bluntly stumped, or even quite 'possibly' lost.
The instructions his Father left him for finding a place got trashed by the EMP from one of the lightning bolts from his 'storm'.. (..cheap diskcard. Too cheap..) ..and now he's been basically searching vainly for any sign of a place called: Shrine.
So far.. nada, zippo and zilch.
"Man." Looking at the map grid in his Gelphi Skiff, a small two seater that Al had semi converted into a mobile comm vehicle. (Little Al has a fetish for communications equipment.) The advantage being that it can access ANY GPS-Delta IV Satellite, as well as any unscrambled Comm signal, (and even a few scrambled ones he hacks into, just to listen.)
The GPS display doesn't show names of buildings outside of town, and the diskcard had that extra info. Well, not everything is perfect.. "I'll be a hacked program, I can't figure where to go now." Aleaic sighs and wipe-drags his face.
"~ I can help. ~"
"Huh?" He looks at the haunting rose pink eyes, and then looks down simply with a blush. Tsunami responds simply. "~ You seemed so determined to find this place you mentioned, I didn't want to interrupt. Is this what is known as human ego? ~"
Aleaic chuckles.. "Uh.. yeah, I guess it is." Aleaic then slumps into his quite cushy seat. Tsunami does the same in her similar seat, just to imitate.
"~ Well.. I can find it for us. ~" Al looks up again.. "Really?" Tsunami smiles sweetly in return. "~ Sure.. another 'freebie'. ~" ..said with another perfect giggle.
Aleaic nods and chuckles, then opens the vehicle hatch, and looks at the goddess..
"Something tells me I'm going to start to stack up a large 'tab' here." Just before he then gets out.
Tsunami steps out of the hover vehicle as Aleaic does. "~ Where you going? ~"
Fishing in his pockets for his credit chip card.. "Actually, I'm thirsty. Want something?"
The benefactor smiles warmly in kind. "~ Sure. ~"
............clunk.* "Here you go."
Aleaic hands a can of cola to Tsunami, whom sits on a lighted bench, one that glows from below, within it's own structure.
"~ Thank you. ~" Aleaic bows, sits, and then opens and takes a good guzzle of the Japanese version of cola, this one tastes like a barley mix. Sweet, though thick.. "*urp* Excusez-moi."
Tsunami begins to laugh upon Al's all too humanesc sound, quite heartily, a bit more than Aleaic expects, though yet somehow, the sound is rather soothing to hear. Tsunami, after settling back down, fumbles with her can, and manages to open it. And after a gentile drink, she looks at Al who has finished his drink, and imparts, a soft closed eye smile upn her façade.
"~ It's too bad there aren't more mortals like you. Ones that speak their souls out, and still keep their humor at the same time. Despite the gray in your heart, that much I can sense, it is strong and refuses to be snuffed out, and one that can still think of others in any case. ~" Tsunami says, which makes Aleaic more self-introspective in look this time.
Tsunami then looks at the sky.... "~ I'm glad, that I was chosen to grant your Wish. ~"
Aleaic looks at his benefactor uncertainly, and makes a decent front to question this conception. "Really?" ..is the 'front' he uses.
Then, a soft hand takes Al's, if for an instant, Al's eyes WIDEN for this moment. "W ..wow....uh.. yeah, I guess so.." Aleaic feels the hand like it was make of a softness not even the gods could imagine, which was pushing the 'logical' thought, but then looks more genuinely logical, as he considers the goddesses wardrobe.
"Um.. ..say, uh, how come you wear that get up?" Tsunami looks down, and stands, looking at her attire, swaying it side to side. Al quickly concentrates on his drink rather than stare again. "~ What? My clothing? Does it offend you? ~"
Aleaic !!SPITS!! and shoots his head back up!! "Oh nonononono.. I just mean.. I.. um.. as, well, beautiful as you look in that, it's also gotten us a few more looks than I'd care for. Like you said about mortals, and, um.. all that." Aleaic looks thoughtful for a moment, then.. "M.. maybe, um, something less conspicuous. At least, um, until we reach.. uh, where ever this place is."
Tsunami nods appealingly with understanding. "~ Sure, another one on your 'tab' then. ~" Tsunami giggles, and simply returns to the vehicle, placing the 'cola' on the hood, and then...
"(What is she.......?)" *FLASH!!!* "WHOA!! Tsunami!?" Aleaic falls flat, and staggers/stumbles back to his feet. "~ Yes? ~" Tsunami says as she pokes her head up over the vehicle top. Al stops and... "..holy..." ..immediately can tell a difference, and this time Al can't hide his staring. "...oh.."
Tsunami has done as requested, and now wears simple blue jeans, a white laced silk blouse with a white rose pattern upon a sheer material, white socks over the pants cuffs, white sneakers of the normal fashion of the area, and a simple teal and white jeans jacket, embroidered with the word 'Goddess Tsunami' in several places, elegantly at that. The amount of jewelry is consistent though.
The hair is in a ponytail, with a silk, white bow in it, the ends flowing like the sash previously did, still with the silver-blue device in the mane. Tsunami then deliberately spins herself around to be better judged, knowing what she is doing to poor Al. "~ Preferable? ~"
"Wow.." Catches himself better of staring this time, more to the amount of detail this time, (less that is,) rather than actual self-control.
"~ I'm pleased you approve. Now, shall we? ~" Said, as Tsunami retakes the cola, leaving a stupored Aleaic standing by the park bench.
"......................................... maybe those fries were worth it. "
*Summary of the night: In a word: spirited*
Much of the night passed without finding their goal, mostly because Tsunami decided to play with Aleaic a little bit, which got Aleaic semi-suckered into a night tour of Tekomi itself. They even ended up grabbing a late night sushi snack along the way, which was semi okay, it filled them up.
The purveyor saw Tsunami, and nearly forgot to take Al's order off of the habachi grill. Al 'saved' that one in time.
Then Tsunami found of all things, a open air pavilion with a cluster of trees that the cool wind was snuffed out by. A slow song played over the intercom speakers, embedded in the trees. A small fountain was at the rear of the pavilion. When the heaven to earth sent goddess saw this, she immediately hauled Al with her, and for a short time, forgot the reason she even came here.
In fact, Al saw that Tsunami was so happy, that 'he' forgot that he was with a goddess. Then, because the mood implied it, as well as a prophetic song over the intercom, Tsunami and Aleaic caught themselves up in a small waltz. Al, never having taken a formal dance step without his mother's guidance, in his life, managed such grace with his newfound partner. Tsunami of course is beyond perfection in her twirls and dips. After a short time of this though, they both realized what they were doing. They both break away after staring at each other a tic too long, and..
"S.. sorry.."
"~ That's... that's okay. ~"
Aleaic smiled very calmly, and then bowed. Tsunami giggled and curtsied in kind. Then for a small while after, they sat and talked like two friends reacquainting themselves.
After, they perused the local shoppe, basically window shopping. Al had to catch himself as they passed a number of clothing and jewelry stores, as he kept visualizing Tsunami in any item or garment he saw. Tsunami 'noted' this.. "~ Why thank you. ~" ..she said several times. "But.. I.. I didn't.." This only makes Tsunami giggle rather hard. Al just sighs dejectedly for being caught. (Prior to the smile anyway.)
After eventually getting back on the now rather deserted road, they passed a few of the older structures of the old quarter, away from the main domes of the city arcologies and all, before heading out to the more secluded hills to the east.
At one point along here, Tsunami had Al stop near an overlook along a road, and then surprised him by the goddess tending to a wounded bird sparrow, one that had fallen from above it's tree perch somehow. Aleaic was impressed to say the least when the small creature was healed very easily, and released back into the tree it had apparently been sleeping in.
Aleaic needless to say felt quite honored. "Wow." Tsunami surprises Al when she then says.. "~ Thank you for allowing me that. I appreciate that very much. ~" ..and as Al gets them back on the road, he mulls the meaning behind that verse.
But, eventually, Tsunami got note of Al's growing impatience after three hours of this, mostly from sleep depravation, and finally, she uses a Homing Spell, one that led them to an area rather high into the southeastern Tekomi hillside area.
Eventually, they come upon a large area, populated by a number of somewhat abandoned buildings, pocked into the forests of mixed pine and bamboo, ones that seemed to have a strange and ancient religious look to them. When they pass around a ledged corner, Al notes the look of decay in not only the structures, but the stone steps surrounding it. Much time has passed through these hills apparently.
"~ Here we are. ~" Tsunami says, as she pulls herself out of the vehicle. Aleaic looks around, and begins to profess awe. The place is very old, and such can be felt in the air. "Wow..... is this the place?" Aleaic says, taking detail of the age of the buildings. "It's.. it's an old Shrine is it not? Wow. I've read books about these places. But I thought they all were national monuments of something?"
"~ It's what you asked for, right? ~" Tsunami asks, like a appraiser selling property. (Well, not 'that' bad..)
"Uh.. ..yeah, yeah I guess so. I.. yeah, sure, this can work. Yes.. th.. thank you...." Al simply agrees to, rather than be a hassle, such is his flaccid state. The air of the Shrine is so quiet and peaceful, though a chill is beginning to retain more. It almost seems magical to the senses.
Tsunami blushes rather heavily when Al thanks her meanwhile, though Aleaic though misses this, as he's too engrossed. Then he looks back past the hillside out west. "Man.. whoa.. quite a long distance out of town.. man.."
Aleaic takes a few steps towards the edge of the hill, with a spectacular view of the city and much of the Prefecture below. Even the half moon reflecting off the sea, even the Orbital Ring can be seen better, including a late night launch of a supply shuttle further off the northern coastline. The city below sparkles like so many jewels glinting. A mask of a few clouds play above, hinted by the moonlight.
"Wow.. this is just 'amazing'! Do you see this view Tsunami?"
"~ Yes I do. ~" Tsunami says, stepping up next to Al, holding her hands in front of her below her waist. As she looks on, she then feels the need to serenade the sight before them both.
"~ Father was correct. There 'are' shores that cannot be touched, even if the hand managed so, because those shores will always be too far away. If you see the universe in this manner, then you will understand how vast this universe is.
.And how special. ~"
Aleaic hears this, and takes one of Tsunami's hands out of reflex, his heart pounds.. gods, her hand is so soft. "My.. my father.. said something similar to me just before I left for college here. Maybe your father knows my father." Aleaic chuckles, about to let go of her hand, but it's gripped tighter suddenly.
"~ Maybe my Father does. All mortals are children of his in one sense or fashion of another. Maybe he knows you too. ~"
Aleaic continues his tirade of blushes at that, he looks away nervously suddenly, and strikes up the courage to speak his heart. "If he does, um.. thank him for.. ah.. letting me meet you.. Tonight has been something I want to remember very much." Tsunami counters Al's blush, while Aleaic looks between the view and Tsunami, as he speaks his next peace.
"Heck, you even got me to get away from that darned Dojo dorm! I guess I wasn't happy there." Al looks down. "And, what more, with your kindness, your generosity, your, um.. well.." Aleaic, trying to dance around the more sensitive areas of compliments, though his thoughts come across clearly enough to Tsunami. He is then suddenly notes Tsunami making a soft sound of some kind. "Huh? Milady?"
Tsunami is quietly/openly smiling/crying/laughing/etc. All the while griping Al's left hand with both of hers.. "Hey.. are.. are you okay?"
Tsunami wipes a few crystal tears away before she speaks. "~ I'm sorry. It's that.. well, I usually only get compliments after a Wish is granted.. I.. I never have received such kindness 'before' a Wish has been granted, and it's not like I ask for or even care for such attention or lauding. So, I'm.. speechless. ~" Tsunami looks with her pink, glistening eyes at a heart struck Aleaic.
"~ Truly, that you'd give me so much thanks for only the smallest, slightest of things. And even more, giving me so many gazes, looking longingly at me, like I was a special person to you. ~"
Al grips Tsunami's hands more as he implores. "You are."
Tsunami is surprised to hear this. "~ Huh? ~"
Aleaic looks at both hands and then looks into her eyes. "You 'are' special. My.. my mother says everyone is born with something special to give. And you.. you, that I've seen give more than most of others I ever have! I know I'm hardly worthy of even this attention, especially all in one night, and yet..." Al looks level at Tsunami.
"I know you are special to everyone on this world. I.. I just.. only wish, wish that.. maybe.." Aleaic looks down, and unwittingly opens his heart completely. "~ Yes? ~" Tsunami says, her heart racing, she doesn't realize she is blushing and flush even moreso. She holds her breath, like it was meant to witness this moment for her.
Aleaic, meanwhile, speaks without fear..
(As well as lacking foresight.)
"I.. I wish.. I had a 'love'... like yours, with me..
..forever." ..Al nods to himself, smiling, his heart is quite calm.
Tsunami's mind though shifts gears. "~ You mean that? That is your Wish? ~" ..as she comprehends this. Al though does NOT even realize it yet.. "Yes.... yes I do."
"~ Then.. ~" Tsunami smiles, and starts to concentrate. "~ ..that is your Wish. I shall fulfill it. ~"
"I.........*BINK!!!* ......... HUH!? WHOA, WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!" Aleaic suddenly realizes his 'mistake'!! "WAIT!!!!!!!!!"
It is already 'far' too late, and Tsunami's eyes close, as her forehead sigil suddenly turns into a single point of light, one that stabs straight into the cool night sky, causing the clouds overhead to suddenly part, revealing a circle of pure blue light, within which another world can be somewhat discerned. Many teal-blue glowing ethereal lines flow along with the primary beam, giving the entire effect a fantastic look.
As the Wish becomes connected to the System of Jurai Core for appending and processing, the winds around the hillside bluster quite forcefully. Aleaic has to cover his eyes for the umpteenth time that evening, both from debris, and the light, this all the while pleading to a deafening wind that this was a mistake, one not heard, and one not necessarily believed as such.
Tsunami's simple garments become awash in a glow of teal light, as more sparkles and ethereal lines surround, and play out from her form. At the height of the transfer, her form is slightly arched backwards, her arms pointing down and her wrists/hands cusped outward, and fingers slightly curled in and down. Her mane flows very serenely.
Yet.. finally.. as the mini-maelstrom dies down with the light display, the main beam gently descends from the sky back to it's originator.
At the end, for a moment, she is so serene. Majestic all the same.
Aleaic though.
"Wha.. what... wh.. wha.. what.. just happened?????" Aleaic is almost a sight of panic, having forgot that his charge has such abilities, it takes a supreme/titanic amount of willpower to prevent a screaming retreat.
..but that passes with 'realization'. "Oh man........ don't tell me........ oh Lords............." His breathing as shallow as his mind can comprehend by. Tsunami then finally settles to the ground again, landing with the tip of her right, white sneaker, with a most warm calm look on her face. Then her eyes flutter open.
She then looks at the 'freaked' out Al, with an unexpectantly pleased smile.
"~ Well. I am happy to inform you, despite the unusually large nature of the Wish you made, that it has been granted and accepted by the Dimensional Relief Office! ~"
Al's mind makes a cake pan smack sound, as... ".........uh.. wha... what.. what exactly does.. 'that' mean?" Aleaic asks, acting dumb, hoping in vain it's not what he thinks it is.
It 'is' in vain.
"~ Silly, you Wished for me to be with you forever. It has been granted. ~" Tsunami then curtsies in completing a transaction, apparently satisfactory to her graces.
"But.. I said....." Aleaic's brain mush jolts with acceptance, that the damage is done.
"..for.. someone.. like... uh.. you... 'you'... ah... ..ok.. I.. see... ok...
"~ Why are you sorry? ~" Tsunami asks. "I.. heh.. don't have a clue.. *head scratching..* ..are, are you sure it's...... it's for.......... real?"
Tsunami only nods, and retakes Al's hand. This time there is something added to the touch. "~ As real as my touch is.. ~" Aleaic gulps wide eyed, not sure what to do next. "..Y.. y.. yeah."
As he begins to register the reality he just had occur, the wind picks back up naturally, the night air this time has a sharper, colder feel to it. "BRRRRR.. guess the Climatizer can't do anything for thermodynamics."
Tsunami actually shivers as well, suprising the mortal, whom waits for her response. "~ Yes, it's quite cold. Let's head inside. ~"
The two manage find their way inside the closest of the structures, which has the look of a disused residence, and after Al wrestles the slide hatch open, and a customary.. "Anyone here!?" ..both end up in a barren, somewhat disused living room, part of which has a lower floor depression he doesn't clearly see.
The feel of age is quite apparent, as well as the creaks and groans of the superstructure. Further off the left, a higher area with an embedded table, a dining area. More left, a very warped and buckled stairway can be seen. The darkness is a bit stifling, but doesn't seem utterly unfriendly. They shuffle in, trying to feel their new surroundings, as Al tries to get his nightvision, and takes a step forward..
..he fails.. *SLAM!!* ..and too late realizes his tired state as well, and accidentally stumbling past the depression edge, falls 'FLAT' on his face!
"..ow.." ..catch that 'unfriendly' part. =^^=
"~ Oh my!!! ~" Tsunami cries, rushing over to help Al up, but both only manages to heft Al's head in her lap, with Tsui in a kneeling position. "~ Your nose is broken! It's bleeding. let me help! ~"
With a slight nasal blockage sound. "Is this.. ow.. on my tab as well? Ow!"
Tsunami cradles Al's head in her arms, and smiles. "~ No silly. This stuff is part of the Wish now, or.. ~" Aleaic just simply waves his left free hand quickly. "*Nasal* Okay, my nose hurts too much to argue anyway." Aleaic lets Tsunami use a Healing Spell to plug the worst of the damage, as only a slight bruise mark remains. "Thank you." Still a bit of nasal strain.
"~ You're welcome, the bruise should be gone by morning. ~" Aleaic though blurts out fast. "N ..no.. no.. I.. I.. mean.. um.. thank you, even more than before..
For everything tonight."
Tsunami caresses the face of her new charge, and then pats it. "~ You should rest. ~" Aleaic doesn't argue with that, as he nestles down in Tsunami's lap, the last sight he has is of Tsunami's glowing face. He's not sure of either dream or reality.
Either way, it's heaven.
*At the edge of dawn.*
"(~ I shall create a place we can share together, one that allows me to make him happy. ~)"
At the edge of morning, daybreak that is, Tsunami, Certified Alpha Level Dimensional, and now resident of Earth, begins invoking a Special Spell, one that brings old life back into the recesses of this majestic place, nestled into the hills. The Spell has no actual name, as it's more a Spell of the Heart.
Spells like this one are always special.
As she begins, she winds her arms and hands in a special pattern and flex. "(/::~ By my well seal true name, air to ocean, by the power I am endowed with, ocean to earth, with the power to create hope, earth back unto air, by my power that is engraved by the light.. *arms and hands out*
..return these old hallows to a state that they may know second breath, life full with new memories to share within.. *arms wound, hands open*
..by my seal true name. Invoke the Past into the Future, become the Present to shine forth again! ~::\)" As she finishes, her hands are aglow, pointed at the ground, cupped behind.
Then, by the hundreds, 'thousands' even, ethereal lines and glowing beams of light from trees and bushes, anything that has leaves upon them, anything that they touch also give off light. The ensuing haze of light, energy of restoration, light that causes everything it touches to become young and in good repair once more.
The light becomes so bright, it seems to threaten to betray itself by shining off the Orbital Ring overhead, but no such is a threat, as this light can only be seen by Tsunami alone. The Shrine grounds, plants, trees, structures, look like a thousand years were washed away.
It's like heaven was transplanted. "(~ This shall make him happy. I 'know' it will. ~)"
*Late morning. Probably afternoon.*
"Uhh.. man.. *heavy eye lids* ..where am I? *looking around sleepily* ...........Sempai?" A sleepy headed Al wrenches himself off his back, and looks around.. "..wh.. wha.. WHOA!!!!!"
He finds himself in a bed, not only that, but in a large room, one well stocked with furniture, and including all his containers along one side of a wall. He removes the bed covers, and then remembers, checking his nose injury from last night, and finding it is totally gone!
Then realizes he's been in a western style bed, rather than a floor matt! And that, this isn't the Dojo! "Whoa.............. that... that 'wasn't' all a dream was it?" Al speaks to himself.
Just then, a gingerly smell of something wonderful waifs Al's repaired nostrils. "Wow. Something smells great!"
Aleaic fiddle-manages finds a bath robe to cover his shirt and shorts.. (..'how' he's in those isn't though about..) ..and pulls it out from one of his containers, meanwhile berating himself to set all his stuff up later, and heads down stairs, too curious to worry about hygiene just yet.
"Hello?" Al says, as he looks around, and sees the, about almost crisp, brand new living section, complete with couches and a wallscreen unit, with the walls are only adorned in simple pictures.
He finishes going downstairs, and.... "~ Well good morning sleepy one, you sure were zonked out last night. ~" Tsunami calls over when Al appears in her gorgeous eyes. Aleaic sees, and immediately knows it was ALL real the previous night. All he can do at first, is stare, and then rub his temple. Finally..
"Yeah.." ..he says, walking over, noting a Japanese-style kitchen aisle rug. "G ..guess I did. WHA?!!!!!!!!"
Tsunami, in a simple cooking kimono, with a image of a large blue carrot on the front, her hair held back by a cloth sash. And near her on the well polished dining table, a large breakfast feast! "You.. y.. you can cook too!?" Al sees in GAPE awe!! What kind of fantasy was he in?!
"~ Oh yes. It's one of my favorite pastimes. ~" Tsunami cheerfully responds with. The mortal agency can only scratch his head. "I ..I'm.. not used to this."
Tsunami suddenly looks pensive, and pulls her towel to her chin. "~ Oh.. did I err? I didn't think to ask if you wanted breakfast.. I.. just... ~" Aleaic reacts wide eyed, and acts swiftly, and leaps over next to her, and takes her hands. "Nononono!! This looks GREAT!! REAL GREAT!! This looks 'so' delicious!
I'm just surprised, that's all." Aleaic nuzzles the silken hands for a bit, making Tsunami sigh contentedly. Tsunami smiles and then kneads Al in the arm. "~ Go eat silly, you must be vamished. ~"
Aleaic bows to Tsunami traditionally like, which garners yet another giggle, and then guides himself to the table, looking over the incredible spread. Tsunami notes the look in Aleaic's eyes, and is pleased to watch. Aleaic however is unsure of where to begin, there's so much, so many delicacies, so much to smell! But before he chooses anything, he looks up at Tsunami.. "What about you? Haven't you eaten?"
Tsui nods her head unto.. "~ We don't actually require human nourishment, though, I already tried much of this stuff out as I made it. So do not worry, and eat! ~" Tsunami says, more concerned with Al's appetite. "Okay, sounds like a professional chef's habit though." Al chuckles.
He then breaks down and tries a sample of a tempura battered scallops.
The first bite: delicious.
The second bite: delicious.
The third: delicious.
The sixth: delicious.
The tenth.
The sixteenth.
The forty-second.
The something after the umpteenth.
The something after the umpteenth after the umpteenth.
Even the very last few bites, almost forced down rather than wasted, are the pretty much the same.
Tsunami takes note of all this, noting which ones give more pleasure than others, a few give off slight cringes, and she makes note. Some bring tears, and bear for special times..
..some, make Tsunami shed a tear.
Finally.. "Oh.. gods. *sound of patted tummy..* ..that was sooooooooooooooo good!" Tsunami is beaming like the sun, impressed with the mortal's appetite. "~ I'm so happy you enjoyed it. ~"
"Enjoyed it? I couldn't stop myself, it was so good!" Al says, looking over the 'damage' he imbibed upon. "I even kept drawing myself even to the weirder stuff, and they tasted better than the stuff I 'recognized'! Other than the Thai noodles that had a 'wee' too much spice, and I survived that pretty well. I should add a bit of spice to my diet, before I 'have' to go on one that is." *chuckle..... ..urp.* "..oops.. ..Excusez-moi.. "
"~ I'm glad, it makes me happy to see you happy. ~" Tsunami looks cutely at Aleaic, whom looks self conscious of this. "It does?"
"~ Yes. ~" She makes sure to stress this last, albeit in a gentile and convincing manner.
"Then I'm happy that you are." Tsunami giggles. Aleaic burps again. "Sorry. I'd better learn to control that, sorry. Sorry."
Tsunami then looks longingly at Al, as he rubs his belly simply. "~ Can I ask you a question? ~"
Al looks over. "On a full stomach? Guess I'll hazard it." Tsunami openly laughs this time, Aleaic finds it captivating, until when the laughing finally subsides, and she looks into his eyes once more.. "~ I wanted to ask, did you mean what you Wished for last night? Did you really mean.. for me.. to stay here with you? ~" Tsui looks with glistening eyes. (..yeah, 'that' kind... =^^= ..)
Aleaic has to lay on his back to think, he's so full. But the answer isn't very long in coming. "You are the first person, outside my family and rather tiny friendship circle, to come into my meager life, and to help me, even.. touch.. me." Al rolls his head in Tsui's direction.
"Yes.. I 'truly' did mean what I said." Aleaic then pries himself back into a sitting position, up so as to meet to meet Tsunami's gaze.. "I really and truly meant for you to be with me, if not the words, the intent and heart spoke them. Always and forever." Al finishes, surprised he could say something like that, but with no regret.
Tsunami's next smile is flooded with satisfaction. "~ Then I shall make sure I fulfill the Wish with everything that I have to give you. ~" Aleaic hears, but interrupts as he makes a counter query. "But. I have to ask now." Al starts, looking uncertain... "~ Pardon? ~" Tsui remarks back, noting Al's feelings. It makes her smile.
Aleaic looks introverted suddenly, fidgeting again. "Did I just do something really selfish? Am I keeping you from helping others now?"
"~ You mean, did you..... ~"
Al continues on despite. "I mean: Was it fair for me, a dopey arse mortal to make you stay here? I.. I mean... what did you think when I said that? Ii must have been VERY selfish...........
...and now you can't help anyone else now. Am I a bad person for doing this?" Al finishes, looking up again.
Tsunami is taken aback, rare is it, that a mortal responds in such, after a Wish is granted. Course, it's just as rare for a situation like this, so it's valid, one supposes. But then, Tsui smiles instead, and decides on a 'way' to impress a proper answer for Al's worried question. "~ Can you lean in close, I want to answer that question properly. ~"
Aleaic blinks, and just shrugs, and manages to comply, making sure to be quite close to help her out. His sense of trust doesn't realize better. "Okay. Fire away." Not realizing any better even before..............................
'Heaven' is the response, a heaven filled with warm fire. The sudden kiss Tsui gives Al is one that melds with his lips, suprises him with a fire that he cannot describe, nor can he break away, nor dares to.
..not from frozen fear........
......but from bliss. "(Sh.. she's.. kissing me? ..wo.. w.)" He realizes belatedly, as a cool chill runs down his spine, as the 'fire' continues. Tsunami then begins to pull into the kiss further, letting in emotions she's forgotten that existed to sweep through her. So much so, that she puts her hands fully around Al's head. The 'eternity' takes all of two minutes, thirty seven seconds is entirety. It's almost a pain to break it, but somehow, both know it's time to.
"~ Thank you. ~" Tsunami says in a dreamlike state.
"Uhhhh.. .uh.. anytime. " Also quite piqued.
"~ I'll remember that. ~"
Aleaic then regains his composure, and draws away a bit, as a flood of emotion hits him then and there! "W ..wha.. did we just.. I mean.. I'M SORRY..... I..!!"
Tsunami reverses this trend swiftly, with a soft finger on Al's lips. "~ You did nothing I didn't force on you. I only gave you the answer to seeked. How you interpret the answer is up to you, and how we will spend life together. ~"
"I.. I see.." Aleaic breathes out, and then chuckles innocently. Then.... "Well.. then I suppose I'd better earn my part in it all, at the very least.." He then evaluates himself. "After a bath."
"~ Do you wish me to help? ~" Tsunami perks her head up.
=@@=!! "Yiye.. um.. ah.. ..uh, let's do that part another time, I fear my self control is hashed right now!"
"~ *giggle..* As you wish sahib. ~" Aleaic cocks his head. "Sahib? Uh kay." Al quips, as he about-faces to the stairs. Tsunami giggles into the kitchen with several plates. Al realizes, turns around, and... "Um, did you want help with those dishes. Eh?" A push to his back.. "~ Nay. Thine to your task, and mine to myself. ~" Aleaic quickly gives in and heads upstairs.
Ignoring thoughts he's in some weird dream of playing house and all, Aleaic manages to find the new lavatory upstairs, along with a large, Japanese bath type theme, along with a 'well' stocked set of toiletries. The latter Al wonders while bathing, how they all got there!!
A clean three-quarters of an hour later, and Al returns downstairs to find Tsunami gone. H looks around wondering, but then hears some soft singing outside. And there walking out, Al hears the sound of a singular, tenored heaven choruses the air.. (('Insert 'Saint Sasami Song here..')) ..hummed to the tune of wind passing by. (Even some hover traffic that shoots by can't muss this up.)
Aleaic ends up just sitting at the bottom of the entrance steps on the residence porch, and watching Tsunami sing, while doing a light bit of sweeping. Several small birds are perched about her, even one on her broom tip. The tune is so melodious, Al feels younger somehow, just hearing it. Finally... "Exquisite." Al with a whisper, his hands on his chin. Tsunami looks over. "~ Thank my Mentor. My voice was crafted by her. ~" She adds with yet another giggle.
Aleaic laughs, and then steps up nearer to her. The birds flutter away, but Tsunami doesn't heed mind. Al starts with a thought. "(She's so happy.) Well, such a fine craft, but only the user actually crafts it, not the teacher."
"~ You sound like a priest.. ~" Tsunami giggles, Aleaic however thrusts his chin up. "Almost, Ambassador's son.. *BINK!!* HOLY!!" Al says with hands smacking his skull. "I almost forgot!! I have to call Mom and Dad about all of what happened!
Well.." ..thinking carefully.. "..almost all of it. I doubt a goddess would be believable information at this point, or smart to blurt out anyway." Tsunami giggles. "~ A logical train of thought. I'd have trouble believing myself either if I didn't know myself. ~"
This time, Aleaic laughter stabs the air. A simpler chorus.
*Late afternoon*
"My Sister is 'WHAT'!?"
"::~ She's coming to meet you Little Aly.. ~::" The voice belongs to the Mother: the always cheery Jeain, especially when Aleaic calls.
It took a full hour just to catch up on the last three months apart, as well as to digest gossip and information between both sides of the globe (mostly her side of it..) And that wasn't even the previous nights events, along with news that Al has a girlfriend. (Best way to describe it.)
Al could almost hear the rancid gossip going on back in Coral Springs right now.
But the news that he had finally taken on Father's offer of off campus residence made Jeain just as happy, something about learning real life in the real world finally. (If his mother only knew.....) Then the news that Keturia was arriving in Tekomi on a surprise visit (i.e. ..inspection for Father probably.) ..sometime today, definitely DROPPED Al's tiny world into a singularity.
"Um.. and.. um, when am I supposed to greet her?" Aleaic asks, nervously scratching his head, with Tsui 'listening' in the background, giggling where noted, like now.
"::~ Anytime now. She should have gotten in on the Orbital Bus around 0900 your time zone. Assuming the Quasar Line wasn't procured again. ~::" Aleaic could only laugh, as the Line was a primary trade and travel route along the Mother planet's great Circle Route, and also one usually 'procured' by the Terran Military out of the blue. That had happened right when Al had left home to come to Tekomi.
A progenitor of ill things that came later.
"I can hear Sis ripping heads off now if that happened.. *hearing a tone..* ..ah, guess my cell call zone allotment is about up! It's been great to hear you mom!"
"::~ You too dear, and 'you' take care of that new 'treasure' of yours. And I don't mean the house! ~::"
"Heh, I will mom. I love you, and see you around."
Aleaic endures the dreaded 'phone-kiss' tirade, all the while knowing Tsunami is 'listening', and giggling even more. He fights off the usual facial flush and extricates from the cellular as the allotted cell time expires.
Al turns and looks droopy. "Mom can be loving at times, albeit overbearing all the same."
Tsunami laughs at this description. "~ I think it's cute. ~" Al groans playfully. "You would."
"~ So I get to meet your Sister right? ~" Tsunami stands gracefully.
"Looks like, and I'll probably get the rough download from her, knowing how much like Mother she is."
"~ Then I can get pointers. ~" Tsui giggles, as she turns to the large, open pane windows. Aleaic places the cellular back into it's charge hook-slot, and looks over at the teal super model outshining beauty. "Can I ask you a question?" Tsui turns back. "~ Yes? ~" Aleaic nods with his neck to the living area about them.
"Where'd all this stuff come from? Sis might get suspicious when she sees it all." Aleaic says matter of factly. Tsunami though smiles slyly.
"~ Just tell her that it was all here when you arrived. ~" Tsui says with a wink. Al looks in awe, and claps. "Dude. Devious."
Tsunami smiles more normally. "~ Flatterer. ~"
"And the food? Uh.. nevermind, same thing right?" Tsui giggles. "~ Aye. ~" Aleaic then sighs.. "I feel spoiled already." Just then, a nature call comes calling. "Oops, guess I'll be in the lil boys room."
"~ Okay. You need help there too? ~"
Aleaic's 'response' sends Tsunami laughing hard into the kitchen. Aleaic extricates/excuses himself upstairs, groaning, and 'makes good' his task, all the while thinking.. "How will Sis know where to find me? I'm still not sure this place is the right place. Probably get as likely a visit from the local security constable as my Sister."
After finishing, and cleaning up, he heads down to the kitchen, following the smells of cooking, this time a much lighter meal is being cooked. Soup from the smells alone, even a bit of baking. "(Wow.. what can't she do?)"
"(~ I'm not aware of such... ~)" Al *urks* at that, and continues on.
But he doesn't 'find' Tsunami, not suprising he supposes, but then the sound of a chime distracts him.
"~ I'll get it! ~"
"Okay!" Aleaic shouts back to the living area. "(Hope that's my Sis, and not my 'other' worry.)"
Aleaic decides to set up some fruit drinks, and is about finished when sounds of girlish chatting pings the air. "Yep. Sis alright. Could make friends with a crogitiy in five minutes flat."
Al's about to go out with the drinks, when a HEAVY chime sound strikes the air.. "Eh? I thought she got the door... eh?" A light plays across his peripheral vision.. "HUH!?!" =@@=!!
As Al puts the tray back down with the drinks, he notes a vortex of light splays out from the open pot of Miso soup, one that starts to bend over and strike the floor, and. ..and..
Something is materializing from the light!!
Aleaic almost blows a brain cell with what he's seeing, as a second Dimensional being suddenly has appeared..... OUT OF THE SOUP!!!
"Wha.. wha.. wha.. wha.. who.. who.. who.. whooooooooOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo are... are you... you?"
A blue haired, young girl finishes materializing, and notes Al's stammered query. As she looks the mortal over. "~ Who are... eh? Oh! You must be the one my Big Sister Contracted with. I think the file picture looks right. ~"
Aleaic though tries to look thoughtful, despite his confusion, then realizes. "Con.. con.. contracted? You.. you must mean that.. that Wish thingy! Oh I see........"
"~ You *ARE* the one!! How COULD you!! ~"
"Eh? ..wha.. wha.. what?"
The next thing Al knows, a spatula is plastered to Al's face. The nose is broken again, and then promptly falls hard to the floor with a thick *THUMP* sound!
Two other forms enter the kitchen rather swiftly after hearing the crash, and....
"~ Sasami!? ~" Tsunami looks in surprise!! "~ Big Sister Tsunami!!! ~" With a gushy glom to boot! "~ You followed me? ~" Tsunami says, looking into the eerily childlike version of herself. "~ I was lonely.. ~"
"Sister?" Says a third voice, one Al definitely knows. "Ahhhhhhhhh! I see I'm seeing something interesting to record here." And happens to have a vidcorder with her. He looks up and sees a slender sisterly figure with a long brown ponytail that hip angles as much as the owner does as she looks down at the stricken brother.
"Ow ..ow.. what the.. ow.." Aleaic speaks with a blockage, his nose REALLY hurts! "Hi Keturia... ow............ owie.."
"~ Sasami, that wasn't very nice. ~" Tsunami looks with admonishment for this, 'Sister'? "~ But..... but he 'stole' you from us! ~" Sasami speaks, tears of worry dropping out.
"~ That's silly Little Sister. I've contracted to someone special. He didn't 'steal' me Sister. ~" Tsui looks calmly at Sasami. Sasami though. "~ But, what about the.. ~" Sasami pleads a bit too much again.
Tsunami resultantly then looks sternly at Sasami. "~ Sasami, settle yourself. You broke Aleaic's nose you know? ~"
Sasami, a seemingly mirror reflection of Tsunami, except for the size and apparent age difference, as well as the presence of two triangles on her head, rather than circles like Tsunami. A more conservative dress attire adorns Sasami, rather than Tsunami's attire was, her mane set in two low ponytails, with a braid down the front of her left ear. The accouterments though are just as glamorous as Tsunami's are, though being an elder sister there has privileges.
Aleaic meanwhile, is helped up by Keturia, whom is pinching Al's back, mainly in egging on. "You have some explaining to do Little Bro." Keturia speaks, placing an arm on Al's head.
"Uhhhhhnnnn. I guess I do, don't I." Aleaic gingerly pats his bleeding nose.
While Tsunami gets Sasami to drag out an apology, Aleaic nods, with a resultant head rush from blood loss, and thinks to himself.
Life just got even more interesting.
(End Part One)
Author Notes: If you're read to this point, congratulations, reading makes your smarter everyday. That and welcome to my revamping of this story line series. Well, more of a clean up, and then the beginning to adding new stories over time, for a series I have had still in my mind, ever since I left if behind to do other things.
Those that have read my Valkyrie Knight series over in the Ah My Goddess! section of this site (fanfiction.net) will get to read the benefits of my hopefully improved storyline capability.
And the intent to finish this one as I saw it go towards all along.
And yes this was SI originally. Time however seems to make me at least feel it's not this anymore. Now I just want to tell a good story in this unique way. And as said, finish this as intended too. Hopefully this will carry through reading the cleaned up chapters I have done already, and further beyond.
This is for the Tenchi and Ah My Goddess! Fans out there everywhere, since even after all this time, the two series are my core 'bible' as far as anime enjoyment goes. This is still my attempt to do them both service.
Have fun with future chapters. =^^=