Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Ah My Tsunami Muyo! - The Human Sphere Saga ❯ Part Eight - (Version 8.3): Amendment to Sorrows. ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My guardian angel, once careless and free,
flew into the clouds and lost touch with me.
Her tears were cold and wet, falling on my face.
Her smile had left us without a trace.

Her angelic lips quivered, frozen and scared,
I felt rain clouds visiting, and had to prepare.
I knew that angels, often content,
were very special presents that God had sent.

To see one so sad,
so afraid,
so alone,
had made me weep while the cold winds had blown.

Her wings lost feathers,
comforting and soft,
falling from the stars,
floating aloft.

Her pain was felt throughout the land,
to feel true misery is impossible to stand.
I prayed so that when her hurting stops,
I'll be able to taste the angel's teardrops.
(Kathleen Sheppard - Angel Teardrops)
(Ah My Tsunami Muyo! - Part Eight (Version 8.3): Amendment to Sorrows..)
A terribly cold and comfortless wind bows through the remains of the once vibrant windows, now returned to their original state of rotted apathy. Within those shutters of aged torrent, the wind flows and whistles through what once was a beautiful and cherished home. An abode now bereft of what once was, a happy and prosperous family.
Within, also as cold and bereft, a mortal, formerly the luckiest of such beings in mortal existence at the time, now shivers within that decrepit structure of lost and desperately wanted dreams, dreams of a reality that `should' still be his to cherish. This with the one he supposed, even after enduring the End and all, would be able to `keep' as his one love and testament of such, to the world and universe at large.
And now......... it all was seemingly a `cruel' dream to the core beginning. Such was the apparent will of the Council of Heaven, and that damnable Report and all. Upon reading, and Aleaic `remembers' the last words his beloved Tsunami spoke, just prior to their reading, and upon the verdict, a HORRID cry of grief, as the Dimensionals and his family were literally stripped from him within mere shadows of moments. He still hears the last cry of his name, lost into the suddenly hollow wind, of what was a strange, yet charitable day.
..now............... now all a dream.
And so, after enduring the questions and eventual backlash from his once friends Tasha, Nobuyuki and the others, Aleaic then endured about the same from his family, as a helpless Keturia could only watch Aleaic crumble. After, the family left in a rush, led by a flustered Father, and even with Ket, after Al all but basically chased her off. This left Aleaic to watch and wait hopelessly for two months, despite all his wanting, all his praying, and even a number of vicious rants against the likes of Heaven, bordering even on thoughts Trakalin once harbored, he finally was `forced' to accept the truth.
It was over.
Worse so during, the residence, once a piety of family and relishment, began to decay in short order, as if a last insult to what Aleaic once held dear. Day by day over the said two months, the structures, the garden, and the hillside, all apparently decided to simply..... die away. Withering to the breaking, as apparently the original Enchantments were shorn off by Tsunami's enforced departure. The smell of decay joined the growing bitter winds. The food was the only portion not to wither, but it soon ceased to be, with natural hunger and such, even with Al's enraptured, dour state.
Finally, after the two months saw the first frost upon the now rotted away woodwork, even worse than apparently what Al and his once benefactor found the structure in condition, he finally was forced to give into the agonized inevitable, even though dying now seemed preferable. By this point, the mortal wondered what in the first place kept him alive, even after he saw his entire world vanish.
“:: ~ If... If maybe, I... I believe enough......... hope that I can endure this test. Maybe they all will return to me............... yes........... *growing mania...* ...yes they will come back. Yes........ and... and they can then tell me....... that it... *worsening...* ...that it all was a big fat mistake! I know, I can PROVE it all was a mistake.
Tsui can............. can............................................................... can....................... ~ ::”
It was hope.
Hope of the fallible kind. Wasted, impotent, of fool's make.
And after realizing upon that last want.
The last need.
He broke.
And as he stood outside that ruined Shrine, that ruined house of dreams, he saw the approach of a nondescript Shuttle, one that would take him home. And probably, to his eventual suicide. For going home now, felt like the valley of the shadow of death itself. It felt... euthanasia to the FINAL extreme.
And there he waits, in that hollow and bitter wind.
That dead world enveloped...
...without his goddess at his side.
*The Report.*
~ The fate and resolve of the Council is resolved to these parameters, in the detail of the Contract Wish emplaced upon the Alpha Goddess of Happiness: Tsunami, and the Mortal Agency known as Aleaic Kerensky.
The Judgment is based on the Report submitted by the Hand of the Father and Council, Lord Alpha Avatar Tenchi.
The Judgment is thus.........
It is found, that in the three and a half mortal years that have passed in the presence of the eye and will of the Council, that the following facts have been determined about the nature of the situation surrounding the Contract, and it's participants.
One: The mortal is found to have a low tolerance of spiritual matters, in the matter of belief, and taking at the manner of fact, at face value. The mortal also has shown a tendency to act irrationally, and irresponsibly, with a penchant of irregular behavior and immanerable temperament.
His treatment of matters of the Factual that is Jurai Core, and all It's constructs and functions, is noted as one not believing in the severity of the nature of the Will of Father, the Core, and the Existence, of all it is all run and governed upon and under, with oversight by this authority as a prime example. His demonstration of this mannerism, which is pegged upon that, such that plagues the race and souls of humanity as a whole, is disturbing at `best'. No demonstrated underestimation, is worth the price from objectivity of faithlessness, such that this mortal has shown to the respect of the Core, and it's infinite functions.
This shows a lack of perception, and a unwillingness to acquiesce to belief in evolution and to accept the change that humanity may one day face, which at this time, is shown of the Race as a whole, unworthy.
The mortal is shown to be unfit as a candidate of ascendance, and it's treasures inherit.
Two: The Alpha Goddess of Happiness Portfolio, Tsunami, has shown a broad disregard to her duties and standards for the governing of the Core, and has set a dangerous precedent, appending by the Council, by a self imposed need to change the Wish Contract clauses, as in regard to her conduct to the Contact case and events thereafter. This example in it's entirety, should be made clear to the standard nature of the shared existence, with the mortal and Dimensional worlds. Humanity is unto itself even now, a greedy, avarice, ego driven species, desiring of ideals that continue to breach the Seven Sins in constant and alarming regularity. The Alpha in this named Report, has demonstrated a number of these worrisome traits, bordering on such that a Alpha Demon foe could Sunder her being in format entirety, from the Network of the Core. This violates the Standard Security clauses governing the safety and well being of the Core, the Administrators, and the oversight governing of the Mortal Plane.
The Alpha has shown such a `complete' disregard to the Ideals of Father and the Core, that she should be considered for an immediate demotion to Beta Status Licensee upon her Return to the Core, this as the Holy Council sees fit. Her tendency to merger her daily existence to Mortality, has shown her to be too easily corrupted by the influences of the `imperfect' human world, and a Reprimand should be placed in her Permanent Goddess-File, upon her Return to Heaven.
As for the other Dimensionals that followed her, whether by choice, act by the mortal, or other circumstance, and then `voluntarily' acquiesced their stay upon the Mortal Plane, a severe Reprimand should be assessed to each and every Dimensional that participated in this gregarious display of dishonor to the Name of the Father, and the Core Jurai Tree, the Supreme OS in Name of the Mortal Plane, and more in vein of dishonored, with each being demoted, and such to each individual, stripped of the ability to `ever' return to the Mortal Plane, for a period to be determined by this Holy Council, if not by infinite timeframe outright.
Moreover, the Demon/Goddess Hybrid known as Ryoko, should be cast from the graces of Heaven, back to the depths of the Hells she was apparently spawned from. The Avatar Yosho and Goddess Washu, should be considered for a `complete' stripping of Power, and placed in a Level 5 lifeform upon `separate' worlds, to never engage in a situation, that could cause the Core so much grief in the future.
The hoped will of Father is upon this binding. The will `should' be done in this manner, so says a number of the Council. ~
The Shuttle is so close now, the wind from it adding a extra sharp bite to the evil winds of fate, the words that rang SO truthfully, yet so poisonously, from the Report, that it's almost like the hand of the Hell Core assisted in writing of the electronic document.
And yet so truthful. This Aleaic believes, as he is forced to accept, that his weak mortal shell, caused their happiness and future existences together, to be rendered asunder. To cause those he knew to be suffering so agonizingly now because of him. It was all his fault.
So close now, the strobe lights that give colder shadows, and ones... for a moment... Aleaic dares to dream, that there is more than one shadow, that isn't his own.
“To have come so far.”
It's about to land............
~ But not all.
And not by majority even.
The `majority' to whence the authoring of this document falls, is led by the Ascendance Sect, headed by the Alpha Goddesses of Insight and Support. It's in `these' recommendations, as well as from shown demonstrated will of clarity, that the minds of Heaven are the tainted ones. As far as the old standard goes at least.
Therefore, in the mindful, evolving worlds of Humanity and Heaven, in the words of Funaho, Alpha Goddess:
“(~ Humanity is the mirror to what `we' as Dimensionals are. To simply wave as chaff, the concepts that Humanity is `only' a weak minded species, with no hope of future for themselves, dooms `us' to fall upon their descent from grace. For we will have `failed' them is truth, and in whole. To seek my truth in these words, look to the ones this Amendment seeks to judge, for they are the betters in this case! We are the weak ones, if we see them as only folly, and us as the infallible. We are then as shown, more weak than what we seek to destroy.
We point to three points to argue by.
Point One: The Contract. First off, it has become more than a binding agreement from Father, it has become the Light! One that can show `us' the way to better help Humanity ascend, as such was the WILL of Father all along!! Is this not our eventual goal in our endless taskings? Is it not why we exist?
Point Two: Lives have changed greatly that come into contact with the two being Judged. Enemies have become friends, trials have been surmounted as a family proper should, and even the consternation of those we see as vital to our existence in Heaven, have stood up and taken their rightful places. All this in great due part to the Catalyst that the Judged have provided, and the giving of their hearts that events have transpired and demonstrated results greatly in our and their mortal plane's favor.
As such the Third Point: And MOST so of all at that. The ones under Judgment, the ones being derided so much by the blind of our Realm, were the very ones that RESTORED this very Council, The Great Trees, and all Existence around in connection! Les we forget that, as we finalize the end result of our will, and nearly result ill to their most deserved and higher standard of existence. Look ye well my fellow members of this Council, for they are the ones we should look up to, not down upon!
Or do you my hearing Council as this is read aloud, all not hear the groaning of the Great Tree even `now'? It as He, already know the final truth about Humanity, and of the Contract, such that it is a blueprint that the Tree itself by Father's Blessing, has governed much of It's current OS standard by! Do you not heed the weeping the leaves give in glisten, at each joy that just two beings can allow it, and not even realize by? The result should be obvious to even the most jaded of us. I speak not of ego in this offering, rather it is of two lovers, and their example to us `all'. ~)”
As such, the authors of this Report have come to the Prime Third and Binding conclusion:
Goddess Alpha Tsunami has shown immaculate stride in evolved manner, no longer respondent to every need and whim, governing instead to constructive energies that benefit all around her, in a manner nearly as impressive as what she did as a Representative. If just her immediate circle is benefited from her `grown' demeanor, then her demonstrations to Humanity as a `whole' may benefit the Race in such General, the Race may merge with Heaven without warning in the foreseeable future!
And Lord Aleaic meanwhile, while flawed to be ever sure, has also demonstrated far more character, and leadership ability, than he himself gives credit for, showing that even Dimensionals have a thing or six to learn about life. It is such that Heaven is beginning to feel a reflex effect of sorts. Heaven as a result of the End, and the by the magnanimous author's of the Bootstrap Genesis we all continue to exist from, have begin to reevaluate it's goals and strategies. We all as residents of Heaven have overstated our importance, and as a secondary result, must begin to see that Humanity is no longer a simpleton Race.
The Mortal agency has also shown an impressive tact for resolving issues surrounding the immortals that have gathered around him. The results have demonstrated upon larger events that Aleaic himself admits were overwhelming. He has adapted his own ways to ours, as one accepts another culture, even one such as ours. More, he does `not' see us as anything more or less, than other living beings that wish for respect and consideration. Such traits and actions have garnered such a degree of respect, that a `rare' addition of a mortal surname has been agreed upon by the Dimensionals there, in `whole', and as one. This example of unity and evolved thinking, has borne such a fruit, that we as of Heaven would do well to follow this singular example. This all has also given Heaven, great insight in first hand contact with humans, which we have been sorely lacking for a great while, as with Humanity's growing advancements.
Humanity is evolving much faster than we were ready to accept. As a parent unto a child as nothing less in approach thinking. As such, we are now forced to accept that Humanity, is about to Evolve to the next plateau. The parents and guardians are abut to have `equals' of our `children', whom we have watched over for so long. Too long it bay be in fact. The pair of this Binding is the example to look to in this vein of light. Too much that can be learned, must not be wasted in the name of unfounded fears and pointless closed minds.
While the Contract is not the necessarily binding final clause upon this all, it is still yet a primary link, one between our newfound understanding of Humanity, and our own flawed nature. We of my fellow Council now are seen to have a `ways to go', in the Human tongue. Moreover, the Dimensionals that have gathered around the Mortal, and those that have come into contact with him, and his mortal family, Keturia Kerensky as the prime named example in this Report, have allowed the types we call ourselves as Dimensional, to also change. For better and worse, no less as a human does.
The Hand of Father as a prime example, has shown `much' improved mannerism, and grace, taking greater responsibility as of late, as what the Hand was expected of. His fears are apparently greatly alleviated, if not fully annulled.
The Hybrid Ryoko as another example, has as of late learned such a degree of respect, kindness, and sharing capacity, that she is deemed ready to conduct testing trials for Alpha status Certification, within the next Human calendar year.
The Goddess Washu is now more shown to a degree of compassion, despite wailing tirades of the mortal client, that she is considered for Pardoning of her myriad crimes against the Core, however the circumstances were in conduction. This we determine safely enough at this time.
The Avatar Yosho is also officially Pardoned of his actions in defying the Core, in the matter of the Charge of `Formatting' the Demon Agent previous: Ryoko. His acts and teachings of the Avatar Hand, and the Mortal agency, have given both formats to learn off of each other, and have reflected unto many others, including the Hybrid and Washu. The effects are readily seen, and appreciated, and more by the mortal at present. Yosho's services to the Core, the `mellowing' of the Goddesses Ayeka and Ryoko, as well as in assistance with the case of Tokimi's presence on the Mortal Plane, have demonstrated a evolved tact, seen as reasons for the Pardon.
But most of all, as a belated and pointed note to the Trakalin Incident. The unit as a whole, named in this document, as the Kerensky Dimensionals, demonstrated such a degree of character during this particular crisis, as well as to the final outcome, that Heaven and Hell Cores have given Meritorious Citations of Immortal Courage, sealed as Will by the Father, that the said family core unit is also Pardoned of expectations and inherit crimes of their coming to the Mortal Plane. Moreover, the unit is hereby Allowed to remain unto the Mortal Plane, so long as the Mortal agency remains upon that Plane of existence.
This also means, that with the Contract, as well as the binded parties involved, are Allowed to remain together on the Mortal Plane, so as in long their cherished existence together can be allowed to remain as so, unto the Mortal Realm.
It is also hoped, that their relationship together, demonstrated to the benefit of the souls around them, will bring moreso, to the human species as a whole, and thereby accelerate the merging of Human and Dimensional, as the Will of Father has commanded.
It is also the Council's hope, that the Mortal agency will return to visit Heaven, as to allow the residents here the better ample opportunity to experience first hand, the nature that is humanity, flaws and all. If a small group of celestials can benefit this much, as well as gain `habits' in the same vein, from one mortal individual, then we all could use the same, and benefit in our own ways.
Heaven is not made to be an unreachable ceiling, as rather, the goal to touch at the proper time. We and they, should be ready for that eventuality, now more seen as closer than ever before. That time is indeed coming, and can be felt in our coded blood if one dares listen, watch, and pray.
This is the Council's Will, guided by our `collective' Father and One Will. His will be thy truly done.
Signed: Council of Holy Wisdom, Jurai Core of the Great Tree of Existence.
Aye: (8)
Nays: (2)
Abstains: (1)
Co-Signed: Alpha Goddesses Funaho of Intelligence, and Misaki of Parents. ~
*(Again,) at present... (..1932 Hrs.)*
They all read the Report, and as they had begun to read the trying portions, Aleaic's livid imagination had begun to run WILD!!
The sound of that `Shuttle' was SO realistic in his mind, that Tsunami had to make a RARE harsh retort, to make Aleaic stop such a self-destructive mindset! Tsui's voice was so loud, that even Terrai and Funaho were `rattled'! Then, as they all read the second half, the Report made even a stoic Terrai cringe in dismay, suddenly flustered into a joyous realization.
The Report, was `favorable' to the Contract.
Tsunami and Aleaic no longer faced separation, so long as mortality allowed, extended by technology. (If not more.)
As soon as they and the Dimensionals that were listening in, (and.. um.. it was MORE than just the ones about the residence. `Much' more.) realized the Report was in such a vein, the ever most tangible of lightest of giddy feelings, fell upon each and every one of the Dimensionals, while a satisfied feeling washed over Terrai.
And, as for the particulars.
“We....... we can stay toge........ WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!” *Quickly loses the Padd, caught by Mayuka DEFTLY!!*
Aleaic in the midst of this, endures the most loving assault upon his person he has EVER been forced to endure, as a normally subdued Tsunami goes celestial bananas!!! “I'm................ happy............... for you dear....... glah!” Al barely manages to get out, as he continues to get the `literal' namesake in kisses and joyous hugs! Everyone else nearby, stays clear out of the way, les they get injured in the `backlash' of outpoured emotions!
Tenchi and Sasami though can't help but be happy, as they know their Sister is `assured' a permanent happiness, as long as their `Sensei' decides to allow. (Like `he'll' ever decide otherwise.) If anything, their short time here has shown a penchant of a desire to simply be happy, even if it flies in the face of crude and conventional `wisdom'. Not to mention cold fact of events as well.
Like a world of dour is meant to be `only' such though, as this display attests `otherwise' to.
Below, Tasha and the others, Nobuyuki most assuredly made confused, witness their guests, about go `ape' as well, celestially speaking. Achika is the most `Tsui-like', as she suddenly nabs Nobuyuki and SPINS him around with her! Thankfully they were outside, as otherwise the interior would be annihilated in the ensuing maelstrom that Achika `creates'!
Nobuyuki loses his `cookies' soon after btw. =^^=
Meanwhile, as Al is about to lose his breath! “AH!! ..*ACK!!* Tsui!! That report said.. glah! As long as I... *CRICK* ..stay on Earth!!
Al is about to turn a shade of color, not meant for a human mortal, when Tsunami `finally' eases up, at least enough to let Al breathe decently again. This though by no danged means makes Tsui let go, moreso, as she seems permanently `fused' to her betrothed's chest. “~ I'm so happy. ~”
Aleaic can't help but chuckle. “Ev... Even to one as `flawed' as I am?” Al quips through his sight of endless silken teal. Terrai can't hold back a good laugh from this. Tsunami though looks up, and Aleaic falls into those pink pools again longingly. “~ Moreso. ~”
The others begin to chuckle heavily, just before.
“~ Guys. ~” Everyone looks over at Mayuka, whom is holding the `Padd' in her slender hands, and is looking with `worry'. “{~ Yeah babe? ~}” `Mommy' Ryoko quips, which to `Mommy' Ayeka WHAPS `Mommy' Ryoko in the melon.. “~ Maybe you should still be cast Demon. ~”
`Daddy' Tenchi rolls his eyes. “~ You never stop do ya? ~”
“{~ HELL CORE NO!! ~}/~ LIKE HEAVEN NAY!!!!!!!! ~” Both snarl to their beloved. (Strange preposition.)
Tenchi looks at Sasami blandly. “~ Can I make a run for it Sis? ~” Sasami shakes her lil head dryly, and Tenchi plops a hand in his deflated face. “~ Why me. ~”
“~:: Mothers!! ::~” Mayuka snaps! This stops the argument suddenly, as... “~ Wow. ~” Mihoshi puts out, just about to vainly try and halt the approaching Armageddon again. Tenchi and Sasami impressively clap their hands. “~ Wow. Way to go girl. ~” .. “~ Yeah Mayuka. Wow. ~”
“Im... Impressive.......” Terrai ekes out.
Ryoko and Ayeka though are pip eyed . “~ God command voice. ~”
“{~ Seconded. ~}”
Mayuka shakes off the impressed looks to. “~ Can I divert attention back to this? There's... uh... something else added here. ~”
In ALL of a second, the others SNAP back to hover Mayuka's head this time, this time to see what Al then reads and throws a conniption of!
“(Al) AGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHAT THE!?!?!?!?”
~ Addendum: Current Earth date:
It should added, as to the current situation attesting to the arrival of the Representatives of the Portfolio's of Time Wheel Structure, and Gravity have caused the System to rebound react. The OS is therefore determined to be acting under an unusual amount of strain, concerning the presence of a Third Wish Contact situation. This as such, Violates the Accord Article 156,706-13Y Section 551-A/3, concerning the Wish criteria to mortals on the Mortal Plane.
The mortal is found to have unwittingly caused the Violation, and as such, is given a period of time, to rectify the situation, to a swift conclusion, within a period of Ten Mortal/Earth Days. If not assessed to, the Accord Violation may result in Rescinding of the Amendment Judgment, as this would constitute an act, dangerous to the safety and well being of the Core, this `not' argued by the particulars of the Council, whatever their affiliations.
The mortal must amend this situation, or face retroactive punishment.
This is the Council's Will, guided by our `collective' Father and One Will. His will be thy truly done.
Signed: Council of Holy Wisdom, Jurai Core of the Great Tree of Existence.
Aye: (11)
Nays: (0)
Abstains: (0) ~
Everyone sees this, and FREEZES their souls, moreover, as Achika and the other Dimensionals below FREEZE, making Nobuyuki meet the effect of Earth's indelible power: Gravity. (No, just the `natural' kind. =Xx=;;; ) Such is the light `thump' heard from below, as well as the `ow' that floats up.
Not that it's ever really heard. “Oh LORDS!! W... w... w... w... WHAT DO I DO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?” Al grips his hair with! For once, ALL are stunned speech and mindless!
Save for two `certain' goddesses.
*Hell Core. Assignments Section.*
What? Thought they were just `dallying' since the Reinitialization?
“{{~ Well now. ~}}”
A certain forked tongue, laced of silver hair and devious manner, the Hand of Mulhorand, Master of the Dark Tree and of the End along with Annihilation. (Cheery type eh?) Lord Kagato, Head Admin of Hell Core, and now... a bemused onlooker, as word of the `Special Assignment' from Earth reached his infernal ear lobes.
As well as the `particulars'.
And or course, something `this' important, needs to be meddled in.
“{{~ Agent Nagi is sending for you two eh? ~}}”
“{{~ Indeed Milord. Is there a problem? ~}}”
Kagato shakes his head. “{{~ Only for the ones you intend to shake apart with this, whatever scheme you two enrapture their bloated existences with. By far, it will be splendid to `see' the Mortal again, before I mutilate him into a Slug, for his meddling in The Plan. ~}}” He puts with a clenched fist full of smolder.
The two whom Kagato speaks to, both giggle `venomously'. And girlishly at that. Which may be the worse indeed. “{{~ Then be assured, that once we are through with the foolish mortal, that you will have what is left of him. If he survives `us' that is. ~}}”
Kagato barely registers a smirk. His experience with `these two' is that, when something enters their grasp, it usually finds death or nullification, more than acceptable ways out of their myriad of Hexes and webs.
“{{~ But, even so, at least bring me the head in `whatever' condition such ends up as, so I may mount it on my meeting table. At least, for `decoration'. Agreed? ~}}” Kagato presses with, determined to show off a trophy worthy of his Master Lord. At least, `if' he can get his hands on the Mortal Aleaic's head. This alone would be worth sending these two:
Sakuya of the Demon Agent Portfolio of Possession.
Haruna of the Demon Agent Portfolio of Seduction.
The two worst/dangerous/heinous Alpha Demons outside of the Inner Circle of the Infernal, and ones sent only on the most `importantly' deemed assignments.
Ones they have `never' failed in. Not a one.
“{{~ So. How long do we have to torture the mortal until we must `deliver' you prize milord? ~}}” The one named Sakuya slys out, as she does all the talking, as her `Sister' Haruna leans on a Administrator Desk, `flirting' with a non-descript Demon Admin, one that won't survive the Wither Hex she put over the fool, such is her style.
Anyone caught in her Seduction Trance, is immediately Cursed. It never fails. And Sakuya is `infamous' for taking those `Seduced', and Possessing their souls to cause a grandiose display of grotesque carnage, prior to being dragged to the Hells, so as to `justify' the whole endeavor. This is why they never fail, humans are just `so' weak minded, that either tact used first, causes the other to follow swiftly after, and such.
Usual justification of Hex Contract is easily assured.
Kagato mulls this through his mind, as he responds in kind. “{{~ Long enough to humiliate the Hand of Father, as well as make a mental raping of that whore of Happiness. Possibly the Sister as well, so as to double to `effect'. I want them so much infernal `toast', that I can smell their celestial carcasses all the way down Here in my Office. ~}}” Kagato then cocks an evil eye, more plain looking actually. “{{~ And also embalm a Hex rune of Hell Core upon the head. It'll make the effect to my `useless' minions all the more `direct'. ~}}”
Sakuya chuckles, and looks over at her Sister, whom already has succeeded in her corruption. “{{~ Now now Sister dearest. Training of Admins down here is worth a lot of time. Hate to just waste talent on the refuse. ~}}”
Haruna turns from the suddenly writhing Demon Admin. “{{~ To me, never is such waste. Practice makes perfect Hells, my wisdom says. ~}}” She `smiles', just as the Admin begins to eat from within. The sight makes Kagato sadistic. “{{~ Such perfection of corruption. And to the task at hand, my lethal sirens. ~}}” ..said, just as the afflicted Admin is suddenly burst from within, by gray, rotting maggots.
So much for lunch.
“{{~ Be assured milord. ~}}” Haruna echoes with a seductive tone. “{{~ The Mortal's days among the cherished, is numbered. Not even Love can save him from `us'. ~}}”
Kagato flusters with a disdainful hand. “{{~ Yes yes, all and bad is good. However, even if it ends up being a first. Failure will `cost' you both `dearly'. ~}}” Kagato puts with a stern tone, one with a lethal bite behind it. Haruna and Sakuya, heedless to threats, only nod, and with a pair of green laced funnels, both Hex Port from the Assignments Center.
A `great' sigh of relief exhales from the remaining Admins.
Kagato looks upon this..... “{{~ `Relieved' are we now? ~}}” ...with `discord'. “{{~ A last `breath' indeed pitiable fools. ~}}” ..as he SCARS/MELTS a random Admin Terminal Station, such as when he IMMOLATES the Admin that once occupied it, a random poor Demon. (If there is `such' a vein.)
The effect is immediate, as Kagato feels the much heightened levels fear within the slaved chamber, and as such, `he' is the only one that draws a sigh of relief: a `greedy' one.
“{{~ Ahhhhhh. Such is the wine I prefer to drink. ~}}”
Fear still more than well exists here friends. =--=;;;;;
*Residence. 2002 Hours.*
“~ He's in a cheery mood. ~” Washu quips needlessly. The others, the combined Dimensionals, and guests of both Al's family, and his former Dojo mates, now all around the dinner table, enjoying the Sasami/Achika spread of the main course of Asian Stir Fry, with all the usual specialties, and such. It is with a decent attempt, to enjoy such by all... which... even with Tsui still latched to Al's chest, as she eats, is all with a `sense' of distraction. This as Al constantly drops his head onto the table, lightly enough not to knock the plates and glasses too much, but just enough to be notable with nigh endless repetition.
If the hollow wood `echo' wasn't a clue. “Indeed.” Jeain remarks, as she picks up a piece of cut beef in her sticks, just before a `thunk' hits the table, making the task `iffy'. “Ah.. Heh, good catch.” Jeain cheers herself with as she enjoys the bite taken.
It's though not so with the others, as a number of the head `taps' have made the others drop morsels in disgust.
Finally... *Thunk..... thump.... **NAB!!** ..*
*Silence........... cricket chirp.*
“Um... okay.” Al queeps out, sporting a decent welt on his forehead. (Hey! A new Sigil! =^^= )
“~ Ryoko dearest. I think my Al has beaten himself well enough. Your assistance is not required. ~” Tsunami ekes out in a `level' tone. Ryoko has a `animal-insane' look in her eyes. “{~ Just one punch. Oh yes I, and my lovely Mystery Hand of Death. ~}” Ryoko puts with a `manic' giggle.
Funaho leans over to Washu. “(~ Do you not see a need to intervene? ~)”
Washu looks blandly at Funaho in return. “~ What, and spoil my appetite? Sasami and Achika worked hard on this meal you know. Ryoko's a grown goddess. ~”
“~ For a Demon. ~” Ayeka pointedly says, looking blandly upon her chopsticks, laden with a mouthful to be taken. (Finally.)
“{~ Oh yes, one punch. ~}” Ryoko puts as an apparent `mantra'.
Al senses his impending doom. “And the Report was `so' the highlight of my day. Over so quickly it now is.” Al cries in anime tears past Tsui's cheek.. “~ Ryoko. ~” Tsui puts more sternly.
“~ Okay Ryoko, let the Sensei go. ~” Tenchi puts in at last.
“{~ *EYE GLEAM!!* Why yes my dear Tenchi!!! ~}” Ryoko invariably reacts, as Al meets Nobuyuki's earlier fate. *CRASH!!*
“~ Ouch.... ~/ ....ich.”
Kiyone and Alusair look at each other, and the glances of bemused looks from the other guests, mortal that is, they have to remind themselves, as Tasha looks with strained glance to the scene just conducted. Nobuyuki would too, except Achika keeps fawning over him, taking his attention about 76.3 percent of the way.
Sora and Tora just concentrate on their lobster flavored sauce, dipped with prongs. Fat Dal, don't ask.. *stuffing his fat face to the fancy!!*
Hiwa though is ever cheery one, as she continues to find this display just too giddy to keep from laughing at. Tasha glances at Hiwa every now and then, and rolls her eyes. “I swear, this abode keeps refraining from the traditional sense of the Japanese home.”
Next to her, Alana keeps hand feeding her husband, as Kero keeps a bemused eye upon Al's predicament, like his eye was meant to record all goings on with his former star protégé pilot. Next to them, Michelle meanwhile just keeps enjoying the concoctions of Sasami with relishment. And no, the Dojo Club, as they call themselves nowadays, now lacking an Institute to call their own, other than as volunteer help, (or in Tasha's case, an unwelcome continuance,) they as a whole do no' realize better as the Kerensky's now do, of immortal `nature' of things, of the benefactors of this meal, and the usual impromptu entertainment.
But, even `they' are taken aback at the sight of the Twins. Their goddess `format' displayed, makes even Tasha think that sake` party last evening still was affecting them all! Eventually though, they also, are `forgotten' about as a quiet Numb Spell makes the Dojo types forget the new `additions', (whom by the way, keep glancing at poor Al, which is the root cause of Al's welts.)
Al meanwhile enjoys a moment away from the constant glances given, as Tsui continues to glom like the goddess dickens.
“Sophy, how come `every' time we come here, this place is a blasted zoo!?
Al pokes his head above the table edge. “And how come you keep calling me `Sophy'? We `all' Graduates for living sakes!!!”
Tasha just dips a prong into a second sauce, of soy and butter. “Because it's tradition. Besides, I've been doing it so long, what else was I supposed to call you? Sensei? Please. Besides, you never told me you'd have more guests here this evening.”
Al quips back. “You never asked `Deere'.” Al decides to `punctuate', risking Tasha `assisting' Ryoko with her own fists, but said refrains from such with only a dry smirk. “Comedic Gaijin. Why I bother...”
“~ So. Ahem.. Michelle... ~” Kiyone asks quickly across the left of the table. “~ ..how's the preparations for the Outer Rims Race coming? ~”
At this, Michelle, with Kero and Alana, just fluster out a dry response. “Don't ask...” ..the three all bout echo the same. The others look with uncertainty suddenly. “~ What's wrong? ~” Mihoshi queries.
“Ohhhhhh. The dang mecha frame we chose this time around, is making the Flight Sim-ware go haywire. The struts keep failing under the stresses Simmed upon them.” Michelle groans with a dragged sigh. Kero picks up from there. “Normally we'd not worry about changing frames. But the competition is catching on fast to the Vacuum Engine, and now we need to alter the frame to keep up with the new designs continuously coming out these days.”
“It's strange...” Alana quips thoughtfully. “..that we'd have to become so dynamic, not to mention erratic, with our own base frame, to keep up with everyone now. We used to be the standard... we.. I mean you two were..” ..she remarks with a smile to Al and Tsui, both now managing to a sitting position, though with Al still `fused', it was tricky.
Al and Tsui though equate in blushes upon the comment. “Aww.” .. “~ We are still honored. ~” Tsui says more articulate, which Kero and Alana bow their heads to, before Kero takes a nibble from Alana's chopsticks.
“~ Sounds like you need help I garner. ~” Washu speaks up to Michelle, whom suddenly has a guilty look on her face. “I... I was hoping.... since you all `were' on Lady Tsunami's and Sensei Aleaic's team all that time. Maybe.....” Michelle barely ekes out, as Al can't help but smile.
“Maybe you could use such `help' for the coming race. Correct?” Al leans in, striking a pose that Jeain notes as Terrai's own. Michelle quivers to say `yes', but... “If.. if you don't..”
“~ *evil chuckle* Nothing like helping a colleague in a fix, `especially' if it deals with technology. Count me in babe! ~” Washu puts, though Ryoko quips. “{~ Ever a bad sign. ~}”
Washu just flusters off Ryoko, as Michelle notes the smiles about the table, about to cry even.. “You... you all `really' would help? I... I just...”
“Hey. We help our own when the chips count.” Ket puts in cheerfully. Al smiles to his elder Sister, as the Dimensionals smile to each other. Terrai can't help but glance at this, and then exchange such with Jeain. “Goodness. Never have I seen such caring shown, at the drop of a pin.” Terrai notes, and Al chuckles.. “That's the special part about this place Pop.”
“~ Never a chore taken with compensation expected, other than to see our `assistance', blossom such of our expectations. Or at least a well earned try at it, whatever the case may be. ~” Tsunami adds too boot. `Now' Michelle is crying.
“~ So... when's this Race going to be? ~”
Alana looks over at Achika, the latter still feeding Nobuyuki with relish. “Two months. Everything's finalized, except the technical snafus and such.” Michelle rubs her eyes, and rolls them to the last part. “Hence my emotionalism.”
Everyone else chuckle, though Tasha finds this not so funny. (Serious schmo..) “HEY! It's no laughing matter with the specs a mecha must meet, concerning flight performance and such! We, the Dojo Masters.. (Al: `Masters?') ..are PROUD to lend our technical expertise to the endeavor of this coming Race!
WE the proud members of the Dojo, ALWAYS will come to the aid of a fellow member! You can count on US as well Lady Michelle!”
Michelle (AND everyone else,) a `bit' taken aback by this display, smiles meekly. The other `Dojo' mates though groan. “How did `we' get shanghaied into this, all of a sudden?” Tora bemoans this sudden crimp in his social life. Hiwa is more blunt. “Can you ASK us next time before you kidnap us into another wild adventure like this Tasha!?! I got a job you know.”
Tasha though is undeterred... (..big whoop...) ..as she continues. “Does it MATTER my fellows? Through thick and thin, the Dojo ALWAYS will live on, in the hearts and minds of Tekomi Institute, and the citizens that look up to us as it's Salvation!!!!!!”
A TON of confused glances exchange across the table. `Tasha...” Al pucks his lips blandly.. “....it's a Race. Not a war against the Gardon, you know.”
Tasha is about to continue her preaching, when Al looks over, mercifully. “If it helps any, you can count on us as well. Um... ah, if Tsui wants to help.” Al puts, feeling he's overstepping his bounds a bit. Tsui though readily agrees quickly. “~ I would only object, if you didn't ask beloved. ~”
Al chuckles. “Glad I did.”
Michelle looks over and is crying twice more now. “OH thank you SO much you guys! I KNOW we can do well in the coming race, even if it is my seventh.”
“Bout time for a win, don't you say?” Kero puts, which the subject of, then looks down. “It'd be nice. I feel like a crutch, not living up to expectations.”
Al sighs, knowing whence this comes.. “Sorry. Guess we set a pretty high standard in our two years of racing.” He puts as apologetically as possible. Michelle sighs and looks glumly at Al and Tsui. “It's not your fault. I.. I feel though, that it's something I will have to live with as a pilot, for the rest of my tenure here at the Institute. It's taking the fun out of flying, this I admit.”
Expectations and more expectations. `Definitely' a flaw of the human trait. If one sets too high a standard, it's expected to be `immediately' met by the next soul that follows. And when it's not, the backlash is usually `too' harsh, critics are such so, and an unfair blame is levied.
A shameful cuss on the wills of humans. Al has seen this time and again since Michelle replaced him as primary team pilot. Despite his best attempts to help guide her, Michelle just didn't have the same skills, and certainly not the `luck' Al had had for two years. Al grinds his hands into a napkin with apparent disgust. “I wish I was a better teacher. And I'm sorry that you have to endure all this Michelle. You don't need to worry about `us' doing the same to you milady.”
Michelle nods, wiping a tear. Her time with the team here at Tekomi, since transferring from the now defunct Rohak racing team, has gone from watching wonders that Al and Tsui accomplished, to her own trying times in several semi-prestigious races. It's a two forked road, this their `piloting' lives have been.
Tsui refrains from adding anything, as Aleaic's words say enough. She only gloms quietly instead.
It's here, that Terrai decides to become `helpful'. “If I may, young fellows.” And a number of heads turn to hear the elder's words. “I may know, a certain `person', that may be a better instructor in the arts of piloting. He's the son of a certain Fleet Commander I know, and is specialized in training military grade, Special-Forces pilot certifications. He also has worked with the Command OPFOR Unit in the European Union, and the Inner Rims Command as a Wing Commander.
And he is interested in `free-lancing' his talents, if the asking was genuine enough. He may have some time to spare to assist you Lady Michelle. But I believe he will want compensation for his services. But we can deal with that at the appropriate time. If you wish to try him out, as it were.”
Ket and Al look in surprise at their Father. “Well this is a first.” Ket quips, and gets a bland stare back from Terrai. “*weakly* Or not.”
“Are....... are you sure...... he's good?” Michelle asks defensively. Terrai chuckles. “Did not his type of instruction, not cross your lobes milady?” To which Michelle defensively reacts. “Ok, sure... y..yeah.. I guess.. okay. If that's alright with you Sensei.” Michelle comments nervously. Al exchanges a smirk with Terrai. “Gee...”
“Now now. You were nervous before many of your races too, I remember quite clearly.” Terrai puts with perfect memory, and Al puts with perfect chuckling. “Oh yeah. If it were for Tsui here, I'd never have gone through with it in the first place.” To which Tsui gloms on a bit tighter again.
“Um... how long you going to hold onto me like this love?”
“~ Forever. ~”
Al looks dour. “Figures.”
“*chuckle* I will place a cell call later tomorrow, if that answers your nervous query milady.” Terrai says, which to Michelle suddenly bows her head low at the table. “Oh Thank you sir! Thank you!”
“Gee.” Jeain just `puts' which Terrai gulps. “What? You want lessons too?”
“Or just focus.”
Al just chuckles. “Never changes huh?” ..which he looks away from an elder's stare.
A number of chuckles ring across the table, before dinner moves into the dessert phase, as Al keeps avoiding eye contact with Inryoku and Kalacakra, as inhumanly as possible. They though are `out of mind' of the Dojo mates, though they `certainly' aren't as fortunately so with Al and his immortal family. Ayeka and Ryoko fight over a piece of Apple Pie, a favorite of Terrai's. Mihoshi and Misaki just chatter like best buds, celestial or nor.
Tenchi makes small talk with Caladeni and Alusair, as Aleaic asks Jeain about Hikara and Luriena. The former still a professor at the Europa Institute upon the Jovian Luna of the same namesake. The latter working with Terrai's own Office as of current.
Sasami keeps playing with the Class-Two's, but Aleaic notes a `glance' every now and then. He just keeps his concentration on his food, and Tsui in constant glom mode, though eating is eventually finished, and the `trio' of glances keeps continuing, the Twins not helping either. Misaki and Jeain then talk motherly stuff, which gives Ayeka the `fits'.
Kiyone then regales an investigation into a hacking, which the Dojo mates presume is about a local hacker. (If only.) Mihoshi then `adds' tidbits that suddenly put the rest of the family into strange roles. Tenchi is the heroic assistant with Mihoshi and Kiyone. Everyone else is made into System Admins, mostly bit parts, though `somehow' Tsui and Al get paired together as a debugging team. “WHAT!? B... B... B... B... B... B... B... B.. B..”
“~ Oh do just play along. ~” Tsui presses a finger on Al's lips, to which.. “Oh yeah, you are just `enjoying' all this.” Which Tsunami nods agreeably to. Kiyone just moans at Mihoshi. “~ I want another clutch mate. ~”
In the end, the day is `saved' when some strange girl dressed `suspiciously' like Sasami, drops in, and catches the hacker, played by Ryoko of course. “{~ HEY!! WHA THE!!!!?!? ~}”
“~ Best casting ever. ~”
“{~ I'll put `you' in a cast Ayeka. ~}”
Everyone just ignores the near death match once again, as the `girl' is called Magical Alpha Goddess Celestial Sammia! (Kiyone: ~ Please stop already Mihoshi! ~) Well, the bad gal (Ryoko: {~ Shut it Ayeka!! You too Mihoshi!! ~} ) is caught, and Sammia saves the day `again'! (Huh, talk about a rip off of a `certain' series we all know. Um.. yeah.. well.)
In the end, all is happy, and Al is shown to be `mugged', as is Tenchi being `mugged' by Mihoshi, Terrai (Apparently set as a HIGH level of the Core, which gives the elder Kerensky fits. Jeain just giggles heavily now about it all..) is `mugged', as is Nobuyuki, and the other males in a `fashion', though some are `unhealthy' in thought.
“DAL!!” Hiwa scolds the plump mortal. “WHA?! I WAS INTO IT!!!!”
After the bulbous fella is plastered by bowls from `four' directions, the story ends with dessert being cleared, and rounds of sake`, as well as intoxicants being passed around. “HEY!! What about the rule this morning?” Al `presses', which to he's `pressed', with a full cup. “~ Oh do just shut up and drink Sensei. ~” Is the calm voice of Tenchi, which `suprises' Al greatly. “You've been getting `it' too much I see.”
Tenchi swigs a good cup down, and... “~ Oh? And who just did `it' the other day on the.. ~” ..which to Al THROWS his hands up in a defensive fluster! “X-nay on the luna say.” Al says though his fearful teeth!!
“My. The discussion of sex around here is... loose?” Caladeni puts, as the `mead' begins to work it's indelible way in. A number of personages begin to feel... warm.
This is getting `worrisome' fellows.
“~ Only... *giggle* ..because we have been here so long, it's natural to see it as a part of everyday life. ~” Sasami `puts', which Al URKS to, and Terrai levels a `stare' (inebriated) at his Son. “Teaching some `lessons' I see my young progeny of birth?”
Al though shoots his hands up again, like the hands don't do much else around here. “B...b.. but DAD! I didn't.. I mean it's not... You see it's only...”
A pair of parents look dryly at their `cherished' Son, `level' eyed. “I see he's never `learned' from that lesson that one time.” Jeain blandly puts, to which Terrai only `nods', which to Aleaic gulps a great bit! Worse... “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Tasha suddenly presses in close on Al and Tsui, (whom is plastered too. Eh? On two CUPS!?!) “Whatcha do Sophy? Get caught in a `bar'? Looking in a dressing room? Huh? Huh?!”
Al scampers away, (..or tries to..) from Tasha, though with Tsui still `planted' in his abdomen, the distance gained is nonexistent. “Uhhhhhhh.. I don't think.”
“Yep. He's changed none.” Alusair puts with a good pull. “SIS!! NOT YOU TOO!!!!!!” Al bellows through his hazy vision.
The Twins look on with interest, as each share....... lords...... breadsticks?!?! (WHAT ELSE CAN A GODDESS GET DRUNK ON!?!? CAPRI-SUUN!? )
Inryoku: “(~ Oh that's Melphina of the Celestial Suns Portfolio... ~)”
Terrai then pulls the `shocker'. “A magazine.”
It's apparently the only thing needed said, as Tasha snickers evilly, and Al's mind races with the moment Al was `caught' with a `mag'. You know... ala in `77-111 / 24-7' stores?
Al's imagination is `easily' read by the Dimensionals, whom vary suddenly with looks of `disgust' (Ayeka,) to lustful.. (..yeah.. `guess'.. `{~ ...hehe... ~}' ,) to Tenchi's is `dry' as Al's parents, along with Achika. Funaho and Misaki only blink their eyes in surprise, and Washu is worse than Ryoko's apparent reaction. Sasami is giggling silly, as well as drunkenly.
Mihoshi and Kiyone have `wide' eyes, and Mayuka is `confused'.. “(~ What is a `mag' Mothers? ~)”
“({~ Tell ya later sweetie.. ~})”
“(~ How vulgar you Demon! ~)”
“({~ I'll `remind' you of `that' later tonight with Tenchi honey. ~})” *Tenchi just BLUSHES deeply*
*Ayeka seen only fidgeting `innocently'.*
*Ryoko laughing her butt off!!*
Nope no fighting for once.
Meanwhile, the Dojo mates `collectively' have the same look: Like a Jury convicting a felon.
“Sooooooooooo, something we `missed' in pre-flight I `see'.” Kero puts `really' crudely, as Al flusters at him this time. “Nononononononono! You don't understand.. I was just... that is, it was.....”
“~ Honey. ~”
The chuckling suddenly `stops', as the apparently `driest' voice suddenly belongs to a `teal growth' upon ol Al. “Y...y.. y.. y.. y... yes milove?”
Tsui slides her silken head to meet Al's eyes. Al sees a `strange' look in her corneas. “Tsui?” ..of disappointment?
“~ Alleviating to the nonexistent realm? To a sense of the false mind? I'm.... `ashamed' of you my beloved. ~”
Al fails to stammer out a response, which to (which is comically noted by the others with surprised eyes,) Al is then `pulled' up to his feet when Tsui does so, and is `pulled' along in her wake. Her face is `eerily' calm, and serene at that, as Al suddenly realizes the intent! “TSUI!! WAIT!! I.. NO WAIT!! IT WAS A SILLY THING!! IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO TSUI!!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
*...levitating up the stairs..* TSUI!! WAIT TSUI WAAAAAAAAAIIIITTTT!!!! DINNER WASN'T OVER YET!! I NEVER FINISHED MY PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
*Movement stops. Voices just outside Al's door, as the others `listen' in. (Kinda hard not too.)*
“~ I have a second serving of pie you give you beloved.. ~”
The sound of Al's manic SHUFFLING feet from the ceiling boards upstairs is met with a HEAVY dragging, along with something of a wood straining sound, as a `weirdly' tortured whine of: “TSUUUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIII!!!!! TSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! THIS IS A PG-13 RATED STORY!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!”
“~ The rating is being changed `dear'. ~” *Opening and shutting slide hatch, with muffled voices continuing.* **TSUI!!! IT'S TOO EARLY FOR ALL THIS!! ..............wait.......... where are...... AHHHHHHHHH!!! NOT IN THAT ROOM AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Strange shimmer sound.*
A few seconds quiet later. “*Sigh* Wow, what a whiner.” Ket puts as she pours some more sake`, to whit Ryoko chuckles.. “{~ Never took such gracefully I guess. ~}”
“~ What else is new. ~” Achika pings in with. Ryoko quips back. “{~ Ask Nobuyuki. ~}”
“So.” Terrai decides to put.. “Now that my Son is being `punished', what shall we talk about now?”
A fortuitous choice of words at a time like this, that suddenly turns into many a male head sweating unto the gazes of a number of respective females. (WHOA!! Sora and TORA!?) Terrai just chuckles under a certain gaze, commenting on the long night to come.
“Heh, shouldn't have asked.”
*Dawn of the 23rd April 3420. With quiet birds chirping to the morning dew.*
“~ You really didn't. Did you? ~”
The voice is Mihoshi's, `somehow' up early with Kiyone, after helping Sasami and Achika... (actually Sasami. Achika's `detained',) with the preparation of breakfast. After Mihoshi saw Kiyone head outside, with a `strange' look on her façade, they ended up, albeit `reluctantly' of Kiyone, talking about her woes.
They `weren't' woes persay. “~ Yeah? So? If Achika and Sensei can do it, why can't I?! ~”
Mihoshi flusters defensively. “~ I didn't mean that. I'm just surprised you found someone after all the times you were shot down in Heaven. ~”
Kiyone twitches in `dismay'. “{~ Why not `louder' for everyone to `hear', huh Sis?! ~}” This put in a nice and low grinding tone. Mihoshi is ever undeterred. “~ But Kiyone. It was, what, only a hundred thousand times you got smacked down. It's time you found someone, you know? ~”
Kiyone is calm... “~ Yes I `know'... ~” ...for a ravenous Tiger.. “~ ...and I'll KILL YOU FOR SAYING ALL THAT!!! ~”
The chase suddenly begins, as Mihoshi `actually' has to worry for a bit, as Kiyone makes a `valid' attempt to relieve Ryoko and Ayeka of their competition. Alusair ends up outside from hearing the commotion, and nearly ends up catching a FACEFULL of Mihoshi, as the blond celestial YELPS for deal immortal life! “~ Out of my way! OUTTAMYWAY!!!! ~”
Alusair meets Mr. Earth though, as Kiyone blasts by next!! “Whoawhaowhoa!!! OWW!! .........jeeze........ talk about anti-Jovian.” Alusair quips, using a `common' social catch phrase of the age. (Usually mixing them up at that.)
Ryoko and Misaki eventually end up outside too, and see. “{~ OH YEAH!! GO KIYONE GO!!!!! ~}”
Misaki only giggles. “(~ Cheering for alone time? What about my daughter? ~)”
“{~ Oh yeah, her too if it can be arranged. ~}” Ryoko puts far too comfortably, and end up in a MOST uncomfortable position. (..i.e. her mouth feeling the `pull' of Misaki's grip! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy!!! =@O=!! ..)
“(~ *Low, grinding tone* That... is my charming little daughter you are sharing the Hand with. Do I make myself clear? ~)”
Kiyone and Mihoshi suddenly stop, as Alusair `scampers' towards them in `comic' fear. “Ohya.”
“~ Goodness. ~” Mihoshi only quips. Ryoko though `knows' the way out of this `painful' predicament.
“{~ Thoorry pwuueettiii woung Goddeiisthh. I'm vuuwwerry sowwwrryyy. Awyakea is pwuueettiii shweeit twwoo. ~}”
It does the `trick', as Ryoko is dumped like a load by Misaki, this as the Council Goddess cheerfully clasps her hands to her cheek. “(~ That's better! Ayeka is a peach, isn't she? ~)”
The two Special Goddess Detectives, and the mortal below them, all teardrop. “Is... is she `serious'?”
“~ Afraid so. ~” Kiyone puts with exasperation. Mihoshi though just `looks'. “~ How come she does that `every' time? She's not that old? ~”
“(~ *MANIC!!!* WHO'S NOT THAT `OLD'!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ~)” ..a `young' Council member chasing Mihoshi like a DEMON!! Kiyone and Alusair latch onto each other, as Sasami and Yosho emerge with cabbits in tow. Ryoko is still plopped onto her Infernal/Celestial hiney, saying zilch.
“~ The Lady is energetic this day. ~” Yosho quips pointedly. Sasami only sighs and droops her head. “~ How Ayeka survives it, is `beyond' me. ~”
Alusair continues to follow with her eyes, an even more rancorous chase, than the one Kiyone was conducting a moment before! “Bro has to put UP with all this?!”
“~ *Sigh.* Yep. ~” Kiyone only sighs out.
It's a `lovely' morning. (When the birds come back.)
“~ NO WAY!!!! ~” A number of surprised choruses sound out around the semi-filled breakfast table, (minus a Sensei and an Alpha, Nobuyuki and his Alpha, and Tora and Sora... and............ well, Kero and Alana are `late' too. Oh, and Terrai and Jeain are `rediscovering' too. Okay, so the table is more half empty.)
The rest are lead in this `chorus' by Mayuka, whom is as surprised, in a gleeful tone, when Kiyone finally relates the whole cause of the ruckus a while earlier. Mihoshi still is rubbing her cheeks, as Ayeka `warily' eats beside her Mother. Sasami then leads.. “~ You `found' someone Kiyone? Who is it? Wow! ~”
Kiyone flusters about this. “~ It's..... it's..... well..... it's a Detective of the local area. ~” ..she curls her fingers together, as Kiyone adds details. Keturia then pipes her head up a bit more at this. “Kiyrosa Takahasi? HIM!? WOW!!” Ket puts, knowing the `type' from a short `stint' she had with the same gentleman, that ended amicably, as she already had `sights' set closer to home. The residence `home' be it. “Nice catch to be sure.” Ket adds impressively toned. Kiyone continues to fluster. “~ It's....... it's not all that. He and I met during that festival in town two months ago, and.... well........ ~”
Mihoshi looks swooning. “~ It's all so romantic sounding, really. ~” Kiyone looks ready to slay her Sister suddenly. Tenchi though looks impressed. “~ Wow. It'd be great to see you happy for once Kiyone. Sensei commented you'd do great with a Mortal. ~”
Kiyone looks surprised suddenly! “~ He did!? Wha.. when!? ~”
Tenchi looks thoughtful, as he takes a egg slice from Ayeka. “~ Actually. About the time of the festival. Heh, strange fate twist. ~” Ayeka just giggles. “~ I suspect he saw something that day `too'. It would explain much. ~”
Kiyone suddenly has thoughts of Al as a stuck pig on a spicket. “~ Oh really? I should `thank' him later. ~”
Caladeni looks at Keturia worriedly. “Is Bro about to buy it?” ..which to.. “Al `always' gets such treatment around here. It's funny to watch.” Ket responds, and then sampling some curried bacon. Cal smirks. “I bet.”
“~ Come on Kiyone! When's the first date going to be? ~” Mihoshi presses, and gets the goddess `evil' eye for it. “~ Oh shut up already!! ~”
“~ Come on. ~/(~ Tell us. ~)/{~ Yeah, spill it! ~}” A `too' interested group suddenly put forth. Kiyone is cornered. “~ Alright..... ALRIGHT!! Okay, I'll tell. He's.......... going on a date with me.......... tonight. ~”
The next half day is a `blur' to Kiyone, as Mihoshi, Misaki, and Mayuka suddenly become `uber-helpful' in preparing Kiyone for her first Earth date! We'll get back to them later.
“~ Jeezeeeeeee. ~” Tenchi only barely mutters out. Sasami half sighs, half giggles. “~ Kiyone is out of it. ~”
Funaho giggles. “(~ Sister can be... `emotional'. ~)” She puts out generally. Tenchi only nods gingerly. Funaho then looks at Yosho, whom is `stealing' glances over at a certain female mortal. “(~ Son of mine. ~)” To which Yosho `urks' to, with the others remaining looking in kind. “~ Y.. yes Mother? ~”
Funaho looks, calmly. “(~ If I could `discuss' something with you in the your Office in a short while, after the chores are done. If you could. ~)” The `could' was actually `would'.
Yosho is about to `correct' the ownership of the Shrine Office to Funaho, but refrains `wisely' for two reasons. One: It's `technically' Aleaic's property, if by Goddess Contract, so he's the correctly named owner, though Al couldn't really care less. And, Two: You DON'T try to `correct' the likes of Funaho, `especially' if you are the offspring of said Council Member. Misaki's `displays' are nothing compared to Funaho's possible vents, if so `pushed'.
I.e. it's the `quiet' ones that have the worst storms to fury. (Remember the type Tenchi endured? She was going easy on him then.)
“~ Of course Mother. ~” Yosho only puts. Ket looks over with a confused glance. “(What's going on now? Uh... Oops...)” Ket `remarks', when she's `heard'.
ALL spines frazzle upon the sudden `entry' of the indelible Red One, whom EXPLODES from the Lab, after her usual procurement of breakfast to her `abode'. Now appearing with a WILD face!! “~ AHH!! DON'T HURT US!!!! ~” Tenchi says reflexively!!
Washu then suddenly, and resolutely heads outside through the rear hatch, and after a few `terse' moments of doppler effect stomping, reemerges with Achika in tow, the latter whom has Nobuyuki STILL in her clutches.
Both `garbed' in a simple bed sheet.
Tenchi sees and.... “~ Mother. ~” ..with dismayed surprise.
No response is made, as Achika is dragged in `silent' surprise into the Lab. Nobuyuki is the last thing seen, as he has a CONFUSED look plastered!
“Good morning.” Alusair only puts.... warily.
“~ This morning's theme song. ~” Ayeka queeps out.
“B.. b... b........b... b...... TSUI!!!!!!!”
Everyone, with what's left of their wits, sees Tsunami pushing Aleaic in front of her. And both dressed for a theme apparently. “~ Wha the? You guys going to the beach or something? ~” Tenchi says cock-eyed.
Al flusters off his love for a moment.. “Let her tell ya! I just don't get this.”
Tsunami giggles and pecks Aleaic on the cheek as she looks to the others. “~ I had a splendid idea this morning. ~”
“What `day' is it?” Al then spikes in.. “~ Thursday. ~” Sasami answers with, and Al blinks a bit. “Just `one' day this time?”
“WHAT IS WITH ALL THE RACKET!!?” Sounds the Rhino like voice of Tasha, as she stomps downstairs from her apparent guest room upstairs. “WHAT ARE `YOU' STILL DOING HERE!?!” Al suddenly SPIKES a query with!
“Huh? I don't drink and drive Sophy.”
“Oh... good point. Good job.”
Tasha just smirks. Tsunami giggles and turns to continue. “~ I have decided to take Beloved here, to The Beach. ~”
The Mortals don't get it. The Dimensionals DO.“~ Is..... that wise? ~” Ayeka puts gingerly. This makes Al spin around and. “I'm going back to bed now.”
Tsui NABS Al's arm, and spins him back around, avoiding crashing into Tasha, saving a BEATING. “~ I wanted to celebrate the Report in `style'. The Beach is a `perfect' place to take Beloved. It's more than safe now. This was mentioned in fact of such a mode. ~”
Tenchi pucks his deity stained lips. “~ With the Band on yes. Not with `Them' he won't be. ~”
Al looks between the Alpha's Brother and Sister with heightened worry. “Wha... what is this `Beach'? It's not on the..... the......” Al's mind tries to say Sun, but Tsui giggles a shake of the head. “~ No Beloved. Nothing so `drastic'. ~”
Al chuckles a relief.. “~ 'This' time. ~” ...then CHOKES.
Tasha hears all this, and thinks. “HEY!! A group trip to the Beach would be GREAT!! Can we of the Dojo come too?!”
Tsunami suddenly turns pensive, and spins to the largest guest of the abode. “~ It's... um... it's a `private' place I wish to take Beloved. Maybe another time perhaps? ~”
Tasha `catches' on too quickly. Her mind... um... crude as it is. “I see Miss Tsunami. More time to `punish' Sophy here I see.” She puts with an annoying chuckle. Al wonders how'd she's burn in a Fold Core Engine. “Oh, that was charming. *SLAP!!!!!!!!* ..........ow.”
“So? Did the lil missy teach you your `manners' last night?” Tasha pushes `more' crudely. Al though winces `heavily' from the added `pain' on his spinal cord. “I'm still... `loosening' from it........ Sempai.” Tsui's mortal only pats Tasha's hand. “Thank you for said `concern'.”
“Anytime Sophy.” Tasha responds, and Al really goes with the imaginative bit.
“(~ Beloved. That's not nice. ~)”
“(But...... she'd `really' would burn well dear.)”
“(~ *stern..* Dear. ~)”
“(Okay okay.)”
Tasha, Al and Tsui add to the breakfast table, which Aleaic still finds an unused set of chopsticks. In the midst of this. “Where's Dad?”
Keturia simply chuckles. “With Mom.” She only puts. Al then chuckles in the same tune. “Well. Don't expect them until after lunch.” Al notes, remarking from family history, once Al grew old enough to realize better. And this all, is as FAR as he and his Sisters dare to dwell on it `all'.
What's with this story anyway!? =Oo=??
Michelle and Hiwa emerge next, which is the last of the breakfast crowd, with compliments on Sasami's cooking as usual. After this, and the dishes and chores are levied out and done, Tsui prepares a picnic basket to take with them, Al and herself, where is the `interesting' bit. (Mentioned, but then can't be prepared for at `all'.)
Everyone else is either flitting about, or being quiet, reading or watching the Dimensional Network. (What is it, and Soaps with Goddesses? =oo=??) Terrai and Jean finally emerge as predicted, just as Tsui is ready to `go', though Al has to be prodded again. “~ Ready to go beloved? ~” Al sighs and nods. “To `where' I can only guess.”
Terrai looks over, as he's being handed dishes laden well of food from Sasami. (She's apparently in a hurry.) “Going somewhere Son?”
Al scratches his head.. “The Beach apparently.” Terrai and Jeain both nod acceptably. “Go with grace then.” Jeain puts, which Al twitches frazzled back in tone. “Gee, thanks Mom.”
Sasami, as she finishes ladling, decides to take a chance. “~ Big Sis? Can I go with you and Sensei? I've not been to The Beach in a long time. ~” Sasami puts with a sweet smile. Tsunami giggles. “~ Of course Sasami. But do hurry and pack. ~”
“~ YAY!! ~” She says, and runs upstairs, trailing two mewing critters behind her. Al though.. “But... but, her too!?”
“~ Yes......... there's not problem with this, is there? ~”
Al scratches his head, and `wants' to say yes, but refrains, thinking he's overdoing it again. “Nah, guess not. I hope.” Added in a low tone. Tsui giggles again, making Al wonder if `anything' he could do would garner a disdainful response from her.
“~ Why? Does my giggling offend you? ~”
Al flusters to defend against this!! “Nonono! You giggle perfectly!” He says, as he kisses Tsui's hands quickly.
Terrai chuckles and turns with the food, as Jeain looks over. “You got our Son `trained' perfectly Tsunami dear.” Which to Tsui giggles, and Al groans. “Why me?”
Sasami emerges quickly, dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. The two Class-Two's occupy a open spot within Sasami's backpack, both poking their lil heads out, mewing happily. “~ We're ready!! ~”
A bevy of simple good-byes are sent, as they `head' to Washu's Lab Hatch. “Why are we going this way?” Al asks. “~ You'll see. ~” Tsui says serenely, which Al only looks more worried. As they open the door. “Why are they going that way?” Tasha asks. Tenchi only shakes his head. “~ You don't want to know. ~”
Al turns to Tenchi at this.. “Okay. What is the big deal about this Beach anyway?”
Tenchi chuckles.. “~ You'll see. ~”
Al cocks an eye. “Then you can come and warn me.” Which to Tenchi does NOT agree to. “~ Oh no! I don't need to go back THERE! ~” This Tsui snips at Tenchi. “~ You didn't help there Brother. ~” ..of whom slinks his Hand head down some.
Aleaic only nods once.......... and.. “Ah. Ok..... have fun guys.” Al says to Sasami and Tsunami, and tries to beeline to his room! Four celestial arms stop his progress, and `reverse' it indelibly. “~ Oh no! You're... *grunt!* ...coming with us Sensei!! ~” Sasami says, using her `superior' celestial strength to help Tsui's, in hog-dragging Al with them!
Al has no chance. He's doomed. Washu's door just closed, it's over man.
Tasha sees Tenchi and Ayeka share a chuckle. “What's so funny? Sounds like this Beach isn't so hot.”
“~ Oh..... wait till Sensei returns. You'll see. ~” Ayeka puts in for Tenchi. Tasha just groans and flusters, heading off and dragging Hiwa with her. “Lets go shopping Hiwa!”
“AGAIN?!!” Hiwa yelps.. “It's been three days straight!!”
Tasha doesn't listen, `never' does.
“Wait for us!” Caladeni and Alusair suddenly put in, as they go to grab their credit chip cards.
Jeain just giggles some. “Feels like the old days, doesn't it dear.” Terrai nods, and gets the same `treatment' that Al gets from Tsunami at meals.
Everything seems peaceable and calm.
*Just outside.*
“~ The Alpha stole our client again it seems. ~”
“~ Indeed Senet. ~”
The two hover in the air, not caring if they are seen, and `thankfully' they aren't. The two Twins however are more than aware of the `reason' they saw their client be hauled off by their rival. This is nay in their mindsets.
Possessive as it is, as ever. (Wait, it's been not even two days. Eeep.)
“~ Then when they a`nen, I say it be time to enforce the Addendum of the Report, to `our' liking. Indeed Adefli? ~”
“~ Metey. ~” Inryoku says, in a seductive tone. The Egyptian inflection at it's most dangerous. “~ And then, the Mortal will know of `our' sen. And know of our maa`et. ~”
The two then begin to plan their `response' to Tsunami's action this day.
*Near the Nadir Rim border..*
“N.... no wait! Please wait!!!!!!”
“:~ Oh? And why should I mortal? ~:”
The former, a spacer upon a simple exploration vessel of the Republic, looks upon the sight of `lethality' itself. The one, what is `supposed' in human lexicon to be an angel of heaven, all resplendent as such, is shown in this version, of dark blood red wings, armor of gleaming, smoldering bronze, and `wings', tendrils of light and beauty, in this vein, smudged of glowing ruby, of an amber fire within that glows of the fiery Hells themselves.
It holds a singular sword-axe, flaming of an unearthly fire, and already drunk upon the ones the spacer used to call friends. Six slain in mere moments.
He can only presume his life is next to be felled. He still tries to beg in vain. “My.. my family. I have a family back on Venus!”
The warped looking `angel', looks with glowing yellow eyes, through it's cowl of shimmering copper. “:~ I feel for you then. ~:”
The spacer thinks he may be saved. “Then you unde......... AHHHHHHH!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!”
His death is quick, and merciful.
The `angel' gazes in `satisfaction' of it's task. Another probe into the borders of the Expanse precluded. Such has been her task for a good mellennia since the humans began to encroach on their territories. And none, other than one, have been allowed to survive. And the `one' is only, because they intend to use this mortal vessel for their formulated plans. Ages old plans that include their former paradise in the same vein.
And a fire that will immolate both, worse than what `He' wanted all along. The universe doesn't need to be remade.
Instead, cleansed.
The angel sighs upon his finished task. “:~ Soon. Soon my `brethren'. Mortality will join you in the Last Fire. ~:”
Ominous words not heard upon, as it phases back to it's `Paradise', leaving the vessel to float in midst of space. Many such litter the border of the Human Sphere.
All testaments to a warning.
Refrain from our eyes.
The Soula are always watching. And coming soon.
(End Part Eight (Version 8.3) ...)