Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Bitter Sweet ❯ Changing ways ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"We will see Tenchi" Ryoko said looking down at Tenchi.
"Huh.. what do you mean?" asked Tenchi
"Your still in school right?"
"Yeah, I'm a junior in college. The year is half way finished."
* Good that gives me time to think and finish. * " I've got some prior engagements and things to clear up, but after that I'll be back to see if it will work out or not."
"Ok, ah how long will that be?"
"By time you graduate I should be finished. About 18 or so months. I may even drop by time to time to see how things are if I can ok. And Tenchi."
"Yes, Ryoko"
"The next time you push me away will be the last time you see me, GOT IT."
"Yes I got it, and Ryoko it was nice to see you again. Thank you for this final chance."
"I've always loved you, but that last time really hurt Tenchi." Ryoko phased out before he could reply.
Five minutes after Tenchi had left the cave area a clocked figure stepped out of the shadows. * I'll be ready for your return Demon. I wander who this guy is for her to risk coming back to this out of the way planet. *
Masaki House
Yosho and Washu were having their weekly talk about Tenchi.
"So Miss Washu has Tenchi had any improvements?"
"As of this morning no..." Washu was cut off by the sound of the front door being opened. * He's early. He's never early, if anything he would be late. * When Tenchi came to view they didn't expect to get what the did. What they saw was the Tenchi from 4 years ago. Happy and smiling.
"What changed, Tenchi" asked his grandfather
"Ryoko was just here at the cave, and we talked." He said with a smile. Then looked at Washu " She said she will be back in 18 months to see if we could work it out."
"It will be nice to have her back in this house. Its been kind of boring without her, I may say." stated his grandfather.
The first six months after Ryoko had showed up went smooth for Tenchi. His sleep-walking B's & C's Raised to all A's in all his classes, thanks to tutoring from Washu. It was now summer break for every one at school but for Tenchi. He was enrolled into five galactic courses. He had Professor Washu for : Political Science-Galactic and Universal Issues 101. Professor Yosho for Jurai History 101, Political Science-Jurai, and of course Physical-education.
Being the first weekend, of summer break he went out with the fellahs drinking. Returning that night he found a letter.
Yosho has gone to visit an old friend that is sick. Your father had to gone to Tokyo to look after a project, and I'll be at the Academy. We will all be back Monday, Here is the number to reach Yosho if needed. The lab door is set to where I'm at if you need me. Washu
That night was the first of times Ryoko would show up.
Being a senor for the past four months had gone by pretty quick for Tenchi. The only real difference from last year was his newest friend Sakura. She was 6ft+, well endowed, athletic build, and very good looking. She had raven black hair and grayish blue eyes. All the guys tried to go out with her, but she was not interested. Once she saw that Tenchi didn't seem interested in dating her. She went up to him and asked him about it. After he told her his story. She did the same about hers. From that day forward they had hit it off and became great friends.
"Tenchi." said Sakura
"So ah, when your girl comes back from overseas. Where you going to take her on your dates?"
"Dates? what dates?"
"Baka! You know Tenchi but sometimes I wander about you. You do know that a girl likes it when she is taken out to places.. Right?"
"Aargh! Yes really Baka, Do you even know how to dance?" When she saw that blank stare on his face she almost lost it. "That does it."
"You Baka are going to start taking me out on dates."
"Nani!? Dates...you....me...?"
"Thats correct, its about time I started seeing the sights and you are going to show them to me. In trade I will make you into a lady killer. Also teach your Baka ass how to dance. Hey Rei!." a blond headed girl 3 seats over looked up. "We're going dancing you want to go?"
"We, Who?" she asked
"Me, Baka here" pointing at Tenchi "and you. Oh yeah he's paying."
"Hey now wait a minute here." Tenchi protested on deaf ears.
"Sure , should I get a few more people?"
"Not tonight, but definitely for tomorrow."
"What, your going tomorrow too?"
"Yep every day till Baka here learns how to dance. All the dances fast, slow and even Ball-room stuff too."
"And to think there was something the wander kid wasn't good at. I'm definitely in. I know with the chance to slow dance with the elusive Tenchi Masaki we wont have trouble finding girls to help. Hehehehe." said Rei
"Oh man" Tenchi rolled his eyes.
Tenchi's dancing skills had improved at a fast rate once he realized that foot work was a lot easier than what was needed for his training. Once he got convertibly he began to excel. True to form once he began to do the ball-room and slow dancing there were five or more girls going with them every day. Tenchi had become either the most hated or envied guy on campus. Two and a half months in a few girls began to offer themselves to him for one nighters.
About three months before he was to graduate Tenchi came up with a great idea. "Little Washu, can I ask you a favor?" questioned Tenchi coming down the stairs
"Huh, yeah sure." Washu had her back to him, so she turned away from the t.v. to face him. She saw that he was in a tux looking really sharp. "What's up, why are you all dolled up for?"
"Well, I have this hot diner date in 30 minutes."
"Diner date? Anyone I know you sly dog." She said with a smirk.
"Actually that was why I wanted to talk with you. I was hoping that you would call her up and give her a message for me. While I talk to grandfather."
"Sure, I don't see why not. Shoot."
"Thank you little Washu. Tell Washu that she only has 30 minutes to be ready for our diner date and to make sure she is dress accordantly." then he stepped out the door.
"Washu was so stunned that she was frozen still in place for 5 minutes. Tenchi's father had seen the whole thing.
"Ah, Miss Washu"
"Huh" she turned to look at him.
"I believe Adult Washu only has 25 minutes left to get ready."
"Ahh." was all she let out before she rushed into the lab.
Diner dates
Washu was on cloud 9 ever since Tenchi came back in the house to pick her up for the date. He had given her a half a dozen roses and a kiss on the cheek to begin the evening. When she had asked about why this diner date he said it was something he needed to do to thank her for being there for him all this time. Once seated, they ordered dinner. The small talk, the complements, the eye, and physical contact that Tenchi gave were perfect through out the hole evening. She was having a harder and harder time at controlling her emotions the later in the evening it got. It was during one of the slow dances that Washu had finally noticed Tenchi. She noted that even in her Adult form she no longer was taller that he was. Also his adolescent body had been replaced by a muscular young man of 24. Last but not least she began to notice she had been rubbing herself up against him during the dance. She tilted her head up to tell him sorry for what she had been doing but stopped. When she made eye contact with him she began to lose it and cry. So she leaned into him and cried into his shoulder.
* It's too much for me. No one has ever treated me like this. Not even my ex. Sure there had been dances, dinners, and talks that have been as good or better but never had all three been so wonderful as this. *
* I cant, I can't look at him * she shook her head
"Washu please what's wrong" Washu looked up at Tenchi. She knew she shouldn't but she did
* He's Ryoko's. I can't...* her long pent up emotion took over her and she tilted her head back and when on her tip toes and kissed Tenchi with all she had while pressing and rubbing her body on him.
When she broke the kiss she said something he would never ever thought he would ever hear from Washu that night. "I need you now Tenchi. Please, I know you want Ryoko but please. Don't leave me like this Tenchi." she began to cry more while begging him.
"Shhh...I " Tenchi stopped his comment once he realized they were no longer at the restaurant but Washu's bedroom. When Washu finally realize where they were.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Tenchi." she was able to stammer out. "I didn't mean to..."
"Shh." putting his finger on her lips. Once she stopped he kissed her.
Washu didn't even notice that Tenchi had unzipped her dress until she felt it pool at her ankles. It was lucky for Tenchi that it was a Friday because the resulting 12 hour love session had rendered him dead to the world for 26 hours afterwards. (amazing what a resident scientist in the house could do for you.) Washu was back to form only 12 hours later but it would be weeks before she could comfortably be little Washu again. (well she at least got her sample..)
Because of the fact that Sakura would be flying out graduation night Tenchi had taken her out the night before graduation as a present. Just like with Washu emotions got out of hand and Sakura kissed Tenchi very deeply. "God, only if things were different." she said. "I better go before something that we both may want happens and we regret it for the rest of our lives."
"Ah, ok if your sure about it."
"Yes I'm sure. Because if we did I or you may never want to stop. It would hurt both of us to much if we did. By Tenchi and see you at noon." she said as she left.
"You too."
Graduation day
Tenchi Masaki woke up to a sight he had not seen in 7 long years. Ryoko floating 12 inches from his face.
"Good morning Ten-chi." she said. Tenchi didn't say a thing while he took in her beauty. She was in her blue and yellow stripped dress with the tail. After a few minutes. "Like what you see? or Does the cabbit got your tongue?" she said slyly.
Tenchi did the only thing he had been wanting to do for so much time. He reached up with is right hand and caressed her cheek and hair. He knew he had done the right thing when she began to purr and rub her face on his hand. Then he pulled her done into a kiss that could only be said as a pure lovers kiss. While later Ryoko was straddling Tenchi. She was still in her dress over the covers and he was still in his boxer under the covers.
"Tenchi we must talk."
"Hmm?" his hands were under her dress feeling her legs. "Yes we do need to talk. There are things I need to tell you. That have happened over the last 18 months."
"First you have to promise to hear me out. Completely hear me out, before you take any action. After I'm done you can do anything you want I will not stop you. I just ask you hear everything before you act."
"Do you promise.:
"Well you see.." Tenchi proceeded to tell Ryoko everything. Dancing lessons, dates, and the girls that he had one nighters with. After judging her reaction he continued with Sakura what she looked like. What his feelings for her were and what happened the night before. Then he hit her with the big one. What happened with Washu.
Ryoko sat through out the last hour and a half listening to what Tenchi had to say. The last two parts were big blows to her but she had taken them. "I only have two questions for you." Tenchi nodded his head for her to continue. "Do you love her?"
"Who Sakura?" she nodded "Truthfully I really don't know. I could tell you it's not the same kind of love I have for you. Yours is from the body and soul. Where that was mainly only heart. The funny part of it all is she was trying not to get in the way of my love for you or your love for me.
"What about Washu?"
"We have not spoken of that event since it happen. It was something that happened and unless you arranged it. It would never happen again. Your mother, I believe still hasn't been able to come to grips that she let it happen. She tried really hard to stop it from getting to that. And if your asking yourself why I told you these things. I believe it is the only way our relation ship would survive. If these things came up after we had been together for a while it would be devastating. So it was better you knew up front. You are free to do as you please. Just remember this both I and your mother will always love you no matter what you do."
"I have to go think for a while. I want you to stay here tell I get back. No matter what you hear do not come down stairs."
"All right Ryoko, I'll do as you ask." she leaned down and kissed him. Then phased out.
Living room
Ryoko reappeared in front of Washu's lab door. She looked at the door for a few, and then knocked on the door. Washu's face appeared in the window "Yes? Huh, Ryoko? Y-you are back."
"We need to talk, mom."
"Yes, yes we do. Come in."
"I don't think so, runt. Out here, you know I don't like that place."
"Ok, I'll come out." The door to lab opened and Washu came out. Ryoko was surprised to see Washu in her adult form.
"Why am I an adult now?" Ryoko nodded. "Well if I'm to be your mother I should look like it. Plus I think it is time that I rejoin the adult world."
Ryoko stared at Washu "Tenchi told me everything." Washu sighed and took a seat. She was quiet for a few. "How could you, you now how I FEEL about him. MY OWN MOTHER, doing that to me!"
"I didn't mean to do it, it just happened. It was the first time I have ever felt that way in my life."
"How can you look me in the face and lie to me like that?"
"THAT IS ANOUGH, I WILL NOT HAVE MY FEELINGS QUESTIONED BY YOU OR ANYONE! It happened and I am deeply sorry it did. I sometimes wish I could take it back but I will not. There is few things I have to tell you. When I'm done the choice is yours to do with the information. I haven't told anyone this but you need to now. No matter what you do I will not leave Tenchi and I will never stop loving you." Ryoko looked at Washu coldly and nodded for her to continue. Washu brought out her shadow laptop and hit a few keys. "Take a look at this."
A screen popped in to view. On it was a picture of Ryoko and some charts. "I've been doing some experiments and I found out something that may cause you some pain. What I found out is that you are incompatible to any life form. In other words you will not be able to have children naturally from Tenchi or any one. I'm sorry." Ryoko was shell shocked and began to cry. "Ryoko I've tried every thing. Ever since I received a sample from Tenchi. I've been in my lab attempting to find a way for you and him to have a child. None of them would work. The only one way you can have his child." Ryoko looked up with hopefully eyes
"I get an egg form a donor and fertilize it and put it in you. That is the only way for you to give birth to his child."
It was a crushing blow to Ryoko but up lifting as will. She wouldn't be genetically the child's mother but she could still bare it. "You said there was other things you wanted to say?" Washu opened a hole and pulled out small cylinder that had three blinking lights on it. She looked at it and sighed. Then handed it to Ryoko. She looked at the cylinder and noticed that it was a small stasis field holding a organism. Ryoko looked back up at Washu was wringing her hands and looked very uncomfortably. "What is this."
"That is.."
"WHAT IS IT MOTHER!?" yelled angrily
Washu took a deep breath and said "What you are holding is your younger brother or sister." under her breath "AnditsohappenstobeTenchi'sthefather."
"W H A T!!!???"
"Shhh, Tenchi does not know about this. I was afraid that if I came to him with this two weeks after what we did. It would crush him." she said and began to cry. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen. After two weeks, I still couldn't change back to my child form I scanned myself and found that I had become pregnant. Knowing how you and he felt I put it in there. I haven't... I can't tell him." Ryoko saw how it was affecting Washu and she got up and Kneeled in front of her and hugged her.
"It's alright, we will tell him together. I am not mad at you mother."
"Ryoko, if you do stay with Tenchi and want to have his child. I want you to have this one. It is as close to your genetic structure as you could get. And if you decided not to stay with Tenchi I plan on telling him and having it my self." Washu took the cylinder and put it back in its sub-space pocket for safe keeping. "That is all I have to say. On this mater, once you have made your choice let me know. I'll be in the lab tell it is time to got to Tenchi's graduation." With that she left.
Tenchi had heard the yelling and wanted to go down there to stop it but he had promised he would stay so he did. 30 minutes after the yelling had stoped Ryoko reappeared in his room. By that time he had already gotten dressed and ready for graduation.
"Have you decided yet?" he asked
"No, no I have not. I still need to talk to one more person before I make it. But I will tell you one thing I wont be leaving. Thats for sure."
"Sakura?" She nodded. "Well lets get down stairs and I'll cook breakfast."
"Washu said she will be in her lab till you're ready to leave."
Tenchi was the center of all attention when he arrived on campus. He had been walking around for 15 minutes looking for Sakura when he ran into Rei. "Rei have you seen Sakura?"
"Oh Tenchi, I've been looking all over for you. There was a family emergency, so Saki had to leave. You just missed her, she was so looking forward to meeting your girlfriend and saying good by to you." She looked at the two women that had been walking with Tenchi. She was about to say something when someone beat her to it.
"Hey Masaki, isn't that the woman you were with at that restaurant a few months ago?"
"Yes she is, Rei this is Washu and this is her daughter Ryoko the one I was telling you about." They exchanged pleasantries and some girl talk.
"Oh Tenchi, before I forget here." She handed Tenchi a small package. "Sakura was going to give it to you when she saw you but.." He opened it. Inside was a framed 8x9 picture of him and her and a letter.
This last year was the greatest year of my life. I will always remember it. I hate to say this but I have to say this. I'm very envious of your girlfriend. I love you, I truly am in love with you and will carry it with me for the rest of my life. But I will not get in the way of you and her's love. Sakura
After finishing the letter he showed it to Ryoko and she read it.
"That was the reason I wanted to talk to her. I was willing to share you with her Tenchi, as long as she would not get in my way. It was the same deal I tried to give Ayeka but she would not except it."
"Are you sure about that Ryoko? Could you have really shared me with her?" Looking her in the eye.
"Yes Tenchi, I could."
"I'll hold you to that Ryoko."
"Huh.. what do you mean?" asked Tenchi
"Your still in school right?"
"Yeah, I'm a junior in college. The year is half way finished."
* Good that gives me time to think and finish. * " I've got some prior engagements and things to clear up, but after that I'll be back to see if it will work out or not."
"Ok, ah how long will that be?"
"By time you graduate I should be finished. About 18 or so months. I may even drop by time to time to see how things are if I can ok. And Tenchi."
"Yes, Ryoko"
"The next time you push me away will be the last time you see me, GOT IT."
"Yes I got it, and Ryoko it was nice to see you again. Thank you for this final chance."
"I've always loved you, but that last time really hurt Tenchi." Ryoko phased out before he could reply.
Five minutes after Tenchi had left the cave area a clocked figure stepped out of the shadows. * I'll be ready for your return Demon. I wander who this guy is for her to risk coming back to this out of the way planet. *
Masaki House
Yosho and Washu were having their weekly talk about Tenchi.
"So Miss Washu has Tenchi had any improvements?"
"As of this morning no..." Washu was cut off by the sound of the front door being opened. * He's early. He's never early, if anything he would be late. * When Tenchi came to view they didn't expect to get what the did. What they saw was the Tenchi from 4 years ago. Happy and smiling.
"What changed, Tenchi" asked his grandfather
"Ryoko was just here at the cave, and we talked." He said with a smile. Then looked at Washu " She said she will be back in 18 months to see if we could work it out."
"It will be nice to have her back in this house. Its been kind of boring without her, I may say." stated his grandfather.
The first six months after Ryoko had showed up went smooth for Tenchi. His sleep-walking B's & C's Raised to all A's in all his classes, thanks to tutoring from Washu. It was now summer break for every one at school but for Tenchi. He was enrolled into five galactic courses. He had Professor Washu for : Political Science-Galactic and Universal Issues 101. Professor Yosho for Jurai History 101, Political Science-Jurai, and of course Physical-education.
Being the first weekend, of summer break he went out with the fellahs drinking. Returning that night he found a letter.
Yosho has gone to visit an old friend that is sick. Your father had to gone to Tokyo to look after a project, and I'll be at the Academy. We will all be back Monday, Here is the number to reach Yosho if needed. The lab door is set to where I'm at if you need me. Washu
That night was the first of times Ryoko would show up.
Being a senor for the past four months had gone by pretty quick for Tenchi. The only real difference from last year was his newest friend Sakura. She was 6ft+, well endowed, athletic build, and very good looking. She had raven black hair and grayish blue eyes. All the guys tried to go out with her, but she was not interested. Once she saw that Tenchi didn't seem interested in dating her. She went up to him and asked him about it. After he told her his story. She did the same about hers. From that day forward they had hit it off and became great friends.
"Tenchi." said Sakura
"So ah, when your girl comes back from overseas. Where you going to take her on your dates?"
"Dates? what dates?"
"Baka! You know Tenchi but sometimes I wander about you. You do know that a girl likes it when she is taken out to places.. Right?"
"Aargh! Yes really Baka, Do you even know how to dance?" When she saw that blank stare on his face she almost lost it. "That does it."
"You Baka are going to start taking me out on dates."
"Nani!? Dates...you....me...?"
"Thats correct, its about time I started seeing the sights and you are going to show them to me. In trade I will make you into a lady killer. Also teach your Baka ass how to dance. Hey Rei!." a blond headed girl 3 seats over looked up. "We're going dancing you want to go?"
"We, Who?" she asked
"Me, Baka here" pointing at Tenchi "and you. Oh yeah he's paying."
"Hey now wait a minute here." Tenchi protested on deaf ears.
"Sure , should I get a few more people?"
"Not tonight, but definitely for tomorrow."
"What, your going tomorrow too?"
"Yep every day till Baka here learns how to dance. All the dances fast, slow and even Ball-room stuff too."
"And to think there was something the wander kid wasn't good at. I'm definitely in. I know with the chance to slow dance with the elusive Tenchi Masaki we wont have trouble finding girls to help. Hehehehe." said Rei
"Oh man" Tenchi rolled his eyes.
Tenchi's dancing skills had improved at a fast rate once he realized that foot work was a lot easier than what was needed for his training. Once he got convertibly he began to excel. True to form once he began to do the ball-room and slow dancing there were five or more girls going with them every day. Tenchi had become either the most hated or envied guy on campus. Two and a half months in a few girls began to offer themselves to him for one nighters.
About three months before he was to graduate Tenchi came up with a great idea. "Little Washu, can I ask you a favor?" questioned Tenchi coming down the stairs
"Huh, yeah sure." Washu had her back to him, so she turned away from the t.v. to face him. She saw that he was in a tux looking really sharp. "What's up, why are you all dolled up for?"
"Well, I have this hot diner date in 30 minutes."
"Diner date? Anyone I know you sly dog." She said with a smirk.
"Actually that was why I wanted to talk with you. I was hoping that you would call her up and give her a message for me. While I talk to grandfather."
"Sure, I don't see why not. Shoot."
"Thank you little Washu. Tell Washu that she only has 30 minutes to be ready for our diner date and to make sure she is dress accordantly." then he stepped out the door.
"Washu was so stunned that she was frozen still in place for 5 minutes. Tenchi's father had seen the whole thing.
"Ah, Miss Washu"
"Huh" she turned to look at him.
"I believe Adult Washu only has 25 minutes left to get ready."
"Ahh." was all she let out before she rushed into the lab.
Diner dates
Washu was on cloud 9 ever since Tenchi came back in the house to pick her up for the date. He had given her a half a dozen roses and a kiss on the cheek to begin the evening. When she had asked about why this diner date he said it was something he needed to do to thank her for being there for him all this time. Once seated, they ordered dinner. The small talk, the complements, the eye, and physical contact that Tenchi gave were perfect through out the hole evening. She was having a harder and harder time at controlling her emotions the later in the evening it got. It was during one of the slow dances that Washu had finally noticed Tenchi. She noted that even in her Adult form she no longer was taller that he was. Also his adolescent body had been replaced by a muscular young man of 24. Last but not least she began to notice she had been rubbing herself up against him during the dance. She tilted her head up to tell him sorry for what she had been doing but stopped. When she made eye contact with him she began to lose it and cry. So she leaned into him and cried into his shoulder.
* It's too much for me. No one has ever treated me like this. Not even my ex. Sure there had been dances, dinners, and talks that have been as good or better but never had all three been so wonderful as this. *
* I cant, I can't look at him * she shook her head
"Washu please what's wrong" Washu looked up at Tenchi. She knew she shouldn't but she did
* He's Ryoko's. I can't...* her long pent up emotion took over her and she tilted her head back and when on her tip toes and kissed Tenchi with all she had while pressing and rubbing her body on him.
When she broke the kiss she said something he would never ever thought he would ever hear from Washu that night. "I need you now Tenchi. Please, I know you want Ryoko but please. Don't leave me like this Tenchi." she began to cry more while begging him.
"Shhh...I " Tenchi stopped his comment once he realized they were no longer at the restaurant but Washu's bedroom. When Washu finally realize where they were.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Tenchi." she was able to stammer out. "I didn't mean to..."
"Shh." putting his finger on her lips. Once she stopped he kissed her.
Washu didn't even notice that Tenchi had unzipped her dress until she felt it pool at her ankles. It was lucky for Tenchi that it was a Friday because the resulting 12 hour love session had rendered him dead to the world for 26 hours afterwards. (amazing what a resident scientist in the house could do for you.) Washu was back to form only 12 hours later but it would be weeks before she could comfortably be little Washu again. (well she at least got her sample..)
Because of the fact that Sakura would be flying out graduation night Tenchi had taken her out the night before graduation as a present. Just like with Washu emotions got out of hand and Sakura kissed Tenchi very deeply. "God, only if things were different." she said. "I better go before something that we both may want happens and we regret it for the rest of our lives."
"Ah, ok if your sure about it."
"Yes I'm sure. Because if we did I or you may never want to stop. It would hurt both of us to much if we did. By Tenchi and see you at noon." she said as she left.
"You too."
Graduation day
Tenchi Masaki woke up to a sight he had not seen in 7 long years. Ryoko floating 12 inches from his face.
"Good morning Ten-chi." she said. Tenchi didn't say a thing while he took in her beauty. She was in her blue and yellow stripped dress with the tail. After a few minutes. "Like what you see? or Does the cabbit got your tongue?" she said slyly.
Tenchi did the only thing he had been wanting to do for so much time. He reached up with is right hand and caressed her cheek and hair. He knew he had done the right thing when she began to purr and rub her face on his hand. Then he pulled her done into a kiss that could only be said as a pure lovers kiss. While later Ryoko was straddling Tenchi. She was still in her dress over the covers and he was still in his boxer under the covers.
"Tenchi we must talk."
"Hmm?" his hands were under her dress feeling her legs. "Yes we do need to talk. There are things I need to tell you. That have happened over the last 18 months."
"First you have to promise to hear me out. Completely hear me out, before you take any action. After I'm done you can do anything you want I will not stop you. I just ask you hear everything before you act."
"Do you promise.:
"Well you see.." Tenchi proceeded to tell Ryoko everything. Dancing lessons, dates, and the girls that he had one nighters with. After judging her reaction he continued with Sakura what she looked like. What his feelings for her were and what happened the night before. Then he hit her with the big one. What happened with Washu.
Ryoko sat through out the last hour and a half listening to what Tenchi had to say. The last two parts were big blows to her but she had taken them. "I only have two questions for you." Tenchi nodded his head for her to continue. "Do you love her?"
"Who Sakura?" she nodded "Truthfully I really don't know. I could tell you it's not the same kind of love I have for you. Yours is from the body and soul. Where that was mainly only heart. The funny part of it all is she was trying not to get in the way of my love for you or your love for me.
"What about Washu?"
"We have not spoken of that event since it happen. It was something that happened and unless you arranged it. It would never happen again. Your mother, I believe still hasn't been able to come to grips that she let it happen. She tried really hard to stop it from getting to that. And if your asking yourself why I told you these things. I believe it is the only way our relation ship would survive. If these things came up after we had been together for a while it would be devastating. So it was better you knew up front. You are free to do as you please. Just remember this both I and your mother will always love you no matter what you do."
"I have to go think for a while. I want you to stay here tell I get back. No matter what you hear do not come down stairs."
"All right Ryoko, I'll do as you ask." she leaned down and kissed him. Then phased out.
Living room
Ryoko reappeared in front of Washu's lab door. She looked at the door for a few, and then knocked on the door. Washu's face appeared in the window "Yes? Huh, Ryoko? Y-you are back."
"We need to talk, mom."
"Yes, yes we do. Come in."
"I don't think so, runt. Out here, you know I don't like that place."
"Ok, I'll come out." The door to lab opened and Washu came out. Ryoko was surprised to see Washu in her adult form.
"Why am I an adult now?" Ryoko nodded. "Well if I'm to be your mother I should look like it. Plus I think it is time that I rejoin the adult world."
Ryoko stared at Washu "Tenchi told me everything." Washu sighed and took a seat. She was quiet for a few. "How could you, you now how I FEEL about him. MY OWN MOTHER, doing that to me!"
"I didn't mean to do it, it just happened. It was the first time I have ever felt that way in my life."
"How can you look me in the face and lie to me like that?"
"THAT IS ANOUGH, I WILL NOT HAVE MY FEELINGS QUESTIONED BY YOU OR ANYONE! It happened and I am deeply sorry it did. I sometimes wish I could take it back but I will not. There is few things I have to tell you. When I'm done the choice is yours to do with the information. I haven't told anyone this but you need to now. No matter what you do I will not leave Tenchi and I will never stop loving you." Ryoko looked at Washu coldly and nodded for her to continue. Washu brought out her shadow laptop and hit a few keys. "Take a look at this."
A screen popped in to view. On it was a picture of Ryoko and some charts. "I've been doing some experiments and I found out something that may cause you some pain. What I found out is that you are incompatible to any life form. In other words you will not be able to have children naturally from Tenchi or any one. I'm sorry." Ryoko was shell shocked and began to cry. "Ryoko I've tried every thing. Ever since I received a sample from Tenchi. I've been in my lab attempting to find a way for you and him to have a child. None of them would work. The only one way you can have his child." Ryoko looked up with hopefully eyes
"I get an egg form a donor and fertilize it and put it in you. That is the only way for you to give birth to his child."
It was a crushing blow to Ryoko but up lifting as will. She wouldn't be genetically the child's mother but she could still bare it. "You said there was other things you wanted to say?" Washu opened a hole and pulled out small cylinder that had three blinking lights on it. She looked at it and sighed. Then handed it to Ryoko. She looked at the cylinder and noticed that it was a small stasis field holding a organism. Ryoko looked back up at Washu was wringing her hands and looked very uncomfortably. "What is this."
"That is.."
"WHAT IS IT MOTHER!?" yelled angrily
Washu took a deep breath and said "What you are holding is your younger brother or sister." under her breath "AnditsohappenstobeTenchi'sthefather."
"W H A T!!!???"
"Shhh, Tenchi does not know about this. I was afraid that if I came to him with this two weeks after what we did. It would crush him." she said and began to cry. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen. After two weeks, I still couldn't change back to my child form I scanned myself and found that I had become pregnant. Knowing how you and he felt I put it in there. I haven't... I can't tell him." Ryoko saw how it was affecting Washu and she got up and Kneeled in front of her and hugged her.
"It's alright, we will tell him together. I am not mad at you mother."
"Ryoko, if you do stay with Tenchi and want to have his child. I want you to have this one. It is as close to your genetic structure as you could get. And if you decided not to stay with Tenchi I plan on telling him and having it my self." Washu took the cylinder and put it back in its sub-space pocket for safe keeping. "That is all I have to say. On this mater, once you have made your choice let me know. I'll be in the lab tell it is time to got to Tenchi's graduation." With that she left.
Tenchi had heard the yelling and wanted to go down there to stop it but he had promised he would stay so he did. 30 minutes after the yelling had stoped Ryoko reappeared in his room. By that time he had already gotten dressed and ready for graduation.
"Have you decided yet?" he asked
"No, no I have not. I still need to talk to one more person before I make it. But I will tell you one thing I wont be leaving. Thats for sure."
"Sakura?" She nodded. "Well lets get down stairs and I'll cook breakfast."
"Washu said she will be in her lab till you're ready to leave."
Tenchi was the center of all attention when he arrived on campus. He had been walking around for 15 minutes looking for Sakura when he ran into Rei. "Rei have you seen Sakura?"
"Oh Tenchi, I've been looking all over for you. There was a family emergency, so Saki had to leave. You just missed her, she was so looking forward to meeting your girlfriend and saying good by to you." She looked at the two women that had been walking with Tenchi. She was about to say something when someone beat her to it.
"Hey Masaki, isn't that the woman you were with at that restaurant a few months ago?"
"Yes she is, Rei this is Washu and this is her daughter Ryoko the one I was telling you about." They exchanged pleasantries and some girl talk.
"Oh Tenchi, before I forget here." She handed Tenchi a small package. "Sakura was going to give it to you when she saw you but.." He opened it. Inside was a framed 8x9 picture of him and her and a letter.
This last year was the greatest year of my life. I will always remember it. I hate to say this but I have to say this. I'm very envious of your girlfriend. I love you, I truly am in love with you and will carry it with me for the rest of my life. But I will not get in the way of you and her's love. Sakura
After finishing the letter he showed it to Ryoko and she read it.
"That was the reason I wanted to talk to her. I was willing to share you with her Tenchi, as long as she would not get in my way. It was the same deal I tried to give Ayeka but she would not except it."
"Are you sure about that Ryoko? Could you have really shared me with her?" Looking her in the eye.
"Yes Tenchi, I could."
"I'll hold you to that Ryoko."