Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ Phase two - 3 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tenchi and all associated characters are the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC. I don't own any rights to them at all. Any other characters are property of their respective copyright holders, not me.

On Earth Day 2

The morning started off the same as always with Sasami cooking breakfast for everyone and everyone sowing up for it. The only difference was two people missing Tenchi and Ayeka.

"Ayeka still hasn't came out of her room has she?" ask Ryoko

"No but at least she has started to eat again." Sasami said in a low voice

"Hmm, Sasami when you take her plate to her tell her i want to talk to her before dinner tonight." Yosho proclaimed


Ryo-ohki cleared her throat " Ah lord Yosho, mm can I ask you a favor?"

"Please just Yosho, and yes you can"

"I was wandering if you can train me like you did Tenchi? I would ask Washu but she is training Ryoko and Ayeka when Tenchi comes back him to."

"I believe I will how about you to Sasami do you want to as well?"

"Oh can I ?" Sasami said with inthusiasum.

"It's amazing."

"What is Yosho" Ryoko

"Tenchi had said that he waited me to train these two but he had also known that you would come to me on your own."

"Did he say why he wanted us to train with you?" asked Sasami

"Something to do with helping your confidence and getting use to the new bodies"

"%$#@!@Tenchi $%@#!kick his %$!@# but next time #$@! should have known" Everyone looked at Washu.

"Ah, mom what is that about Tenchi that you should have known?" Ryoko asked.

Looking up from her halo-top "After breakfast I'll tell everyone in the living room"


Living room......

Ayeka had came down once Sasami had told her what Yosho had said. She also came down because she wanted to find out what Washu was going to say."Ok, miss Washu what did you want to tell us about Tenchi?" Asked Ayeka.

"First, a question I want you all to think about. How could Tenchi beat us all when he had always had
trouble with Ryoko or Yosho by themselves let alone Ayeka and Ryoko together without, using more power
than he always does? Well, I have been looking at all the data from the fight and found something I
should have seen from the beginning."

"What is that miss Washu?"

"Well, Ayeka normally you would have been right with the time you gave us. Hell, that's how it's been
for the past 6 months why should it change! Hmm,, Did anyone other than Sasami notice a difference on
how he fought this time?"

"Yes, he was more aggressive" Ryoko answered.

"He was faster" Ayeka replied.

"More patience with attacks" Yosho said.

"Mihoshi what about you?" Washu asked.

"What was the question?" Everyone face faulted "no difference, except the fact he used us against each other"

"Well, for a bubble head you are right" Washu said.

"And everyone else is wrong!"

"Miss Washu I don't see how if he didn't change his style, that he could have been able to defeat all of
you at the same time and still have so much power at the end to overpower Ryoko like he did?" Kyone asked

"Easy, really. Unlike, us he didn't use his power unless he was fighting hand to hand or it was necessary. I'll show you"

She put up a display of the fight....

"I broke this fight down to only when Tenchi was using his powers during, the fight. I found out of the
four plus hours, he only was using his powers for only 30 min compared to us at full the whole time. This
is why, he was so powerful at the end and we were not. To make things worse, he deflected our shots;
mind you, only the shots that would have hit him not the ones that would have missed. Some of us
had found out he also reflected some at us which allowed him to save lots of energy."

"Last but not least, the light hawk sword only came out when needed. Other than that it was not present.
Plus, the fact that when you and Yosho went down, he use Tenchi-ken to save even more energy. And here is the 30 minute fight in it's glory!"

After watching the fight everyone went to train. Mihoshi and Kyone in their power armor with there weapons powered down in one area. Washu, Ryoko and Ayeka were on one and Yosho Sasami, and Ryo-ohki were in another. Ryo-ohki was working with the Bo and Sasami with the Tonfa. Yosho was amazed, on how fast they were learning the weapons. Already, after 1 1/2 hours they were sparring with each other using moves even most masters on earth didn't know yet. After three hours, they would have given any earth master a run for their money in a match. But they were only book smart not experienced smart yet.


That night......

All the girls had a dream about Tenchi asking them to marry him and opening the box he each gave them
to reveal a beautiful wedding ring.

Morning Day 3...

Kiyone and Mihoshi had gone on patrol.

Everything seem as normal but they all wondered what was in the boxes, but left them alone. That day
went like normal even training was fun for them. but the dreams they had that night weren't so fun at
all. In fact, it was a nightmare, the worst thing that they could have happen to them. In the dream
Tenchi had them open the boxes one at the time and in it, was a letter saying he didn't love any of them
and wanted them to leave his house and never come back. After, reading the letter they saw him marrying
somebody else and walk away from them as if they were not even there. They all woke up with a scream and crying for the rest of the night.

That morning, was tense, especially since each ofthem looked like a truck run them over. (tore up from
the floor up comes to mind)

"It seems like all of you had a bad night, you all should take the day off from training." Yosho said
as he got up to leave.

After he was gone...

"How come it feels like he knew what happen last night before hand?" Ryoko said

Everyone did their own thing that day. They all stayed away from each other. They all dreaded what
their dream would be that night. To their surprise, they didn't dream that night.


Morning Day 4


When she woke up she picked up her box and looked at it for a long time.*'I wish I knew what was in it*
'This box hold your dreams in it good or bad depends on you, all I ask is don't open it unless I tell you to.'* Ryoko remembered what Tenchi had said so she put the box back down. *'Ok, Tenchi I'll do as you asked, even if I really wish I could open it' I trust you, and I want you to trust me' If this is what it takes to earn your trust I will'*

"Breakfast is ready"


She spent all day scanning her box. "What is in this @$#!% box? He said not to open but, he didn't said
that I couldn't scan it."

Breakfast is ready"

Sasami and Ryo-ohki didn't even think about their boxes, they just got up and went to start breakfast.


She looked at the box,'Tenchi, gave me this and said it holds my dreams, but he also said that they
could be good or bad' She remembered her talk with Yosho. 'I love Tenchi but, I still love Yosho. I
don't know what to do. *My wife will need to love me and my other wives first and only not Jurai, not
your jobs, or anything, we come first then the other things.*

'Do I love him more than Jurai?'

She opened the box and saw that it was a gold ring with a amethyst with three rubies and three diamonds
encircling it. No question, on what kind or ring that was. She was so happy but then she started to cry
'Do I really love him or is it that I used him when I didn't have Yosho?'

"Breakfast is ready."


Everyone, even Kyone and Mihoshi was there. Washu was the last to get there. They all had their boxes with them for some unknown reason.

"God damn it."

"What is wrong mom?"

"I scanned this box every known way that I could, and I couldn't see what was in it! This is killing me
not knowing what's inside. I'd open it but Tenchi....."

Then she notice that Ayeka was isostatic. "Why are you so happy princess?" Washu asked.

"Because look" She brought out her box and began to open it.

Sasami saw this and run out of the house and Ryoko fazed away not wanting to see or hear what it was
she even cut her link with Washu

What was that all about?" Kyone asked

"They don't want to know what's in those boxes till Tenchi is back so I suggest we don't tell them what
we saw". Washu told them.

They all looked at the ring in the box.

Ryo-ohki then open her box to discover a ring just like Ayeka's but hers was different , hers
had a tiger's eye surrounded by three yellow topaz gems and three diamonds.

"Well, I don't have to open mine knowing now what is in the boxes."

"Why, Washu?" asked Mihoshi and Kyone in unison.

"It's obvious, what it is; it's a ring like theirs the only difference will be that mine will be with a
Ruby and with either emeralds or jade gems and of course the diamonds, and Ryoko's will be an aquamarine
with some yellow topazes and diamonds, and Sasami's would be a sapphire and pink topaz with diamonds. I
think, that Tenchi is planning to marry all of us and that is why he gave us this boxes for us to have
in case, something happens between then and when he gets back. It makes me feel good to know."


Far side of the lake from the house

Sasami sat there thinking about what was happening *How could she do that? Tenchi told her not to do that and she did it anyway. Damn it Ayeka don't you ever listen to what people tell you. First it was mother about Yosho now it is Tenchi. When will you learn?* Out of nowhere 8 Jurian ships showed up in the ski. *WHAT THE HELL* Sasami got up and started running to the house but was stopped short by 15 soldiers. "What is this?"

"My lady, Azusa demands you accompany us back to Juri immediately...."

Ryoko had seen the ships as they came in and hid in her cave. *Those are battleships they wouldn't come unless they meant to fight*

'Mom we have company.'

'I know' she sent a picture of 20 soldiers in the house. 'Stay where you are and hide. Tell Tenchi what has happened to us.'


In the house

"I demanded to know what is going on here" yelled Ayeka

"You, Sasami, Yosho and these two are going to Juri as by orders of his majesty Azusa."