Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ Learning More ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tenchi and all associated characters are the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC. I don't own any rights to them at all. Any other characters are property of their respective copyright holders, not me.

Learning More


"Nice for you two to join us for breakfast." Tenchi said with a smirk on his face.

"Shut..." Ryoko stopped what she was going to say remembering Mayuka was in the room. "We had a woman to woman talk. Things needed to be talked about and explained."

"So daddy, is mama Oko going with you today?" asked Mayuka

"Yes she is. She needs to know what we do and she needs to see and understand a few things." Said Nefirdyti

Ryoko took it in and was observing the actions of everyone. What peaked her interest was how Chio would hover around May in a protective way and wouldn't move more than 15 feet away from her at any given time, even if it was to get something from the cabinets. If she did have to go out of that range she seem to have a nerves look and would quickly finish what she was doing to get back in that range once again. *I wander what that’s about? *

Tenchi had noticed Ryoko looking at Chio "She is from Maulges."


"You were wandering about Chio so I figured I should tell you to ease your fears."

"What does Maulges have to do with how she acts around May?"

"The people from my planet are empaths and like Nef's people we were valued very high for our skills." explained Chio

"You said 'were'."

"Of what records that I have been able to come up with she is the last living Maulgeain in the hole Universe. It was a surprise to have seen her on this ship when I came aboard. Anyway how did you get her when the race was to have been extinct for over 100 years Tenchi?" asked Nef

"Well first she isn't the last of her people there are 10 others." Tenchi said in a mater of fact tone.

"What do you mean there are 10 others? All records state that the pirate Ziodfid destroyed the planet and hunted down and exterminated all of them."

"Your correct on that but you forgot one small detail."

"And what would that be."

"He's a pirate." Said Ryoko

"That is correct love." Tenchi leaned across the table and kissed Ryoko then sat back down. "Being a pirate do you know how much you could get if you had the only Daemonetti Nannies in the universe? And especially if you could breed more if you need too?"

"What do you mean breed more?" Nef was at a loss

"What Master Tenchi means is Ziodfid had raided one of the breeding houses before he destroyed my people. He captured two males and nine females. After that he exterminated the rest. Myself and the rest have been in cold sleep since then."

"So the rest are out on some remote planet or something?" asked Ryoko

"Unfortunately no, they wouldn't survive on their own." Chio said, "That is why they are still in cold sleep. I would be two but my unit was damaged in the fight so Tenchi had to open mine up. Tenchi would have opened theirs up but I had told him that without someone to bond to they would die. They have to be in a special environment for them not to and so they could breed more."

"That is why they are still in cold sleep on this ship until Washu can make a new breeding house for them to live in. For the race can make a comeback."

"Speaking of Washu don't you think we should be heading to Jurai?" asked Ryoko.

"If they were in Tsunami yes, but in a regular Battleship it will take about 21 days at top speed to get there so we have a lot of time. Plus I want to see what Azusa has planned before I act."

4 hours later

Ryoko walked into the day room. "Hello May. Hello Chio, what are you two up to?"

"Hi, I'm just preparing little May's hair for the battle today." said Chio. Mayuka's hair looked just like Nef's except that it had blunt knobs on the ends not the sharp claws.

"What do you mean, she isn't going to fight is she?"

"Who do you think drives this ship when I'm not onboard? Don't worry before she has to fight someone will have to go though 4 guardians and Chio, let alone get on this ship. Which is almost impossible." Said Tenchi as he came in the room.

"Anyway Ryoko, she can hold her own in hand to hand if I may say so." chimed Nef. "Your up next anyway."


" Your hair. We need to do your hair so you will fit in." Nef pulled Ryoko down in to a seat and with Chio's help started to fix her hair. When they were finished Ryoko had Predator dreads like Chio but longer. Each dread ended at a point that would allow Ryoko to still use her hair needles if needed. Then they took her to the changing room and put her in clothes and armor just like Nef's. Which wasn't saying much, a thin silk wrap that went from the right side of her neck crossed over her left breast then around her back over her right breast and tied behind her neck. The lower part was a mid-thigh skirt that had split on both sides that went up to the belt to allow full movement. Underneath they wear a cloth that attached from the front of the belt to the back of the belt so they won’t show anything when the skirt flies up. Nef's belt unlike Ryoko's was armored.

"Why is your's armored and mine is not?" asked Ryoko

"It is to keep my tail from getting cut. If it does I could bleed to death."


"Now when we get down there just do as I do. If a fight breaks out do not join in let Tenchi do it. Remember we are observers for my people if we fight it is like declaring war."

"But I'm not from your planet."

"It doesn't matter if you are not they will think so with me there, so do not fight. Plus Tenchi wants you to see it yourself."

"See what?"

"How he is if I'm not there to calm him down."


Draxion 4 orbit

"Remember May I want this ship 4 light seconds out and cloaked as soon as we transport."

"Gotcha Daddy, Be save all of you. You better bring me something this time, and don't forget like last time daddy."

"Alright little one." Tenchi and the rest kiss May goodbye "Lets go” They teleport off the ship to the receiving area of the palace. The receiving area was nice but didn't have the fanfare that most places had. It was basic and open one or two odd things here and
there. A lady in a blue Victorian style dress came up to them.

"Hello and welcome to our planet. I'm Philies and I'll be your guide, follow me please." She turned on her heels and headed towards the main hall. Tenchi started off behind her.

"Now remember don't say anything, let Tenchi handle everything. And just act like you his bodyguard but don't do anything unless he tells you to." said Nef

"Ok ok, get off me." they both fell in on both sides of Tenchi as they walked.


"My lord a representative from the Draczion Federation is here to see you."

"Thank you, welcome to my kingdom and what has brought you all the way out here?"

"I'm here as a rep of the Draczion Federation's interest. I'm here to see what has happened and what will be done about the payments owed to them."

"So in other words you are a debt collector?"

"You can say that but I'm also authorized to negotiate a settlement if needed."

"What if we don't want to pay?"

"Then I'm authorized to reposes the product, take the equal value, or use force to get what is due." By this time Ryoko had noticed that there were warriors filling the room. She took a quick look at Nef. When she did all she saw was Nef give a small shake of her
head. Ryoko relaxed some but not much.

"Well I don't see why we should pay. So you can leave."

"I think you should reconsider, with back payments and future payments due. I would be authorized to take over 85% of your kingdom, and then adding interest I would have to take the rest of the kingdom just to break even. Or we can make a deal."

"How dare you, threaten me. KILL HIM." 30 warriors came from all around and charged Tenchi. Tenchi rushed at them and pulled out a light and dark interwoven wood hilt and an all-dark hilt. Just as he reached the first of them he fired up his blades one purple and one black with a red highlight to it. After that he phased out as the first enemy swung his blade. Tenchi phased back in behind the back row of fighters and began to cut them down. Seven were down before anyone could react to his new position. By the time they regrouped 5 more died. Now 12 of 30 gone in 10 seconds.

"Now you will see it.” said Nefirdyti to Ryoko. Ryoko having excellent senses began to concentrate on Tenchi and everything he did.

The warriors finally got their spacing and came in waves like they should have in the beginning. Tenchi's left hand flashed black and three black orbs popped into view. The orbs began to rotate around Tenchi, crossing back, front, up, down, side to side, in a pattern in which they wouldn't cross each other. Tenchi raced forward into the fray but Ryoko noticed something was not right with him. Taking a better look she could see his eyes were turning black (the hole thing) and he was beginning to have a smirk on his face. The first wave came in and it was ugly, Tenchi parried the first two and passed them. He then rushed the third parried his sword with his right and cut his head off with his left. The first two turned to get at him, to bad they forgot about the orbs. Ryoko knew it was coming but couldn't look away from it. As the orbs rotated into position, they extended out in a shape of a spike and impaled each of the warriors in the head, chest, and side of each. (Headshot being last in each case)

Second and third waves were slaughtered in somewhat the same way. Manly because they hesitated when they saw what happened to the first. Ryoko noticed Tenchi was now giving an evil grin and licking his lips. Then she noticed his eyes were all black with no light reflecting from within. 24 dead in 30 seconds. Something happened that relay shocked Ryoko now three of the remaining six took a step back as if they were going to run and the three orbs flashed purple and fired at the three. Each of the warriors tried to block but when the beams were about to be blocked they each took a hard turn to avoid the block, either up, down or to the side. Once clear turned back and killed their respective targets.

Two of the last three did run but Tenchi threw his blades and hit each in the head killing them. The last saw this and charged with all the rage he had. What happened next will stay with Ryoko for years. What everyone else they just saw Tenchi step inside the man's attack and punch him in the chest, and watched him fall down dead. But Ryoko saw and heard more. She saw Tenchi reach back and catch and orb and close his hand. On his hand formed a black glove and then he came forward and hit him in the chest. If she hadn't seen it herself she would not have believed what happened when he hit him. Tenchi struck his chest and his entire skeleton came out of his body at supersonic speed. It hit the far wall and shattered like glass. The rest of his body fell as if it was still intact five feet away from Tenchi. Tenchi released the orb after the strike and it fell back in rotation. Tenchi turned on his heels and rushed the king. He opened his hands. His two blades deactivated and the hilts flew into his hands and reactivated.

Ryoko knew what was going to happen and said two words in a low whisper to Nefirdyti. "I understand." On hearing this Nefirdyti threw all she had into the bond.

Tenchi deactivated his blades 1 mm from cutting the kings head off but still followed through with the strike to prove a point. *30 in 40 seconds Tenchi is getting sloppy. * thought Nefirdyti

"You have a choice pay or become part of the Draczion Federation of planets,” said Nefirdyti

"And what if I don't do either?"

"I knock you and your people back to the stone-age, take out the planet or force you into the Draczion Federation the hard way." said Tenchi

"I believe we will join the Federation. It seems the safer of the choices."

"Good choice if I may say so myself. A Rep. will arrive in two months until then." One of the dark guardian logs uncloaks (four of the eight were there cloaked looking around palace the whole time) " here is our temporary Rep. "


Washu was laying down on her bunk playing with her powers. " Hello sis."

Tsunami appeared next to her in one of the chairs " Hello sister, what are you doing?"

"Just waiting to see what happens."

"You know you could leave at any time right."

"Sure but that wouldn't be any fun. I want to see what Azusa does. As long as he doesn't try to hurt Ryo-ohki I'll act good but all bets are off if he tries to. Plus I want to see how Tenchi reacts to this."

"Well we will know soon, he is on his way, and if the feeling I have is right it's not going to be pretty."

"For who, Tenchi or Azusa?"

"Depends on Ayeka and Azusa ,but manly Ayeka."
A N: yeah, yeah I know Tenchi is way out in left field but (its my fic so bite me) you have to take a good look at what is happening and you would see why it is going like it is.
need those R&R's to help out