Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ Igau ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Tenchi and all associated characters are the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC. I don't own any rights to them at all. Any other characters are property of their respective copyright holders, not me.
"Father for the sake of the Empire and the safety of our people. I believe the best course of action is. That I Sasami Jurai marries this man." A loud uproar began but she put her hand up and spoke again "This union will secure our lower south eastern boarder and give us a powerful alley. That is the role of a princess is it not? To help secure her people's way of life and well being?" stated Sasami.
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* Sasami has finally become a woman today. To think, May will be 16 years old in a few days. It is still strange that is only been 30 days from when Tenchi picked me up, but it's been over 20 years that I've been with him and May. In a few years May will be a woman also I wonder what will happen with her? What will happen to us? Those last 10 years have been a blast. Training with May, Tiraa, and the rest of the candidates has opened my eyes to things I would have never came across.*
Ryoko began to look around the room and take in as much information as possible. She was using the teachings that she received to break down the room. She had quickly determined who was and was not a threat. Strengths, weaknesses, and power level of the ones she had classified trouble.
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Her family was going to protest but when she added the extra stuff. They had to back off. Then her grandmother walked up behind her and put her hands on her shoulders. "Even if some of us may not agree. Sasami is correct in this matter a princess is suppose to marry in to other kingdoms to secure alleys. So mister ...." the light green haired Seto looked at the robbed figure.
"Igau" he said. There were two distinctive intakes of air.
"No it can't be. No, no, no it can't be." was herd from two women. The cloaked one signaled with his hands and the women, that seemed to be his guards moved to the location of the two women. Once there they grabbed the two, they led them to him. The figure seems to take a long look at the two. They both looked like normal Jurian women in dress and hair.
"What is going on here? What do you think you are doing to the ladies from houses Toshi and Shin?" demanded Azusa.
"This is a matter of our people not a concern of yours." said the little one. She was little do to the fact that everyone else in the group was 6' or more and she was only 5' 5" tall.
He held out a hand and pointed to the ground. "Kneel." but the two refused. This angered the man. He grabbed his cloak and threw it off. When the two saw his face they quickly kneeled. Everyone except Sasami and Washu were taken back by what they saw. What they saw was a 6' 8" (6' 11 3/4" if you count the ears) muscular man with a head of a Jackal. On his head was the traditional headdress that fell both in front and in back covering is neck and most of his shoulders. His hair came out the back of the headdress to come down to his lower back in the same braided fashion that the guards were in.
He stepped forward in between the two and reached down towards their necks. Once there he grabbed their hair and move it to the side to show the back of the neck. What he saw was that one had a falcon tattoo and the other had serpent tattoo. But neither had the Sire mark that goes with it. He then stepped back. "You two will be sent back for retaining you have lost your selves in another's ways."
"I will not allow this to happen!" said one of the troublemakers currently only a 2 on her 1 - 5 scale.
* Who the hell is this idiot!* Ryoko took a better look at the man. * Lets see @ 5' 9" a buck 90 soak and wet. Low center of gravity. Kind of slow reaction speed. Does not take in all that is around him. Moderate power, Ah come on Mayuka could kick his ass back when she was 8 years old! *
" And who are you?" said the Short one
" I am the one who was to be married to the princess when she came of age. Though I was told she would not be of age for some time but the looks of things, she is of age now." Funaho and Misaki traded glances. They both knew what the Draczion man was.
"This could get very ugly." Funaho whispered to Misaki.
"I believe you are right." whispered Misaki
"Unfortunately for you she is no longer yours to have."
"I beg to differ. I challenge you." he raised his hand and pointed at Igau.
"Oh please, I could drop you in 5 seconds. You are unworthy to ...." she had stopped when Igau raised his hand and stepped forward.
"COME!" was all that came from him. As he moved into a fighting stance.
"You do know fighting him is to the death. No yields, submit ions, and or forfeits. You still have a chance to back out by stepping away. If you take a step towards him the fight is on." the little one warned.
" I do not fear this man, I will not back down." He stepped forward and pulled out his energy sword and ignited it. Then he concentrated and formed 6 wings. Unlike Tenchi's wings these were like the ones Yosho had displayed when fighting Kagato.
"Oh wow." she said sarcastically "6 Wings he must be super strong. To bad, I thought you were smarter than that." She turned to look at the cloaked figure. "Get this over with quickly my show is on in 10."
Ryoko again only saw it because she had her senses heighten for the fight. As with the last time she saw him in one smooth motion. He grabbed one of the black spheres, move forward, and punch at the Jurian's chest. The only thing that saved this one was the 6 wings that had converged at the point of attack just in time to block it. Unfortunately they did not have the power to stop the attack. They shattered on contact and he flew to the other sided of the room. He died seconds from slamming into the wall as hard as he did. Blood flowed from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.
Those around the room only saw the man blur from his starting point and stop in front of the Jurian. Then see the Jurian slam into the far wall in a bloody mess.
There were many gasp of fright and surprise.
" I told him he was no match. * frigen idiot * Now that is over we will be on our way." said the little one. As they turned to leave she turned back. " We will be back in one month. At that time the wedding will take place. "