Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Loneliness And Family ❯ One-Shot
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: I was bored, tired, and major obsessed with Tenchi Muyo! So, here's what popped out of my brain and onto this WordPad document! So, I hope you enjoy it, it's not that great...but it's just a little thought.
There was nothing but the hard thumping that the rain sounded against the pavement. It was cold, too cold for the demon summoner's liking. There she sat, against a large tree that did little to shelter her from the torrents of rain.
Hugging herself to try and preserve what little warmth her coat provided, Ryoko bent her head downwards, her knees rising upwards to stool her chin. Her eyes gleamed dim amber, no longer the cheerful, mischievous eyes that so influenced those that had the pleasure of glimpsing them.
Tenchi...did you mean everything you said?
<”Would everyone please leave me alone?” he had said. “I do not appreciate you all hovering around and questioning me! I...I choose no one as my lover. So please, cease this at once.”
Everyone had gone quiet then, as Tenchi ascended the stairs to his room. Even Ayeka stood uncomfortably still, contemplating his previous words. She had been so certain they were destined. She still is...
But Ryoko had not handled that well at all. She had teleported herself up the stairs and had meant to go to her room, when she bumped in to Tenchi.
“Oh, Tenchi, I'm sor-”
“Save it.”
Utterly perplexed and a tad shocked at his unusual bitter tone, Ryoko had reached a gentle hand towards his arm. He shrugged it off, causing her to mentally gasp.
“I'm not in the mood Ryoko. If you must persist, do it another time. Just go to your room and leave me alone!”
Ryoko had been afraid not to obey his strong command. She left him to stand in the hallway, suppressing his anger.
After entering her room, she found a stray tear fall down her cheek and she hastily wiped it away. `No need for tears, Ryoko. It is your fault Tenchi is so upset. He deserves more respect and you do not have the right to abuse that fact!'
Everyone had gone back to their daily business except Ryoko. Five minutes later, she was out of that house, leaving behind a note of apology. There was no need to pack her stuff. They'd more than likely sell her stuff in exchange for cash after they realized with joy that the troublesome demon was at last gone.
`No...I never was part of this family...and I never expected to be...'>
* ~ * ~
It was unlike Ryoko to miss dinner. After rigorous mulling over his reaction, Tenchi apologized to everyone for his rude behavior. He explained with an apologetic tone that the day had been rough on him and that he had no right to express his frustration on them.
Everyone forgave him, with many apologies of their own. It was comforting to know that they, his family, could forgive him after what had happened. They were truly his family.
Soon, dinner time came round the corner. But, still no sign of Ryoko could be seen.
I hope I didn't anger her... thought Tenchi as he slowly chewed the grilled fish Sasami had prepared for them.
“What's the matter, Tenchi?” Sasami asked, holding her chopsticks to her lips. “You don't like my cooking tonight?”
“Oh, it's not that, Sasami! Your cooking is absolutely delicious!” Tenchi expressed his point by chomping down on the fried rice with eager enthusiasm.
Sasami brightened. “Oh, goodie! I hoped you'd all like it! Let's see, tomorrow I think I'll make some miso soup so I'll have to go shopping in the morning...”
The rest of the conversation was lost to Tenchi's ears. His mind was focused on one person.
“Lord Tenchi?”
He looked up, surprised. “Yes, Miss Ayeka?”
“Is there...something disturbing you?”
“Um, well...yeah. Do you happen to know where Ryoko could have gone?”
Ayeka straightened, but stuck up her royal nose in the air as well. “That demon girl? Out doing what little devils like her do around dinnertime, I presume. Really, Lord Tenchi, she is not worth pondering over.”
“Well,” Tenchi began slowly, rubbing the back of his head while still holding his pair of chopsticks in his other hand, “she is part of the family, you know? It'd be wrong not to worry about her.”
“Humph,” Ayeka snorted. “I beg to differ. A bothersome space demon such as she cannot possibly compare to us regular, sophisticated beings. She's always off getting drunk, harassing others, and causing a ruckus- all on a daily basis! Tenchi, that girl is no better than a dirty and hopeless rat among the deserted alleyways.”
Tenchi rested his hands on the table, a little bit aggressively. “You can't say that!”
Each person dropped their conversations to look at him quizzically. Ayeka was first to speak. “Why ever not, Lord Tenchi?”
“Because...” he struggled for the right words to say- especially since everyone thought him most interesting at the moment. “Well...Ryoko may be annoying sometimes, but she's still family no matter what! Ryoko's our friend and as such we must treat her with the respect she deserves.”
“She deserves no respect, my Lord Tenchi.”
“Yes she does! Everybody does! Ryoko is a valued member who has forever changed our lives! Without her, what would we have accomplished? She's always pushing us to go the extra mile...always acting carefree and persistent...sure she can be a pain...but...isn't that what's most prized in her? She's a nuisance, yes, but she's our nuisance...our little pest that can be horrifyingly irritating, but at the same time remind us that we can't be perfect, and so should be able to make mistakes from time to time.
“She may seem bad, but I believe that she needs attention. She just needs to know that she's cared for, loved, and cherished by us all. After all, is that not what family is for? To love one another and to be able to treat others with respect? Ryoko's not a dirty rat...she's a lovely dove...in crow's costume. A bud that is itching to blossom...everyone is like that...but she shows more of the hidden dove and blossoming bud side than the rest of us.
“So...what I'm trying to say is...that...”
“Mi-mi-Miya!” cried Ryoohki as she bounded her way in from her perch up the stairs. She jumped onto Tenchi, causing him to fall backwards.
“Hey, Ryoohki. Don't do that, next time, kay?” Tenchi commented, smiling at the cute little cabbit.
“Miya! Miya, miya!” A note was in her mouth, and she was eagerly begging him to receive it.
He took the parcel gently, opening it up to reveal a note in the handwriting of Ryoko.
Dear Tenchi, Ayeka, Sasami, Mihoshi, Kiyone, Nobuyuki, Yosho, and Ryoohki,
For the time period that we have been together, I have been an utter nuisance. (Insert Ayeka's snort of agreement and Tenchi's faltering expression) So, I have taken it upon myself to leave. I do not belong in the Masaki household and have no right to claim `Masaki' as my last name. I'm sorry for troubling you.
For a long time, Tenchi sat there, grasping the paper tightly in his hand.
“Hey you guys, I think it's raining outside. Does that mean that she's out in the rain?” Mihoshi stated, peeking out the curtains. “Well?”
Oh no! Ryoko's all by herself in the rain!!! Quickly, Tenchi shot up, dropped the paper, yanked his coat off its hanger and impetuously thrust it on.
“Lord Tenchi!” Ayeka called from the Dining Room. “Tenchi, where are you off to in such frigid weather? Surely you aren't thinking of searching for her in this climate?”
Tenchi replied without bothering to turn around, “Whether or not it's freezing or torrid is not the question. Ryoko is out there alone and I must make sure she's alright. You wait for me here. I wouldn't want you to get wet, Miss Ayeka.”
“But...Lord Tenchi-”
He was gone.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Ryoko rubbed her nose a little, sniffing as well. “Keh...I've gotten myself a cold, huh? Well, at least I'll die in the streets where no one can see me...at least they can't see me for now...”
She sighed. She didn't want to die, but what was the point in living? Everyone hated her, including her beloved Tenchi, who had expressed his bitterness towards her in the least frightening way possible...but it still hurt to know she was never going to win his affections.
Tenchi...what could you possibly be doing? Are you happy? Now that I am gone?
Oddly, there were no cars on the streets, nor were there any people among the streets. Just her...Ryoko, the lone wolf of Tokyo.
I hope you're all doing well. Now that I'm not there, life should be a whole lot easier for you guys. Be happy...because I'm no longer there...
Was she dreaming? She could not tell straight away. In her mind, Tenchi was searching for her. But, that could never happen...because he hated her as well.
Tenchi...he...he hates me...
Sobbing in her arms, Ryoko let herself be driven into a state of utter despair and loneliness.
I'm all alone now...I'm not loved anymore...no- I was never loved by anyone...
She felt two strong arms wrap around her form and a warm cheek pressed upon her own, but she dared not a whisper, not a peep.
“Ryoko, what's the matter?”
Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. She turned around to cry into his shoulder. He hugged her close to him, sighing in relief. “I'm sorry, Tenchi. I truly am! I know you hate me now, and I know that-”
“Hold on a second. I don't hate you.”
“Yes you do! You don't have to hide it!”
“Ryoko...everyone loves you.”
“How could they? I'm a monster! A horrible, disgusted, lonely monster!!”
Tenchi squeezed her tighter and she wailed even harder and louder than before.
“You're lonely?”
“Yes! I'm lonely!” she sobbed.
“Don't be. I'm here. We're all here. No one will let you be lonely.”
Ryoko sobbed into his shoulder a moment longer before she realized that they were sitting on wet pavement in the rain. “I-I-I'm s-sorry, Tenchi. Y-you're getting all *hic* wet...”
Tenchi brushed away the soaked strands of hair from her face gently. “It's alright. Are you ready to go?”
“Go *hic* where?”
“Yes,” Tenchi grinned. “Our home.”
“*Hic*, okay...”
She allowed Tenchi to help her up, but refused to climb onto his back. “What's the matter?”
“I couldn't...it'd be a burden...”
“No, it won't. Come on. You must be tired from crying.”
She climbed on cautiously, linking her arms around his neck. He began to walk back to the shrine and she soon fell asleep against him. Smiling, Tenchi permitted her to sleep, as long as she was calm and satisfied again.
Once in the house, Kiyone and Sasami brought out a futons and blankets to the Living Room. Mihoshi brought out hot chocolate for everyone and they set up to sleep together that night. Even Ayeka put aside her belief that Ryoko was inferior and assembled her futon across from said demon. Tenchi gently rested her upon her futon and smiled warmly as she sighed and curled up against him.
Ryoko...never again should you feel lonely. You're never lonely...not with us by your side...day by day. We'll love you and care for you through thick and thin. Through the harshest of weather to the most peaceful occasions...we are one family...and a family built up of love.
Tenchi caressed her face for a while. He loved her, but then again, he loved his whole family.
What was there not to love?
They were his family...and a glorious one at that.