Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Lust MST ❯ Lust? ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(Disclaimer: I do not own this fic, Best Brains, Tenchi Muyo, or anything in this fic, but my characters, get it? Got it? Good)
(Sammy, Anthony, and Nise walk into the theatre and sit in their usual spots)
Nise: awww, but why a Tenchi Muyo fic?
Sammy: not my fault, Megan's fault, ok?
Anthony: *stretches* anyways, how many chapters?
Sammy: so far only two... the author stopped for some odd reason.
Des cription: This is my first attempt to write a fanfiction and (hopefully) it won't be the last.
Anthony: well for us, we were (hopefully) wishing that your fic would be the last.
Before I get into it, I have to say that this
Nise: fic stinks. Nuff said.
fic is a lemon. For those who don't know, a lemon contains
Sammy: seeds, sour juice, that if squirted into your eyes, will burn badly.
sexual content and should not be read by those who are under the
Anthony: influence?
Sammy: age.
Anthony: oh... (hangs head in shame)
Lust, Episode I: The Two Spirits.
Nise: --no relation to The 'Two Towers'.
a Tenchi Muyo fanfiction by Alakazam Master
Sammy: so a pokemon wrote this fic?
Okay people, this is my first Tenchi fanfic, (obviously, if the spelling earlier spelling errors are to be any example),
Nise: not to mention that you left an important part out of the warning. So the police is going to bring down your as--
Sammy: (covers Nise's mouth) it's too early yet to be cursing.
and I own none of these characters, and am real sorry to who ever is.
Anthony: ... soooooo, he's sorry for the person who owns the characters?
Nise: no, he's sorry that he's using the characters in such a way.
As I revise this fic I correct some mistakes that were brought, in the form of a MST, to my attention. Also, despite popular belief, I am not now nor have I ever been a Pokemon fan.
Anthony: riiiiiiiight. Sure you aren't.
Anyway, the reason for the long period of no updates is because I've been the hospital for a good six months and didn't have the time, or energy, to finish the fic though I’ve been able to log on a few times.
Sammy: then I was sent to rehab for all those medications that I "claimed" to need.
I’m sorry for any inconvenience, but I had intended to put the disclaimer and everything in,
Nise: ...but then I thought, "hey! Let's just forget about the disclaimer! It's not like kids are going to read it!".
if events out of my control wouldn’t have ensued. But I'm back and 23 pounds lighter, ready for action. Now, a few people brought some things to my attention, a couple of mistakes I've made, but I'm here to remedy that. So, any comments, suggestions, or the all to common flames are to be sent to yevon_2005@yahoo.com.
Anthony: virus away!
It was a normal day at the Masaki household when Washu came in with her newest invention (again!). The rest of the house's inhabitants were either cleaning, (Sasami) working, (Kiyone and Tenchi) playing (Ryo-oki and Mihoshi) or fighting (Do I even have to say?)
Nise: It'd be nice for you too, I mean, not everyone knows what goes on in the Masaki house of cliche`.
"I'd like to thank all of those who helped me in this scientific achievement....Me!" Washu beamed holding a item that looked like a cross between a satellite dish and a gun (a weird picture, yes, but just bear with me). "This baby will help me in my...ahem...research.
Anthony: (Washu) *cough*porn*cough*
"What kinda research are you doing?" asked Tenchi nervously. He had long since found out what kind of research she did which involved certain "samples". "Well, I've recently found energy trails that do not match any of your chemical compositions. The trails are weak, but still there." Washu said breathlessly. "The strange part is that the trails seem to get stronger when...um...certain activities are present."
Sammy: (Washu) Ryoko, I'm talking about you and your supposed "catnip".
"Huh?" Mihoshi said with a bemused expression. "It means that their are spirits in this house that have an effect on your sexual activities." she said simply. "And this will help me by putting a filter around the house allowing us to see them." "Does it work?" Kiyone asked looking the gadget over. "Maybe," Washu said fiddling with some of the dials. "We'll see right....NOW!”
Washu pointed the thing upward and pressed a button near the handle. A beam of light issued from the mouth of the machine and enclosed the house in whiteish-blue light. After a moment the inside of the house started glowing. Then as suddenly as it started it stopped. "Aha!" Washu stated quietly looking somewhere over Kiyone's shoulder. "It worked! Why do I doubt myself?"
Anthony: because... you just do?
"What happened?" Ryoko asked. (She and Aeka had stopped fighting, a first.) Washu just pointed towards the couch. Ryoko turned and there, in an undisturbed sleep, lay a boy no older than 18. He was a bit on the short side and had jet black hair and a black suit that was wrinkled as if he had slept all day in it.
Nise: because that's what happens when you sleep in a good suit.
"Who in the hell is that?" Ryoko and Aeka said in unison. Instead of answering, Washu went over to the stranger and grabbed his ear. "YEOOWCH!" the stranger yelled as he started. He jumped up from the couch and landed with a soft "thump". "What the fuck happened?" "I'll be glad to explain it to you if you tell me what you're doing here." said Washu. "Well, my name is...." the stranger broke off as his eyes widened. "Wait, you can see ME!?!" "Obviously," said Kiyone still shocked about what happened. "Now tell us what you're doing here." "Anyway," the stranger started nervously. "My name is Lust and.... "Wait," Mihoshi interrupted. "Your name is WHAT?"
"Lust," he repeated looking at all of the people surrounding him. "And you want to know what I'm doing here?" "Please and thank you." said Ryoko impatiently.
Sammy: (Ryoko) I'd like to get back to my cliche` fighting with Ayeka, thank you very much!
Nise: (ditto) Not to mention the also very cliche` 'waiting for Tenchi to wake up, and try to jump his bones'.
"Well, I was created here by you six," Lust said fidgeting a little. When he saw that they had no idea what he was talking about, he continued. "Well, I was here before most of you moved here(he's talking about Mihoshi, Kiyone, Ryoko, Aeka, and Sasami),
Sammy: so... Sasami's been involved in sexual activity?!?
but I don't remember most of it. Then when you arrived, I started to do my job...." "Which is?" asked Aeka who was now completely ignoring Ryoko (a first).
Anthony: that's not really a first...
"Which is," Lust continued patiently. "Sort of fulfilling all of your sexual fantasies through wet dreams and sex it's self."
Anthony: (listing off all of the fantasies) egg beater...
Nise: baseball bat...
Sammy: sadistic rituals...
"Huh?" questioned Tenchi.
Sammy: Tenchi's stupid.
"Let’s take Aeka for instance," Lust stated turning to Aeka. "Do you remember that dream you had three days ago?"
Anthony: (Lust) y'know... with all the chains and nipple rings?
Nise: (eyes Anthony wearily, and shudders)
"Which dream might I ask are you talking ab....OH!" Aeka said with dawning comprehension. "Yeah, that one." Lust said smirking. "I created that dream and I didn't do too bad a job did I?" "No." Aeka mumbled before she could stop herself.
Nise: so she just dropped to the ground and started doing herself?
Sammy: sure sounds like it...
Anthony: kind of reminds me of that one part in Clocktower where it seemed like Jennifer was having verbal sex with herself.
"So," Kiyone said slowly. "You mean that every time one of us has a wet dream or sex or even a lustful thought, you're there?" "Hence the name." Lust said. "Does that mean you know about me and...." Kiyone started
Sammy: cream cheese?
Nise and Anthony: (stares at Sammy)
"Yep," Lust said simply. "And since I have to either stay here or at you and Mihoshi's apartment, I guess you're stuck with me." "So you know everything about our sex life." said Ryoko. "But of course." said Lust wondering where this was going.
Anthony: (Lust Thinking) why is everyone so stupid?
"Prove it." Kiyone said simply. "You want me to prove it," Lust said with a sort of sinister smile on his visage. "Why?" “Well,” Kiyone said taken aback. “So you can prove you are who you really are and not just some perverted hentai.” “Technically…” Lust said, twiddling his thumbs nonchalantly.
Nise and Sammy: (singing) He's the essence of them all!
“Just do as she says.” Ryoko said, not really wanting him to finish the sentence. “You know, this is the kind of thing I try to avoid.” Lust said shaking his head. “I mean, why do you think we’re invisible?”
Nise: to hide the fact that you're a bad dresser? I don't know...
“You mean there are more of you?” Washu asked, intrigued. “Isn’t that what I just said Miss. Genius?” “Just prove yourself!” Kiyone cut in. “OK, ok!” Lust said. “But you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.”
Anthony: (listing off again) kinky police suits...
Nise: getting beat down with the nightstick...
Sammy: getting spanked with a naked police officer...
“Just do it!” “Are you sure you don’t want to think this through,” Lust said. “I hate repeating myself, but you have no, emphasis on no, idea what you’re getting yourself into, even though the people reading this do.”
Anthony: ooh hoo hoo! Lust knows that we're on to him!
“Wait…what?” Tenchi said. “Never mind.” Lust said. “Ok, I’ll do it, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Extending his hand, a flash of energy flew from Lust and hit Kiyone right in the chest. Kiyone made a small gasp and blacked out....
Nise: seen it!
Sammy: read it!
Anthony: trashed it!
______________________________________________________________ _________ *Kiyone's Fantasy*
Sammy: was soon going to die.
Kiyone woke to find herself unable to see. She noticed she also couldn't move her legs which were spread or her arms which were tied together behind her head. She figured out that the reason she couldn't see was because she
Nise: had her eyes closed.
was blindfolded by some satin-like material. But wait a minute. Wasn't she just with Tenchi and the others? As she was pondering how she got here wherever she was, a crack of a whip cut through her thoughts.
Anthony: that's gotta be painful for her thoughts.
"Hello Kiyone," said a bossy, yet vaguely familiar voice. "Who's there." Kiyone asked nervously.
Sammy: (person) I'm a bossy, yet vaguely familiar voice. Pay attention why don't you!
"It doesn't matter," the voice said. "What matters is what I'm going to do to you and what you're going to do for me." "What do you mean?" Kiyone asked getting scared now.
Nise: (person) scratch my back, I scratch yours harder. Jeez, quit being so stupid!
"Oh, my sweet, naive Kiyone." the voice said with more of a erotic tone. "Why am I here? Don't you know that raping a GP officer is a class c6 off...Ohhh!" Kiyone moaned as a tongue passed over her nether lips. "Too much talk," the voice said sensually.
Anthony: (person) less flickering and li--
Sammy and Nise: NO!
"Why don't you just relax and let me take care of everything." The tongue returned to it's position and continued stroking her pussy lips. Two hands found their way to Kiyone's firm breast's and started playing with her nipples. "Ummm...no...don't...stop..."
Sammy: LINE!
Kiyone moaned rotating her hips to match the licks.
Nise: of the guitar solo? *tries to picture it*
Anthony: *plays guitar licks to Alice and Chains*
One of the hands was suddenly removed from her left breast and slid down lower and joined her tongue in pleasuring her below. A finger found its way into her vagina and started stroking in and out. Every so often another finger would be inserted until Kiyone was taking a fist in.
Sammy: anyone ever notice how 'fisting' is getting overused in everyday lemon fics?
Anthony: kind of makes you wonder how a woman can take that much in.
The tongue started lapping at her clit and continued until she came. "AHHH...OH MY GOD...DON'T STOP PLEASE DON'T STOP!!!" Kiyone said as she rode out her orgasm. Her orgasmic juices
Nise: ...and her blood from internally bleeding.
coating her partner's hand which moved up to her mouth. "Taste yourself," the voice said as their hand entered Kiyone's mouth. Kiyone obliged by sucking a the stranger's finger's. The mixture of herself and the stranger's skin was enough to make her hot again.
Sammy: so hot, that she burst into flames!
Nise: (Colin Mochrie) I'll be your lightning rod of hate!
"Now it's my turn." the voice said. "I think you'll need to see as you're going to pleasure me." Kiyone's blindfold was removed and for a moment she couldn't see anything. Then she was able to see her rapist. "Wha...MIHOSHI!?!" Kiyone practically screamed. Mihoshi was as bare as she was and was licking Kiyone's juices off of her fingers. When she was done, she turned her attention back to Kiyone. She on the side of Kiyone and pulled out a 12x3 dildo and proceeded to suck on it taking it in inch by inch until half of it was coated in saliva. She slid the wet end in her pussy and released Kiyone's hands from her binds. "What in the hell do you think you are DOING!!!"
Anthony: same thing I want to know...
Nise: *nods* extremely OOC. I'd imagine Mihoshi and Kiyone having 'first time awkward' sex...
"Exactly what you want." Mihoshi purred as she got on top of Kiyone. "Now what I want you to do is fuck me with this. That way I get what I want and you get what you want." "But this is wrong!" Kiyone yelled. "This is wrong and you know it!"
Anthony: (Kiyone) We'd be using a strap on!
"You weren't complaining a minute ago now were you?" Mihoshi asked sweetly. The dildo was now in deep enough in Kiyone for her to grip it. "Are you ready?"
All: NO!
"No, I'm not going to let this happen any long...OHH YES!" Kiyone gasped as Mihoshi thrust foward filling her cunt cutting off her complaints. "YES, HARDER BABY HARDER!!!" Mihoshi stopped and said softly, "Did you like that? I know you did. Now I want you to do the same for me okay?" Kiyone nodded and started thrusting her hips foward filling Mihoshi instead. "Oh yes baby. Harder, faster, I want it baby!"
Sammy: I just can't get enough of this, baby!
Nise: I know, baby!
Anthony: I have never been so turned off, baby...
The thrusting soon became a frenzied pounding as they rammed their hips into each other, screaming each other's name.
All: (Kiyone and Mihoshi, grunting and moaning like boars)BABY, OHMIGOD, BABY!
"OH...YESSS...MIHOSHI...I WANT IT...OH...I'M CUMMING...I'M..." Kiyone screamed as she hung onto Mihoshi's shoulders for dear life. "YESS...ME TOO KIYONE...HARDER...DEEPER...I'M CUMMING!" Mihoshi screamed, rocking back and forth. And then they climaxed violently, their juices covering the dildo and their thighs.
Anthony: (to Nise) do women orgasm that much?
Nise: highly doubt that...
Kiyone, barely awake, didn't notice that her legs were free and Mihoshi was lying next to her in the same state.
Sammy: how does that have to do with anything?
"I...love you...Kiyone..." Mihoshi breathed falling asleep "I love...you too...Mihoshi" Kiyone panted. And then she blacked out... _______________________________________________________________________
Nise: we got flatline guys... time to throw in the towels...
"Is she okay?"
Sammy: uh... don't you see the flatline? Of course she's not all right!
Okay, that’s it for part one, and part deuce is already out and 3 is coming to theaters near you. I’ll holla!
Sammy and Nise: (singing) I ain't no holla back girl...
Anthony: anyways, lets go.
And the crew leaves the theatre...
(Sammy, Anthony, and Nise walk into the theatre and sit in their usual spots)
Nise: awww, but why a Tenchi Muyo fic?
Sammy: not my fault, Megan's fault, ok?
Anthony: *stretches* anyways, how many chapters?
Sammy: so far only two... the author stopped for some odd reason.
Des cription: This is my first attempt to write a fanfiction and (hopefully) it won't be the last.
Anthony: well for us, we were (hopefully) wishing that your fic would be the last.
Before I get into it, I have to say that this
Nise: fic stinks. Nuff said.
fic is a lemon. For those who don't know, a lemon contains
Sammy: seeds, sour juice, that if squirted into your eyes, will burn badly.
sexual content and should not be read by those who are under the
Anthony: influence?
Sammy: age.
Anthony: oh... (hangs head in shame)
Lust, Episode I: The Two Spirits.
Nise: --no relation to The 'Two Towers'.
a Tenchi Muyo fanfiction by Alakazam Master
Sammy: so a pokemon wrote this fic?
Okay people, this is my first Tenchi fanfic, (obviously, if the spelling earlier spelling errors are to be any example),
Nise: not to mention that you left an important part out of the warning. So the police is going to bring down your as--
Sammy: (covers Nise's mouth) it's too early yet to be cursing.
and I own none of these characters, and am real sorry to who ever is.
Anthony: ... soooooo, he's sorry for the person who owns the characters?
Nise: no, he's sorry that he's using the characters in such a way.
As I revise this fic I correct some mistakes that were brought, in the form of a MST, to my attention. Also, despite popular belief, I am not now nor have I ever been a Pokemon fan.
Anthony: riiiiiiiight. Sure you aren't.
Anyway, the reason for the long period of no updates is because I've been the hospital for a good six months and didn't have the time, or energy, to finish the fic though I’ve been able to log on a few times.
Sammy: then I was sent to rehab for all those medications that I "claimed" to need.
I’m sorry for any inconvenience, but I had intended to put the disclaimer and everything in,
Nise: ...but then I thought, "hey! Let's just forget about the disclaimer! It's not like kids are going to read it!".
if events out of my control wouldn’t have ensued. But I'm back and 23 pounds lighter, ready for action. Now, a few people brought some things to my attention, a couple of mistakes I've made, but I'm here to remedy that. So, any comments, suggestions, or the all to common flames are to be sent to yevon_2005@yahoo.com.
Anthony: virus away!
It was a normal day at the Masaki household when Washu came in with her newest invention (again!). The rest of the house's inhabitants were either cleaning, (Sasami) working, (Kiyone and Tenchi) playing (Ryo-oki and Mihoshi) or fighting (Do I even have to say?)
Nise: It'd be nice for you too, I mean, not everyone knows what goes on in the Masaki house of cliche`.
"I'd like to thank all of those who helped me in this scientific achievement....Me!" Washu beamed holding a item that looked like a cross between a satellite dish and a gun (a weird picture, yes, but just bear with me). "This baby will help me in my...ahem...research.
Anthony: (Washu) *cough*porn*cough*
"What kinda research are you doing?" asked Tenchi nervously. He had long since found out what kind of research she did which involved certain "samples". "Well, I've recently found energy trails that do not match any of your chemical compositions. The trails are weak, but still there." Washu said breathlessly. "The strange part is that the trails seem to get stronger when...um...certain activities are present."
Sammy: (Washu) Ryoko, I'm talking about you and your supposed "catnip".
"Huh?" Mihoshi said with a bemused expression. "It means that their are spirits in this house that have an effect on your sexual activities." she said simply. "And this will help me by putting a filter around the house allowing us to see them." "Does it work?" Kiyone asked looking the gadget over. "Maybe," Washu said fiddling with some of the dials. "We'll see right....NOW!”
Washu pointed the thing upward and pressed a button near the handle. A beam of light issued from the mouth of the machine and enclosed the house in whiteish-blue light. After a moment the inside of the house started glowing. Then as suddenly as it started it stopped. "Aha!" Washu stated quietly looking somewhere over Kiyone's shoulder. "It worked! Why do I doubt myself?"
Anthony: because... you just do?
"What happened?" Ryoko asked. (She and Aeka had stopped fighting, a first.) Washu just pointed towards the couch. Ryoko turned and there, in an undisturbed sleep, lay a boy no older than 18. He was a bit on the short side and had jet black hair and a black suit that was wrinkled as if he had slept all day in it.
Nise: because that's what happens when you sleep in a good suit.
"Who in the hell is that?" Ryoko and Aeka said in unison. Instead of answering, Washu went over to the stranger and grabbed his ear. "YEOOWCH!" the stranger yelled as he started. He jumped up from the couch and landed with a soft "thump". "What the fuck happened?" "I'll be glad to explain it to you if you tell me what you're doing here." said Washu. "Well, my name is...." the stranger broke off as his eyes widened. "Wait, you can see ME!?!" "Obviously," said Kiyone still shocked about what happened. "Now tell us what you're doing here." "Anyway," the stranger started nervously. "My name is Lust and.... "Wait," Mihoshi interrupted. "Your name is WHAT?"
"Lust," he repeated looking at all of the people surrounding him. "And you want to know what I'm doing here?" "Please and thank you." said Ryoko impatiently.
Sammy: (Ryoko) I'd like to get back to my cliche` fighting with Ayeka, thank you very much!
Nise: (ditto) Not to mention the also very cliche` 'waiting for Tenchi to wake up, and try to jump his bones'.
"Well, I was created here by you six," Lust said fidgeting a little. When he saw that they had no idea what he was talking about, he continued. "Well, I was here before most of you moved here(he's talking about Mihoshi, Kiyone, Ryoko, Aeka, and Sasami),
Sammy: so... Sasami's been involved in sexual activity?!?
but I don't remember most of it. Then when you arrived, I started to do my job...." "Which is?" asked Aeka who was now completely ignoring Ryoko (a first).
Anthony: that's not really a first...
"Which is," Lust continued patiently. "Sort of fulfilling all of your sexual fantasies through wet dreams and sex it's self."
Anthony: (listing off all of the fantasies) egg beater...
Nise: baseball bat...
Sammy: sadistic rituals...
"Huh?" questioned Tenchi.
Sammy: Tenchi's stupid.
"Let’s take Aeka for instance," Lust stated turning to Aeka. "Do you remember that dream you had three days ago?"
Anthony: (Lust) y'know... with all the chains and nipple rings?
Nise: (eyes Anthony wearily, and shudders)
"Which dream might I ask are you talking ab....OH!" Aeka said with dawning comprehension. "Yeah, that one." Lust said smirking. "I created that dream and I didn't do too bad a job did I?" "No." Aeka mumbled before she could stop herself.
Nise: so she just dropped to the ground and started doing herself?
Sammy: sure sounds like it...
Anthony: kind of reminds me of that one part in Clocktower where it seemed like Jennifer was having verbal sex with herself.
"So," Kiyone said slowly. "You mean that every time one of us has a wet dream or sex or even a lustful thought, you're there?" "Hence the name." Lust said. "Does that mean you know about me and...." Kiyone started
Sammy: cream cheese?
Nise and Anthony: (stares at Sammy)
"Yep," Lust said simply. "And since I have to either stay here or at you and Mihoshi's apartment, I guess you're stuck with me." "So you know everything about our sex life." said Ryoko. "But of course." said Lust wondering where this was going.
Anthony: (Lust Thinking) why is everyone so stupid?
"Prove it." Kiyone said simply. "You want me to prove it," Lust said with a sort of sinister smile on his visage. "Why?" “Well,” Kiyone said taken aback. “So you can prove you are who you really are and not just some perverted hentai.” “Technically…” Lust said, twiddling his thumbs nonchalantly.
Nise and Sammy: (singing) He's the essence of them all!
“Just do as she says.” Ryoko said, not really wanting him to finish the sentence. “You know, this is the kind of thing I try to avoid.” Lust said shaking his head. “I mean, why do you think we’re invisible?”
Nise: to hide the fact that you're a bad dresser? I don't know...
“You mean there are more of you?” Washu asked, intrigued. “Isn’t that what I just said Miss. Genius?” “Just prove yourself!” Kiyone cut in. “OK, ok!” Lust said. “But you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.”
Anthony: (listing off again) kinky police suits...
Nise: getting beat down with the nightstick...
Sammy: getting spanked with a naked police officer...
“Just do it!” “Are you sure you don’t want to think this through,” Lust said. “I hate repeating myself, but you have no, emphasis on no, idea what you’re getting yourself into, even though the people reading this do.”
Anthony: ooh hoo hoo! Lust knows that we're on to him!
“Wait…what?” Tenchi said. “Never mind.” Lust said. “Ok, I’ll do it, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Extending his hand, a flash of energy flew from Lust and hit Kiyone right in the chest. Kiyone made a small gasp and blacked out....
Nise: seen it!
Sammy: read it!
Anthony: trashed it!
______________________________________________________________ _________ *Kiyone's Fantasy*
Sammy: was soon going to die.
Kiyone woke to find herself unable to see. She noticed she also couldn't move her legs which were spread or her arms which were tied together behind her head. She figured out that the reason she couldn't see was because she
Nise: had her eyes closed.
was blindfolded by some satin-like material. But wait a minute. Wasn't she just with Tenchi and the others? As she was pondering how she got here wherever she was, a crack of a whip cut through her thoughts.
Anthony: that's gotta be painful for her thoughts.
"Hello Kiyone," said a bossy, yet vaguely familiar voice. "Who's there." Kiyone asked nervously.
Sammy: (person) I'm a bossy, yet vaguely familiar voice. Pay attention why don't you!
"It doesn't matter," the voice said. "What matters is what I'm going to do to you and what you're going to do for me." "What do you mean?" Kiyone asked getting scared now.
Nise: (person) scratch my back, I scratch yours harder. Jeez, quit being so stupid!
"Oh, my sweet, naive Kiyone." the voice said with more of a erotic tone. "Why am I here? Don't you know that raping a GP officer is a class c6 off...Ohhh!" Kiyone moaned as a tongue passed over her nether lips. "Too much talk," the voice said sensually.
Anthony: (person) less flickering and li--
Sammy and Nise: NO!
"Why don't you just relax and let me take care of everything." The tongue returned to it's position and continued stroking her pussy lips. Two hands found their way to Kiyone's firm breast's and started playing with her nipples. "Ummm...no...don't...stop..."
Sammy: LINE!
Kiyone moaned rotating her hips to match the licks.
Nise: of the guitar solo? *tries to picture it*
Anthony: *plays guitar licks to Alice and Chains*
One of the hands was suddenly removed from her left breast and slid down lower and joined her tongue in pleasuring her below. A finger found its way into her vagina and started stroking in and out. Every so often another finger would be inserted until Kiyone was taking a fist in.
Sammy: anyone ever notice how 'fisting' is getting overused in everyday lemon fics?
Anthony: kind of makes you wonder how a woman can take that much in.
The tongue started lapping at her clit and continued until she came. "AHHH...OH MY GOD...DON'T STOP PLEASE DON'T STOP!!!" Kiyone said as she rode out her orgasm. Her orgasmic juices
Nise: ...and her blood from internally bleeding.
coating her partner's hand which moved up to her mouth. "Taste yourself," the voice said as their hand entered Kiyone's mouth. Kiyone obliged by sucking a the stranger's finger's. The mixture of herself and the stranger's skin was enough to make her hot again.
Sammy: so hot, that she burst into flames!
Nise: (Colin Mochrie) I'll be your lightning rod of hate!
"Now it's my turn." the voice said. "I think you'll need to see as you're going to pleasure me." Kiyone's blindfold was removed and for a moment she couldn't see anything. Then she was able to see her rapist. "Wha...MIHOSHI!?!" Kiyone practically screamed. Mihoshi was as bare as she was and was licking Kiyone's juices off of her fingers. When she was done, she turned her attention back to Kiyone. She on the side of Kiyone and pulled out a 12x3 dildo and proceeded to suck on it taking it in inch by inch until half of it was coated in saliva. She slid the wet end in her pussy and released Kiyone's hands from her binds. "What in the hell do you think you are DOING!!!"
Anthony: same thing I want to know...
Nise: *nods* extremely OOC. I'd imagine Mihoshi and Kiyone having 'first time awkward' sex...
"Exactly what you want." Mihoshi purred as she got on top of Kiyone. "Now what I want you to do is fuck me with this. That way I get what I want and you get what you want." "But this is wrong!" Kiyone yelled. "This is wrong and you know it!"
Anthony: (Kiyone) We'd be using a strap on!
"You weren't complaining a minute ago now were you?" Mihoshi asked sweetly. The dildo was now in deep enough in Kiyone for her to grip it. "Are you ready?"
All: NO!
"No, I'm not going to let this happen any long...OHH YES!" Kiyone gasped as Mihoshi thrust foward filling her cunt cutting off her complaints. "YES, HARDER BABY HARDER!!!" Mihoshi stopped and said softly, "Did you like that? I know you did. Now I want you to do the same for me okay?" Kiyone nodded and started thrusting her hips foward filling Mihoshi instead. "Oh yes baby. Harder, faster, I want it baby!"
Sammy: I just can't get enough of this, baby!
Nise: I know, baby!
Anthony: I have never been so turned off, baby...
The thrusting soon became a frenzied pounding as they rammed their hips into each other, screaming each other's name.
All: (Kiyone and Mihoshi, grunting and moaning like boars)BABY, OHMIGOD, BABY!
"OH...YESSS...MIHOSHI...I WANT IT...OH...I'M CUMMING...I'M..." Kiyone screamed as she hung onto Mihoshi's shoulders for dear life. "YESS...ME TOO KIYONE...HARDER...DEEPER...I'M CUMMING!" Mihoshi screamed, rocking back and forth. And then they climaxed violently, their juices covering the dildo and their thighs.
Anthony: (to Nise) do women orgasm that much?
Nise: highly doubt that...
Kiyone, barely awake, didn't notice that her legs were free and Mihoshi was lying next to her in the same state.
Sammy: how does that have to do with anything?
"I...love you...Kiyone..." Mihoshi breathed falling asleep "I love...you too...Mihoshi" Kiyone panted. And then she blacked out... _______________________________________________________________________
Nise: we got flatline guys... time to throw in the towels...
"Is she okay?"
Sammy: uh... don't you see the flatline? Of course she's not all right!
Okay, that’s it for part one, and part deuce is already out and 3 is coming to theaters near you. I’ll holla!
Sammy and Nise: (singing) I ain't no holla back girl...
Anthony: anyways, lets go.
And the crew leaves the theatre...