Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Meta-MST of "Tenchi Porno: A Sattire" ❯ meta-mst of "Tenchi Porno: A Sattire" ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Mystery Science Theater 3000 is the property of Best Brains Inc.

Tenchi Muyo/Universe is the property of AIC and Pioneer.

The original fic titled "Tenchi Porno: A Satire" is the property of Graffitotag.

The original MST titled "MST of Tenchi Porno: A Satire" is the property of Michael Bearden.

I mean no offense to any of these authors. This Mst was great material, and the fic was even greater material, so I decided to do this. Besides, it's all in good humor. Also, "<<" is the original fic, and "<" is the original MST. With that said, on with the meta-mst!

In a not too distant future.

Somewhere, in time and space.

Mike Nelson and his robot pals

are caught in an endless chase.

Pursued by a woman, whose name is Pearl.

Just an evil gal who wants to rule the world.

She put a few things in her purse

and in her rocket ship she chases them across the univer-erse!

PEARL: I'll....Get….YOU!!!!

"I'll send them cheesy web posts.

The worst, I can find. (lalala).

He'll have to sit and read them all,

while I monitor his mind." (lalala)

Now keep in mind Mike can't control

where the postings begin or end. (lalala)

He'll try to keep his sanity

with the help of his robot friends!

<<<Robot Roll Call>>>

CAMBOT! (You're on!)

GYPSY! (Oh no!)

TOM SERVO! (Check me out!)

CROOOOW! (I'm different!)

If you're wondering how they eat and breathe,

and other science facts. (lalala)

Then repeat to yourself it's just a post

you should really just relax!

For Mystery Science Theater 3000……….

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Bridge]


We see Mike, Tom, and Crow are surrounded around Gypsy, who is chanting and staring at a crystal ball. Mike turns towards Cambot, who is of course, filming.

"Hi. Mike Nelson here, and welcome to the Satellite of love. Right now Gypsy has discovered why she was called that in the first place. She's actually pretty good at seeing into the future."

"Shh! Quiet Mike!" Tom quipped. "She's getting a reading!"

So they listened closely as Gypsy was concentrating on the energy being shown through the crystal ball. The satellite became dark, and the crystal ball glowed a disco rainbow.

"Here is our fortune." Gypsy started. "In the very near future, we will encounter someone with a lot of money."

"That can be anyone!" Crow said skeptically. "It could even be Pearl!"

"Well, maybe. But I also see something else. I see…….I see……..a very bad fic in our near future!"

"Once again, that statement is very obvious. It's all that Pearl sends us.

"Yes, but did I mention that it will be a self insertion Meta MST?"

"Well…….no, but it could still mean anything!"

"And did I mention that the original fic will confuse you more than a Thinkerfic?"

"I'll have to see it before I believe it."

"Dammit, Crow! Stop being such a skeptic!"

Then the red light started blinking. Mike spoke up.

"Well, we're about to find out. The bringer of misfortune is calling." Then he pushed the button. It was Pearl.


Pearl was about to greet them like she usually does, but then noticed that all the lights were out.

"Smelson? What's going on?" she asked.


"Well, Gypsy's predicting the future." Mike answered.

"She `says' that we're going to encounter someone with a lot of money." Crow started. "She `also' says that you will bring us a horrible Meta MST. One that'll make Thinker's seem sensible."

"And David Gountermans fics tolerable." Gypsy added.

"Anyways," Crow continued, "tell her just how wrong she is."


"As much as I'd like to," started Pearl, "she's absolutely right."


Everyone just gaped in surprise and horror.


"What? You didn't think that I was going to send you something `good', did you?"


They were still gaping.


"Well I was going to save it for a surprise, but since `someone' decided to look ahead of time, I'll just tell you right now." She then motioned for Observer. "Brain Guy, send them the guest."

"Right away, madam." Said Observer. Then he used his mind powers to send the guest over.


The crew stopped gaping and observed their guest. In an instant, they recognized her.

"Ayeka!" Exclaimed Tom in delight. "Gypsy was right!"

"Told you." Gypsy said to Crow.

"So you must be the subjects that Pearl mentioned." Said Ayeka. "That's strange. You don't `look' diseased."

Mike and the bots turned to Pearl and gave her an icy look, who just grinned evilly in return. Ayeka went in front of the camera so she can see Pearl.

"Now remember our deal, Ms. Forrester!" Ayeka said sternly.


"Just as long as you remember yours." Pearl said calmly, and then turned to Bobo. "Bobo, go ahead and introduce the latest experiment."

"It would be an honor, Lawgiver." Said Bobo. Then he turned towards Mike and the crew. "Your fic today, as I'm sure you already know from Gypsy apparently, is a meta mst. It is a self insertion with Ayeka as his main squeeze."


This got the princess' attention.

"What?!" Then she glared at Pearl. "You didn't say anything about `me' being in it!"


"You mean I didn't?" Pearl said in mock innocence. "It must've slipped my mind." Then she turned back to Bobo. "Please continue."

So he did. "Not only that, but the original fic is going to be so awful, you're going to have nightmares for weeks." Then he turned to the bots. "And `you're' going to lose your minds on how senseless it is." He looked at Pearl, who motioned to continue. "Also, Ayeka will be portrayed in it as well."


The princess was now rubbing her temples, trying to control her temper. "Okay…….I suppose it wouldn't be about my world if I wasn't in it. I suppose it `could' be worse."


This made Pearl's grin even wider. "Ah, but it is. Did I mention that it's a lemon?"


Mike and the bots rolled their eyes in the `of course' fashion. Ayeka however, was controlling every urge to cuss Pearl out.


"Well, I'll leave you guys alone to get acquainted. Brain guy, send them the pieces of trash."

"Yes, madam." He answered, and then turned to Mike. "Try and be calm about `this!'" Then he used his mind powers to teleport the fic to the theater. Finally, he ended transmission.


After a few seconds of silence, Mike decided to break it with a question.

"So, Ayeka." He started. "What was the deal between you and Pearl?"

"Well," she began, "I wanted a few moments alone with Tenchi, and since Washu wouldn't help me, Azaka and Kamidake recommended Pearl. She said that if I watch this bad fiction story as payment, she'll have Ryoko undergo a longer period of torture, leaving Lord Tenchi free of her evil grasp! Meanwhile, I will use the time of her absence to get more properly acquainted with him, so by the time that filthy space pirate returns, it'll be too late!"

After a few more seconds of silence, Crow spoke.

"I think it's a brilliant plan!" Crow exclaimed with sarcasm. "And while you're at it, I bet it was a great idea to mentally traumatize yourself, just for a chance in the sack with the boy you desire."

Ayeka was now getting angry. "How dare you speak to a princess that way! And what did you mean by traumatize?! And I'm not trying to get him in the sack!"

"Easy you two, calm down." Said Mike. "Crow, you shouldn't have said that."

"Yeah, you're right." Said Crow. "I'm sorry, Ayeka."

"Apology accepted." She said. "But what did you mean by traumatize?"

Suddenly, the sirens went off, which frightened the Juraian princess.

"Wh-what's happening?! Are we under attack?!"

"It's worse than that!" shouted Mike. "We got meta sign!"

"What's that?!"

"Follow us and see!"

So the group rushed to the theater.

[6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Theater]

**************************************************************** *

[Everyone enters the theater and takes their seats. Ayeka is sitting in the left corner next to Tom.]

CROW: Aw! Why do you always get the anime babes sitting next to you?!

TOM: *shrugs, kind of* Just lucky, I guess.

AYEKA: Shh! It's starting.


MIKE: It was a ship that died in its prime.

CROW: Oh ship!

> The EXCALIBER MM. The nearest Solar system: The Jurian solar >system!___________________________________

CROW: We lost another one!

TOM: This fic is really bringing down a lot of people.

MIKE: Now I'm worried.

> "Good morning Michael." Ayeka said hugging the bounty hunter.

CROW: That's funny. I didn't know that Ayeka was going out with Nagi.

AYEKA: *glaring at Crow*

> "Good morning love." Michael said hugging the princess.

TOM: Ugh! A self insert!

CROW: Let the gagging commence!

> "What are we doing today?" Ayeka asked Michael.
> "Were going to MST a fic today." Michael replied

MIKE: It makes me wonder who their versions of Pearl, Bobo, and Brain guy are.

> "It better not be a LEMON!" Ayeka yelled
> "That's the problem it is." Michael said
> "Michael I don't like those things. I mean will it have Sasami in >it?" Ayeka asked.

AYEKA: Why am I not pausing during my sentences?

TOM: Maybe the commas were stolen?

> ".........yes." Michael said nervously.

MIKE: *groaning* Great. As if a Chibiusa lemon wasn't bad enough.

AYEKA: What?! I'm going to kill Pearl for this!

> "Damn it I hate it when people fantasize my 11 year old sister like that >or anyother way.

CROW: *to Ayeka* You don't sound very angry.

AYEKA: Actually, she's 8, and I'm extremely pissed!

> She is a sweet girl who is cheerful.
>not a damn sex crazed lunatic!" Ayeka yelled

CROW: Oh yeah, "now" she yells.

AYEKA: Stop making fun of me!

CROW: Well "you're" the one getting together with a self insert author!

AYEKA: I am not! It's my twisted doppelganger!

MIKE: Calm down, you two.

> "I know what you mean." Michael said getting up.

MIKE: Getting up? You mean he was laying down, or something?

> "Well I guess we need to get the others up." Ayeka said getting up!

AYEKA: *has her hands covering her face* You mean my fic self "slept" with him?!

MIKE: Cheer up, Ayeka. See that exclamation mark next to the word "up?" That probably means that you were drunk.

AYEKA: *is now horrified* So I was raped?!

MIKE: *nervous look* Um, never mind.

> Michael was walking near the cockpit when he realized that someone was >in Jason's room playing Soul Caliber.

TOM: (as Bill Cosby) There's always room for plugs.

> Michael opened the door to see Daniel and Jason playing Soul Caliber!

CROW: (as author) Did I mention they were playing Soul Caliber?

> "Geeze what time did you guys get up?" Michael asked
> "Around 7:00 A.M. I couldn't sleep thinks to Daniel and Misaki in the >other room." Jason said

CROW: (as announcer) We bring you double the self insert with double the sex, resulting in double the pain!

AYEKA: If father saw this, he would kill them!

> "Oh good morning Michael." Misaki said
> "Morning is everyone ready for the MST?" Michael asked


> "Yes we are." Everone said

TOM: I think the authors missed the entire point on mst'ing.

CROW: Yeah! If mst'ing was fun, I wouldn't be so cynical!

MIKE: And Pearl would be short of a job.

> "Okay! Just to warn you guys this is one of the more Bizzare >lemons." Michael said

CROW: So they're going to watch an Oscarfic?

TOM: That would be "gut wrenchingly horrible."

CROW: Oh yeah.

> "I've herd some weird things about lemons aren't they supposed to be >a good thing?" Misaki asked

AYEKA: Mother obviously has never surfed the internet.

CROW: It looks like your mother also needs some lessons in taking breaths in between sentences.

> "Uh oh you never told her about Lemons Daniel?" Michael asked with a >sweatdrop rolling down the back of his head.
> "GUess I didn't tell her yet." Daniel replied

TOM: Ah, so Daniels met TORG.


> "Great we're in alot of trouble." Michael said

MIKE: While trying to sound as emotionless as possible.

>___________________________At the theatre 15 minutes >later!_______________________________________

CROW: Ooh! A fill in the blanks game!

MIKE: "Everyone died at the theater 15 minutes later! Said police."

CROW: Good one.

> Okay everyone since this is our first fic let's go through the >introductions.
> "HI my name is Michael Bearden you saw me on NO NEED FOR EXTREAM >and Tenchi in America i'm the main captain
>of the Excalliber MM and I'm also a bounty hunter for the G.P." Michael said >introducing himself

CROW: Whew! I bet that took a breath-full to say!

AYEKA: *rolling her eyes* A bounty hunter? You?! Get some muscles first! "Then" we might believe you!
MIKE: Wasn't that a little harsh?
AYEKA: Maybe "next" time he decides to write a fic, "I" won't be in it!

> "Hello my name is Princess Ayeka! You already know me from Tenchi >Muyo Tenchi Universe Tenchi in tokyo and everything else associated with >Tenchi.
>Eventually I left Tenchi after he chose Ryoko and started a good >relationship with my sweet heart Michael." Ayeka said kissing Michael.

TOM: I think I'm gonna hurl!

AYEKA: I would never give up Lord Tenchi to that filthy space pirate! And even if I did, I wouldn't marry "him!"

CROW: You gotta admit something though. These people can sure say things incredibly fast in one breath.

MIKE: I didn't even know you could do that, Ayeka.

AYEKA: A Juraian princess possesses many gifts.

> "Hello my name is Jason. I'm Michael's partner and am also seen from >NO NEED FOR EXTREAM! I'm a G.P. Official who has close to the highest rank >of any GP Officer thanks to Damian!

TOM: Wow! Jason can actually talk normal!

CROW: And because of that, we'll pretend you just didn't say that part about being a top GP officer.

> Well I guess its
>Daniels turn." Jason said
> "Hello my name is Daniel You seen me in the fic of Lady Misaki's >Knight! That's as far as I'm going until everyone has read the rest of my >fics!

TOM: Nope, I don't think we'll be doing that.

MIKE: Thank you for keeping it short.

AYEKA: Maybe Daniel and Jason won't be so bad after all.

> And this is Misaki the 2nd queen of Jurai!" Daniel introduced himself with >Misaki!

CROW: Soon to become "Misaki: Divorced maid by the brothel."

AYEKA: She will be after father gets through with her!

>________________________________________When universes collide MST: Tenchi >PORNO: A SATTIRE_________________

TOM: Ooh! My turn! *clears throat* "What causes a bad fic to be born are when universes collide, causing an equally bad MST: Tenchi PORNO: A SATTIRE that we'll soon hate."

MIKE: That was pretty good.

>DISCLAIMER: None of these characters belong to me except for EXTREAM AND >MICHAEL everything else belongs to their respected owners!

AYEKA: Who are not happy that you used them this way!

MIKE: Calm down, Ayeka. Save some for the fic.

>>Warning, this fic contains not so graphic sexual scenes. Take my word for >>it, you'll see what I mean.

TOM: That actually sounds pretty good.

AYEKA: I'm starting to feel better.

>> Also, you may be stupider after reading this.

MIKE: We'll take your word for it.

TOM: I "still" feel very stupid for reading "Jealousy!"

CROW: Speak for yourself! My head caught on fire!

>>Disclaimer-This isnt a fanfic, you're just dreaming...

MIKE: We can only hope.

TOM: *pinches Ayeka*

AYEKA: Ow! What did you do that for?!

TOM: *to author* You liar! This isn't a dream!

>Michael: Just dreaming but I thought that we wear awake.
>Ayeka hits Michael over the head with a baka mallet!

TOM: *to Ayeka* Why did your fic self do that?

AYEKA: He raped me, remember?!

TOM: Oh. *To Mike* You mean you were right?

MIKE: *shrugs* I had no idea.

>Michael: Ouch! Why didn't you just pinch me?!
>Misaki and the others started laughing.

BOTS: *mock laughter*

CROW: *while mock laughing* We're sharing a funny moment!

>>_________________________________________________________ __________________>>_

MIKE: Now sign on the line above, and we'll have your soul transferred immediately.

>>It was another beutiful day at the Masaki house. Birds were singing, the >>sun was shining, birds were singing, the sky was blue.

CROW: Don't forget about the birds singing.

>> Tenchi awoke in his room with Ryoko on top of him. Did I mention there >>were singing birds?

CROW: Yes, you did.

MIKE: And yet another humorous moment at our painful expense.

AYEKA: *has just noticed the first sentence.* She's what?!

>> Couldn't even see the trees for all the damn birds...anyway...

MIKE: (as author) I'm just babbling.

>Ayeka: Yes well it should be like that!
>Michael:I really didn't see that many birds when I was living in the Misaki >residance.

AYEKA: That liar! I've never even seen him before!

CROW: Living in the "Misaki" residence? Heh-heh.

AYEKA: And why would we allow him to live on Jurai?!

CROW: Um, yeah, sure Ayeka.

>Jason: Well maybe you should look harder.

CROW: (as Jason) And you'll discover that you really weren't there.

>>TENCHI-"Ryoko! Derrrr..what are you doin on top of me and...naked?"

MIKE: Wow! The author was right! Even the characters are feeling stupid just for being in it!

>Ayeka: Well your married to her of course!
>Michael: Not exactly. This is in another dimension were he hasn't made a >choice.

TOM: (as Michael) You know, Pioneers "real" dimension.

>>RYOKO-"Take a guess..."

MIKE: I'll take bad lemons for 500 please.

>>TENCHI-"Dammit, Ryoko!" he looks at the clock that Ryoko had broken the >>day before (it woke Tenchi up before she was finished..heh).

AYEKA: *glaring at the screen*

CROW: *to Ayeka* Look on the bright side. Now "both" of your fic selves have been raped.

AYEKA: *now glaring at Crow*

>> "Look at that, its only uh...sparking wire past G in the morning! Thats >>too early for this!"

TOM: The hell?!

MIKE: Tenchi just lost a few more brain cells.

>>RYOKO-"But what if I had nipples?" she snaps her fingers, nipples appear >>on her boob.

MIKE: *strange look* This is starting to get weird.

CROW: You mean she didn't have any before? *to Ayeka* What about you?

AYEKA: Of course I do!

CROW: Can I see?


>Jason: I don't fell so good!
>Daniel and Misaki grabs a vomet bag and starts barfing!

CROW: What's with them? It's just nipples.

TOM: They have "very" weak stomachs for mst'ers.

CROW: They would "die" in a Nav fic.

>>TENCHI-"Ryoko, the rule is one nipple on EACH boob, and it doesn't make any >>difference, now GET OFF!"

MIKE: Okay, "now" I'm officially freaked out.

AYEKA: That's not a very pleasant image.

>>RYOKO-"I thought you weren't in the mood."

>Ayeka: Well maybe he isn't!

>Michael: Ah I know I ain't!

>>TENCHI-"You know what I mean!" tosses her off him, gets dressed and heads >>downstairs, only to find....

>>NOBOYUKI-"C'mon Sasami!" he shoved his cock up to her face.

>Misaki and Ayeka screamed!

AYEKA: *screams as well*

MIKE: *shaking his head* This is just so wrong.


>Michael: Hey don't do that you Pedophile!

>>SASAMI-"Oh, it's so big!"

CROW: Well, Sasami "is" still a child, so…..

AYEKA: *glaring*

MIKE: Crow, no.

>Jason Michael and Daniel starts booing!

>Misaki: Michael you didn't tell me that a lemon consisted of Sasami haveing >sex!

TOM: But it "does", Misaki. It "does."

MIKE: And it can also contain many other gruesome things as well.

TOM: Such as a cat loving hermaphrodite.

MIKE: Or beastiality.

CROW: Or raping people on their 7th birthdays.

ALL: *shudder at that statement*

>Daniel: Misaki I just didn't think that someone with an IQ of a peanut could >operate a Keyboard?

AYEKA: Look who's calling the cauldron black!?

>>NOBOYUKI-"Kiss it, Sasami!" Sasami puts her lips up to the head of his >>cock and kisses it.

>Misaki: That's it I'm going back to Earth and picking Sasami up!

CROW: (as Misaki) I want her to see this for herself!

AYEKA: Mother would never want that!

CROW: *shrugs* It's a lemon. Anything could happen.

>>TENCHI-"Sasami! What are you doing? Dont kiss that dirty thing!"

AYEKA: Emphasis on the word "dirty!"

>Ayeka: Tenchi to the rescue!

MIKE: Somehow, I doubt it.

CROW: And people call "me" delusional.

AYEKA: I am "not" stupid!

>>NOBOYUKI-"Hey, little Noboyuki isn't dirty! I just gave it a bath today. >> Look at how shiny his feathers are!"

>Everyone falls over!

AYEKA: *staring at the screen, then gives a sigh of relief*

MIKE: Whew! That's a relief.

>>SASAMI-"Such a cute little rooster. I almost wish we didn't have to kill >>it, even though it will taste good..."

AYEKA: *relieved* It may have been a distasteful joke, but nevertheless, it was still a joke.

CROW: It "was" kind of funny when you thought about it.

>Misaki: Yes kill it after the 5 minutes I was telling myself that this is a >sick joke!

>Daniel started hugging Misaki

MIKE: (as Misaki) And who says "you" were getting any?!


>Michael: O.......kay

>>RYOKO-whispering-"Tenchi, I want to take it up the ass!"

>Everyone starts barfing in their barf bags!

CROW: What? It's just anal sex.

TOM: They should've seen hermaphrodite sex.

AYEKA: *shocked* Where do you read this trash?!
BOTS: Pearl sends them.

>>TENCHI-"What? Doesn't that hurt?"

AYEKA: I would imagine so, you filthy whore!

>Misaki: Nope not after the first 5 our 6 minutes.

>Everone looks at Misaki surprised!

>Misaki: What?

AYEKA: *has her hands over her face again* This is so embarrassing.

MIKE: Does that surprise you?

AYEKA: No, but to say something like that out in the open is shameful.

CROW: It could be worse.

CROW: Daniel could be the one giving it to her.

AYEKA: *tries to strangle Crow, but is held back by Mike*

MIKE: Crow! You're not helping!

CROW: *shrugs* It was just a thought. She "is" with him after all.

>Daniel: Please don't say stuff like that ever again!

AYEKA: *is now calm* Oh. Then Crow assumed incorrectly?

CROW: You shouldn't take things to heart.

AYEKA: Yes, I shouldn't. I'm sorry.

CROW: It's alright. Besides, this fic is "far" from over.

>>RYOKO-"Yeah, but its worth it."

>Ayeka: No it ain't!

AYEKA: Ain't? Why would I know such poor vocabulary?!

CROW: How would you know about it being worth it?

AYEKA: *to Mike* I'm going to kill him before this is over!

>>TENCHI-"Wouldn't you rather take it in the mouth?"

>Ayeka: Gross!

>Michael: Ah come on you said it wasn't gross last.......

AYEKA: *has summoned her logs* No one, and I mean NO ONE accuses me of things like that!

CROW: Mike! Stop her!

>Ayeka hit Michael over the head with her Baka Mallet!

>Misaki: Ouch that has to hurt!

MIKE: *holding back Ayeka* Please, calm down! Look at the screen! See, he's already been punished.

AYEKA: *slowly sits back down* Well, alright, but one more insinuation like that, and this theaters toast!

>Michael crawled back into his seat!

>>RYOKO-"No, I cant stand how that tastes!"

>Jason: Geeze Tenchi try Washing it first!

AYEKA: Um, that's not what she means, Jason.

MIKE: Even "I" knew that.

>>TENCHI-"Fine then, I'll tell dad to get the Robitussin supositories instead >>of the syrup."

MIKE: You know, I had a feeling it was another joke.

TOM: Am I sensing a pattern here?

>Everyone starts barfing!

TOM: Alright, I had enough! If you can't take the slightest innuendo, then just go home!

CROW: Leave the riffing to the professionals!

>>RYOKO-"Thanks, Tenchi!" Little did they know that at this time, Washu was >>getting a phone call that would change their lives forever...

>Everyone: Yeah yeah we know a call from the author!

AYEKA: Hey! No reading ahead!

TOM: *reading ahead, but is pulled back*

AYEKA: That goes for you too!

>>WASHU-picking up phone-"Hello?...Who is this?

CROW: (as author) It's me! Now go and get a sample from Tenchi!

>> The author...of what?

CROW: This stupid fic, that's what!

>> What the hell do you mean?

CROW: I mean you're in my stupid fic!

>> uh huh....okay....OH. Okay then...what do you want?

CROW: What do you think I want?! To screw everyone in your world! Now get to it!

AYEKA: Sadly, that's probably what he's saying.

>> Uh huh...Why would I want to do that?

CROW: Because my author powers are going to make you!

>> Yeah...Yeah, I guess it would be pretty funny... well, I'll get right on >>it...Okay...bye."

>Michael: Now that was weird!


>>Kiyone sits on the couch stroking Ryo-oki.

>>KIYONE-"Ryo-oki...I got a wicked idea.."

CROW: Let's kill Mihoshi, and bury her body in the sea.

AYEKA: What a terrible thing to say!

CROW: Sorry. I got a little dark there for a moment.

>>RYO-OKI-"Myu? (What?)"

>>KIYONE-"Damn, Ryo-oki, I..I want to feel you inside me!"

>Michael's face whitens.

TOM: Here it comes……

AYEKA: *looking strangely* That's a very odd way of starting another sex joke.

>>RYO-OKI-"Myah?! (HUH?)" Kiyone grabbed Ryo-oki by the midsection...looked >>her directly in the eyes...and proceded to eat her.

AYEKA: *shocked* Joke or not, that is disgusting!

MIKE: *looking strangely* This is just wrong. Ryo-ohki is like a pet to them.

>Misaki started crying! While everyone else started barfing again!

TOM: Dammit! You guys are such babies!

MIKE: Read "the Countess Chronicles", and then vomit!

>>KIYONE-"MMMmmmm...Ryo-oki...." Tenchi walks in.

>Michael: Blauurrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhh!

TOM: *to Mike* Can we take a break now?

MIKE: In a moment.

>>TENCHI-"Hey, Kiyone. Say, what ever happened to Mihoshi?"

>>KIYONE-"Huh? I *gulp* don't really know..."


>Jason: Wait a minute I don't recall a hospital seen a few moments ago?

TOM: Wait a minute I don't recall pausing during my sentences "or" barfing for very little reasons!

MIKE: Maybe we "should" take that break.

CROW: *to Mike* Not yet. I want to see if Tom overloads from stupidity.

>Michael: This fic makes no sence!


MIKE: Tom, calm down!

TOM: I can't! I've never seen such wimpy people with weak stomachs! They vomit over little things, get to have sex with princesses, don't have an evil dictator ruling over them, AND have a choice on whether or not to read this!

CROW: You know something, Tom? You're right! They have it "way" too easy! All we get are misfortunes, not to mention reading Oscarfics, Thinkerfics, Ratliff fics, Rob Tsunai and "even" Hachi-Machi!

AYEKA: *to Mike* I think they're going to overheat from anger.

>>DR-"Well, Miss Mihoshi...your throat seems to be healed, so we will be >>releasing you today. But remember, from now on, make sure that you get the >>Happy Meal with the toddler toy!"

AYEKA: *confused* I thought she was at the hospital?

TOM: *to Mike* You see?! Just relish in the stupidity!!

MIKE: Alright. Let's take a break now.

[The group gets up to leave the theater]

**************************************************************** *****

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Bridge]

We can now see Tom and Crow trying their hardest to vomit up their RAM chips. Mike is trying his best to talk them out of it.

"You guys." Started Mike. "What will vomiting prove?"

"Well, it got me thinking." Answered Tom. "If vomiting easily got `them' cushy jobs, maybe it can do the same for us."

"Tom, it wasn't their weak stomachs that caused that."

"That's just what they want us to think!" added Crow.

"No, it's true." Said Ayeka. "All they did was get together, and write self insert fics and mst's. The rest is history."

After a moment of silence, Crow finally spoke.

"Nah, couldn't be. It definitely has to be the vomiting." Then he turned to Tom. "Let's begin again, shall we?"

"I'm right behind you."

So the two continued to try vomiting until they nearly passed out. Finally, Crow spoke again.

"You know, maybe they have this position because they just inserted themselves in a fic that they wrote. It "is" pretty logical."

"Yeah, you're right!" added Tom. "It's a good thing we thought of it."

"But I'm the one who told you that!" exclaimed Ayeka.

"Hey! Don't try to steal our credit, princess!" exclaimed Crow. "We thought of it first!"

They continued to argue until the sirens went off.

"We got meta sign!" exclaimed Mike.

So the group rushed back to the theater.

[6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Theater]

[Everyone takes their seats.]

MIKE: *to Tom* You feeling better?
TOM: Yeah, I'm alright now, especially knowing that their world is just another piece of screwed up fanfiction.

AYEKA: I agree! I hate the way I'm being portrayed in both fics!

>>MIHOSHI-"Uh....okay." -thinking-"I cant wait to get back to my >>friends...sure would have been nice if they visited me though..."

>Ayeka starts laughing!

>Michael: Yes this would be a Kyon'e moment!

MIKE: That was pretty messed up.

CROW: Yeah, even Kiyone would go visit Mihoshi.

AYEKA: I am "not" that mean!


>>TENCHI-sitting in living room-"So then..." Ryoko suddenly jumps into the >>room, and starts rubbing some dick up and down. "What the hell?" Ryoko >>starts licking the dick on the head.

CROW: And yet "another" sex joke is born.

MIKE: This is really starting to get predictable.

>Michael: That's it for now on I'm going to MST better fics then this crap!

TOM: Then why didn't you?! You have a "choice" after all!

MIKE: I thought you said you were alright?

TOM: I am. I just wanted to get that out.

>Daniel: I miss AAA Phucknut!

CROW: (as Daniel) I miss reading obscure fanfiction!

>Jason: I miss my computer!

TOM: The hell?!

AYEKA: How can he miss his computer if he was there to help write this?

MIKE: Just smile and nod.

>>RYOKO-"You like this, Tenchi?" Tenchi starts to come.

>>TENCHI-"Holy shit! Im commin!"

>>DICK CLARK-"No, dont worry about it, Mr. Masaki. I kinda like this."

>Everone falls over again!

AYEKA: You would think that this crew would already be expecting this by now.

MIKE: Still, it's better than expecting the normal lemon outcomes.

>>TENCHI-"I really dont know what's gotten into her...Ryoko, go away!"

CROW: (as Tenchi) Don't make me get the rolled up newspaper!

AYEKA: I always knew that she needed to be fixed.

>>RYOKO-"Fine!" disappears

>Ayeka: And she calls me a spoiled brat!?

CROW: If anyone understood what she meant by that, show me a raise of hands.

ALL: *do nothing*

CROW: Good. Then it's not just me.

>>TENCHI-"Sorry about that Mr. Clark. Now, you mentioned something about a >>10 million dollar check..."

>Michael: Whoa that's alot of money!

>>DICK CLARK-"Sure, its possible...but I wanted to talk to you about these >>great new magazines availible from...."

CROW: Playboy, Hustler, Home shopping network, you name `em, we got `em!

>Michael: Holy shit it's a door to door salesman!Kill it!


>>DICK CLARK-"Okay, I give up, just dont kill me!"

>>TENCHI-stopping the car-"Fine, just GET LOST!" Dick Clark leaves, and is >>never heard from again. Tenchi gets out of his car, and walks back to the >>house.

AYEKA: Since when did Tenchi own a car?
TOM: Doesn't he commute?

CROW: Okay, so let me get this straight. Tenchi has to walk "how" many flights of stairs to get to places? Also, did he develop superhuman speed, allowing him to run down the stairs, steal his dads car, drive up the stairs, and nearly run over the salesman "all" in ten seconds?!

TOM: Um…………I'm not going to even "try" to think about it.

>Everyone cheers!

BOTS: (as non-standard riffing crew) We don't know how the hell he did that, but we're "still" happy!


>Michael: Wow what a name!

>Daniel: Who made this fic?


AYEKA: He must be as dumb as this fic if he really thinks that's a name!

CROW: *to Michael* Can you say "duh?"

>>___________________________________________________ ________________________>>__

>>WASHU-"TENCHI! I've done it! I'm such a genius!"

TOM: (as Washu) I've created the ultimate flatliner!

>Ayeka: Yep another invention from the red headed Genius!

AYEKA: I do "not" comment on Washu's work unless I want something from her! In reality, her inventions are a danger to the universe!

>>TENCHI-"Dammit, Washu,

MIKE: You're name is spelled with 15 "u's", dammit!

BOTS: *looking at him strangely*

MIKE: I heard it from a fic somewhere.

>> I'm not in the mood. I'm having dick trouble lately."

>Everyone started laughing!

TOM: Oh good. "Now" they're starting to get it.

>>WASHU-"But Tenchi! I've finished my greatest creation ever! The >>hornification machine!

AYEKA: I'm not even going to "touch" that line!
BOTS: *snickering at the name*

>> It releases an energy burst that has the ability to alter the mental >>paterns of anyone, making them ucontrolably horny."

CROW: Thus creating the biggest plot contrivance ever!

>By this time everyone was laying on the floor laughing their heads off!

AYEKA: I don't blame them for laughing at something so stupid.

>>TENCHI-"Why the hell did you do that?"

>>WASHU-"I dont know, some guy just told me too...

CROW: (as Washu) He also told me to jump off a cliff, so I'll do that later.

>>it should be activated in...5....4....3....2....1..."

MIKE: We got lemon sign!

CROW: *looking back at the doors* Hey, I don't see anybody coming in.

>>TENCHI-"Washu..nothin happened..."

>Ayeka: It happens to Washu!

TOM: I don't get it.

>>WASHU-"Oh...I guess it didnt work." (yeah, sure it didnt) "Well, I'll be >>in my lab making repairs." Washu walks back to her lab. At that moment, a >>dazed Ryoko flies downstairs.

>Misaki: Well good luck!

AYEKA: *shakes her head* Is my mother "really" that stupid?

BOTS: *nod*

AYEKA: That was a rhetorical question!

>>RYOKO-"Tenchi, I...I want you. Right here!"

>Ayeka: Oh great here we go again!

>>TENCHI-"Okay." Ryoko looks confused at the reply, but that doesnt stop >>her.

AYEKA: *is starting to lose her temper*

>Michael: Heh Ayeka you know you got a scene coming up later don't you?

AYEKA: Don't remind me! It's bad enough that I have scenes with you!

>Misaki and Ayeka starts beating the piss out of Michael!

AYEKA&BOTS: *cheering*

>>........................................................... ................>>.

>Everyone: Yeah no sex is safe sex!

AYEKA: I agree!

>>RYOKO-"Tenchi, I have wanted to be with you for so long!"

>>She grabs him by the 5 layer flame retardant coveralls, and their gas masks >>meet in a passionate kiss.

TOM: The hell?! Since when did Tenchi wear overalls?

MIKE: *groans* This is the authors definition of safe sex.

AYEKA: *shaking her head* I'm going to die of stupidity.

CROW: Well, the author "did" warn us at the beginning of this.

>Michael: What the hell is that about?

TOM: *tsks* Get a clue, Mike!

MIKE: What'd I say?

TOM: Not you, the stupid Mike!

CROW: Which one?

MIKE: *looks at Crow with narrow eyes*

>>RYOKO-"Tenchi, I'm so hot right now!"

>>TENCHI-"Me too. I think my oxygen pump broke...uh...baby."

>Everyone starts looking for a gun!

CROW: Mike? Do "we" have guns?

MIKE: No, but Ayeka has powers.

AYEKA: I'm feeling too stupid to use them right now.

>>Tenchi caresses her radiation suit, pressing his hand against the region >>where he believed her boobs to be. Ryoko moves her steel tongs slowly up >>his leg...

CROW: Mike? Why does Ryoko have tongs?

AYEKA: *starts laughing* Perhaps she got a sex change!

CROW: *is re-reading the paragraph* Oh no! She's right! Ryoko just recreated Oscarism!
MIKE: Calm down, Crow. She was only joking.

>>TENCHI-"NO! I cant do this!" He pushes her to the padded floor, and >>rushes out the room.

>Michael: Damn I miss my old Extream fic!

CROW: (as Michael) Where I can have all the superpowers and sex with Ayeka I want.

AYEKA: *glaring at Crow.*

>>.............................................. .............................>>.

MIKE: This fic has made us speechless.

>>RYOKO-"Tenchi..why?" Kiyone walks in.

>>KIYONE-"Ryoko...whats wrong?"

>>RYOKO-crying-"None of your business"

>>KIYONE-"Oh Ryoko, let Kiyone make it better..."

CROW: *eyes perk up*

>Michael: And how is that?

>>.......................................................... .................>>.

>Michael: Huh how do you get audio in .TXT formats?

MIKE: Good question.

>>RYOKO-"Oh...I dont know."

>Michael: Neither do I.

>>KIYONE-"I know what I'm doin."

>>RYOKO-"Hey..need some help findin it?"

>>KIYONE-"Just sit back, bitch!"

>Ayeka: Now thats not the Kyon'e I remember!

AYEKA: And that's not the "me" I remember, but it's still happening!

MIKE: And that's not the "Kiyone" I remember either!

TOM: Who's "Kyon'e?"

>>RYOKO-"Oh yeah! Back..back..right there!"

>>KIYONE-"You like that?"

CROW: It's too bad that this is probably another sex joke.

>Jason: Oh i'm so glad Sasami isn't here!

TOM: Get a clue already!

>>RYOKO-"Oh yeah! Go...yes..go go! AHHH! YEAAHHH!!"

>>KIYONE-"Ryoko, I didn't know you were into this."

>Everyone: Neither did I!

>>RYOKO-"Are you kiddin? I love football! But maybe you should put down >>that remote so we can get it on!"

>Everyone falls over!

TOM: Mike? I feel like my brain chips are shutting down.

MIKE: Huh? Did you say something? My mind just went blank for a moment.

>>KIYONE-"I thought you would never ask! Lets go up to Tenchi's room."
>>........................................................ ...................>>.


>>Te nchi bursts into Ayeka's room.

>Ayeka: Heh don't you think you should knock first!

AYEKA: Remember. This is the doppelganger Tenchi, not the "real" Tenchi.

>>TENCHI-"Ayeka? Where are you?" Suddenly, a net falls from the celing, >>capturing Tenchi. Ayeka steps out from her closet, wearing leather straps >>and chains.

>Ayeka: Misaki what you are about to see isn't me it's the fanfic version!

>Misaki: Yes little Ayeka!

CROW: (as Misaki) Damn! I shouldn't have been so quick to post those pictures on the internet!

>>AYEKA-"You wont get away this time!"

>>TENCHI-"Why would I want to do that?"

TOM: Oh I don't know. Maybe because you "always" runs away?! Or maybe it's because you're about to be assaulted!
MIKE: Calm down, Tom.

TOM: I can't! It's the only way to keep my intelligence from deteriorating!
MIKE: *to Ayeka* Which reminds me. How is "your" I.Q. faring?

AYEKA: I'm sometimes confusing myself for either my doppelganger, or my fic self.

>>....................................................... ....................>>.

AYEKA: Well, at least he "warns" us of these events.

>Ayeka: Great I knew I shouldn't have posted that video on the internet!

>Michael: You know it's true about you Ayeka or should I say S&M queen!

>Ayeka hit michael over the head with an Iron Mallet!

AYEKA: *to her fic self* Thank you. I really needed to see that.

TOM: Do it again!

>>Ayeka quickly produces her whip and begins beating Tenchi fiercely. Then, >>she decides the whip isn't exciting enough, and starts breaking Tenchi's >>ribs with her baseball bat.

AYEKA: *horrified*


>Michael and Daniel: DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Jason: Ouch!

>>TENCHI-"Oh, hurt me more bitch!"

>Ayeka: I think that's enough!

AYEKA: Yes! That's enough! Stop this now!

>>AYEKA-"You do me too!"


AYEKA: *furious* That's it! This fic is toast! *readies her logs* Die! *nothing happens* Oh no! I forgot how to activate them!

MIKE: This fic must "really" be stupid in order to make Ayeka forget………something.

>>TENCHI-"Oh yeah!" He starts punching her in the face, and he kicks him in >>the nads.

AYEKA: *stands there, horrified*

>Michael and Ayeka faints into eachothers arms!

TOM: If this mst was any cornier, I'd have my own farm by now!

>Jason: Well looks like were going to have to drag them into their room!

AYEKA: *snaps out of it* No! Don't! Anything but that!

>>AYEKA-"YES! Give me more!" Tenchi grabs her by the legs, and rips one >>off, spilling blood everywhere. "UHHH!" Ayeka reaches into her nightstand >>and pulls out a revolver. She pumps 3 shots into his head.

AYEKA: *faints*

MIKE: *runs for a barf bag*

CROW: *tsks* What? It's just humans blood.

>Michael: Did I miss anything?

>Jason: Yes Tenchi is dead!

>Michael: No he isn't!

>>TENCHI-"Damn Ayeka!"

>Michael: told you

TOM: *is starting to overheat* Must……not……become……sub….jected 230;…to……stupidity!


MIKE: *has just returned to his seat* That's basically what Ayeka is doing right now.

>>TENCHI-"You're good at this! But the fact is...I love Ryoko!"

>Ayeka: Oh how I hate that word!

MIKE: So would Ayeka, if she were awake, that is.

TOM: But I thought "this" Ayeka didn't care?

MIKE: Tom, it doesn't pay to think in………what's this called?

TOM: Oh no! The stupidity has gotten to you!

>Michael hugs Ayeka

>Michael: There there it's allright your with me now!

>Misaki gives Michael that Kawaii smile

CROW: A "Hawaii" smile?

>Daniel: Uh oh prepare for a bearhug!

>Misaki hugged Michael so hard he couldn't breathe

CROW: Hopefully, killing him.

>>................................................... ........................>>.

CROW: I could think of a good line joke, but I'm having trouble just "thinking" at this moment.

>>AYEKA-"NOOOOOOOOoooOOOOOOOO!!!" Ayeka wakes up, drenched in numerous >>liquids. "Oh..I had the dream again..." She quickly got dressed and went >>downstairs.

>Ayeka: It wasn't a dream for me! Look out Ayeka!

AYEKA: *wakes up* Did I hear right?

MIKE: Yep. It was only a dream.

AYEKA: *sighs in relief* Thank goodness!

>>NOBOYUKI-"Hey, Ayeka. What are you doing up so late, its like...1 o'clock. >> Oh, by the way, you wanna fuck?" Now normally, Ayeka would have said no >>right away, but...

CROW: Since this fic doesn't make sense, she does it anyway.

>>AYEKA-"No way, you dirty, senile old prick!"

BOTS: *look at the fic Ayeka, and back at the regular Ayeka several times*
AYEKA: *surprised* That was unexpected, not that I'm complaining about it.

>Michael: Yeah leave my girl alone!

AYEKA: *frowning* "That", on the other hand……

>>.....oh...well...uh anyway...

TOM: Back to more randomness!

>>AYEKA-"Do you know where lord Tenchi is?"

>Michael: Tenchi should be in his room sound asleep!

AYEKA: And why would he care to give advice to the author?

MIKE: ………Sorry. My mind went blank again.

>>NOBOYUKI-"Well, I haven't seen since earlier. Maybe you should look in his >>room." Ayeka makes her way up to Tenchi's room, where she hears odd >>sounds. Fearing the worst, she smashes in the door.

>>AYEKA-"Ryoko! What in the hell do you think you're doing?"

CROW: (as Ryoko) What does it look like I'm doing?

TOM: (as Ayeka) Playing video games?

CROW: (as Ryoko) Exactly.

AYEKA: *sighs* I don't even know "what" to think anymore.

>>RYOKO-"What is it Ayeka?"

>>KIYONE-"You want to join in?"

CROW: *looks closer at the screen* You bet she does!
AYEKA: You bet I "don't!"

>>AYEKA-blushing-"I..I had no idea!" Ryoko gets up and walks up to her.

>Now Jason Michael and Daniel have nose bleeds!

TOM: That's it! I'm shutting down, now! *completely overheats*

MIKE: *sighs* Well, it's time for rebooting. *begins to fix Tom*

>>RYOKO-"Come on, princess...You know, I never really told you this, >>but...I've always been kinda attracted to you."


CROW: Well there "has" been several innuendos……

AYEKA: Shut up before I dismantle you!

>Ayeka: I don't think so! I'm not a Lezbo!

AYEKA: Exactly!

>>RYOKO-"If it gets me some pussy...I'll say anything!"

>>AYEKA-"Oh, Ryoko! You've made me so happy!"

>Ayeka starts closing her eyes!

AYEKA: *counting to 10 over and over again*

MIKE: I've almost got Tom rebooted again.

CROW: I hope this lemon scene isn't too gratuitous.


CROW: Dammit! All that torture and no reward!?

TOM: *is now rebooted* Whew! I needed that!

>>Tenchi has been hiding out in the carrot garden.

>Misaki: Shouldn't Tenchi be asleep right now!

MIKE: At 1 in the afternoon?

AYEKA: *holding her head* I can actually feel my brain getting smaller!

>>TENCHI-"That machine must have worked after all! I have to keep a safe >>distance from any *gulp* girls! Otherwise I might score!"

CROW: *is gaping at the screen, and then shorts out*

MIKE: *sighs* Well, back to rebooting.

TOM: I don't blame him. That statement sounded "really" stupid.

>> Washu begins to walk toward him.

>Ayeka: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA What a loser!

>Michael: Geeze Ayeka you sure aren't takeing this seriously!

>Ayeka: I was talking about the Author!

TOM: (as Michael) Which author?

AYEKA: (as herself) Both of you!

>Michael: Oh

>>WASHU-"Tenchi? Tenchi, are you around here?"

>>TENCHI-"Washu! Im glad you're here! Your machine worked!"

AYEKA: *confused* But didn't he just say……*screams* My head hurts!

MIKE: *while still rebooting Crow* Perhaps we should take a break?

AYEKA: No, not yet. I can still manage.


>>TENCHI-"Washu ..." Tenchi's mind was twisting under the effects of the >>machine.

>Jason: Ain't nothing like a backfire!

>>WASHU-"What is it?"

>>TENCHI-"Why are you putting your hands in my pants?"

>>WASHU-"....Damn you're stupid! I want it, Tenchi."

CROW: *is now rebooted* Washu took the words right out of my mouth!

AYEKA: *is glaring at the fic*

>Misaki: Tenchi your such a naughty boy and your stupid as well!

>Everyone looks at Misaki worried.

>Misaki: What?

CROW: (as Misaki) It's true.

AYEKA: That's enough, Crow!

>>TENCHI-"You know..its my first time"-thinking-'I hope she buys it...'

AYEKA: *slaps herself on the forehead* On second thought, insult him all you like!

>>WASHU-"Dont worry, Tenchi, everything will be alright"-thinking-'I dont buy >>that for a second'

CROW: (as Washu) Damn you're stupid.

>>.................................................... .......................>>.

MIKE: I thought it already "has?"

AYEKA: See those dots? That's how my brain is feeling right now.

>Michael: HUH?

AYEKA: I see the fics affected "him" as well.

>>Tenchi began to sweat as he opened the doors of the forbidden temple, and >>sent in Indiana Jones. Washu's twin peaks began to quake when Tenchi went >>spelunking in the natural cavern. Suddenly, the walls of the tunnel burst, >>nearly drowning Sylvester Stalone.

CROW: Now "that's" what I call innuendo!

>>Tenchi switched it up when Washu took a header and started barking up the >>wrong tree. Turns out Washu had the inside story on watergate, and she saw >>the milky way through Tenchi's telescope.
>>.................................................... .......................>>.

AYEKA: @_@! I didn't understand a word of that.

CROW: *grinning* "I" did.

>Everyone impersonating the little rascals: >Oooooooooooooooooooooooootayyyyyyyy!

MIKE: ………My mind went blank again.

AYEKA: How would I know who the little rascals are? *to Mike* Who are they?

MIKE: A bunch of kids……that's about all I know.



TOM: The stupidity! When will it end?!

>Ayeka: When did we have a Ranch?

AYEKA: Same thing "I" want to know!

>Michael: I have no clue.

AYEKA: (as herself) You should know! "You" claimed to have lived with us!

>>Noboyuki was gettin out of the shower, blissfully unaware of the devious >>plan hatched by Ryoko. The Kiyone and Ryoko slowly crept into Noboyuki's >>room, awaiting the chaos to come.

>Ayeka: Uh oh Ryoko and her pranks that's a accident waiting to happen!

CROW: *to Ayeka* This fic seems to be getting to your doppelganger self as well.

AYEKA: Yes, I have to agree. I've never sounded so naive. *realizes something* Wait a minute! Is sounded even a proper word?

CROW: I'm not sure, but I say it anyways.

>>KIYONE-whispering-"Are you sure this plan will work?"

>>RYOKO-whispering-"Yeah, dont worry about it!" Noboyuki walks out of the >>shower wearing one of those pink poofy towels.

>>RYOKO-"NOW!" Ryoko runs up to Noboyuki and pulls his towel off.

>Everyone closes their eyes!

MIKE: (as Ryoko) Yes! I stole his towel! Now they'll "have" to let me in the sorority!

>>KIYONE-"That's your plan? Oh well, it works!"

>>NOBOYUKI-"Holy shit! I'm being raped! My dream has come true!"

AYEKA: *groans*

CROW: Well, at least Noboyuki is still IC.

>Everyone: WHHAAAAATTT?!

AYEKA: Are they shocked about him wanting to be raped, or that the other girls are doing it?

MIKE: I'm not sure, so I'll just pretend to know what's going on.

>>RYOKO-"Lets go old man!"

>>................................................... ........................>>.

MIKE: Oh jeez! This fic has reached a new level of stupidity!


>Everyone else is laughing!

CROW: Mike is sure stupid, isn't he?

TOM: Yeah, about the stupidest person I've ever seen.

MIKE: Are you referring to "that" Mike?

CROW: Um……sure.

>>NOBOYUKI-lookin at Ryoko's crotch-"Look! A clue!"

>>RYOKO-also lookin at her crotch-"Lets split up gang!"

TOM: I had enough! I want out of this fic now!

MIKE: Calm down, Tom. We don't want this fic to break our spirits. Otherwise, Pearl wins. Just let the stupidity take you in.

TOM: Well……alright.

>Misaki: Now this has gone from a sick lemon to a bizzare fantasy!

>Daniel: Yes it has!

>>NOBOYUKI-"I'm gonna get to the bottom of this mystery." Noboyuki and Ryoko >>get 'shaggy'.


TOM: ………Aw it's no use! I'm too smart to be stupid!

MIKE: Then riff this thing like you've never riffed before.

TOM: Consider it done!

>Michael: Jinkes?

>Jason: I hate Scooby doo!

>>NOBOYUKI-"Wait a minute, that wasnt an orgasm at all, its MR. SMITH!"

>Michael: Oh boy the show is over!

>Jason: Not really!

>>MR.SMITH-"And I would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you >>pesky kids!"
>>........................................................ ...................>>.

TOM: Finally! My brain chips couldn't take another moment of this!

>Michael: Yes Yes we all know!


>Michael: Tenchi and Washu made a a sign saying THE END!

AYEKA: We could only wish.

>>Tenchi and Washu walk in, Washu heads directly to her lab. Ayeka is busy >>cleaning up the mess that was left in the kitchen. Tenchi looks at her, >>and gets...an idea.

>Michael: Damn!

AYEKA: *worried* I don't like the way this is going.

MIKE: Look on the bright side. It couldn't possibly be worse than that awful dream your fic self had.

>>......................................................... ..................>>.

CROW: Well, you gotta give him points for honesty.

>Michael: Dude you finnaly figured it out!

CROW: (as Michael) Now all I need to do is figure it out myself!

>Jason: Yes I guess their is a brain in their!

TOM: In their what?

>>Tenchi walks up to Ayeka, unzips his pants,

CROW: Talk about your bad typos.

TOM: The last thing I need is a reminder of Oscar!

>> and shoves his member deep in her nasal passage.

MIKE: O_O! I'm starting to feel ill again.

AYEKA: *horrified* No………

>Michael Starts getting pissed and starts charging his powers!

TOM: *to Michael* Aw come on! You don't have any powers! Don't make this fic any more intolerable than it already is!

>>AYEKA-"Hnngoo gloord Dengi, aarderr!" They both have an organism. Ayeka >>removes his slim jim from her nose, and Tenchi begins to caress her >>latisimus opening. They both have another organism.

>Everyone starts barfing!

TOM: "Now" you have a reason to vomit!

MIKE: I'll be right back. *runs off to use a barf bag*

AYEKA: Wait for me! *runs off to join him*

CROW: I'll never look at slim jims the same way ever again.

>>TENCHI-"Lets get kanky!"

CROW: Kanky?

>> He grabs the toaster from the counter, presses the button down, and >>inserts his schlong. The electrocution sends him writhing on the floor >>with pleasure.

CROW: O_O! This is just weird.

TOM: Hopefully he dies from it.

>Michael: Electric sex?!

MIKE&AYEKA: *return to their seats, only to witness what's going on* O_O!

AYEKA: What the hell is this?!

MIKE: I'm not even going to ask.

>>AYEKA-"Tenchi! You know I love electrosex!"

AYEKA: They better not have me participating in such………my mind just went blank.

TOM: That would be the stupidity of this.

>Misaki: Gross remind me never to make toast at the Masaki place again.

MIKE: Please don't mention toast right now. I just threw it up.

>>.................. .........................................................>>.

AYEKA: Is he dead?


>>Tenchi shook himself out of the daydream.
>>TENCHI-"Woah...that was fucked up!"

TOM: This fic is getting weirder and weirder.

AYEKA: That was just a daydream?! I'm relieved and digusted at the same time.

CROW: That's funny. I felt the same way when I watched "Jealousy."

>>AYEKA-"Oh, Tenchi, you're back!"

>>TENCHI-"Hi Ayeka...hey, you look worried."

AYEKA: And I have every reason to be!

>Michael: Nah it only looks that way!

>>AYEKA-"Tenchi, I have something to confess...Im...I HAVE A DICK!"

AYEKA: *shrieks in horror*

CROW: Noooo!! Oscars back!!

TOM: AAaaahh! *is trying to calm down.*

MIKE: What did we do to deserve this?

>Michael: Nooooooooo please don't tell me that!

MIKE: On the plus side, at least it bothered Michael.

AYEKA: Well, that "is" an upside, but still, yuck!

>Michael: Ayeka please come over here to this darkpart of the theatre with me >I gotta check something out!

>Ayeka: I don't have a dick! You know that!

>Michael: Damn I just wanted some!

AYEKA: *stands up, and readies logs* The minute I remember how to use these, watch out!

MIKE: *backs a few rows back*

>>TENCHI-shocked-"OH, FUCK ME!!"

>Michael: OH no here comes the part where I start losing it!

CROW: *looks at Ayeka* Too late.

>>AYEKA-"Don't worry, I will."

>>TENCHI-"Well, don't worry Ayeka, after all...Im a hermaphrodite too!"

>Everyone starts barfing!

TOM: AAAAAaaahh! *head explodes*

CROW: I can't take this anymore! One Oscar I could stand, but two!? *runs to the doors* Damn! They're locked!


< br> >>AYEKA-"Well, I guess everything works out then. By the way, have you seen >>Sasami?"

>>TENCHI-"What? That sexy little bitch isnt here?"

CROW: *looks at Ayeka* This isn't going to end well. I better nullify my pain. *lets the stupidity take him in*

AYEKA: *is now trembling furiously* I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! *has just realized something* Hey……I just remembered how to use these logs of mine. *grins evilly* IT'S PAYBACK TIME!!!

>Misaki and Ayeka: Tenchi you better not do that!

>>AYEKA-"You think she's sexy too?"



MIKE: *hides behind some seats*

AYEKA: DIE!!!! *activates her logs, destroying the insides of the theater*

MIKE: *comes out of hiding* Well, there goes the movie. Let's take a break.

[So Mike picks up the bots, and escorts Ayeka out of the theater.]


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Bridge]

Gypsy is repairing Tom, Crow is running repeatedly into a wall, Mike is staring at a blank television screen, and Ayeka is humming showtunes to herself. All Gypsy could do was watch.

"This fic must've really been awful in order to do this to you guys. I hope it didn't break your spirits."

"You don't have to worry about that." Said Crow. "It didn't even touch our spirits. It just made us stupid. Which reminds me. Why won't this door open?"

"Um, Crow? That's a wall."

"Oh, really? Thanks for telling me." Then he went to another wall, and repeatedly ran into it.

Gypsy finished repairing Tom, and then activated him.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine now." Tom answered. "But I was feeling really stupid earlier."

Then the mad lights flashed. Tom answered it. Observer was on the other line.


"I sensed a wonderful disturbance. What happened?"


"Well," Tom started, "the fic, not to mention the mst, made everyone stupid, me included. I would still be stupid, but thanks to my head exploding, I was able to reboot, and have a fresh start on my mind." Then he looked behind Observer. "By the way, where's Pearl?"


"Well, you see, madam Pearl is kind of busy at the moment. She's jumping for joy on how this fic broke your spirits. I'm afraid she's going to be very disappointed when she finds out it only made you guys stupid."

A couple of seconds later, Pearl went to the screen.

"I heard that!" then she sighed. "Oh well. We live and learn I guess." Then she turned to Tom's direction. "And I suppose you'll want `me' to make your friends smart again."


"Well, if it's not asking too much. After all, `you're' the one who made us watch this."

Ayeka then walked up to the screen.

"Hello everyone. Wanna see me sing `Mary had a little lamb?' I'm actually pretty good." Then she starts singing.


"You know what, maybe I "will" help you out!" exclaimed Pearl while she was covering her ears. "Brain Guy! Send them the cure!"

"Yes, madam." Then he used his mind powers to send an airborne cure on the satellite. "Now enjoy the rest of the fic. Oh, and the Nanites fixed the theater already." Then he broke transmission.


In a matter of seconds, everyone was cured.

"Thank you, Tom." Said Ayeka. "I never want to feel that unintelligent ever again."

"My head hurts." Said Crow. "I can't believe I couldn't tell a wall from a door."

"I hope everyone is okay now." Said Gypsy. "By the way, Crow, did you want me to prepare some slim jims for you?"

"Uh……no thank you. In fact, I think I won't be having slim jims for quite a while."

Suddenly, the siren rang. Mike quickly stood up.

"We got meta sign!"

So the group rushed to the theater.

[6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Theater]

***************************************************************< /div>

[The group took their seats.]

AYEKA: I hope the rest of this fic isn't as horrible as that was.

MIKE: One can only hope.

>>It seems that earlier, Sasami left to visit Yugi.

CROW: Um, I don't want to sound like a yu-gi-oh fanboy, but isn't Yugi in high school, while Sasami is like, in what, grade school?

MIKE: It depends on which universe this is.

CROW: Well it sure aint Pretty Sammy!

>>....................................................... ....................>>.

TOM: Just when you thought it was safe to start watching bad fics again……

AYEKA: *sat up, but then sat back down* Forget it. I used up too much energy destroying this place.

MIKE: This is the only time where that Nanites fast repairing abilities are a "bad" thing.


>>YUGI-"Sasami, its been so long..." She moves her hand to the hem of >>Sasami's dress.


AYEKA: *sighs in relief*

TOM: This is the strangest fic I have "ever" read.

>>Actually, Sasami had been there sleeping for hours. She was tired out from >>getting up at 2 a.m. to fix food every damn day.

BOTS: *glaring at Ayeka*

AYEKA: *embarrassed* I guess I never thought about it before. I'll be sure to start helping her out more.

>Ayeka:Not really she's a little chef who loves cooking!

TOM: Let's see what the child labor laws say about this.

AYEKA: For the last time, I'll help her out more! *to fic Ayeka* And shut up! You're making me sound like an inconsiderate shrew!

>>SASAMI-waking up-"OH, I must have fallen asleep! I hope no one is worried >>about me." She runs back to the house..meanwhile...

>>MIHOSHI-"Whew! That was a long walk! And that cab driver who kept hitting >>on me didn't make it any easier." She walks into the door.

>Michael: Why? Cause your a blonde!

MIKE: Pearls not going to like this.

AYEKA: What a pig headed stereotype! Mihoshi is stupid because she's……..well, Mihoshi! It doesn't have anything to do with her hair color!

>>MIHOSHI-"Hello? Is anyone here?....Hm." She sits down on the couch and >>turns on the tv. "AAAhhh...I wonder where everyone went...I hope no one >>comes in and tries to rape me or something."

BOTS: -_-.

AYEKA: *shaking her head* That would be the "last" thing on her mind!
CROW: But isn't she in the Masaki home? What would she have to worry about there?

MIKE: This is a graffitotag fic, remember?
CROW: Uh-oh.

>> Suddenly an angel appears infront of Mihoshi.

>>ANGEL-"Mihoshi! I bring you dire warnings!"

>Michael: Whoa an Angel has appeared

CROW: Maybe this won't end so horribly after all.

>>MIHOSHI-"Can you move? I cant see tv."

>>ANGEL-"You are in danger here! You must leave this house!"

>Michael and take Sasami with you!

>Ayeka and Misaki: Yes

AYEKA: Do so, NOW!!

>>MIHOSHI-"My name is Mihoshi!"

CROW: Then again……

TOM: This must be the universe Mihoshi. Only "that" Mihoshi can be "this" stupid!

>>ANGEL-"Are you listening?"

>>MIHOSHI-counting on fingers-"I'm this many!"

MIKE: *to Ayeka* Is Mihoshi "really" that dumb?

AYEKA: Of course not!

>Michael and Daniel: That's Mihoshi for you!

CROW: Obviously this mst author is a Mihoshi hater.

>>ANGEL-disappearing-"Well, don't say I didnt warn you!"

>Michael: You should have listened to that Angel!

>>MIHOSHI-"I wonder what that was?" Sasami opens the door.

>Jason: That didn't make any sence.

TOM: Neither has anything in this fic, but hey, who's still noticing?

>Michael: This fic doesn't make any sence!

CROW: And the cauldron calls the kettle black once again.

>>SASAMI-"Mihoshi! You're home!" They hug. "Say, have you seen Ryo-oki?"

BOTS: *snicker*

>> Ayeka walks stickily and naked down the stairs. "Ayeka! What are you >>doing?"

>>AYEKA-with that look in her eye-"Oh..its nothing Sasami...why dont >>you...come upstairs with me...mmmmmmm..."

AYEKA: *has just regained her energy, and stands up, readying the logs* Not if I can help it!

MIKE: *pulls her back down* Don't worry. It's almost over.

>>SASAMI-"Mihoshi! I'm scared!"

>Misaki: Ayeka would never do something like that!

AYEKA: Finally! Something that makes sense!

>>MIHOSHI-"Me too! TENCHI! HELP!" Tenchi runs downstairs, taking care to >>cover himself with Ryoko.

>>TENCHI-"AAaah...fresh meat!"


MIKE: *feeling ill* That's a very bad image.

AYEKA: *horrified* I never like Ryoko, but I didn't ever want something like "this" to happen!

>>WASHU-from Tenchi's room-"Tenchi, hurry up! I haven't fucked for almost >>thirty seconds!"

>Michael: Washu is a Sadist?

>Ayeka: In this fic she must be!

>>KIYONE-Tenchi's room-"Look! I found a candle stick!"

>>WASHU-"It's mine!"

AYEKA: *has her hands over her face* This fic is a disgrace to our universe.

>>MIHOSHI-drawing her gun-"Run Sasami! Sasami? WAIT FOR ME!!!" Mihoshi >>runs away from the house in fast motion, just as someone else drives up.

>Michael: What's going on?!

CROW: Do you really want to know?

>>DUDE-"Hey, is anyone home?"

>Ayeka: Who's Dude?

CROW: Wait and find out you blithering idiot!

>Michael: I have no clue!

AYEKA: As if you ever had one!

>>TENCHI-"Hello? Can I help you? OW! Dammit Ryoko, stop bitin it!"


AYEKA: *feeling lightheaded* I think I'm going to faint.

>>DUDE-"Tenchi! It's me! Your long lost twin brother Bjorn!"

>Ayeka: Tenchi never had a brother named Bjorn!

MIKE: I guess he does "now."

CROW: And yet "another" odd plot contrivance.

>>TENCHI-"I haven't seen you for years! Come on in and fuck my girlfriends."

AYEKA: *has just fainted*

CROW: I guess she was expecting more horrible scenes.

>>____________________________________________________ _______________________>>_

TOM: Everyone dying. The best way to end "this" kind of fic.

>>NEWSCASTER-"...registered for castration. On the darker side of the news, >>a number of victims of what is being called a bizzare erotic cult were >>found today in a secluded mountain home. Police say the cause of death was >>self inflicted starvation.

TOM: Hey, now this is good news!

AYEKA: *wakes up* You mean it's over? *reads the lines* Yes! A happy ending!

>> Two witnesses have stepped forward in the investigation, a small girl, >>and a mentally challenged woman in her mid twenties.

BOTS: *snicker*

>> Neither was very helpful."

MIKE: I wouldn't doubt it.

AYEKA: That's my sister that you're including in your joke!



>>Another piece of fanfic artistry from Graffito Tag.

AYEKA: He's kidding, right?

>> I would appreciate reviews, and feel free to MST this (if you can).

CROW: We can, and we did.

TOM: We even meta mst'ed it.

AYEKA: Although my doppelgangers crew did an unsatisfactory job at it.

>> And if you thought it sucked, I'm sorry I wasted your time.

CROW: Apology accepted.

>Michael: Thank god that's over with!
>Jason: Yes it is!

TOM: Just one more crap of a fic left to go.

>Daniel: Michael what's are next fic to MST?

AYEKA: None, I hope!

>Michael: Guess?

MIKE: I'll take another bad lemon for 1000.

>Daniel: No not that not that fic!
>Misaki: What's wrong Daniel?
>Daniel whispers into Misaki's ear!
>Misaki: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! I will not let no one kill my >Little Sasami!

CROW: Yeah, that's great and all. Mind telling us what the hell you're talking about?

>Michael:Okay well I guess I'll close the meeting today!

>"Thanks for reading this MST!

TOM: Much to our protest.

AYEKA: Don't ever write one with me as your lover ever again! *pauses* In fact, don't ever write one at all!

CROW: All he needs is two genitalia, and he'll make a great Oscar.

MIKE: Crow, no.

> We will be makeing another MST in the future! However Misaki won't be in >the next one because she may end up killing everyone!"

MIKE: (as Misaki) Defile me and my daughter, will you?! ALL OF YOU MUST DIE!!

AYEKA: I can see her doing that, plus father and Funaho helping out.

>The Excalliber MM Takes off into warp speed!

CROW: And lands in a black hole.

TOM: What? No zinger at the end?

MIKE: Let's go now everyone.

[Everyone stands up, and exits the theater.]


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Bridge]

Mike and Ayeka were talking to each other, while Tom and Crow went to the bathroom to wash the "stupid" off of them.

"You've been a great guest, Ayeka." Said Mike. "We were glad to have you aboard."

"Thank you, Mike." She answered. "I'll just be glad to finally have Lord Tenchi to myself." Then she pushed the button to call Pearl, who immediately answered.


"So, how was the fic?"


"It was awful! How dare you show that piece of trash to me!"


Pearl just grinned. "I bet you're ready to go home now."


"Yes, very much."


"Good." Then her eyes brightened. "Oh that's right! We had a deal." Then she turned to Observer. "Brain guy, you may now send Ayeka back." Then she turned back to Ayeka. "As soon as you return, Ryoko will be transported over to the castle."

So Observer used his mind powers to teleport Ayeka to the portal, in which she shot a glance back at Mike, and entered the portal. Seconds later, she ran back through, panting. Ayeka shot a cold glare at Pearl.

"Who are those people after me?!"

Pearl smiled evilly before responding. "Those would be the child protection services. They feel that you've been overworking your sister, and have come to arrest you, along with the other members of the Masaki household."

Ayeka was furious. She readied her logs, and they surrounded Pearl.

"You did this! Call them off, NOW!!"

Pearl looked at the logs, and shook her head.

"I don't think you want to do that, princess."

"And why wouldn't I?!"

She then motioned to Observer, who used his mind powers to redirect the logs so that they targeted Ayeka.

"W-what's going on?!"

"You see, Brain guy here is omnipotent. In other words, he can do almost anything Washu can do."

"And that's doing good for others." Observer added.

"What do you want?" Ayeka asked icily.

"The only thing I ask is that you stick around for one more fic. I'll keep the CPS people away from your home until then. After that, `then' I'll bring Ryoko here for some experimentation."

"………….Fine! You win!" Then she made her logs vanish.

"Good. Brain guy, bring her back to the satellite."

"Yes, madam." Then he used his mind powers to teleport Ayeka back to the satellite. After that, he ended transmission. Finally, he turned towards Pearl. "Now, this deal you made with her. Are you really going to keep it?"

"Of course not." Answered Pearl. "What kind of villain do you take me for? I just want to torture her some more."

"But why?"

"Her father once stopped me from conquering a planet on the Jurai galaxy. So I intend to pay him back through his daughter."

Observer nodded in agreement. A couple of seconds later, Bobo came out, and he was holding takeout bags.

"I got the food you ordered." He said as he was passing it out to everyone. "Dinner is served."

So they sat down and ate.


Meanwhile, Ayeka had just finished explaining everything to Mike and the bots. They supported her, and then Gypsy brought out snacks.

"Snack time!" said Gypsy.

"Thank you." Said Ayeka. "At least being with such kind people as you will make this more pleasant."

"Less talk, more eating." Said Crow as he was wolfing down some slim jims.

"I thought you said that you didn't want to eat slim jims ever again." Said Mike.

"……….meh. I'll live with it." Then he continued eating.

So everyone just decided to calm down and eat.

End of meta-mst.

Well, that's it. Thank you for reading. Once again, my mst's can be found at the following:


shinjis archive of anime mst'ings.

My e-mail address is evil_reviewer@hotmail.com

Please send feedback. It's the only way I know if I'm doing a good job.

~~> "HI my name is Michael Bearden you saw me on NO NEED FOR EXTREAM >and Tenchi in America i'm the main captain
>of the Excalliber MM and I'm also a bounty hunter for the G.P." Michael said >introducing himself ~~