Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ MST of "Sasami's Lesbian Attraction." ❯ MST of "Sasami's Lesbian Attraction." ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Mystery Science Theater is the property of Best Brains Inc. Tenchi Muyo/Universe is the property of AIC and Pioneer. The original fic; "Sasami's lesbian attraction" is the property of Mogthemoogle, who has requested me to MST this.

MST #7

In the not too distant future.

Somewhere in time and space.

Mike Nelson and his robot pals

Are caught in an endless chase.

Pursued by a woman, whose name is Pearl.

Just an evil gal who wants to rule the world.

She put a few things in her purse

And in rocket ship she hunts them all across the univer-erse!


"I'll send them cheesy web posts.

The worst, I can find. (lalala)

He'll have to sit and read them all

While I monitor his mind." (lalala)

Now keep mind Mike can't control

Where the postings begin or end. (lalala)

He'll try to keep his sanity

With the help of his robot friends!

>>>Robot Roll Call<<<

CAMBOT! (You're on!)

GYPSY! (Oh my stars!)

TOM SERVO! (Check me out!)

CROOOOW! (I'm different!)

If you're wondering how they eat and breathe,

And other science facts. (lalala)

Then repeat to yourself it's just a post,

You should really just relax! For……

Mystery Science Theater 3000……..

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Bridge]


Mike and the bots were just lounging around, doing something unusual……nothing. They thought it best to just kick back and do nothing for today. While this was going on, the mad lights flashed. Looking at the button, Mike still did nothing. After a few more minutes of doing nothing, the satellite quaked, causing them to lose their balance. Things were falling from the ceiling, and the shaking was getting worse and worse.

Finally, Mike pressed the button, and the shaking immediately stopped.


"What the hell took you so long?!" Pearl asked furiously. "Any second longer would've caused me to start shooting holes in your satellite!"


"Sorry about that, Pearl." Mike said calmly. "We were just feeling so relaxed that we didn't notice you calling."


"Well then I hope it was worth it." Then she pulled out a large strand of paper. "Since there are a shortage of blatantly horrible fics at the moment, I think I'll tide you over with a `stupidly' horrible fic. It's called "Sasami's lesbian attraction." I can guarantee that it'll make you cringe many, many times."


"Oh, okay." Was the only thing Mike said.


"Still calm, eh?" Then she brought a little girl in turquoise hair and wide pink eyes into view.


Seeing this caused the bots to jump in horror.

"Ew! What is that thing?" asked Crow.

"That's the weirdest monstrosity I've ever seen!" exclaimed Tom.

"That's not Chibi-usa, is it?" Mike asked nervously.


"No, you buffoons." Answered Pearl. "This is Sasami. You know, from the Tenchi series? She's going to be the guest for today's experiment."


Mike and the bots looked closer.

"Are you sure?" asked Mike. "She seems to be on LSD or something."


Sasami lowered her head in sadness. "That's because I'm the Sasami from Shin Tenchi."


"Well no wonder!" said Tom. "For a second there, I was getting a little nervous."


Pearl shrugged. "Washu hid the `real' Sasami, so I had to settle for this cheap knockoff."

Sasami looked at Pearl with a sense of hurt in her eyes. "Well it's not `my' fault Pioneer thought they could get away with being lazy!"

"Yes, this is true. But let's put that all behind us now. You get to watch this fic with Mike and his little pea brained pods." Then he turned to Mike. "And just for taking so long to answer, I'm sending you some SPAM first!" Then she turned to Observer. "Send them their guest, and then the SPAM."

"Yes, madam." He then used his mind powers to send Sasami to the satellite, and the SPAM into the theater. After that, he ended transmission.


The bots looked at Sasami.

"So," Tom started, "can you cook just as good as the other Sasami's?"

Sasami nodded cheerfully, a smile beaming from her face.

"Well, at least we'll be eating well."

Suddenly, the sirens went off.

"We got fic sign!" shouted Mike.

So the group rushed to the theater.

[6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Theater]

*Mike and the bots took their usual seats. Sasami is sitting next to Tom.*

SASAMI: So, do you guys have fun watching these things?

BOTS: *stifling a laugh*

SASAMI: *confused*

MIKE: You'll soon see.

>Dear Sir,

TOM: Or ma'am, or it.

>I am Mr. Simons Koopmans,

MIKE: Pleased to meet you Simons. Well, not really.

SASAMI: How many of them are there?

> an official with one of the international bank in


CROW: Who apparently knows English very well.

> My colleagues and I have an urgent and very confidential business

>proposal for you.

TOM: *in French accent* Join us now and ztop zose American peegz!

> On the 6th of June 1998 an American gold miner in south Africa

>ran an account with us and his present balance is valued at US$16,500,000.00

TOM: The Swiss banks turned him down, and had to resort to a cheap knock off.

>(Sixteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only)


MIKE: Yeah. They couldn't take any more of his monopoly money.

>in my Bank.

TOM: (as narrator) Remember; in "my" bank!

>We sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. >After

>a month, we sent a reminder and finally, we discovered from his employers >that

>he died from an automobile accident. On further investigation, we found out >from

>his account file that he never made a will and all attempt to trace his next >of

>kin was fruitless, as he had none.

CROW: Realizing that this money was now untraceable, the bigwigs in the Netherlands proceeded to throw the biggest house party the world has ever seen!

>We therefore made further investigations and discovered that he did not >declare

>any next of kin or relations in all his official documents in the Bank >files.

>This sum of $16.5 Million is still lying in the bank and the principal sum >and

>interest is being rolled over at the end of every year. As it is now, no one

>will ever come forward to claim this money. According to the Netherlands >law, at

>the expiration of 5 (five) years, the money will revert to the ownership of >the

>Government if unclaimed.

TOM: (as narrator) So "we" decided to claim it! We have never been so happy!

>Consequently, my proposal is that I would like you to stand in as the next >of

>kin. This is simple; all we need is some of your details so that the >Attorney

>will prepare the necessary documents and affidavits which would put you in >place

>as next of kin. An accredited Attorney will draft and notarise all necessary

>documents and letters of probate/administration in your favour for the >transfer.

TOM: So let me get this straight. Any "one" of them can claim either themselves or their family or friends as next of kin, but they're going to give "us" that opportunity instead?

MIKE: Sounds like it.

TOM: Just making sure.

>The money would be shared in the ration that we both shall agree upon.

MIKE: (as narrator) We get everything and then some, while `you' get stuck with the bill.

> There is

>no risk at all as the paperwork for this transaction will be done by the

>Attorney and my position as a manager guarantees the successful execution of

>this transaction.

MIKE: (as narrator) All you have to do is stick your head in a guillotine. We promise nothing will happen.

> If you are interested, please reply immediately via email.


>Please observe utmost confidentiality and be rest assured that this >transaction

>would be most profitable for us.

TOM: (as narrator) The less you know about us, the better.

> I shall still require your assistance to invest

>my own share in your country just incase you can help; otherwise we'll take >our share.

MIKE: (as person) Wow! I get to be rich! Now why isn't anyone replying?

TOM: (as announcer) Hehehehe. Sucker!

>Awaiting your urgent response.

TOM: (as narrator) Because we can't get our greedy hands on this money until `you' call in to be our patsy!

>Best regards,

CROW: (as narrator) For me.

Mr. Simons Koopmans


CROW: Is that even a real name?

MIKE: It sounds like a mixture of Simon Belmont and King Koopa.

SASAMI: Well, the actual fic is starting.

TOM: Out of the frying pan, and into the fire.

>uncle mogs pervie story!!!

MIKE: You know, this kind of Uncle is the reason why there are so many messed up kids nowadays.

>please note sasami is 16 yrs old here!

ALL: *sigh in relief*


CROW: If you'd seen "Erotic Torture Chamber", you'd know why we're so relieved.

MIKE: Isn't 16 still considered underage?

CROW: Is shutting up that hard to do, Mike?


MIKE: ……finish…………………… ;………

>sasami had cleaned the entire house before
>anyone woke up this morning.

TOM: Now "that's" what I call a true ninja.

SASAMI: *shrugs* It's true.

>she stood looking at the clean house with a
>smug look.

TOM: (as Sasami) Wait until they notice how `good' I waxed the floors.

>she sat down and turned on the tv, it was digimon
>tamers...a good show.

CROW: Insert plug here.

>after the show sasami turned the tv off and sat on
>the couch enjoying the silence.
>sasami heard a strange noise from the tv,a buzzing

CROW: That's, usually a bad thing.

MIKE: This would be a good time to invest in a tv that `doesn't' electrocute.

> then a digital egg apeared on her lap.
>she looked down at it and cocked her head to
>the side.

TOM: Is this making any sense to you guys?

SASAMI: Um……an egg teleported through the tv?

TOM: Yes, but how and why?

TOM: Welcome to pointless fanfiction, Sasami.

>it began to shake and crack. then a bright flash apeared
>and then faded.
>when she opened her eyes she saw something that
>instantly made her happy

CROW: The CPS, after years of delay, have finally come to give Sasami a rest.


MIKE: Um……okay……

CROW: So, Sasami is happy to see a Jolteon?

TOM: (as Sasami) This'll teach `em to work me night and day!

>renamon stood in front of sasami and said
>"you are my new master,uh...sa..sa..."
>"sasami!" sasami said.

CROW: *to Sasami* Sheesh! You'd think a talking Jolteon that stands upright would be impressive enough!

SASAMI: My fic self doesn't, but "I'm" impressed!

MIKE: *sighs* You guys. That isn't a pokemon.

>"uh yes,sasami!" renamon replied."I am youre
>digimon...youre friend and servant."
>renamon bowed.
>this was strange.

MIKE: Sasami always thought that Digimon were supposed to be `her' servants, not the other way around.

> sasami always thought renamon
>was kinda grumpy and quiet but this one was
>nervous and sweet. sasami found herself
>scanning up and down renamons body.
>now that she was real sasami could see her
>nipples and vagina even though only a little
>through her fur.

CROW: You know, that really could've gone without being mentioned.

>sasami started getting a little hot looking at
>her new friend and found herself gawking at
>renamons breasts.

TOM: *whiny voice* Mike! Sasami's suggesting bestiality

>sasami then looked confused and closed her eyes.
>"Im not a lesbian...why am I?..."

CROW: (as Sasami)…… being a lesbian with zoophilia?

TOM: Crow! I have bad enough images of certain hermaphrodites as it is!

CROW: Sorry!

> sasami's
>thoughts drifted off to renamon kissing and
>carresing her, placing her soft paws on sasami
>in variuos places...
>then sasami opened her eyes.
>renamon was standing still.

CROW: (as Renamon) What a sick freak!

>"would you do whatever I wanted?" sasami asked.
>"yes, you are my master." renamon replied.
>sasami smiled...
>"then I will test youre loyalty." sasami said.

TOM: (as Sasami) I want you to go upstairs and use your thunder wave on everybody!

>"I want you to touch youre vagina and rub it."
>renamon looked shocked and embaressed.
>"re...r...really?" renamon asked
>"yes"sasami answered
>"he...here?" she asked again"
>"yes"sasami replied.

CROW: This is taking your love for a pokemon a little too far.

MIKE: Guys, it's………*sighs* Never mind.

>renamon took a deep breath,cuasing her breasts
>to move forword and back.
>then she moved her hand down and placed it
>gently on her own vagina.

SASAMI: I thought animals had paws?

MIKE: Smile and nod.

>renamon jutted, she had never felt this before.

MIKE: Then again, I never knew animals could masturbate, but hey! We live and learn.

>she pushed a finger in and moaned softly...
>then pushed her second finger in and shook
>slightly then put her final finger in and started
>to rub her insides slowly...

SASAMI: *shutting her eyes* This is sick! How could you watch things like this!

MIKE: Nerves of steel and strong stomachs.

>renamon moaned and started to pant,she couldnt
>sweat so she felt very hot.

MIKE: This would normally kill a canine, but once again, that's just my opinion.

> she moved her
>other hand down and started to thrust both hands
>in and out of her wet pussy.

BOTS: O_o?!

TOM: So animals dilate too?

MIKE: Yuck! Thanks for the image, Tom!

> she fell to the floor
>with her legs wide open and noticed sasami watching

CROW: Wanting privacy, she thunder bolted Sasami's ass from her to next week!

> renamon blushed and then the muscles in
>her legs tightened,it got harder to breath,the
>pleasure was extreme,then...renamon's cum sprayed
>onto the floor and the front of sasami's dress.

TOM: Anyone else finding this `fountain of fluids' over used and exaggerated?

>she put her finger into the cum then into her
>mouth,it tasted very good to her.

TOM: There's `another' over used and exaggerated thing!

CROW: And you would know this, how?
TOM: ……Shut up, Crow!

>then she sat next to sasami panting and blushing.
>"good! now I want you!"
>renamon looked a little confused and slightly used.
>"I want you to touch my breasts!" sasami said.
>sasami undid the top of her dress and exposed her
>very large chest.
>"are you sure?" renamon asked.
>"yes now just do what I tell you dammit!!!"
>sasami yelled.


MIKE: *sarcastic* Yep. That's the Sasami we all know.

CROW: Why couldn't uncle mog tell us a `better' story?

>renamon felt like sasami only wanted sex and not
>a friend she felt used and sad plus she was not
>attracted to other females.

TOM: Yet she didn't mind masturbating in front of one.

>renamon held back tears and put a paw on each
>of sasami's breasts.
>"thats right,now massage them." sasami said.
>renamon began to paw sasami's chest.

CROW: Causing friction, and thus unleashing her most powerful thunder attack!

>"now suck my nipple!" sasami moaned.
>renamon's ears fell back as she went forword
>and placed sasami's right nipple in her mouth and
>started to suck it.

CROW: Her sharp teeth and fangs, however, kept piercing her a new hole.

>renamon put her left paw on sasami's left nipple
>and began to play with it.

TOM: (as Sasami) Hey! I didn't ask you to do `that!'

>"oh renamon..."sasami moaned."now rub my cunt!"
>renamon paused for a moment

MIKE: ……realizing how much of a zoophiliac Sasami was.

> then slipped her right
>paw into sasami's panties.
>renamon placed only two fingers into sasami
>because she didnt want to hurt her.
>"put all of them in!" sasami said.
>renamon then put her whole paw inside sasami's

TOM: *head is smoking*

CROW: Aagghh!! It's the "Erotic Torture Chamber" all over again!!

> she felt sasami's fluids leaking as she
>stroked sasami. sasami moaned and hugged renamon
>tightly. renamon started to rub sasami's clit
>and sasami started to thrash around slightly.

SASAMI: *closing her eyes again*
MIKE: I think Pearl chose too young of a special guest this time.

CROW: Man, that's one flexible pokemon!

>sasami put her hand on renamon's ass and
>played with it.

TOM: *head explodes*

CROW: @_@! Can't……take……Oscar……Padilla…̷ 0;combo……much……longer!

>renamon started to cry silently.

MIKE: You know things are starting to get messed up when even the animal realizes how wrong this is.

TOM: *head repaired* Quick! Thunderbolt her ass!

>sasami moaned louder and ordered renamon to go faster.
>renamon went as fast as she could in and out of
>sasami's pussy.

TOM: *head is smoking again* Oh no! No more bestiality scenes!!

>sasami wrapped her legs around renamon's arm

CROW: That must be a `very' big Jolteon.

>and the cummed all up rena's arm and down the
>renamon pulled her hand away.
>"now renamon... I want to pleasure you at the
>same time you pleasure me!" sasami said.
>"how?" renamon asked.

CROW: Uh-oh.

SASAMI: What? What is it?

MIKE: *to Sasami* You might want to close your eyes again.

SASAMI: *quickly does so*

>sasami took all of her clothes off and
>laid renamon onto the floor.
>she climbed onto renamon and stuck her pussy
>in renamon's face.

TOM: *head is vibrating while smoking*

>"like this...I'll lick youre vagina while you
>lick mine!" sasami srtarted to lick around the outside
>of renamon's pussy.

TOM: *head explodes*

@_@! *shorts out*

>renamon felt hot again,she actually wanted it.

MIKE: *while rebooting Crow* You mean she wanted spontaneous combustion?

>renamon started mimicing sasami's every move.
>sasami slipped her tongue into renamon's now
>wet again vagina.
>renamon did the same to sasami.
>sasami started to lick rena's clit.

MIKE: *finished rebooting Crow* You know, I'm finally starting to fully understand why you guys are afraid of Oscarfics.

CROW: Glad to see you've stepped into the light.

>renamon moaned loud,it was even better than
>her own touch it was amazing.

CROW: So was Sasami thinking this, or Renamon?

MIKE: Does it matter?

TOM: *head is repaired* Is it over yet?

>renamon started to lick sasami wildly,swallowing
>every stream of fluid.
>renamon arched her back and began to cum into
>sasami's mouth.

TOM: Dammit! *head explodes again*

>sasami kept licking and cummed into renamon's
>even though they had an orgasm thet kept licking
>and licking and...

CROW: And spewing and spewing………

>sasami woke up and noticed she was masturbating
>on the floor in her sleep.

TOM: *head is repaired* Huh? *reads the last line* Phew! *to the fic* Don't scare us like that!

CROW: I feel `so much' relieved right now.

MIKE: Yeah, me too.

SASAMI: *opens her eyes* So it was just a dream?

MIKE: That's what we're hoping.

>"WHAT THE HELL?" tenchi asked.
>"uhh..."sasami said.

TOM: (as Sasami) Um, I was sleepwalking! Yeah, that's it! I wasn't watching the Adult channel! Honest!

>renamon woke up in her bed.

MIKE: So Renamon is pretty pampered.

TOM: I envy that pokemon.

>she was licking her paws and her tail was
>was whisking against her pussy.
>"renamon are you okay?" asked ruki."are you...
>ya know...uh,playing with yourself?"

CROW: Ruki is kinda stupid, isn't she?

>renamon blushed and sat up.

TOM: Being really angry with Ruki walking in on her, decides to thunder wave her, followed by a thunderbolt, and finally, Pin missile!

MIKE: You guys and your Pokemon.

SASAMI: *to Mike* Don't worry. I believed you when you said it was Digimon.

MIKE: Thanks.

>how did you like it?

TOM: Say, Uncle Mog, ya think you could actually tell us a `good' lemon story? You know, something that doesn't involve rape or Oscarisms?

>this was my first lemon and there will be another...

CROW: A warning of doom to us all.

>I would like to hear youre opinions.

MIKE: I thought that `we' were giving the opinions.

CROW: Well, you are what you……uh……say……

so e-mail me at luigimario87@yahoo.com

CROW: Is that the same luigimario from that horrible Mario brothers movie?

MIKE: I knew that John Leguizamo played some weird parts, but this has to take the cake.

please give reviews!!!!

MIKE: Not unless you want our negative opinions.

SASAMI: Is it over?

MIKE: Yeah.

*So the group leaves the theater*

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Bridge]

Mike and the bots were saying good bye to Shin Sasami as Pearl whisked her away back to her world. After that was done, Pearl spoke to them.


"Well, it seems that although the last experiment had almost everything an evil fic could need, it still lacked the major concept to drive someone insane." Then she noted down the words `confusing plots' and `extreme stupidity.' Then she turned back to Mike. "Well, time to find the perfect fic of evil. Enjoy yourselves." Then she ended transmission.


So Mike and the bots decided to go back to what they were doing before……nothing.

That is, until an aroma filled the satellite. They followed the trail to the kitchen. When they arrived, they saw a feast on the table, along with a note. Mike picked it up, and read it aloud:

"Dear Mike and friends,

I'm sorry you had to watch such a bad movie. I made you some tasty food just before I left. I hope you enjoy it. ~Sasami"

The bots looked around.

"Well, it `looks' edible." Crow said. "I wonder how she managed to cook the food so fast?"

"Well, like I always said, smile and nod." Mike said as he was helping himself to the many delicacies.

The bots did the same as well.

*Roll Credits*

Well, There you go. Also, thank you mogthemoogle for giving me this material.

For those who want to contact me, my email address is evil_reviewer@hotmail.com

Remember; most of my mst'ings can be found at www.mediaminer.org

It is found under the `search by author' category, when you type in "evil eye".

~~."I am youre digimon...youre friend and servant."~~