Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ MST: Tenchi Girls Fantasies! ❯ Part 1!: The prolouge. ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I am a fan of the Tenchi Muyo series. I do not own any of the characters. I write only for fun. This has adult terms and ideas. This is NC-17 for multiple sex acts. There is no Sakuya.

Tenchi Girls' Fantasies

Prologue : Dream Machine

All: *cough and mutter*

One dark and slightly stormy night, everyone was watching the rain outside.

"This is stupid. It's been raining for three days." Sasami whined.

Lucky 7: And on the 40th night, the rain stopped.

"I know, little sis. But we must stay here. After all, this rain is making us all depressed." Ayeka said.

Batarax: So why stay looking at it? Go in Washu's lab and bust it up or something! Woo! *grabs a lead pipe*

"I hate to say this. But Ayeka's right. This rain is, well, raining on my plans." Ryoko said.

Suzuki: So, your plans are laying outside?

"What plans? You know Tenchi left five days ago." Kiyone said.

"Six days, Kiyone, six days." Mihoshi sighed.

Grimreaper: Mihoshi, gain an IQ point recently?

Ryo-Ohki was fast asleep. Everyone decided to stare at that. Ryo-Ohki was not as boring as everyone thought. The reason is because she was more boring than they thought.

Lucky 7: Was that a poor attempt at a joke?

`I wonder' Sasami thought.

Grimreaper: I don't.

Sasami walked slowly and quietly to Ryo-Ohki.

"Uh, Sasami," Ayeka asked.

Sasami shushed her. Sasami continued. She moved right behind Ryo-Ohki. She carefully picked her up and looked at her in a different angle.

Suzuki *Sasami*: Ryo-okhi's 3d, right?

"The heck are you doing?" Mihoshi asked.

"Ryo-Ohki's a girl?" Sasami asked in a bored tone.

The others nodded.

"Well I'm so bored that I want to see if she has a vagina like us." Sasami said still in a bored tone.

Animé sweat drops appeared on the others heads.

"That made no sense." Kiyone said.

Lucky 7: *mutters something about writers style*

"Even I'm not that dumb." Mihoshi said.

Suzuki *Mihoshi*: Wait....yes I am.

Ayeka and Ryoko nodded together. Sasami placed Ryo-Ohki down.

"I am so bored."

"Not for long." A cheerful Washu said.

"Little Washu, I do not have the mental energy to handle you." Ayeka said.


"I know you're all bored. So was I. But being `The Greatest Genius in the Universe'," boosted Washu.

That made the other girls sick.

Grimreaper: I think we would to if Washu really did boost herself.

"I had invented a special machine for rainy days like this,"

The others looked at her.

"Please follow me."

Everyone looked at her in depressed way. They followed Little Washu to her lab. It was bigger they last was in there. But it must be the boredom affecting their eyes. They followed the runt to an odd machine.

Batarax: SMASHY SMASHY TIME! *hits the screen with lead pipe, but as soon as he does, turns into an ice-cube*

"Here we are." Washu said.

Everyone looked at it. The boredom slowly melted away.

"It looks like a silver circle." Sasami said with a little interest.

"It is, Sasami," Washu said. "But it's more than that."

All *Washu*: NOT!!

"Oh?" Ryoko said.

"It is a gateway to a special dimension." Washu said.

"Which dimension?" Ryoko asked.

"One called: Realm of Dreams," Washu said.

Lucky 7: Plot device!

The others looked at each other.

"The Realm of Dreams is special for one simple reason," Washu started to explain. "It can make any and all pleasant thoughts and wishes into something realer than reality."

Suzuki: Yeah, great and all, but being realer than reality is impossible.
Lucky 7: Yeah, for a start realer isn't a word and hmm....reality: 1 : the quality or state of being real
2 a (1) : a real event, entity, or state of affairs <his dream became a reality> (2) : the totality of real things and events <trying to escape from reality> b : something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily
- in reality : in actual fact

"It that possible?" Kiyone asked Mihoshi.

"I have no idea." Mihoshi said back.

"Good move." Ayeka said.

Washu faked a cough. The others looked at her.

All *Washu*: COUGH!

"As I was saying," Washu said. "Since Tenchi will be gone until the end of the month because of a card tournament of, of,"

"Rune Raiders." Sasami said.

Lucky 7: Rune Raiders? What the hell is that?

"Whatever," Washu said annoyed. "Anyway, you can enter this place and act out your favorite dream."

"All of us?" Ayeka asked.

Grimreaper: Ayeka IS redundant!

"Sound like something I would say." Mihoshi said laughing.

Washu rolled her eyes.

"This is just the prototype. However, it is completely safe." Washu said.

"Why do I feel not all that confident about that?" Ryoko said bitterly.

"Trust me," Washu said. "I only made haft of the machine. Someone or something made the other. It will not kill you, just your boredom."

Suzuki: If something else made the other half I wouldn't exactly trust it.

Washu ended with a catlike smile. That was enough to make the others agree to go. Washu turned and activated the gate. A silver portal opened.

"Very SG-1." Mihoshi said.

"I have two others things to say," Washu said. "In your dream, all of us will be in it. Tenchi will be there too. You can do what you want without getting into trouble."

"What's the other thing?" Ryoko asked.

"I'll be recording the POV of all the girls from the dreams. It'll make it more interesting to watch again." Washu said with a catlike smile.

Lucky 7: That's....hmm....every girl, 7, 1 chapter for each girls point of view, 7 again, 7 times 7 is 49!
All: Hoo, boy.

The others looked at each other and smiled.

"Okay, Little Washu, I guess we're ready." Ayeka said.

"Great," Washu said. "Are you ready to experience the greatest thing in your live?"

"Hai!" all the girls said.

*Hai is Japanese for yes.*

Grimreaper: *dons a Trowa like voice* And while the rest of the fic is in english, this single sentence is spoken in Japanese.

Washu smiled as the all girl entered the portal.

Lucky 7: So all of the girls count as one all girl now?

If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please send them to DarkMorphmon@aol.com

Suzuki: SPAM TIME!
And now, as per usual, our final thought
Grimreaper: *still with Trowa like voice* And while the rest of the fic is in english, this single sentence is spoken in Japanese.
Batarax: S-s-s-s-oo v-v-v-er-y c-c-c-c-c-old
Suzuki: Why the hell are they trusting something Washu only half built?!