Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect Princess ❯ Ch. 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Ch. 12-Contact



By now, we were all running down the hall, not caring whether or not anyone saw us. The servants gave me the strangest look; because I was in my wedding dress, and not going to the 'ceremony room'.

I did not care.

When we got to the room the servant told us of, we all looked up to see Maladins face smirking at us.

"Where is Ashli!?" I shouted at him, truly annoyed.

He made a 'tsk tsk' sound. "Really, Princess, is that any way to treat your soon-to-be husband?"

Before I could answer, Tenchi AND Ryoko stepped in front of me.

"We'll never let you marry her you-"

"I think you will; once you hear the terms."

We all fell silent.

"Now," he began talking again, the triumphant look on his face even bigger than before, " the wedding will go as planned, and none of you will stop me. If you do, the Empress will have..shall we say, an 'accident'? while she is here. If that happens, goodness, her kingdom will be in an uproar, and surely a war will start. Now none of us would want something like that to happen, now would we?"

I could hear both Tenchi and Ryoko growl at the image, but did not move.

"You are a cruel person to do such a thing, Maladin," my Father spoke. "But give us time to consider such things."

"Very well. You have...one hour."


Father soon left after the transmission ended, to annonce to the guests that the wedding was being postponed until tomorrow evening.

Why say postpone it, you say? He did this so as not to alarm the guests of what was happening.

As he was doing this, he was also fatching Lady Katarina, the reinging regent when Empress Ashli had other business to attend to. Lady Katarina was also known as Sailor Sun.

Once we were sure that Father was gone and down the hall, I threw myself at Tenchi, breaking into loud sobs.

Unprincess-like? Absolutely. Did I care? Not right now.

"What are we going to do Tenchi!? He kidnapped her, and..and -" I continued to wail, not knowing WHY I was hugging him, when he and Ryoko seemed to be involved now...

"Hey! Get off my guy, Princess!" Before I could turn, Ryoko grabbed me, roughly, and shoved me away. The look on my face betrayed everything I was trained to hide.

Why was she being so insensitive?

"Ryoko, that was mean! You shouldn't be so mean to people! I thought you and Ayeka were getting along..." Dear, sweet Sasami said from where she was, standing next to Washu.

" Yea, Ryoko, you shouldn't have pushed her like that..." Tenchi said; he seemed suddenly captivated by Ryoko.

"Just protecting you Tenchi..."

Why are they doing this now!? This is no time for...making out!

"Couldn't you two go and do that later! We have to get Ashli from Maladin, or there will be a war! Do you care about that!?" I let a deal of fury into that remark, making them look up at me in surprise. Washu looked up from her computer, and both Mihoshi and Kiyone looked up from the map they had on the computer.

"Hm...yea, me and Tenchi can wait until tonight. Thats when its more fun anyway." Ryoko gave Tenchi one last seductive smile, then let go of him.

"Have you come up with anything yet Washu?" Kiyone asked from the larger computer.

The little red-haired scientist/genius glanced up. "I think so. He seems to be up in orbit around Jurai now. But how would we get up there unnoticed?"

"Couldn't you come up with something little Washu?"

"I'm sorry Sasami, but it would take me to long to make anything useful."

We all sat in silence for the moment.

"I know how you can get up there."

A young, royal voice broke the silence. I abrubtly turned to see who dared to come in unannounced.

It was Lady Katarina.

She was tall, at least as tall as Kiyone, with sandy blonde hair. Her purple eyes stood out tremendously with the sky blue dress she had chosen to wear.

"Lady Katarina. I see my father did find you."

"Yes, that he did Majesty. But who are your friends?I don't believe I've ever seen them around before."

Introductions were given quickly.

Washu then looked up to her. "You said you could get us into his ship without anyone else knowing?"

Katarina bobbed her head in a nod.

"That I can do, yes."

"How? I've checked the ship out, there are defenses for almost everything!"

Katarina chuckled at Washu.

"You said the magic word, Miss Washu. *almost*. He cannot have a defense against what I am going to use."

"Just what would that be lady? A ship? Or a royal tantrum?" Ryoko scrutinized the girl.

Katarina took it all calmly.

"No. I will teleport us all up there. Along with help from the Jurian power, of course. If Ayeka will help me."

"Of course I will help."

"Then lets get to it. SUN CRISIS POWER!"

There was a blinding light, and in the place of Lady Katarina, stood one of the Empress's Royal Guardians, Sailor Sun.


Wel l, Chapter 12! Just a few more to go! As always, thank you for the reviews I am still getting, and please Review!

Claimer: Sailor Sun / Katarina belongs to me. She is not meant to copy off of anyone else's Sailor Sun.

~Lady Sapphire Star

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