Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Therapy: Tenchi Style ❯ Ayeka ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: If I didn't own Tenchi Muyo in the last chapter, what makes you think I have gotten the money to buy it since then?
A/N: I have been getting very mixed reviews about this story. Some have been straight out flames. The only reason I am continuing to post is because the story is written in its entirety except for the last chapter. Besides, I hate leaving a story incomplete. I feel that if I start a writing project, I must see it through to the end. For those who hate this story: first, why are you still reading. Secondly, this story was mainly meant for friends who know me and share a similar sense of humor. Either way, I hope you do enjoy.
A few days after my break-up found me sitting on my bedroom floor with a trash can in front of me and a box of the remnants of my broken relationship on the floor beside me. As most women are when in such a circumstance, I was determined to move on, and part of that moving on for me consisted of destroying all the objects I had to remind me of him.
Picking up a note he had left me under my windshield wiper blade, I ripped it in half with a feeling of great satisfaction. I ripped the note again through the words “love” and his name. With each rip, my smile grew as I felt myself being loosed from the burden of my old relationship, as well as feeling the release of tension caused by my anger lessening with each tear I made.
As luck would have it, I was inevitably interrupted from my own therapy by a soft voice from my doorway.
“Oh dear. Is this a bad time?” the female figure asked in her sweet tones.
I lifted a brow and shrugged. “I guess not. Is there something I can do for you?” I asked, dreading that there in fact would be something with which I could help her.
“Well, I actually came by to talk with you about some things,” my visitor spoke hesitantly. I guess I hadn't looked exactly hospitable when she had arrived.
“Are you here inquiring about a possible therapy session?”
The lady nodded graciously. “Yes, that would be the reason for my visit.”
“All right.” I smiled and leaned over to retrieve my appointment book from my bookcase. “So, what's your name?”
“Ayeka, Princess Ayeka of planet Jurai.” The lady now known to me as Ayeka gave a graceful curtsy.
“So…would Thursday of next week be good? How about around three?” I actually didn't have a session that day.
“Well…Uh, actually I was hoping to speak with you today.” Ayeka smiled almost shyly.
I couldn't hold back my sigh. “I don't do same day appointments.”
“I heard from Kiyone that you made an exception for Ryoko. Are you trying to say I'm not worth the same attention as that vile woman?!” The more Ayeka spoke, the angrier she became. The angrier she became, the scarier she became.
Sighing once again, I looked to see if I had time to deal with the Queen of Sheba. I had plenty of time. Lucky me.
“Why don't you have a seat?” I motioned to a chair with a smile.
“Thank you so much,” Ayeka graciously accepted my offer, a smile returning to her face.
“So….” I drew out. “I'm assuming there is a reason behind this little visit.”
“Oh yes, there certainly is,” Ayeka nodded brightly.
I waited a few moments before speaking again. “And that reason would be?”
“Oh!” Ayeka smiled. “I guess I should explain.”
I nodded. “That's usually how this arrangement works.”
“Alright.” Ayeka thought for a moment before continuing. “Well, you see-…there is this boy.”
At that point, I already knew I should have delayed this particular session. I definitely did not want to help someone else work out their relationship issues right after mine had ended on such a sour note only hours earlier. Definitely, bad timing.
With a heavy sigh, I decided to take the plunge. “Well, what about this boy? What's his name?” I prompted.
“Well, his name is Tenchi Masaki.” A slight blush began developing on the princess's cheeks.
“So, you like him? Is that it?” I guessed. “Is he cute?”
Ayeka nodded. “Yes, Lord Tenchi is very handsome. But the problem isn't in my affections for him.”
“Is the problem in his affections for you?”
“Heaven's, no!” Ayeka shook her head. “The problem is another woman who wants Lord Tenchi's love.”
Just to clarify things, I broke in with a question. “Just out of curiosity, are either of you in a serious, committed relationship with this Tenchi fellow?”
“No,” Ayeka shook her head once again.
“Well, in that case, you should relax and let things develop naturally. If this Tenchi guy is interested in either of you, he'll let you know when he's ready. Pressuring him will only make him more reluctant. Besides, it's not very healthy to pine away for someone who does not return an equally exclusive amount of feelings for you,” I summarized my feelings and advice on the matter.
Normally, my monologue would have ended a session. I would wish my patient luck and show them the door. Unfortunately, the confused look on Ayeka's face told me we were far from finished.
“I'm sorry,” Ayeka spoke. “I do believe I have led you away from the real reason for my visit.”
“Continue then,” I nodded encouragingly. “I didn't mean to jump the gun.”
“The true problem is that I don't feel anything for Tenchi other than friendship. Sure, he's good-looking, sweet and intelligent, but I just don't feel anything for him. Besides, I am engaged to be married whenever I find my betrothed, Yosho.”
“Have you led Tenchi to believe you have deeper feelings for him?” I questioned.
“Well, I suppose I might have,” Ayeka answered thoughtfully. “Then again, it always was a competition between Ryoko and I for Lord Tenchi's affections.”
“I see,” I responded and gave myself a moment for thought. Somehow, all this just was not adding up correctly. I knew I had to be missing something vital. “What I would like to understand is: why have you been competing against Ryoko for Tenchi when you really don't even want to be with him?”
A quick, almost invisible twitch crossed Ayeka's face while her mind raced for the answer. “Well, I suppose it's because competing with Ryoko angers her. She is amusing when furious, and in a way it is something to pass the time since I am stuck on this planet due to technical difficulties and unable to continue my search for Yosho,” Ayeka finally surmised with a wistful look gracing her violet eyes.
“So, what you're saying is: you flirt with Tenchi to get a reaction from Ryoko. Am I correct?” I was desperately trying to shine a light on the mystery I knew I was close to uncovering.
“When you put it that way, yes, I suppose that is so,” Ayeka agreed with a slight frown.
I gave myself yet another moment to think before continuing my probing for the real problem. “My next question is: why are you so desperate to get attention from Ryoko, especially since you referred to her as `vile' earlier today? There are a lot of things to do on this planet, hobbies and such. Why is Ryoko's anger such a fascination for you?”
Ayeka's eyes had grown huge during my question, but her fire had gone back down to a smolder by the time she answered. “I don't know.”
“Are you sure you don't know, or are you simply not wanting to tell me?” From the look on her face, it was the latter. This issue was the reason behind Princess Ayeka's visit.
“I suppose I admire that woman,” Ayeka finally answered me in a slightly testy tone.
“And you want me to advise you on how to cultivate a relationship with someone you have been at odds with for so very long. Am I correct?” I took a stab in the dark.
“Well, yes actually,” Ayeka smiled. “That is precisely it!”
“The first step would be to have a positive attitude when Ryoko's around. Don't always put her down by calling her `vile', and slowly start to show a growing interest in her and her well-being and personal interests and pursuits,” I advised.
“And if I do this, we will become friends?” Ayeka asked longingly.
“I won't guarantee anything other than it will improve your relationship from where you are now.” She seemed to be getting the general idea and the desire to change is a must.
“All right then. I'll give it a try!” Ayeka beamed.
“Good girl!” I smiled before noticing my patient didn't seem to be moving. “Was there something else?” I questioned with a raised brow.
“Well, uh, no,” Ayeka answered with a shake of her head.
I gave the girl another moment to act before speaking again. “Well, I hope you have a nice day.”
After blinking a couple of times, Ayeka nodded her understanding before standing and bowing graciously. “Arigato. And you have a nice day as well.”
“No problem and good luck,” I bode the foreign princess farewell as she exited my office. Hopefully, though not likely, this would be our last session. With those final thoughts, I quickly jotted some session notes in a new notebook I labeled for Princess Ayeka and then went back to destroying those darned love letters from Prince Un-charming.
A/N: Well, did you like this chapter. I hope you did. Either way, please leave a review, not a flame. Nothing constructive ever came from a flame. Peace and Out.