Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ What About Kiyone ❯ Under Cover ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2: Under cover

Kiyone closed the door to their apartment with a sigh. Today had started out ok, and Mihoshi hadn't had any "accidents" all day. In fact Mihoshi had performed flawlessly, just like the good old days. Mihoshi wasn't always a "bubble head" as Washu had once called her. She was the only person to out perform her in the academy. Which wasn't all that surprising considering Mihoshi was the one who invented the probability cubes that are now standard issue to all GP members. Mihoshi had left the science academy (and Washus' classes) for a more direct approach at helping people. After graduation they were made partners because they had worked so well together, using Mihoshi's insane form of luck and her own knack for tracking even the most elusive of perps. Back then Mihoshi only used the "bubble head routine" as a cover when on an investigation. It never really back fired until the ultra high-energy incident. It took the Galaxy Police three months to hear that she was still alive and come back and get her.

Then it happened, the investigation that had changed everything.

Kiyone was going deep undercover. In order to throw off the Syndicate they were going to "kill off" detective first class Kiyone, the syndicate wouldn't doubt her ID. Unfortunately she was ordered not to brief Mihoshi.

An informant had alerted the GP of a shipment of some valuable but unknown cargo. Kiyone and Mihoshi were put on the task force. The plan went like clockwork. Kiyone and Mihoshi arrived before the rest of the "task force" and it looked as if the deal was just coming to a close. So Kiyone, according to the plan, told Mihoshi to call for backup and proceeded into the warehouse to arrest the syndicate.

"Galaxy Police, freeze your all under arrest!" She said as came down through the skylight.

Mihoshi busted in a side entrance just in time to see the syndicates' blasts riddle Kiyone with holes.

"KIYONE, NO!" Mihoshi screamed.

When the task force arrived the medic (trying very hard not to look at the carnage Mihoshi had created in a fit of rage) went straight to Kiyone and Mihoshi, and checked Kiyone. The nano-doc's would keep her alive for a few days, even through an autopsy.

"I'm sorry Mihoshi, she's to far gone. I'm sorry theirs nothing that can save her. There is just too much damage. It can't be fixed." He said with a sad look in his eyes. When he finally worked up the nerve to look around. He saw several piles of shredded meet, arms, legs, and crushed skulls. There were only one or two suspects still alive and the agent that had managed to get out of the building.

Mihoshi just sat there whispering repeatedly "don't leave me Kiyone, I don't know what I'll do without you, please don't go away, please…." As she stared off into space.

Kiyone was aware of all of what was happening and was pissed that she couldn't have let Mihoshi in on the plan. Her superiors had wanted an honest reaction from Mihoshi, so that the syndicates' thugs would believe the story of her death. She hadn't known how much Mihoshi had cared for her until later when she'd heard that they had put Mihoshi in the psyche-ward for evaluation and counseling.

It wasn't until much later that she had found out that the brilliant but slightly accident-prone friend had "died" that day, leaving behind a walking disaster area with the gods own luck, a determination to do what was right, an extremely keen sense of observation, and an unstoppable cheeriness. The "bubble head routine" was no longer an act; it made her sick to know that she was responsible.

To top it all off Mihoshi did not remember any thing after the Ultra-high Energy Matter Incident, that was probably a good thing because she did not like seeing Mihoshi in pain like that.

The nano-doc's performed flawlessly; patching her up and giving her a new look for the investigation. They had made her up to look like a half Juraian, she noted as she looked in her mirror. Her lavender hair and reddish-purple eyes, almost the color of the Juraian Royal Teardrop. And then she looked at her orange headband it looked out of place on her new look, but she refused to stop wearing it. It indicated her rank and social status among the people of her home world, besides Mihoshi is the one who had bought it for her when she had earned it. Her mother had wanted Kiyone to rule, as she had, but she had supported Kiyones' decision to join the GP.

The Marshal himself issued her the latest ship to come out of GP's R & D division; they had included several "illegal for civilian use" items in its design. The cruiser had military grade weapons: high powered particle beam and ion cannons, torpedo tubes, military grade shields and armor plating, an advanced electronics/ECM package. The most amazing thing about the Yagami was that it was the smallest ship to ever be equipped with a hyper drive, other than the pirate ship Ryo-ohki, although hyper drives later became standard on all GP ships. It's what got her into the syndicate clan they were after, which had included not only Juraians and people from the Alliance but people from some of the non-allied worlds as well. The eternally most wanted criminal Kagato and the space pirate Ryoko were also tied in somehow as well. It was not until later that she learned that Ryoko had been Kagatos' unwilling slave.

The position she'd gotten from the syndicate was as an official government courier for one of the Non-Allied Worlds, which meant diplomatic immunity. They had figured that it would be a good cover since she was a new face, she wouldn't attract attention to them selves. Kiyone had to suppress a laugh when she'd heard that last part. What she was really just a high speed, private taxi and smuggler for the syndicate.

The whole time she watched Mihoshis' career go down the tubes, until she was assigned to patrol a region close to Juraian space near colony world 0315, a non-interference zone in the middle of nowhere.

Then the Kagato incident occurred and Mihoshi was reassigned to patrol the non-interference zone as a special ambassador to Jurai. Kiyone thought it was a strange way to keep Mihoshi away from the rest of the galaxy, and it wasn't the kind of promotion such a feat deserved, she should have been sent to Headquarters, not given some made up tittle and kept in exile. It was interesting to note that Ryoko was staying on the colony world with the permission of (and if the rumors were true, with) the Jurai royal family.

The only reason she learned that much was because she had mentioned in an encoded transmission with headquarters that she would like to resume her partnership with Mihoshi when she completed her current assignment.

A year after that they finally brought down the syndicate. Kiyone was returned to her original appearance and given some time off to get reacquainted with her family. They gave her the Yagami free and clear, it was officially listed as being privately owned by her with a special permit for the weapons (as long as she worked with the Galaxy Police) and a GP registration code.