Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ What About Kiyone ❯ Reunions ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Seven: Reunions

A young girl apparently of six or seven years of age, wandered from one bit of glowing light to another. If you didn't know better you would have thought her sniffling and half-dried tears were because she was lost, you would have been wrong. The blue haired little angle knew this dimly lit and faintly humming underworld-under-the-stairs better than most of her mommies, only one of her mommies knew this place better than her, and that was who she was headed for. Upon sighting her target, her sad and frightened expression got slightly braver and a tad bit happier.

"Mommy Washu."

"Yes, what is it I can do for you, Little Miyuka?"

"I think I did some thing bad, in my dream. There was a man in black, he was bleeding and asking for someone called Lady Tokimi, you, and mommy Sasami. Only he was calling mommy Sasami, Tsunami. He was so sad, and asking for help."

"Do you think you can remember your dream?"

"Yes mommy."

"Good girl, I have to go talk to your daddy and other mommies. You can sleep in the room your mommy Ryoko used to sleep in when she was a little girl, and we will talk about it when we get up, ok?"

The young girl nods her head as and follows the red headed girl into a room decorated in pastel green, pink, and cabbits.


Several things awoke her. First was the smell of someone cooking. Second was the very bright light shining in her face. Third was the realization that she was sandwiched between two people and at least the one behind her was female. Opening her eyes slowly to let them adjust to the light, she saw Sasami through a purple haze. Sasamis' eyes moved to look at her as she leaned up her head to get a better look around. Sasami was laying face down on top of Tenchi, Ryoko was on the other side of Tenchi from her with Washu behind her. That meant that Mihoshi was the one behind her.

"Kiyone?" Sasami asked her while biting her lip.

"Yes, Sasami?" She whispered back.

"I have to go to the bathroom but I didn't want to wake anyone up."

"You can use me to lever you self over Ayeka and Mihoshi."

"Thank you Kiyone-oniichan." Sasami said with a smile.

"You are welcome, Sasami-oniichan. Say, if you are here, who's cooking?"

"Well, promise you won't get mad?"

"I promise to try not to."

"About an hour ago father opened the door looking for Tenchi. He must be visiting for the week. I just pretended to be asleep. He just closed the door and walked off. He had the strangest look on his face. It looked like he was happy, sad, and a little confused all at the same time. I think he is making breakfast," she looks over at Tenchis clock, " or rather, lunch."

"He didn't come back with any cameras or anything?" Kiyone asked suspiciously.

"Nope." Sasami said as she stands up on the other side of Mihoshi.

"You know, I can see why Ayeka and Ryoko were worried about you being competition for Tenchi." Kiyone said looking at a now older, blushing, Sasami.

"Do you really think I'm pretty, Kiyone?"

"Yes, Sasami, I do. Now, could you help me get up, I don't want to wake any one else."

"Sure." Sasami said as she kneeled behind Mihoshi and gently lifted Mihoshis' arm.

Kiyone then used her free hand to carefully lift Ayekas' head off of her other arm. That done she sat up and moved. Then she and Sasami moved Mihoshi into her place behind Ayeka. As she stood up, she looked out Tenchis' window. She saw Lord Katsuhito coming down the last of the shrine steps with a pair of boken in his hand. He stopped midway between the steps and the house when a car pulled up the gate between Azaka and Kamidake. He called out something and the gates opened and the car pulled through. Once through the car pulled to a stop near the shrine steps and shut down.

*Internal combustion what a waist of resources, maybe we can get earth reclassified as a limited contact world. Raise the level of the local technology just a tad.* Kiyone thought to her self.

Out of the car stepped a woman of about thirty-seven to forty-five. From the passenger side a young woman of fourteen, maybe fifteen. She looked just like the holographic image she saw last night. She was dressed as a shrine worker and was carrying a mid-sized duffel bag. She had this nagging feeling that something just didn't look right about the girl. Then it hit her, the girl had on sunglasses, and they just did not seam to fit with the rest of her garb. As she approached Lord Katsuhito, she removed her sunglasses and bowed deeply to him.

"It looks like Lord Katsuhito is coming to get Tenchi, and we have some guests as well." Kiyone said. As she turned around Sasami hands her a neatly folded bundle.

"We have to wear these until the bonding ceremony, Kiyone. We also need to get down stairs to greet our guests, and keep grandfather from bothering Tenchi and our sisters." Sasami said with a mischievous grin.

"You go ahead I'll be down in a few minutes." Kiyone said as she bent down to readjust the comforter over the others still in bed. When she stood back up to put on the kimono, she glanced out the window to see the man in black escorting someone in a white kimono with a hood that completely hid their face. On the other side of the woman in white was an obviously Felinid male Seeker in a GP uniform. Seekers were almost religious fanatics when it came to the search for their lost princess. One of her descendants at the very least. He looked nervous for some reason. *Well since I know some of what is going on, I should wake Washu. That is probably Achika, that holo-girl said Washu would be able cure her.* Kiyone thought to herself. Moving to the other side of the futon she kneeled down and gently shook Washus' shoulder.

"Washu-oniichan, wake up I need your help with something."

"What is it Kiyone, and what did you just call me?" Washu said groggily.

"We have guests, one of which we can't let Tenchi, father, or grandfather see just yet. She needs medical attention. Hurry Washu-oniichan, put this on." Kiyone said as she hands Washu her kimono. "They will meet you by the door to your lab, I'll keep father and grandfather distracted until they are safely hidden away."

"Please, just call me Washu, Kiyone. I'll be down in a few, I need to pee."

"All right. Please hurry, we don't want to spoil the surprise now do we?" Kiyone asked with a faint smile.

As Kiyone stepped out the door into the hallway she heard Mihoshi wake up with her usual morning after staying at Tenchis' statement.

"Mmm, something smells good," she covered her mouth as she yawned, "Washu, I need to get a message to some one, but I need your help finding them, please."

Kiyone shook her head as she went down the stairs. *With the clues we were given, Washu should have no problem figuring out that the message was intended for her. Mihoshi was the one who thought that the best way to verify this would be to give Washu the information on who was to receive the message and to have her start a search and then give her the message after a few moments into it. I'm so happy my Mihoshi is back.*

As she stepped into the dining area Kiyone saw Lord Katsuhito enter through the front door, just as she caught a glimpse of Lady Achika disappearing into Washus' lab. The man in black right behind her. The Felinid GP operative she saw in the regen tank last night stayed out side the lab with his back to the door, arms crossed his chest, scowling at her. Deciding to ignore him for now, Kiyone turns her attention to the problem at hand.

"Good after noon grandfather, sorry Tenchi is late for training today. We kept the dear man up late last night. I'm sure he will be in a rush to get to it when he wakes up. Would you two ladies care to join us in the dining room?" Kiyone said, effectively cutting off any comment the priest may have had as she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the dining room.

Just as she finished getting every one situated, Sasami comes in from the kitchen with a tray of food and a very pale and stunned looking Nobuyuki.

"What is it son, you look like you have seen a ghost."

"I, I, I just saw Achika. She was walking through the yard with a G.P. and some guy dressed all in black." Stammered Nobuyuki.

"Poor dear, first he walks in on the group of us this morning, and now this. Kiyone can you help me bring the rest of the food in from the kitchen? Father looks like he needs to sit down for a while." Sasami said with a worried look.

"Sure, Sasami. Nobuyuki, some times events don't happen the way we remember them, some times things are not what they seem."

"You're right Kiyone, it was probably just someone coming to visit one of you ladies."

"I did just see someone go into Washus lab, and there is an officer standing out side her door, I wonder if they are from the Academy?" Kiyone said while giving the girl whose image she saw last night, a look that said 'Keep quiet about this.'

After the girl, Hiwa, gave a slight nod of her head, Kiyone got up and headed into the kitchen to help Sasami.

Coming out of the kitchen with a large bowl of rice Kiyone saw Mihoshi getting dragged behind a very determined Washu, by her ear.

"But Washu, I'm hungry. I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday. Ouch, let go of my ear."

"Can it, Sasami can you be a dear and bring some thing for us to my lab in a little while, I have to confirm some thing." Washu said before dragging Mihoshi behind her.

Kiyone sighed and said, "It is weird knowing those two are related." Looking around the table at her family to see their reactions to her comment, she saw stunned looks on the two men but Sasami just nodded and smiled knowingly at her.


Her mommy Washu wasn't there when she awoke, so she decided to go look for her in the lab. In the lab she did not find the mommy she was looking for, instead she found other people in her mommies lab. Mommy Washu did not like it when people came into her lab when she was not around. As she got closer she saw that it was the bleeding man in black from her dream and a pretty lady in white.

The lady seemed to radiate peace and calm, but for some reason the man in black scared her. Not because he was a bad person, but because his being here gave her the feeling that she had definitely done some thing she shouldn't have. And he radiated sadness and a feeling of resigned hopelessness that seamed to suck what little light there was in the lab out of existence. The two people just stood there waiting for some thing. The man seemed concerned about the woman as though she were sick or some thing.

Unsure of what she should do about these people who should not be in her mommys' lab, she did the one thing that she thought her mommies and daddy would do in a situation like this. She summoned up her courage and with a determination to protect her mommys' lab, and stormed out of her hiding place behind a big machine.

As she came into the circle of light the two strangers were standing in, she raised her left-hand fingers splayed and palm out. Like she had seen her mommy 'Yoko do when she fought with mommy 'Eka, and in her best impression of the kind of commanding voice her mommy 'Eka liked to use when yelling at mommy 'Yoko she made her demands known to the two strangers.

"Don't move or I'll blast you to bits! Now tell me who you are and what you are doing in my mommys lab with out her permission." She then wished she had gotten dressed before coming out of the room her mommy Washu had let her stay in last night. Her mommy had told her she could use any of the clothes in the drawers because a lot of them were still new from when her mommy 'Yoko was a little girl like her. She just did not think that she was as scary as she should be standing there in her nightgown and clutching her stuffed Oki in her right arm.