Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ What Should Have Been ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N I do not own Tenchi Muyo nor do I own any of the greek myths

What Should Have Been

by RingPrincess

A Day with Dad

Aeka shifted nervously from foot to foot as she waited for the right opportunity to
talk to her father.

Well, maybe talk wasn't a good word.

"I don't really know him, I don't think any of us children do." She whispered
quietly to herself.

Ayeka tensed as she heard a slight footstep at the top of the steps.

"Good Morning Ayeka." Her father's voice said warmly.

She pasted a smile on her face. "Good Morning Father."

"Breakfast is ready." She schooled her face. "Ryoko and Sasami made it."
She was still seething over the fact that once again Ryoko had been playing with her
in the area of cooking talent.

'Already it is a mildly regular day here.' Aeka though absently. 'Sasami cooking, me
getting everyone only Mihoshi and Kiyone are missing.'

Her father was heading towards the kitchen and Ayeka bit her lip. The last person she
needed to get was Washu. She winced. 'Little Washu.' She reminded herself.

"There is no need to come get me today, Princess." A bright, cheery and nasally voice said
from the vicinity of her waist.

Ayeka shreiked.

Washu raised her eyebrows in interest. "Did you have to scream, Miss Ayeka?"

Heads peeked around the kitchen door and Ayeka turned red.

"You, you scared me, little Washu."

Washu just shrugged. "Somedays I have that affect."

Funaho stifled a laugh. "I am sure, Washu."

Washu turned to her and smiled. Funaho smiled back, sharing the age old private

"Breakfast." Sasami reminded gently.


Ayeka stared at her father across the room and debated on what way to approach him.

"Father." She suddenly spoke up.

He looked up and glanced at her surprised.

"I was wondering if we could do something together today." She rubbed her
foot against the carpet, her eyes downcast.

Azusa frowned at his oldest daughter.

Yosho entered the room at this scene which was so strange in his family.

"Indeed, Ayeka that is a grand idea." Yosho glanced sharply at his father.
"You can go to the museum of art in Tokyo. Or I can get you into one of the
more famous gardens."

Ayeka smiled shyly. "You do not need to do that brother."

Yosho smiled gently. The corners of his eyes creasing. "You have been here
a long time and have yet to see much of earth."

Ayeka bit her lip slightly and nodded.

Azusa had changed his gaze to rest on his son, who was making shooing motions
with his hands.

"I think that would be a wonderful idea, Yosho." He rumbled, not feeling he had
much of a choice.

Ayeka smiled.


Funaho took a deep breathe of the Japanese air and debated on what she should do. Now that
she was here for a bit, that was.

She began to walk towards the shrine and half way there. . .



Tenc hi entered his father's study with baited breathe. He didn't know if Noboyuki
would even be there and was just hoping that he could catch him.

Luckily for him, Noboyuki was there.


His father's head snapped up and Noboyuki repositioned his glasses to gaze over
the drawing board.

"Yes, son."

"May I talk to you?"

Noboyuki frowned, him and Tenchi hadn't really talked since Achika died.

"Go right ahead."

Tenchi took a seat and paused to think for a moment.

"I should get straight to the point." He said slowly. "Emporer Azusa has offered me the
position of Heir Apparent."

"Or basically the crown." His father nodded.

Tenchi blinked. "Basically, but I do not know what I want to do."

"You are graduating soon." Noboyuki mused.

"That is true. Yet, I have no real direction in my life."

"But to marry Ryoko."

"How am I to support Ryoko?" Tenchi groaned.

"Well, you could always go to college and get a degree."

Tenchi shook his head. "There is nothing in college that I have ever felt inclined to study."

Noboyuki tapped his lips with the pencil. "Or you can take over the shrine."

"Grandpa is still doing that and shows no sign of retiring anytime soon."

"You could have another shrine."

Tenchi sighed glumly. "I do not think I am cut out to be a priest."

"I didn't say you had to be a priest, your grandfather is hardly a devout priest."

Tenchi gave his father a strange look but shook off the feeling to move onward. "Or I
could accept Azusa's offer to become Emporer."

"Yes, you could."

Tenchi sighed again. "Advice?"

"Do whatever you feel is necessary."

Blinking, Tenchi stood up. "So, if I decided to be emporer you wouldn't stop me."

"No. I am your father, not the dictator of your life."

Tenchi snorted, "You are just happy I chose a female."

Noboyuki grinned and waved his son out. "I have work to do."

Tenchi rolled his eyes.


Funaho paused at a bottom of a mountain, it was a mountain that no one of the physical
world could see.

Taking a deep breathe, picking up the hem of her robes and lifting one foot at a time she
started upwards.

The mountain itself was crowned in light, a city could be barely seen. It was made of
gold, alabaster and the purest of silver and magnified the light a hundred times.

Funaho raised a hand over her eyes and kept going.

She passed through gates made of gold and pearl into what the mortals on earth called
'heaven.' To her, it had once been what she called 'home.' She smiled in regret, home
was now where her husband was, and that was Jurai.

She walked down the familiar paths that had not changed in hundreds of years and gazed
at buildings that ranged from incredibely ornate to simplistic, depending upon the whim
of the owner.

She turned onto a grand avenue that led to the heart of the city. She passed citizens
who took no notice of the dark haired, kimonoed woman. Her slippered feet make no noise
against the rich alabaster sidewalks.

She was stopped only once.

A spear made of the finest silver barred her entrance to the throne room and she gazed
at it in sadness.

"I was not aware there had been a war." She said heavily. "Or can not even the daughter
of God come and see her father."

She gazed at the 'young' gaurd, her eyes phased to purple. "Or are you still just cautious."

The gaurd brought his spear back to his side and gazed at the goddess in front of him. "I
did not recognize you."

"I have changed." Funaho smiled. "Although you have not. But that is the way of things in
the mortal world."

The gaurd shifted uncomfortably. Funaho narrowed her eyes. No, not all was right on the
mount of heaven.

She placed a hand on the gaurds arm. "You are a good diety, Alcander."

Alcander smiled. "And you are still as silver tongued as in your youth."

Funaho laughed. "Do not be so imperitenent scamp." She smiled and
nodded. "It was good seeing you, Alcander."

"And you," He said, as she began to leave, and so quietly she almost thought she had imagined
it. "goddess Athena."


Ayeka walked in silence beside her father. She didn't know quite what to say to him. There
hadn't been much conversation, even before they left.

She had a feeling that he didn't know what to say either. His visage was as implacable as
usual and he wore a slight frown.

"Ayeka. . ." He began. Pausing to stare at a statue.

"Yes, father." She said hopefully.

"I have not been a good father to you or Sasami, have I?"

Ayeka gasped. "You did the best you could."

He gazed at her sadly. "But it wasn't good enough. I shouldn't force the issue of marriage with
you. It isn't right."

"Father." She reached over and grabbed his hands. "You did what you thought was best."

"I still shouldn't have."

"Well," She huffed. "You are not as bad as my brother. Who basically threw me at his grandson."

Azusa stared at her in shock.

She wasn't done yet. "All in trying to get out of his responsibilities." She shook her head
and smiled at her father. "But that doesn't matter now." She shook her shoulders.

"My son has never felt comfortable on Jurai." Azusa sighed.

"I have noticed since I have been away that Jurai is very prejiduced and bigoted. I do not
know how aunt Funaho puts up with it." Ayeka said forcefully.

Azusa was smiling faintly. "She mocks them in her spare time."

Ayeka stared at her father aghast. "I do not believe it."

Azusa chuckled slightly. "Ask her to do them sometime. It is quite a show."

Ayeka laughed. Azusa joined in. "I know it is hard to imagine."

Ayeka grinned. "I will have to do that sometime."

"You have an ulterior motive for doing this." Azusa stated.

"Yes, I do."

Azusa laughed. "I knew there was more to this."

"Actually," Ayeka took a deep breathe. "You have lead me right into the subject, I needed to
talk about."


"Yes, about marriage." She closed her eyes. "Frankly, I do not want it."

"I see."

"However, I do want to travel, and find myself." She gave him a sharp look.

"which would provide you with ample opportunities to meet suitors."

"Or be an ambassador of sorts." Ayeka sighed.

"We can always use those."

"No large parties, no great fanfare."

"If you want."

"Father, you are being too agreeable."

"Do you want me to say no?"

"Not really."

He grinned into his mustache.

She gave a small huff. But then reached over and hugged her father. "Thank You for understanding."

He wrapped his arms around her. "Anything for my little girl."


Funaho approached the throne with little trepidation.

"Hello Father."

There was silence in the court, she had not been there for aproxxamently 1000 years.

"Well, look who decided to pay a visit to her darling family." A blonde haired beauty commented

"It has been a long time Aphrodite." Funaho said quietly.

Artemis ran up to her sister and gave her a hug. "Athena!!!" She pushed her away
to look at her. "You look wonderful."

Funaho/Athena smiled at the silvery eyed goddess. "You are looking past well."

Artemis chuckled slightly. "You caused quite a stir amoung the people."

Funaho smiled softly. "I know."

Artemis stepped back and Funaho faced Apollo. "Hello brother."

"You are still with the alien then." Apollo said haughtily.

Funaho sighed. "You lot are as bad as the Juraians themselves. And that dear brother
is saying something." She crossed her arms. "My husband, the Emporer of Jurai is
yes, still my husband."

"But you are not his only wife."

Funaho rolled her eyes. "Yes, my sister wife Misaski is here on Gaia as well. As are my children
and her children. Plus my great grandson." She gazed at Apollo daring him to say something.

There was silence for a few moments.

Funaho sighed. "I was hoping for a slightly warmer reception."

Haphaetus limped foward and gave Funaho a slight hug. "It isn't your fault Athena, you only followed
your heart."

"Where is my father, Haphaetus? Where is Zeus?" Funaho whispered urgently.

"He is with Hera."

Funaho's eyes hardened. "Of all people, she will be the least happy to see me."

Haphaetus smiled sympathetically. "I am sorry Athena."

"Do not be sorry, I am happy where I am Hapheatus."

"I can tell." His eyes twinkles in his forge blistered face.

"I must go to my father." She squeezed his arm.

Nodding to Aeolus and grinning at Dionysus she headed past the throne and into the gardens, that Priapus kept
so carefully tended.

She found her father in the middle.

He got up slowly as he saw her walking towards him. His eyes wide in shock. "Athena!" He
yelled in delight.

Athena smiled and accepted the hug that he gave her as soon as she was close enough. "Father."

Hera glared daggers, her eyes glowing a bright peacock blue. "Athena, how pleasant that you have
returned." She managed to choke out.

Funaho's lips curled up in a smile. "It is only for a short time I am afraid."

Zeus tugged her down onto the grass. "Why is that, my daughter?"

"I am still married, father." She laid a hand on his arm. "I need to be with my husband. However,
I have important news." She took a deep breathe.

"I had a son with Azusa, who in turn had a daughter with an earthling who in turn had a son with yet
another earthling." Funaho closed her eyes. "It turns out that Tsunami, one of the holy trine has taken
a liking to my great grandson and has given him her powers." Funaho took a deep breathe. "That is in
addition to whatever powers he already had from being my great grandson."

Zeus narrowed his eyes. "How did this happen?"

"Tsunami has chosen an avatar, my sister daughter Sasami. Sasami likes Tenchi and brought him to the interest
of Tsunami and therefore Tsunami brought him back to life when he died. The price of such an act was that
he now carries part of her power."

Zeus leaned back in thought. "I do not see the problem."

"There is more." Funaho took a deep breathe. "It seems that Washu, another of the holy trine is
also on Earth."

Zeus straightened up at that and Hera gasped.

"Washu is the goddess of Chaos, just as Tsunami is the goddess of good. Washu has also chosen for herself
a knight of sorts. Her own daughter, Ryoko. Ryoko is the direct carrier of most of Washu's power. The
real thing is that Ryoko and Tenchi, my grandson, have fallen in love and are to be married."

Zeus raised his eyebrows.

"Father, they have the power of three goddesses running in their veins. What will this do to their

"You are not worried about them?" Hera snapped. "You are not worried about US? We are your family."

"They are my family as well." Funaho shot back. "I am worried about the future. They are powerful,
more powerful I fear than even the holy trine knows."


'There are always greater powers in the universe.' Washu mused. She sat deep in the dark
of her lab and steepled her fingers in front of her.

Greater powers than even the holy trine. "Tokimi." Washu whispered. Try as she might she
could find no trace of her sister. "Where are you?"

Washu grimaced and thought about the begining days. 'There is someone greater than us
three even.' She tapped her nose. 'I know there is, even if I cannot remember much about
him or her.'

"You think too much, sister." Tsunami spoke from the shadows.

"I cannot help it. I am the greatest scientific genius in the universe." Washu grinned

Tsunami sighed. "I agree, there must be someone greater than us."

"You are reading my mind yet again, little sister. I thought that it would be repungent to

"You are tainted, not completely evil."

Washu laughed. "You amuse me, Tsunami. No wonder you chose Sasami for your avatar."

"She would have made Tenchi a fine wife if you had kept your nose out of it." Tsunami hissed.

Washu sighed. "Not this again. I did nothing." Washu bit her lip. "I do not understand Tenchi
or the way he thinks. Partly I believe it is because he doesn't believe in destiny so fate
has no control over him."

"He walks his own path and refuses to be led. We have been over this before."

"Then why didn't you listen?" Washu said sharply, glancing at her sister.


Washu snorted and returned her gaze to her fingertips. "Where is she?"



"Out there, somewhere." Tsunami gave an elegant flick of her hand.

"You are soooo helpful." Washu snorted.

"I think she is looking for us." Tsunami said quietly. "We should let her approach us."

"Very well, we will wait. But not forever."

