Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ What Should Have Been ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N AHHH... Tenchi Muyo! is owned by AIC and Pioneer and not by me!

and btw, this story and the ideas within are MINE! If you would like to use them you may contact me at
ring_princess@hotmail.com or ring_princess2001@yahoo.com.

thank you Da Texan, as you so kindly helped get out of my writers block with THIS story. Thank you, thank you,
thank you!

What Should Have Been
Chapter Nine
Entrances and Exits
by RingPrincess

Somewhere, across the galaxy a deity screamed in agony. The Greatest didn't care, the deity had been so minor
that they wouldn't miss the power he had just ripped from their soul. He, for the Greatest was a he, eyed the portal
in front of him, a smile twisting his 'face.' It was such a small thing, but opened the realm of OH so many possiblities.
He could taste the power streaming through the portal to him, and he licked his lips in anticipation of what was to

The deity whose power he took to create this abomination of a portal was quickly forgotten in his delight. He stroked
the edges of the portal, using a bit more of the stolen power to stablize it.

:This dimension is so rich.: He thought, looking over what he could see through the portal. :And so unsuspecting of
what is coming.: He laughed lightly, his cheeks flushed and eyes wide. He shoved an arm through, accidently
knocking a nearbly planet, it tilted into a crazy angle, the inhabitants unaware of what had just upset their ecosystem.

The Greatest squeezed through and once on the other side stretched. His eyes widened further in delight as he got a
better look at what was to be his new home.

He began laughing again and couldn't stop.

-----------------------------------------------------------< br>
Mihoshi's back arched, lightening crackled over her skin, jumping between her fingertips and wrapping around her
teeth. The cartilage in her back began to pop and it looked as if someone had attatched a string to her sternum and
was drawing her upwards.

Kiyone jumped up. "Shit, Mihoshi!"

An earie wail came from Mihoshi, it started low and ended up above the hearing normal people, it was a wail of
despair and misery. The dogs of the city joined in, raising their voices in chorus with Mihoshi's. The hair on Kiyone's
arms and back of her neck stood up. The electricity in the air and around Mihoshi made it impossible to get near her
partner. The lightning became smaller and more sparse and Mihoshi's wail suddenly cut off and she sagged to the
floor; dropped like a rag doll, her head hit with a thump knocking her out.

Kiyone was by her side instantly. "Mihoshi, MihoSHI!" She screamed at her partner.

Mihoshi didn't move, her eyes were closed and her breathe was shallow. Kiyone checked her pulse, her training
kicking in. "Washu, got to get you to Washu!" She murmured, cradling the blonde in her arms and standing up.
"I just hope your neck isn't broken!"

"Through here!" Washu snapped, Kiyone whirled as fast as she was able with Mihoshi's deadweight in her arms to
see Washu at the opening of a sub-space portal.

"Washu..." Kiyone began.

"No time for questions, Kiyone." Washu walked around her and shoved her towards the portal. "We have to take
care of my great-great-granddaughter first."

"Mihoshi is your, your great-great-granddaughter." Kiyone stuttered, her teal eyes widening.

"That's right, a pity she doesn't take more after me though." Washu frowned. "She takes after her
great- great grandfather, he was such a handsome man." The small scientist shrugged. "This way, Kiyone," Washu
lead Kiyone through her lab.

Kiyone's eyes couldn't seem to narrow to their proper proportions. "Little Washu?"

"No time," Washu flipped her hair and looked over at Kiyone. "You want to save Mihoshi, don't you?"

"Of course."

"Then stop dilly-dallying."

"You can save her?"

"Of course, I am Washu, the Greatest Scientific Genius in the Universe!" Washu paused for a moment, tapping her chin.
"However, I can not fix everything that is wrong with her."

"How," Kiyone began again.

"Did I know something was wrong?" Washu gestured towards a bed and Kiyone gently laid Mihoshi down on it. "She's
blood kin, how else. Now, you may stay only if you stop asking questions, this may take a while."

Kiyone nodded and clamped her mouth over the thousands of questions that were on the very tip of her tongue
dying to get out.

"Good girl," Washu nodded. "Here, hold this..."

--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------

Tokimi gasped as she hustled into the area where Mihoshi was lying. "Sister! Why did you not tell me?"

"No time," Washu replied shortly and cocked her head in Kiyone's direction. Tokimi blinked and nodded in silent

"Does Tsunami know?"

"Even Tsunami wouldn't be able to help." Washu said shortly and then sighed. "She's stable and I am afraid that
is all I can do."

Kiyone paled.

Washu reached over and patted Kiyone's arm. "She'll wake up on her own, Kiyone. Go get some sleep in the house,
Ryoko's prepared a room for you."

Kiyone stumbled out and the door closed behind her with the jangle of the crab bell.

Washu stared down at Mihoshi. "Is this his doing?"

Tokimi stared at Mihoshi helplessly. "It must be."

"Yet, you can't be sure."

"We are in great danger, Washu!"

"It is in my nature to be sceptical."

"It is not like you to deny the evidence under your very nose. And this is at the cost of everything that makes you
what you are."

"I gave that up a long time ago."

"We SEALED you away. You were heading down the same road, Washu!"

Washu's eyelids closed over her emerald eyes.

"I want to tell Funaho, I am certain she can help us." Tokimi took a deep breathe. "And Tsunami agrees with me."

Washu's shoulders sagged and she gave a reluctant nod. "Only if we include Tenchi and Ryoko."

Tsunami's astral form shimmered over a nearby pond. "They deserve to know."

"I want answers," Washu struggled not to scream. "Why does this always happen to my family?"

Tokimi came and hugged Washu, her violet/blue eyes soft. "We don't have the answers, Washu. The Greatest does
and he's not telling." Her brunette hair swung, carressing Washu's cheek.

"He contacted you." Washu accused Tokimi.

"I was the closest goddess he could reach and Washu, it was a very brief visit." Tokimi soothed. "It seemed like a
test, an opportunity."

Tsunami held her breathe as Washu struggled to keep her goddess powers under control. Washu's form trying to
flicker between child, adult and goddess.

Mihoshi stirred and Washu moved out of Tokimi's embrace to check her.

"Where am I?" Mihoshi whispered, her sapphire eyes fluttering open.

"In the lab," Washu answered, quickly becoming a professional and checking Mihoshi's vitals. "The lightning
effect drained the calcium in your body and knocked you out. The good news is that the electricity also stimulated
your nerve cells in your brain and they are starting to regenerating, the really bad news is that the electricity also
did that to every other nerve in your body."

"It hurts." Mihoshi whimpered.

"You're alive." Washu's voice went flat. "He underestimated you or he wanted you alive."

"I heard laughing." Mihoshi shuddered. "Ahh, Washu it hurts." She cried as moving those few millimeters seemed
to jar her oversensitive nerves.

"I know, try to move as little as possible." Washu adjusted a few dials and looked down at Mihoshi.

"No, no, my body doesn't hurt Washu. I can't explain it, but it hurts. Make it stop."

Tokimi's eyes widened in shock and Tsunami gasped, paling.

"Washu, look at her soul." Tsunami urged.

Washu invoked the sight of a goddess and looked at Mihoshi, she was surrounded by the nimbus of light that made
up her soul, and it was drifting away in bits and peices; bleeding like an open sore in the spiritual realm. It was under
less than a third of it's normal brightness and fading.

"How did he know that we were here?" Washu began to sob. "He meant this as a warning, I know it." Washu lost
control of her body and it morphed into an adult, her head in her hands and magenta hair swirled in front of her
face, hiding her.

"He couldn't, if he knew he'd come after us!" Tsunami brightened. "Washu, it was Mihoshi's last bit of luck working
for us and against us!"

Mihoshi blinked her eyes blearily and stared at Tsunami. "Tell me, what's wrong?"

Tokimi sighed. "Mihoshi, Dame Fortune, your goddess powers are gone." Mihoshi's eyes snapped over to stare at
Tokimi for a few moments, then they overflowed with tears and she turned her head away from the Holy Trine.

"No," She whimpered.

The three goddesses looked at each other helplessly, there was nothing they could do except try to comfort their

---------------------------------------------- -----------------------

Fear spread through the halls of the many heavens, through the streets and corridors. Fear and panic spread to
the people; wars were started with no reason, populations wiped out in an instant. Ships were crushed, planes
were crashed, and people, countless people died.

And all the while the gods could do nothing to stop it, for they were lashing out at each other. A threat to one was
a threat to all and no one knew who had done it.

-------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Mitoto Kuramitsu stared at the screen. "I don't understand." She whispered, it was if all contact she had with her
daughter had been cut off. Mitoto didn't dwell much on the fact that she knew how Mihoshi was all the time, she
just knew. Neither mother or daughter dwelled on the fact of how things 'happened' around them. They just did.

Her husband blinked and looked over at her. "Did you say something Mitoto?"

"Mihoshi, I can't feel her anymore." Mitoto's eyes grew moist and she wrung her hands. "I have to see her, I have
to know if she is all right."

"Mitoto, we ARE having a bit of a crisis right now." His voice rose in anxiety. "Your father, the Grand Marshall," he
was interrupted.

"Oh, wonderful. I'll talk to father, he will understand about Mihoshi." Mitoto brightened and kissed her husband on
the cheek. "Thank you, dear."


Mitoto was already gone and her husband sighed, putting his head in his hands. "Oh dear, here we go again."

Minami looked up as his daughter virtually flew in the room.

"Mitoto! Whatever it is I don't have time, today!"

"Father, it's Mihoshi. Something's wrong on Earth, I just know it."

The Grand Marshall paused and stared at his daughter. The family never questions the abilities they found within

"Isn't Washu on Earth, Father? Please, please, we must contact her to find out what is going on!"

Minami frowned. Most of the family didn't want to recognize that Washu even existed. Washu, the great scientist,
also his grandmother. "I don't know, Mitoto." Washu, the source of the families odd abilities.

"Father, please!"

Minami stared at his daughter, and gave in. "Very well Mitoto. I'll call Washu and see what is going on."

"Now!" Mitoto squealed in delight. Her big blue eyes shining.

"Umm...Mitoto, now isn't a good time."

"And why ever not?" Washu's nasally voice came from the speaker system, and a screen popped into the air between
Mitoto and Minami.

"Washu!" They chorused.

Washu sighed, shaking her head. "Good, just the two people I need."

"How did you get this number?"

A flowerpot dropped out of the air and landed on top of the Grand Marshall's head. "Now is not the time for questions."
Washu reprimanded.

Mitoto edged around the desk, Minami hurridly started to move things, until he caught Washu's eye and flushed.
"Ahem, as I was saying." Washu started. "If anyone is going to ask questions, it is going to be me."

"Where's Mihoshi?" Mitoto stumbled over the words. "Is she all right?"

Washu sighed and shook her head. "Like mother, like daughter," She muttered. "Mitoto, your daughter is a well as I
can make her to be. She is suffering from an extreme case of calcium-loss and is in shock. However, that is not the
worst of her problems and those I can do nothing about." She gave Mitoto an odd look. "You should understand Mitoto,
as you are very like your daughter."

Mitoto paled, then flushed. "I haven't a clue of what you are saying." She tittered for a few moments.

Washu cringed and turned to Minami. "GrandMarshall, I wish an escort for the Royal family and with this escort I am
going to send your granddaughter back to you."

"What about the Royal Family left on Earth?"

Washu took a deep breathe. "The Galaxy Police cannot protect them."

"The whole galaxy has gone mad, Dr. Washu. I cannot gaurantee the safe passage of the Royal Family!" Minami

"The Royal Family isn't a target."

"Like hell! There are three wars raging with Jurain space already, one of them civil!"

Washu drew herself up. "These wars are inconsequential, the Royal Family will be safe."

The Grand Marshall leaned away from the communication screen. "You are as mad as family history makes you out
to be."

Washu frowned. "No Grandson, I am worse than family history makes me out to be. I want the extra escort here in a
matter of hours, Minami!"

The screen blinked out of existence.

Mitoto's face brightened. "Oh, I know what she means. Silly me!"

Azusa and Misaski were hurridly packing up their things and carrying on two arguments at the same time.

"I need to stay here." Funaho took a deep breathe, "I can help Washu and Tokimi!"

"I want to go, let me come with you. I can help!" Ayeka had her hands in front of her.

"NO!" Azusa nad Misaski chorused.

"WHY?" Ayeka and Funaho chorused back.

"I need," Azusa's voice thundered.

"You'll be," Misaski overwhelmed his voice for a moment.

"You at home," He roared.

"safe here!" She wailed.

"I don't want to be safe!" Ayeka cried. "I want to help you!"

"Don't argue with me!" Azusa shook Funaho.

"I will argue. You have generals that can run your military as well as I can and Yosho has agreed to go home!"

"Yosho is going, why not I?" Ayeka pleaded with her mother.

"What your Aunt Funaho allows her children to do is her business."

"I'm staying!" Funaho said firmly.

"I'm going!" Ayeka yelled at her mother.


Ryoko and Tenchi looked at each other and Tenchi grimaced at the yelling. It was hard to tell who was actually
screaming at who, but the yells were puncuated by slamming drawers and trunks.

Sasami figeted as she watched the upstairs.

"It'll all work out." Ryoko winked at her and patted the couch cushion next to Tenchi.

Sasami crawled up onto the cushion and huddled against Tenchi. "Do they have to yell?"

Tenchi wrapped his arm about her and looked down at the top of her head. "No."

Sasami shivered. "I wish they wouldn't."

"Sometimes kid, that is the only way families feel like they communicate." Ryoko's eyes turned sad. "Even if it
doesn't do any good."

Sasami nodded, and rubbed her nose. "I wanna stay here."

"From the sounds of it, your father wants you to stay here as well." Tenchi hugged her closer. "My two ladies." He
looked from one to the other, and placed his arm around Ryoko as well.

Sasami giggled as Ryoko prodded Tenchi in the ribs. "Watch it, bub."

Tenchi grinned and kissed Ryoko quickly, then winked at Sasami.

Sasami giggled harder as it dawned on Ryoko that Tenchi had manipulated her just to get a kiss. Ryoko began
to sputter, then broke out into her own fits of laughter. "You, you, I am such a bad influence on you." She gasped
out between giggles.

"Denying that would be pointless." Tenchi sighed.

Sasami nodded. "Uh huh!"

Ryo-ohki scampered up onto Tenchi's lap and gave a demanding yowl.

"My three ladies then," Tenchi corrected, and Ryo-ohki purred appreciatively.

"Hey!" Ryoko jabbed him again and glared at the cabbit. "You have one lady, ME!"

Sasami giggled and grabbed Ryo-ohki, so Tenchi could soothe his fiance. Sasami shook her head, those two.

------------------------------------------------------------- --

The Yagami and Azusa's Royal treeship hovered over the lake. Once again, a leave taking was going on the dock
of the lake. Sasami hugged her parents and her siblings for good measure. She took a step back and bowed to Yoru,
who was going with the Royal Family. "To keep an old friend company."

Tenchi and Ryoko watched in sadness as another ship joined the two hovering above the lake. Kiyone brightened.

"It's Mihoshi's old ship, the Yukinojo. There is a good crew on that ship." She gave a sigh of pleasure and began to
steer Mihoshi's hover cot towards the Yagami.

A hatch on the Yukinojo flew open and Mitoto was beamed out to the dock. "Mihoshi, Mihoshi, oh my poor Mihoshi."
She broke out into tears.

"Mama," Mihoshi whispered.

Mitoto leaned down and hugged Mihoshi as best as she was able.

Tenchi bowed at Azusa. "Perhaps, one day I shall come to Jurai."

Azusa bowed back. "I hope it is one day in the not so far distant future."

Ryoko nodded at the Emperor. "Work on those attitudes for me," she winked at him and Azusa stiffened.

Funaho hugged her husband. "Peace husband." She whispered in his ear. "Be careful and remember I love you."

"I love you too wife." He kissed her.

Mitoto began to cry. "I'm sorry, it's just so romantic." She sobbed. "So beautiful."

Kiyone sighed and handed her a tissue.

"Thank You." Mitoto said, wiping her eyes.

Washu walked out and clapped her hands. "All right, hurry it up."

Ayeka began to bow to Ryoko and Tenchi and then just couldn't. She hugged Ryoko, "I'll miss you," she transfered
her hug to a shocked Tenchi, "both of you. Thank you so much for your hospitality." She drew away and tried to
straighten herself up. Tenchi shook his head. "This isn't good bye Ayeka, this is see you later."

Ryoko nodded. "Our paths will cross, and if they don't we'll make sure they do."

Ayeka laughed. "Pirate."

"Prissy Princess."


Ryoko laughed. "Get going before you make me really mad."

Light enveloped the dock and everyone was away.
