The Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of Zelda: Chosen of Destiny ❯ Dancing Flame ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

He couldn't help but admire Azalea for the way she handled herself against Raion's monsters. For such a young girl, Azalea had tremendous courage and handled her power with absolute control. Theorello walked in step with Azmara's younger sister as they headed for his dance studio. “Man, I'm so glad I get to hang out with you today. Azmara and Link are probably out with Misami and Astrid. Hey, have you ever met Astrid? He's awesome.”
“I never met Astrid.”
Azalea looked ahead of her to see Astrid and Link coming their way. She smiled and waved at the two boys as they hurried toward her. “Hey kiddo, how're things?” Astrid asked as he patted her head. “We're going to Theo's dance studio. Theorello is a dance instructor.”
“Bet he can't out dance me.”
Theorello looked at Astrid with a frown on his face. He thought Astrid to be a child that still did the chicken dance compared to his style. “Actually, compared to your chicken dance I have the movement and grace of a god.” Theo said. Astrid bore his teeth at Theorello. He took his insult to heart and wanted nothing more than to dance circles around Theorello. “Dude, you got nothing on me. I challenge you to a dance contest old man.” Astrid pointed at Theo with confidence in his eyes. He was going to wipe the smirk off Theorello's face and he would do it on the dance floor. Accepting his challenge, Theo gave Astrid the time and place of the challenge then head toward his studio with Azalea. “That dude's got a lot of nerve thinking he can out dance me. I'm the best damn dancer in Sawada Institute. That old fart isn't gonna know what hit him until he sees my foot marks on his face.” Astrid stuck his tongue out at Theorello's back and turned back to Link. “Come on Junichi, let's get some food.”
“Right behind ya.”
Link followed Astrid to a fast food restaurant and sat across from his roommate as he grumbled about Theorello's smooth insult and snack on his lunch. “Damned old geezer. People like him piss me off. Just because he's older doesn't mean a damn thing. I know I can dance circles around him and I'll prove it to him. Just that old bastard wait I swear he'll get what's coming to him.”
“Uh, Astrid-”
“Are you gonna eat that apple pie?!?!”
Link shook his head to Astrid and shifted his apple pie toward Astrid. When Misami and Azmara walked over, they stopped a few feet away from the table for fear of Astrid getting food on their clothes. “What a pig!! Astrid can't you stop stuffing your face for once? I'm gaining weight just looking at you.” Misami scolded. She sat beside Link, forcing Azmara to sit beside Astrid. “What's his problem Junichi?”
“Theorello insulted his dance skills and now they're going to have a dance contest to see who dances better. I'm with Astrid hands down.”
Azmara tilted her head at Link, giving him a look of awe. Obviously he had never tangoed with Theorello. Hell, he'd never seen the man move on a dance floor. Theo had grace, style and agility. She had to admit, Astrid had personality and flavor but Theorello had a movement that made women melt in their shoes. Azmara couldn't wait to see Astrid and Theo face off. It was a battle worth watching. “So, when will this dance competition be Junichi?”
“Well, Theorello is having salsa dances this afternoon but he said five this evening would be perfect.”
“Really?!?! What are we waiting for?! Come on!!”
Azmara grabbed Misami's hand and hurried out of the restaurant. Misami screamed as Azmara dragged her down the street toward Theo's dance studio. “Azmara will you slow down?! You're getting dust in my hair!!”
“But I want to see Theorello dance!! You have to see it!! It's amazing.”
“What's so damn interesting about it? It's not like he's a sexy guy!!”
Azmara stopped running when she reached the studio and went inside to see Theorello walking through six dancing couples. He was counting to keep them in tempo but not all could keep up. “That's all, you'll get the steps with a little more practice. We will rehearse those steps after a break. Azmara… who is this you're with?” Azmara took Misami's hand and led her over to the silver haired man.
“Theorello Yukimura, Misami Hirogi. And vice versa.”
Misami expected to shake Theorello's hand but he kissed her hand to show courtesy and a handsome smile to add charm. “Miss Hirogi, I've heard a lot about you but I never got the pleasure to meet you. Azmara never stops talking about her best friend.” Theorello said. While Theorello charmed Misami, Astrid and Link watched from a window. Anger and jealousy coursed through him as he watched Theo charm her. “He's got some nerve charming my girl like that! I'm gonna mop the floor with him!! Do you see that man? Soon he's gonna start hitting on Azmara!!” Astrid yelled. A huge sweat drop appeared on the back of Link's head. Astrid was taking things too far. “Astrid, you're taking things too far. Theo isn't going to-”
Astrid kicked down the door and marched right up to Theo with anger in his eyes. Theo could only smile at the younger boy's fury. It was interesting how young children could be fueled with anger and try to take it out on the next person on sight. “You know, that temper is a nasty habit. If you attack with anger then you won't manage to get far. Controlling the fire is better than letting it control you.” Theorello ran a hand through his long silver hair and sighed confidently to irritate Astrid. He grinned when he saw Astrid crack his knuckles. Obviously his plan had worked. “I don't need any lectures from you old man. Dismiss your class because I'm gonna mop the floor with you. Class dismissed!”
“Very well then, shall we dance?”
When the couples were gone, Astrid crossed the dance floor to the radio and put in his cd then walked back to the center of the dance floor. When the music played, Astrid moved quickly with the rhythm, moving his arms and legs to the beat. He danced his way over to Misami and took her hand. The two danced together while Azmara, Azalea and Theorello watched. Theo had to admit that Astrid had style and flavor to his moves. There was a flame inside him that danced as he danced with Misami. “The boy is very good.”
“Oh yeah!! Go Missy! Go Astrid!!!”
Azmara cheered for her friends as they danced together. She wanted badly to dance with them but they were dancing too fast and she had no rhythm. When Astrid and Misami had finished, Astrid spun Misami around and dipped her. “Thank you, my beautiful partner.” He whispered with a wink. He held Misami up straight and grinned at Theo. “You can't dance like that can you? Just give it up while your hip isn't broken.” Astrid told him. Theorello stepped toward the cd player and put in his own cd. When the music played, he danced smoothly and with grace. Misami and Link watched in awe as Theorello moved gracefully across the dance floor. When he grabbed Azmara to dance, the attention was focused on the two dancers. Misami, Astrid and Link were all stunned to see Azmara keep up in step with Theorello. “How is she dancing? She can't keep up with me and Astrid?” Misami asked. Link smiled at the Chosen of Destiny. “Theorello must have given her special training to keep with up him. She dances beautifully.”
“Junichi don't forget! You're on my side.”
“Oh that's right.”
When Azmara and Theorello were finished, Astrid stepped toward Theo with a frown on his face. “You… you dance good for an older guy.” Astrid said. Theo placed a hand on his shoulder and gave Astrid a calming smile. “You don't dance badly yourself. I can teach you how to dance like that if you wish.” Astrid blushed at Theorello's comments. So he wasn't that bad. “Hey you guys let's all go out and get some ice cream. What do you guys think?” Azalea asked as she walked toward them. Astrid grinned and wrapped an arm around Link. “Bro, you can spot me a few yen right? I'm fresh outta cash.” Misami grabbed Astrid by the ear and led him away but he broke free of her grip. “Come on babe chill out. Hey Junichi come on. Spot me a little.” Astrid begged. Astrid looked past his best friend to see that a man was standing behind everyone. It was Raion. He had risen from his demolished castle to seek revenge on Link. He held his hand up and charged his power up to be released. Astrid didn't know what he was planning to launch but he was going to aim it straight at Link. “Junichi look out!!”
Raion released his power at Link but when Astrid pushed Link, the assault missed him completely and knocked Astrid into the wall. “No!! Astrid!! What have you done?!” Misami screamed. Raion taunted Misami by licking his lips and beckoning her to come to him. Misami did just that and slapped Raion across the face. “Damn, that hurt.” Saying that, Raion punched Misami in her stomach and watched as she sank into unconsciousness. “Misami, you bastard what have you done to my best friend?”
“Azmara, Azalea, Theorello, prepare yourselves.”
Azalea stepped forward with a glare in her eyes. “Astrid was my friend and I don't like Misami all that much but she didn't deserve what you've done to her.” She said angrily.
“Are you going to kill me with your flowers? How amusing.”
Azalea knelt down and touched the ground. When she did, the spot she touched turned green. She spun around elegantly and a tree branch spun with her. Azalea commanded the tree branch to capture Raion but he easily destroyed it. Without noticing, Theorello had sent his Light of Heaven attack at him to follow Azalea's assault. Theo's assault had made direct contact.
“Nicely done as usual Theo!” Azmara applauded.
“Don't thank me just yet. We're not done here.”
Link readied his sword and Azmara summoned the flame into her hand. The two looked at each other with battle in their eyes. They would definitely finish him off this time. “You couldn't defeat me in my castle so what makes you think you can do it here?”
“We would have finished your sorry ass if you had caused the castle to collapse. A cowardly move for someone who claims to be strong enough to wipe us out. But no more. I promise you won't be leaving alive this time. After what you've done to my friends, what you've done to Link. I swear I'll get you for that.”
Raion watched as the flame in Azmara's had began to move rapidly. Let her be angry, she wouldn't stand a chance even if she were. Raion grinned at Azmara and charged at her. He sped past Link, Theorello and Azalea and grabbed Azmara by the throat. “I have you my pretty.”
“You have nothing. Farore's Wind!”
Azmara vanished from his grasp and appeared behind Raion. He didn't notice she was behind him until she elbowed him in the back of his neck. Now was their chance. Azalea, Link and Theo followed behind Azmara and jumped in to attack Raion. Azalea tripped Raion while Link used his sword to slash his back and Theo had topped it off by sliding in front of Raion and kicking him in the face. “Nice team work.” Theorello complemented.
“Don't go patting each other's backs now. You've still lost.” Raion held his hand out and the unconscious Misami flew into his grasp. Azmara ran to her best friend's aid but Raion struck her back with a wave of his hand. Immediately, Azalea ran to her sister's side to protect her. “I'm all right Azalea. Thrice be damned coward. Always hiding behind someone.” Azmara said between her teeth. Raion snorted at Azmara and ran his fingers through Misami's blue hair. A light shone in Theo's hand, fire danced in Azmara's grasp and Azalea's forest cry beamed in her palm. The three were prepared to strike Raion and he didn't back down. None of them had noticed that Astrid had awakened and was looking at Raion holding Misami. “That bastard… he has Misami.” Astrid stood up and brushed aside his red locks away from his face. “Hey!! Let my girl go you freak!!”
“Astrid's awakened. Aw man now he's gonna know our secret.”
Astrid ran to join his friends then went ballistic. “Where the hell did learn how to do that?!?! Azmara and your sister have magic powers. I want powers too.”
“Astrid will you shut up?! Damnit this isn't the time that freak has Misami and he will kill her if I don't hand over my sister's and Theo's medallion.” Azmara turned her blue eyes back to Raion. She had to find a way to get Misami away from Raion without her getting hurt. “Azmara do something.” Astrid pressured her.
“I can't. We have to think rationally Astrid. Just the slightest mistake and-”
“The hell with that! This dude has my girl. I won't let him hurt her!!!”
Ignoring Azmara and Link's voices, Astrid darted at Raion and punched him in the face. To Azmara's surprise, Raion had allowed Astrid take hits off him. While Astrid had distracted Raion, Link rushed over to Misami and picked her up. She moaned slightly but did not wake. Azmara ran over to Link's side to check on her best friend. “Get her out of here.”
“I can't leave you.”
“Theorello will help me. Stay with Misami.”
Azmara hugged Link and helped her best friend out of the studio while Link and Theorello stayed behind. “Azmara, Astrid could get hurt in there. Worst off, Astrid will discover our secret.” Azalea said as she ran beside her sister. “I know Azalea but we have to think smart. Misami was hurt bad.”
“You stay with her then. I'm going back in!”
Azalea raced back into the studio to find Theo, Link and Astrid battling against Raion. Azalea made her presence known when she sent her Forest Cry attack at Raion. She joined her friends' side and faced off against Raion. “Ok guys, Azmara isn't here so lets give it all we got.”
“How did you get powers?!?”
Azalea's face went blank and she turned to scream at Astrid. “We don't have time for that! Theo, Link, lets go!”
“His name isn't Junichi?!?! Will someone explain to me what is going on?!?!”
While Astrid ranted on with questions, Raion charged up a black lightning and sent it at the four friends. Link grabbed Azalea and pulled her out of the way while Theo helped Astrid aside. “Thanks dude.”
“Don't mention it. Astrid, you have to get out of here while you still can.”
Astrid snorted at Theo's command and stood up to his feet. He wasn't going to run in the face of danger. He'd hold his ground against the enemy and stand beside his friends. With or without magic. Unfortunately, Link and Azalea didn't approve of Astrid fighting beside them. “Astrid, Azmara is outside with Misami because Misami was hurt. Do you want to end up the same way?” Link asked.
“Yeah, we can't guarantee that we can protect you always. You have to get out and let us handle it.” Azalea added.
“I'm not gonna back down. Link, Azalea, Theo, sorry guys but I won't leave your side. We're friends and friends watch after each other's backs. We go to war together, we die in war together. I'm not gonna sit on the sidelines while you guys duke it out. So come on Raion, bring it.”
Astrid raced toward Raion with fight in his eyes while Raion watched in amusement. This boy's life was going to end soon. Raising his hand, he shot his black lightning at Astrid. “Astrid no!!”
“Move out of the way!!”
Astrid threw a punch at the lightning and to everyone's amazement, the lightning clashed against his fist. “Raion's attack stopped!” Azalea pointed out. A smirk crossed Theorello face and he hung back with his arms crossed. “Don't make any moves. Watch what happens.” He told his friends. Azalea and Link looked at each other in confusion then back at Theorello. Why wouldn't he want them to help Astrid? They looked back to see that Astrid was still fighting off the lightning. His facial expressions were agony and determination. “I won't…back down. You here me you bastard?!?! I won't give up!!”
Suddenly, a red light sparked out of Astrid's hand. The light grew until it engulfed Astrid entirely. When Astrid looked around, there was something that appeared to be an ogre standing before him. He gasped and flew backwards in fear of being eaten. “Hey man! I'm not edible.”
“I'm not going to eat you Jin. Calm down.”
“Hey it's Astrid and how do you know my name?”
“My name is Darunia and I am the Sage of Fire. But now, I am bestowing my power unto you Jin Bayashi. With it, you will stand beside Azmara and Link.”
Astrid nodded and Darunia smiled. Astrid wanted nothing more than to side with his friends and help them. It was like he said, he'd stand beside them no matter what happened. Grinning, Astrid stretched out his arms to receive his new power. “Lay it on me!” He said. Darunia held out hands and forfeited his power to Astrid. As Darunia faded into the light, Astrid heard his voice on last time. “Take care of my brother.”
“Link and I are brothers. I'll look after him like my own family.”
When the light faded, Astrid was standing in the studio again with a look of relief on his face. “Oh my god!! Astrid's the new sage!”
“Yeah, that rocks huh?”
Astrid turned his eyes to Raion and snapped his fingers together. Immediately, fire surged throw the floor and hit Raion head on. While his friends cheered in the back, Astrid took a step closer to Raion with confidence on his shoulders. “Want some more? Because I'll be more than happy to shove some fire up your ass.”
“I'm just getting started.”
“Good. That's what I wanna here!”
Everyone turned to see Azmara coming from behind them. She grinned at her friends and stood beside Astrid. “Welcome to the team, our team.”
“Glad to be part of it. Let's take this guy out together?”
Link, Azalea and Theo smiled and ran beside Astrid. The five friends stared Raion down and launched their attacks at him. “Flame Dancer!!”
“Forest Cry!!”
“Light of Heaven!”
“Din's fire!!”
The three sages, Chosen of Destiny and Hero of Time launched their attacks at Raion and were rewarded with a direct hit. Raion growled from the hole in the wall he was sitting in. He had to think of another strategy to lower Azmara's forces and he knew exactly how to do it. “I suppose five on one isn't quite what I had in mind. Until next time my worthy adversaries.” Saying that, Raion vanished, leaving behind Azmara and her friends. “So… this means you're gonna be fighting beside us now huh?” Azalea asked as she approached Astrid.
“Hell yeah. I'm glad to be with you guys. Hey Link, bro, you're stuck with me now. Darunia asked me to look after you but he didn't need to. You've been cool with me from the get go. “
“Get go?”
“Beginning dude. Now, let's celebrate with pizza and wings. We'll all go out. You, me, Misa- holy crap! Azmara where's my babe?!”
Azmara ran outside to see that Misami was walking toward the studio. They had some explaining or some quick lying to do. “Hey Azmara, you should tell Theo to clean his floors. Maybe people won't slip and fall.”
“Slip? Fall?”
“Yeah, I fell on the floor and hit my head. Didn't you see me?”
Azmara looked at Link with confusion in her eyes. She was positive that Misami saw Raion use magic to attack her as her friends. Why didn't she remember? The reason was because one of Raion's men had erased her memories. He stood beside Raion with a smile on his face. “Lord Raion, rest assures I will have this girl under my control very shortly. She looks foolish enough to believe anything I say.” The man with long teal hair was known as Yurimaru. He had a charm that would weaken any woman and Misami was that woman that would sink to her knees. She was perfect. She would help destroy Azmara and her entourage of imbeciles. Turning away from Raion's side, Yurimaru walked into the darkness but only to have Raion call out to him. “Where are you going?”
“To make plans for lunch. Miss Hirogi does enjoy the finer things in life. I'm sure she'd like lunch at someplace far more elegant than the Sakura Café.”
Lil Lovely Angel: *whistles* sexy guy like that Azmara's gonna have her hands full… or will it be Misami who has her hands full? We'll find out next chapter. Right now, I'm gonna relax. Cooking for three hundred is great but kinda tiring. ^^