The Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of Zelda: Chosen of Destiny ❯ Yurimaru's Charm ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“I won't apologize for something I didn't do. I don't give a damn what the hell she did. She hit me first.” Azmara ranted. She rubbed the red mark on her cheek and gritted her teeth. The nerve of that girl! And that girl was supposed to be her best friend. If Raion hadn't gone and made trouble then Astrid wouldn't have been distracted from his date. “Hey Azmara, do you think Raion might've had something to do with it. I mean distracting us.” Azalea said. Azmara only shook her head. “I don't get that. I mean, why would the guy cause trouble for us when Misami isn't a threat to him? Furthermore, we were fighting Raion the entire time. He didn't have the time to get to Misami. Unless, he sent one of his dimwits to corrupt her. Reason why I don't know but we're gonna find out.”
“Yeah, we'll do secret missions like Charlie's Angels. We're gonna gather up as much as we can on Misami.”
And so, Azmara, Astrid, Link and Azalea waited for class to end the following day to follow Misami. Azmara and Misami had easily avoided one another, snorting and glaring at each other. Just as Misami was going to leave, Link caught up with Misami. “Hey Misami! Wait up.”
“Huh? What do you want Junichi? Aren't you supposed to be following Azmara?”
“No, actually I was wondering if I could talk to you. I wanna know what's going on with you and Azmara. You two are best friends. Friendship shouldn't be ripped apart like this. Come on, lets go to the Sakura Café and talk about it ok?”
Misami snorted and turned her face away. She had bigger plans then to hang out with Azmara's follower and secondly, she had a date later on that day. Yurimaru promised to take her out to one of his favorite restaurants and Misami was looking forward to it. She couldn't wait to see what kind of restaurant he would be taking her to. Of course she knew that a man of his standards and appearances wouldn't ever bother with an irksome place like the Sakura Café. “Sorry Junichi but I'm going to have to decline. Maybe I'll be able to give you time when I get some to waste. Until then, Ciao.”
With that snobby remark, Misami left the school and walked outside. To her amazement, Yurimaru was outside already, waiting for him. She ran toward his car and got in beside him. “I was afraid you'd keep me waiting.”
“I would never make you wait. I have an errand to run my sweet. I'm going to have to cancel it.”
“But… I decided that I could make it up to you over dinner.”
Misami blushed as she thought about dinner with Yurimaru. It would be like the romantic fairy tale she had dreamt of. She couldn't refuse his offer. She agreed to his terms and rode home with him in his car. From above on the school building, the three sages, Link and Azmara stood together watching Misami and Yurimaru speed down the road. “That dude isn't getting away with my girl, not that easy. Let's follow them! Azmara, warp us to Misami's place.” Astrid told her.
“I will do no such thing. You guys can fly. Come on Link, lets go. Farore's Wind!”
When Link and Azmara disappeared, Astrid and Azalea looked up to Theorello. They obviously didn't know how to fly. “Flying is easy. Just summon your power use it to excel in the air. Now go.” Theorello told them. Azalea closed her green eyes and summoned her power until a green aura surrounded her. When she looked, she was glowing green. “Man, this is totally sweet! Ok, here I go.” She said. Taking a leap of faith, Azalea stepped off the school building and soared into the sky. “Azalea!!”
“I'll meet you guys there! Cya!!!”
As Azalea sped away, Astrid gritted his teeth together. If she could do it then he could definitely do it. Following Azalea, Astrid summoned his power and jumped off the building, flying after Azalea. “Well now, that didn't take too long.” Theo said to himself. He followed after the two younger sages and met up with everyone in Misami's mother's garden. “Ok, before we talk about our plan, Din's Fire!”
Azmara shot fire of the security cameras so that no one would know that they were hiding out in there. When all cameras were disposed off, Azmara turned to everyone. “Ok, we have to find out what sort of plans Misami has made. We have to find out what that guy and Misami are up to. Secondly, we have to find out if there's a secret behind him. Azalea and Astrid will go find out what's going on with Misami while Link, Theo and myself will go and track down this guy. Let's break and meet back at Sakura.”
Everyone disappeared but went to different areas. Azmara, Theo and Link had followed Yurimaru to a store were tuxedos were sold. Theorello and Link went inside to carefully watch him while they searched for suits to buy. They glanced over at him every now and then but nothing seemed unusual. They left the store but with three tuxes in hand.
Elsewhere, Azalea and Astrid hid amongst Misami's clothes in her walk-in closet. They listened to the conversation that both she and Namie were having. She was going on about the date that she was going on with Yurimaru. “I can't wait to go Namie! Oh, Yurimaru is the perfect man I've ever met. He's intelligent, handsome and wealthy. He completely understands the life I live. Not like Astrid at all.”
“Misami that is true but you have to remember that you don't know this man fully. You have to remember that he is twice your age. You're lucky I haven't told your father about this.” Namie said as she curled her hair.
“Oh come on Nana, please don't tell. This man is my dream come true and I don't want anything to take him away from me. Don't tell my daddy ok?”
Namie sighed and finished Misami's hair then put on her make-up. When she had finished, Misami was dressed in a red strapless dress with black heels. She choice of jewelry was diamond teardrop earrings and a diamond bracelet. Her hair was tied into two buns that looked like rice balls on the top of her head with bangs coming down the sides of her face. When she looked, she jumped up and hugged Namie. “It's beautiful!”
“I'm glad you like it. Your date in downstairs.”
Misami jumped up and down then turned to run out of the room. She ran down the halls but slowed down when she got to the staircase. She took a deep breath and walked down the stairs to see the handsome Yurimaru with a bouquet of roses in hand. He smiled when Misami approached him and handed her the roses. “Beautiful as ever.”
“Thank you.”
Yurimaru held her hand to his lips and gave her hand a gentle kiss that brought flush to her face. “I dare not kiss the lips of an angel until I am worthy enough but I am blessed that you allowed me to touch your smooth hand. Our carriage awaits.” Misami took Yurimaru's hand and followed him outside to his car. As they were driving through the city, Misami tried to guess where had could be taking her. There were many restaurants in the city that Misami had been to. When they arrived at the docks, Misami's eyes lit up. “Oh wow! We're having dinner on the ship!”
“I knew you would like it my love. I wanted things to be absolutely perfect for us tonight. I trust you like it.”
When they stopped, Yurimaru opened Misami's door and led her onto the ship. When they arrived, they were immediately seated inside with a seat that looked out to the ocean. Yurimaru had suggested it because he feared that Misami would get to cold. Astrid would have never thought about that and would have immediately suggested they sit outside. A child like Astrid would no nothing about romance. When they were seated, the waiter came to them to take their orders. “Welcome aboard the Megami Kaoru. I am your server Eiji, what can I get you?”
“Waiter, I'll have a glass of your best Champagne and for my lovely date, I'd like sparkling apple cider.”
The waiter took off to bring Yurimaru and Misami's drinks and while he did, Yurimaru took Misami's hand in his and gazed deeply into her eyes. “Are you enjoying yourself so far?” He asked.
“Of course I am. I…”
“Misami, I'm glad you decided to come out with me tonight. I didn't think you'd be interested in an older man like me. I had to admit at first I thought you were like your friends at school. But you are the most intelligent, charming, sincere woman I've ever met. I hope you don't think that I'm not being truthful.”
Misami smiled at Yurimaru and lost herself in his eyes. Finally, there was a man that was interested in her and was mature. Misami prayed it wasn't a dream. As they ate dinner, as they sipped their beverages and engaged in conversations about wealth and traveling, she felt herself floating on cloud nine. From afar, Astrid watched as Misami chatted with Yurimaru. He wanted nothing more than to throw him out the window and into the ocean. That would teach him not to hit on his girl. When the ship finally returned to the port, Misami and Yurimaru departed from the boat and went back to Misami's house. There, Yurimaru said his good nights to Misami but Astrid's voice interrupted his sentimental words. Before Yurimaru could say anything, Misami had stepped up. “Astrid! I thought I told you I didn't want to see you again. Leave me alone!!”
“Misami, you're being tricked! That guy isn't interested in you. He's just using you, all older guys are only out for one thing. Open your eyes Misami.”
Misami started to approach him but Yurimaru held her back. He couldn't thank Astrid enough. This boy was making wooing Misami even easier. He couldn't imagine who was more stupid, Misami or Astrid?
“Don't upset her anymore than you already have. Leave now or I will call security, who will escort you off the premises with a great deal of pleasure.”
“Shut up man! Shut up with your fancy bullshit words. You're not fooling me and I won't let you fool my girl anymore! I'll make you eat those words!”
Astrid charged at Yurimaru but didn't unleash any of his power. He didn't want Misami to know his secret, at least not at the moment. He punched Yurimaru in the jaw then watched as the older man went down. “Bull's-eye.”
“Astrid! What have you done?!?! Yurimaru are you all right?”
Misami ran to Yurimaru's side and knelt down beside him. She cradled him in her arms then turned back to Astrid. She screamed for security to come only to have Astrid flee from the scene. When he had gone, Misami turned back to Yurimaru. “Are you all right?”
“I'm fine. I wouldn't let him hurt you.”
Misami held tightly onto Yurimaru's hand and smiled gratefully to him. She would definitely so to it that Astrid didn't harm her or Yurimaru again. She promised herself that. “Misami… my sweet, sweet love.”
“You are incredibly beautiful when you look at me with concern and tenderness. I love you, my dear Misami.”
Yurimaru brought Misami's face closer and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. As he kissed her, Astrid watched on from behind a tree. It killed him internally to watch another man kiss Misami. He loved her and wanted to be with. How could he lose her to an older man that didn't love her? He knew the game Yurimaru was playing and by god, he wouldn't let him play it on Misami. He swore that.
Lil Lovely Angel: Well now, I think this is getting interesting. You know, I thought of this as one big soap opera when I was typing it. I love Passions! It's my fav. Can you believe Alistair came back? Hm, maybe Pretty and Louis should get together. I never liked Fancy… o.o! I have to get ready!! Going out to shoot some pool^^ Later ppl!