The Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of Zelda: Chosen of Destiny ❯ Azalea VS. Yuiko ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Azalea couldn't help but think about how well dinner with Theo had gone. She could sense that he was nervous with her seeing as she wasn't in the body of a child anymore. When she had ordered wine Theo was shocked. He almost took the glass away but remembered that she was no longer a child. Even if she wasn't ten years old anymore he kept her under a limit. Theo had escorted her home with her hand in his. They talked and laughed about things. Everything about the date made Tatsuya sick to her stomach while Rioma watched on in amazement. “Isn't it romantic Tatsu? He walked her home and kissed her hand. It's so romantic!!! I wish I had a man that would do that for me. How about you?”
“Rioma will you shut the hell up? Damnit you're annoying. I'm only doing this because I know lord Raion will be pleased with my success.”
Rioma stuck her tongue out at her sister only to be slapped across the face. The two sisters engaged into a heated cat fight that consisted of hair pulling, scratching and swearing. Finally, the fight was broken up by Lord Raion. “What are you carrying on about?” He asked the twins.
“Tatsuya's being a bitch!”
“I'm not being I'm already there. You little slut.”
Raion looked at the two then waved his hand for them to continue their fight. If Justia was right about one thing it was that their quarreling would be the end of them. They almost killed each other in a battle for Yurimaru's heart. Still, their plan could work. “How long are you going to let Azalea be merry?”
“Mmm, a couple of days. We have to make the dream seem real for Azalea and a nightmare for Yuiko. I give it till Thursday before Azalea and Yuiko lash out at one another. Then the other sages and lastly Link and Azmara.” Rioma said.
“For some reason this sound conspicuously identical to Yurimaru's plan.” Raion said with a perked brow.
“Uh, uh, uh… see Yurimaru had his own little faults. One, Misami was not a sage when he executed his plan and two, her new body comes with incredible powers that are in everyway unmatched. Not even the great Chosen of Destiny will be able to stand her ground against it. When we're done with Azalea her family and friends will be six feet under thanks to Yuiko's jealousy and her everlasting love for Theorello.”
The following morning Azmara, Link, Misami and Astrid sat at Azmara's breakfast table preparing for school. Azalea hadn't awakened so that gave them the opportunity to chat about her current dilemma. “I've been in this time for five months and I understand why your parents drink coffee but I don't understand why you and Misami feel the need to.” Link said as he stirred his tea.
“Well then tell me why Astrid drinks tea.” Misami demanded gently. Link looked over at Astrid then back at Misami. He knew Astrid's joke would not please his girlfriend but he didn't like lying. “Astrid drinks coffee because it relieves him of the stress you put him through. It gives him the patience to take in your nagging and `bitching' as he likes to put it.”
“Astrid you son of a biscuit eating bulldog!!”
Misami threw her hot coffee at Astrid but by the time it hit him the coffee was no longer hot. “What the French Toast!” He yelled as he stood up. As he dried his clothes Azmara massaged her forehead and waved tiny flames at Misami and Astrid. “Will you two bickering babies gimme a break. My little sister is in the body of a twenty year old woman. Mom and dad will be back Sunday!” Azmara yelled.
“Darling it's Wednesday.” Link said as she held her hand. He kissed Azmara's lips gently to sooth her worries. They'd figure out a way to reverse the spell Tatsuya and Rioma placed on Azalea. “Goooood morning!!! I'm glad to see that everyone's up and ready for a new day. I'm going to meet Theorello at his apartment. We're having breakfast then off to the studio. Azmara does this dress look good?”
Azmara eyed Azalea's beige dress with a deep cut in the front that stopped at her lower thighs. Azmara's eyes almost burst from her sockets when she saw her sister. She had the appearance of a street hooker. All she needed were some red heels and killer makeup. “What in hell is that?!?! You are-”
“Looking just perfect little Az. Listen, you go ahead and we'll see you after school. Bye bye now honey.”
Azalea disappeared from the room with a sunny smile on her face while Azmara threw Misami toward the wall. Misami's body had burst into water before she could hit it but she came together again. “What was that for?!?!”
“How could you just agree with her?!?! I don't know what the fuck you see in that but what I see in a slut in the making!!”
Misami slapped Azmara across the face and demanded that she shut her mouth. Immediately Azmara shut up to listen to what Misami was going to say. She'd give her a few words in then an explanation on why she hit her. It wasn't going to stop her from shoving the flames of hell up her ass. “Listen Azmara! Azalea has a new look for the moment so you can't protect her like she's ten years old now. We have to stick to plan. Meaning there will be some changes. She's gonna wanna wear more… mature clothing. Just give it a rest, okay?” Misami said. Azmara sulked in her chair after Misami spoke. In her opinion, Misami had better shut her mouth real quick if she wanted to live to see tomorrow. That was her little sister she was talking about. She wasn't going to let her get caught up in Rioma and Tatsuya's spell.
“You're a really good cook Azalea. Breakfast was delicious.”
“Thank you Theo. I'm glad I could come over and cook for you. I love to cook breakfast. Anyway let me draw a hot bath for you and while you bathe I will clean up here.” Azalea went on to fix Theo's bath and when she had finished, she returned to the kitchen cleaning. While he bathed Azalea sang as she washed the dishes. She couldn't help the cheerfulness that blossomed in her heart. The twins' spell was working like a charm. She never wanted to go back to being ten years old again. She loved the way she was now. Yuiko would never feel Theo's lips or the warmth of his embrace. Never again would she give the pop star a chance to be alone with him. She was going to spend every moment she could. By tomorrow night Yuiko will be a thing of the past while Azalea would be his present and future. “Theo?! Theorello!”
“He's in the bath right now. How may I help you?”
Yuiko stepped inside the kitchen and looked at Azalea very carefully. This was the slut he was with the night before. Now she was in his kitchen fixing him the perfect meal. Who did she think she was? Yuiko picked a strawberry up from a pile it was sitting on in the plate. She looked at it then hurled it at Azalea but it didn't hit her. Azalea swiftly caught the strawberry and took a bite out of the sweet fruit, moaning softly at the yummy taste. “Tastes good. Unfortunately you are too late to join us in breakfast. You know, Theo loves strawberries. He likes everything that has to do with them. It is his favorite fruit after all. Strawberry crepes, strawberry shortcake, strawberries foster… he loves it all. And pretty soon he's going to love me in strawberries and whipped cream.”
Angered by Azalea's mocking, Yuiko slapped Azalea across the face. Azalea knew she could have easily avoided the assault but she let Yuiko hit her. Let her feel like she's got the upper hand for the moment. She'd savor the reality of Yuiko's world tumbling on that tangerine colored head of hers. She was going to enjoying fucking with her head. “You hit like a bitch. Come on sunshine, you can do better.”
Yuiko charged at Azalea but instead of grabbing her she was hit in the stomach and sent on her knees. Azalea chuckled softly yet evilly as she looked at the pathetic Sage of Spirit. She was nothing compared to her. Not now, not ever. “Aw, you're kneeling before my greatness. Wow… you do know superiority when you see it. Well, well, well, wouldn't this look good on the news and in the papers? But now I must bid you farewell.” Azalea kicked Yuiko into a portal that she created in the wall. When Yuiko fell out she'd land in a pile of mud. It was where she belonged, with the pigs and horses and other cute farm animals. Only Yuiko was far from cute.
“Azalea? Is everything alright out there?”
“Just fine darling. I shall fetch you a towel.”
Back at school, it was time for lunch and it gave Azmara the chance to sort things out. It was during art class that she just noticed that Yuiko didn't know of their situation. The thought popped into her head when she had her smashing hit `Tangerine' come on the radio. Misami, Azmara and Link prepared to head over to the Sakura Café when a baby blue limo pulled up before them. The window rolled down to reveal a man in black wearing sunglasses sitting in the front seat. “Miss Tachibana requests that you get in the car.” He said. Azmara and Misami looked at each other then loaded into the car one by one. “Yuiko what the hell happened to you? Went for a mud bath and forgot to wipe the mud off? My, I must admit that slime suits you perfectly.” Misami teased.
“Piss off Hirogi! I wanted tell you and Toyama and your precious Hero of Time that some chick broke into Theo's apartment! I don't know why but she was cleaning his breakfast table and talking dirty about him. She's not human I swear! We've got to do something before that crazy bitch takes him from me!” Yuiko shouted. Azmara's eyes narrowed immediately. That `crazy bitch' she was referring to was her sister. She would not allow her to talk about her family like that. With a twist of her wrist, Azmara summoned a tiny ball of fire that darted out at Yuiko and burned her lips. The older girl twitched in pain from the burning pain in her lips. She attempted to curse her out but the evil look in Azmara's eyes made her not speak a word. “You listen here you over privileged bitch. That `crazy bitch' is my sister. I will not let you talk about her like that. Next time you do I'm gonna roast you over an open fire like pig roast. You got me? Straighten out your act if you're gonna be on this team. Don't call us if you're not going to join. Hey douchebags up front!! Pull over damnit!”
When the car pulled over Azmara didn't give Yuiko a second glance. The expression on her face that made her look purely ridiculous was satisfaction enough. The girl had a lot of nerve. When Rioma and Tatsuya threatened the lives of many she didn't care. But now that Azalea was with Theorello it was all `apocalypse is coming! Head for the hills.' She needed to grow up. As they walked toward the café Azmara couldn't help but think about Yuiko's words. None of the Sages could open portals. Did the spell come with hidden powers? What else did Rioma and Tatsuya include? As Azmara thought more and more into the conversation, water began to pour on her head. She growled at Misami but her friend was gone already. “Eh?? Where'd she- Misami stop this rain now!!!”
“It isn't me I swear!!! I just friggin washed my hair!! Oh no the curls are coming out!! Hurry up Azmara before your curls come out too!”
As Azmara ran she became more certain of it. There was something definitely wrong with Azalea's new body. She'd look into it once they got home. For the moment, she let Azalea and Theo run through the park hand in hand. “Azalea I told you not to get my clothes wet. I'm giving lessons later.”
“Come on where's your sense of fun Theo? Let's stop over here.”
Azalea and Theo stopped under a tree to protect themselves from the rain. As they stood together Theo came to notice how beautiful Azalea looked now that she was older. He couldn't see it when she was young but she was a vision. Azalea had caught his eye and turned to him with a confused look on his face. “What is it?”
“Nothing, I just don't see my young friend anymore. I see a beautiful woman.”
Azalea smiled when Theo gave her the compliment. He thought her beautiful now that she was older. Rioma and Tatsuya's spell was going to give her what she wanted the most. She would have it soon. She twirled in the rain and felt the cool drops on her skin. It felt almost as good as receiving the compliment. “Theo-”
“Azalea, I have to be going now. My students will be arriving soon.”
Azalea held tight onto Theo's arm, begging him to stay with her but he refused. He swore to see here again later that night. When he had gone Azalea remained in her place under the tree. She couldn't control her heart beat. He was going to come back to see her. “Theo's coming to see me! He really is! I've got to get ready. I wonder what I should wear!” Azalea flew home and wondered what she was going to wear for Theo. Her mother didn't have anything sexy enough. She wondered if she could raid Misami's closet. She had tons of clothes but Misami knew everything by heart. There was no way she'd be able to snag one of her dresses. She'd have to steal one of Azmara's. She'd never know if she went out with the other sages. Yes, she'd devise a plan to get Azmara out of the house while she make off with her dresses and jewels.
Elsewhere, Yuiko paced back and forth in her very expensive and well lavished penthouse suite. She had had demanded that her parents pay for a night in a lovely hotel in Osaka. She when her maids had asked where she'd be going she had told them to mind their business or she'd have their asses fired in minutes. Damn the Toyama sisters! She despised them greatly and would love nothing more than to bury them beneath the sand. Something had to be done about Azalea's new transformation but what?! Azmara knew that the twins were behind this. It was obvious! Not that she cared but what if this change would have a severe effect on Azalea? Her powers could have been amplified and if they were, Azalea could kill Yuiko in a second. There had to be something that she could do. A came upon the door and Yuiko yelled angrily for them to go away. “Miss Tachibana I have your request for a Margarita. It's a compliment of the Ryuka. Please open the door.”
Yuiko ripped the door open angrily and snatched the drink from the server's tray. “I didn't order a fucking Margarita! If you wanna get me a drink then get me a bottle of Tequila and some shot glasses!” She screamed. The server bowed and left to fulfill Yuiko's request. “Stupid ass. Broke my fucking concentration! Now where was I?”
“Miss Tachibana!!”
“What?!?! That better be my fucking Tequila!!!”
Yuiko ripped the door open and was taken by the throat. Raion drew Yuiko close enough for his lips to brush against her. Yuiko thought he was going to kiss her but instead he lowered his eyes to her lips then brought his lips to her ear. “That's quite a potty mouth you've got Tangerine. Why don't you show me some respect?” Raion threw Yuiko into the room and closed the door silently. Though Yuiko had summoned the sands to swirl around her Raion felt no intimidation. He had intentions of assisting her rather than fighting. He sat down on the sofa and poured a shot of Tequila for both her and himself. “Drink? It's not poison I assure you. I just wanted to talk about that little nuisance that's standing between you and your love for Theorello darling. I know how it feels to be in love and have that person run past you for another. It hurts doesn't it?” Raion asked.
“And why does this concern you? Your bitches are the reason this is happening to me. If they would have never casted that spell of Azalea then Theo would be mine. You're to blame for this!” Yuiko retorted.
Raion smiled over the rim of his glass at Yuiko. It was clear why Azmara cared not that she wasn't on their team. She was ignorant with a foul temper, spoiled, over privileged and undeserving. Why waste time on a spoiled brat? Yuiko was going to be the cause of her own demise and what made it worse? She wasn't going to notice until death was standing over her and ready to claim her life. “You are absolutely right Yuiko. I am to blame for this. But you can fix it. Azalea can be reverted back to her younger state if you take her medallion and give it to me. I will need hers and yours of course.”
“Why mine?” Yuiko asked cautiously. She was not about to be hoodwinked by the enemy, no matter how tempting the offer. She did intend on asking why she should trust him and why he was undoing the spell. Rioma and Tatsuya were under his control. If he didn't like it, he'd simply call them off. Why hadn't he done that?
“Because I intend to set you free from your curse. By handing over your medallion you forfeit your power and title as the Sage of Spirit. Is that not what you want? If you do then you will be free to live the life you've always wanted with your loved one. I can give that to you if you allow me. What do you say to that Tangerine?”
Raion offered the drink to Yuiko and waited for her to accept it along with his proposal. Yuiko reached for the drink but Raion held onto the glass. “The twins? They may try to stand in my way. I'll need them taken care off.” Yuiko said.
“Don't worry darling. I will kill them if it pleases you.”
Yuiko smiled as she took the drink. Azalea was finished and Theo would be hers. She toasted her glass with Raion and shot the drink. Soon she'd have what she wanted.