The Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ The Desert's Rose ❯ Orn ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Desert's Rose
Warnings: Slash, violence, angst, cute little kids
Disclaimer: Zelda, Sheik, and the word Sheikah aren't mine. The ideas, plot, and Sheikah culture ARE.
Thanks to JohnneyAntonelli for beta-ing!
Chapter 8
Tallic hated being cooped up. When Sheik came with the stone, Bridae had been able to use it to restore the child and counteract the poison, but could do little to wake Sheik from his healing sleep. Therefore, Tallic was stuck, watching her master rest while being confined when Bridae was up to her duties.
The Grim had all but disappeared. A spattering few of them showed up every few days or so, but they were quickly dispatched without a leader to guide them. The lizalfos didn't even bother with that much. They seemed to have taken this as a sign to find other hunting grounds.
Thus, the village had set to fixing the damage and healing others. Tallic was very, very bored.
"You're infuriating," she grumbled at Sheik's sleeping face. He didn't move a bit, nor had he since they'd brought him there. She pursed her lips and flicked some of his light hair out of his face. "You keep sleeping and you should be awake teaching me, you lazy idiot."
She didn't like thinking about why he was asleep, for Bridae had told her, so she didn't think about it.
"And you look funny, she went on. Light hair like that, it's so weird! Ro says it's because you're a halfbreed. Weirdo."
If she thought about what she didn't like, what she found odd and strange and unappealing, it kept her from remembering what she did like about him and why her chest was tight with worry.
The door opened and Tallic snatched her hand back almost guiltily until she realized she hadn't been doing anything so she didn't have to be guilty, so she pouted instead. Bridae gave her a kindly look as she moved to Sheik's bedside and touched the sleeping man's forehead. Her eyes unfocused a moment, then she nodded.
"He's healed near fully. He should wake today," she said. Tallic folded her arms and pretended not to care, though the tension left her shoulders.
"Good. Then I can finally go out."
The lizalfos smiled and reached over to pat the girl's head, just chuckling at the grumpy look Tallic shot her for it. Bridae was plenty used to children and it had been long enough since losing her own that she could think back on them fondly, instead of with devastation.
She left Tallic to watching and went back to her duties. Tallic reached up to fix her hair a bit, mumbling to herself. Stupid lizardy lady...
"This is totally your fault", Tallic grumbled as she messed with Sheik's bangs. And then abruptly, her hand was caught in a sudden grip. Tallic gasped and stared as Sheik's dark eyes opened and looked up at her sleepily. "You're awake!!"
Sheik gave a tired mumble and let go of her, letting his hand drop again. "...What happened...?"
"You totally kicked those bad guys' butts!" Tallic exclaimed, jumped to her feet. "A hunting party went out two days ago and looked. Total devastation!"
"How long have I been out...?"
"A few days. Bridae took the Stone to heal the others."
"Find her for me."
Tallic scowled. "I'm not your slave!"
But she went anyway to find the woman. Bridae was happy to see him up and he suffered through an examination to make sure nothing at all was amiss. Sheik was, thankfully, in good health. There was some lingering fatigue, but they'd gotten what they'd come for.
"The elders have decided it's too dangerous to have the Stone here," Bridae murmured as she passed a hide wrapped shape into Sheik's hands. He immediately felt the power and knew just what it was. "We wish you to take it with you on your journey."
"I will keep it safe," the Sheikah murmured reverently. Bridae smiled softly.
"I also ask...that you allow me to accompany you," she added to both Sheik and Tallic's surprise. "I am an outsider here, children. My family and I fled the others to find solace here, but... I'm alone and there is little to tie me. Now that the Grim are gone, Kasuto doesn't need my magic. They will prosper on their own."
"But..but how can you leave your home?" Tallic insisted, not understanding. She might not always enjoy her home but she'd never leave Boh forever!
Bridae smiled and reached over to pat the girl's head. "Child, I've already fled a home once. Another place, another world called Termina... Suffice it to say, I can do it again and I am much less burdened this time."
Sheik had not heard of a place called Termina and he considered himself well traveled by now. Bridae saw his confusion and let out a soft laugh.
"Don't fret, dear Sheik. I doubt you will ever visit there," she murmured, glancing off with a far away look in her eyes. "Termina... It is like here, but different. So different...Sometimes, people we know wander there and when they come back, they are not themselves. Others disappear completely... Since my clan and the Grim found our ways here to Hyrule, there have been few occurrences."
"The Grim came from there?!" Tallic chimed in, scooting closer.
"Yes, love. They had a kingdom there, Ikana... The land is cursed, full of dead, wandering spirits..." She sighed softly. "...My husband was enthralled with their history before their deaths and turning into Stalfos. Great King Igos du Ikana and his children... Well. That's another story, isn't it...? Suffice it to say, my people, the Dinolfos, and the Grim were allies. They just went by Ikana Stalfos there, changed the name when we found our way to Hyrule..."
"That's why you looked so much like the lizalfos," Sheik murmured. Bridae blinked a little and then laughed.
"Oh, our 'cousins'? Yes, I've heard much of them. They're quite stupid, aren't they? I'm surprised they have the delicacy to make armor and weapons at all," she said, rolling her eyes in obvious distaste. Tallic grinned.
"You may accompany us," Sheik decided finally as he slid out of bed, testing his legs. Weak but nothing a day or so of travel and food wouldn't cure. Bridae just smiled and that was that.
They readied themselves and left at midday, heading back North. Sheik led Evalus through the thick trees with Tallic riding. Bridae walked along with them, pleasant as she could be. Sheik had suggested bringing a horse if she had one, but the Dinolfos just smiled and said she had no need of one. She carried a pack on her back and wore her usual elaborate layerings of silks, the beaded headdress upon her head, and a dark, hooded cloak. Tallic had been given a few changes of Kasuto clothing that she'd have to wear until they returned to Boh, for her own had been ruined.
The desert sun sucked the breath from them when they broke the tree line. It had been only days since they left the sands, but they'd already become accustomed to the lower temperature of the forest. Sheik mentally cataloged how much water they had between the three of them, even though he already knew they had quite enough (he was Sheikah, after all,) and they headed off North again. The scrolls he'd poured over before hinted that the Aero Stone would show itself rather clearly through tornados and sand storms and Sheik knew from talk of traders back in Boh that the North part of the desert was riddled with such phenomena.
The days passed slowly as they traveled. Bridae truly did have no problem following their horses, even out running them to scout ahead on occasion. They rested during the hot afternoons and traveled in the mornings and evenings before bedding to sleep and train. Tallic was swiftly gaining prowess, but it would be some time before she would be ready to test for her ring. Sheik badgered her into practicing her basic moves, forcing her muscles to remember the movements when all she wanted to do was learn something new and totally awesome cool, whatever that meant.
In Mirabile, capital city of the Desert Clans, Sheik had them stop and arranged for an inn, then left Tallic and Bridae there as he went to buy water and other supplies. It was there he happened to pass ways with the clan chief herself.
"...Sheik?" the woman murmured with a blink as she paused. Nephrite looked as graceful as ever, though age was finally starting to show in her face and with a few thin streaks of gray in her violet hair.
Sheik bowed his head to her. Nephrite. "It's a pleasure to meet with you again."
She shook her head a bit. "Somehow, I doubt you're here for a pleasure call. What brings you so deeply into the Sands?"
"I'm on a journey of sorts, searching for the Stones of the Five Temples.." Sheik trailed off when Nephrite's bronzed cheeks paled a shade.
"Isn't that dangerous? And should you really be endangering yourself so close to the wedding?"
Sheik stared. "...Wedding?"
"So you really don't know." Nephrite sighed a bit, flicking a violent bang behind her ear. "Well, I'm not surprised. Mail in the desert is rather difficult to get... Queen Zelda has accepted my son's proposal. They're to be married in a fortnight."
This was a happy event, but Sheik could only feel rather shocked by the news. Zelda had really...? With Slade? He'd known the boy was making advances when he'd left Hyrule, but had he advanced so far? "Have I really been gone so long?"
Nephrite lifted a brow. "Slade mentioned when you left. A year is quite a while, young man."
A year. Sheik hadn't realized it had been such a long time. The months tended to pass quickly, as he kept himself as busy as he could. At once, thoughts of home and his loved ones permeated his mind. He thanked Nephrite and fled to find a place where he could collect himself. Pressed between two buildings, Sheik shut his eyes tightly and pressed a hand over them. A year... A year, and he'd managed to do very little worth while. And now, on this quest of his, he couldn't just up and leave to see a wedding. It would take too long, travel between, and... He might never leave if he went back now. He wasn't strong enough for that.
Eventually, Sheik found his way back to the inn with their supplies. He felt heartbroken, so homesick he could barely stand it. In Boh, with so much to do all the time, he'd been able to stave off the feelings, but now...
The only thing Sheik could do was throw himself fully into the journey. One of the merchants in the market square mentioned terrible weather up North, near the trading village of Orn. The next morning, the three of them headed off towards there. Sheik set a grueling pace and though they didn't know why, Bridae and Tallic (with a little coaching) left him be. Bridae began teaching Tallic the basics of magic, for the child did have the gift for it. Tallic took to it as well as she did anything.
Three days later, they were forced to take refuge from a sudden but blessedly short sandstorm. That set the tone for the next days as they dodged sandstorms and strange tornadoes alike. Their speed was vastly diminished, which set Sheik on edge but there was little he could do about it. When they finally got to Orn, he was ready to stake someone, just to settle his own anxiety.
Orn had a kind of dirty but strangely homey feel to it. The settlement wasn't large and there were very few permanent buildings, these built of the same stock as the buildings of Mirabile, sandy and strong. The bulk of it was made up in temporary tents and a vast market of transports. Though the town was apparently flourishing, there was something very strange going on. People eyed each other with suspicion and did little to stand out. They spoke in quiet tones and whispers, even for simple buying and selling. Though there were travelers all over, no one seemed particularly interested in really selling anything. It was tense, almost dangerous.
Sheik, Bridae, and Tallic wandered the market, trying to listen for clues on the Aero Stone, but little could be made from it. They were about to give up and find a place to sleep for the night when another traveler tripped right in front of Sheik and ended up slamming half into him. Sheik gave a huff of surprise and faint pain but managed to steady the two of them and not fall.
"My apologies!" the man murmured as he straightened, a full head and a half higher than Sheik himself. "Please forgive me. I wasn't looking where I was going and... Well, I'm very sorry for knocking you. Are you alright?"
"I'm fine-" Sheik started but Tallic suddenly pushed past him and grabbed the man's wrists, making him jump with surprise.
"Turn out your pockets, Sheik!" the girl snarled out, angry red eyes on the stranger's bewildered face. "Oldest trick in the book, knock and lift!"
Sheik didn't listen as the man tried to figure out just what Tallic was talking about, doing as she said and checking his coin purse. It was still there and nothing else had been taken as far as he could find. "Tallic, stand down. He's not a thief."
'At least not this time,' Tallic thought as she scowled but let go to fold her arms over her chest, still glaring at the strange man. He, understanding her accusation, just flushed a bit. The man was rather attractive, really. He had kind, bright yellow eyes, a well featured face with strong chin, and the faintest hint of red hair under his hooded cloak.
"Please, let me show my innocence by assisting you in whatever you've come for," he murmured. "My name is David."
Sheik thought about it, while Tallic seemed intent on finding some way to label the man a liar. Finally, Sheik asked, "We're here looking for something."
"I've been here a week or so, waiting for the storms to calm down," David replied, "and there's been little else to do here but look at shops. Whatever you need, I know where to find it."
"This item is unique," Bridae murmured, and of great importance.
David frowned a little at that and a strange suspicion settled in his earnest gaze. "Such as?"
Sheik hesitated, then said quietly, "The Aero Stone."
Something passed over yellow eyes, but whatever it was, David chose not to voice it. "I've heard of it...but I'm afraid that's one of the few things I can't find for you."
Well, it had been worth a try. David found them a place to stay that wouldn't empty their pockets too badly, then parted ways with them. Bridae watched him go with an odd look but didn't share her thoughts.
Things were quiet as they searched for clues for the first two days, and then disaster struck. As they combed the market place again, a sudden commotion started near the end of the shops that soon escalated. Orn guards raced to subdue things, but it only got worse. The marauders savagely killed guards and various merchants and others ran for their lives, screaming in panic. Sheik drew his swords and raced into the thick of it. He heard Tallic's voice behind him but Bridae had managed to grab the child before she could join him. Sheik twisted between bodies, working to keep as many people alive as he could. He disabled marauders he could, dodged well meaning guards who thought he was one of them, and did his best to get innocent people out of the mess.
The sound of a sword cutting through air alerted him and Sheik whipped around to block it, only to have David suddenly at his side to do it for him. The odd traveler gave Sheik a smile and then went on again, doing the same as Sheik had been.
The fight didn't really last very long. Reinforcements arrived and the remaining marauders were captured or had run. Healers arrived next to take care of wounded. Sheik ghosted away from things before one of the guards could try to pin him as one of the wrongdoers.
"You can't suppress us! We will have our freedom!"
Sheik glanced back, watching men scream similar statements as they were dragged away. He frowned, confused, but then a hand grabbed his arm and jerked him into the darkness between two stalls. He immediately recognized David's golden eyes and didn't attack.
"What was that?" he demanded quietly. David sighed a little, glancing back out.
"Insurgents. That group developed a little while after the storms started. They accuse the leader in this town of starting the storms to keep everyone in check." He shook his head a bit. "I haven't been able to verify the claims, but there is something strange about the whole thing..."
"I know the Aero Stone is here," Sheik replied with a scowl, folding his arms over his chest. "The rumors might be true..."
David glanced at him, mind worrying over something, then seemed to come to a decision. "I have contacts in the government here. The castle, even... You never know what servants might say... I'll see what I can find out."
Sheik nodded. "Thank you. You're more help than you know."
The other man smiled a little, but it wasn't a happy one.
The three travelers laid low for the next days. Orn buzzed with news of the skirmish, demonizing one side or the other. Sheik and Tallic practiced swordsmanship, though the latter of the two was quite angry she hadn't gotten a piece of the action, accusing Sheik and Bridae of babying her. Sheik was sure not to go easy on her.
David finally came back in the dead of night. He was let into their room and the trouble in his eyes set them on alert.
"It's true. It's true, they've got the Stone. Lila said the leader planned on trying to take over the Desert with it, once he's mastered the Stone's power." David was quite distressed by this. "He's going to start moving, tomorrow morning."
"No time." Sheik took a slow breath. "Well. Then we'll have to attack. Tonight."
"I'm going with you," David replied seriously. "There's more riding on this than you can understand. He cannot be allowed to subvert the desert."
Sheik wondered about David's real motivation, for there was quite a bit more to the man than he was stating, but time had run out for them. A rudimentary plan was thought through and they quickly headed off.
The castle was surprisingly easy to infiltrate. The guards stayed widely spread and Sheik detected no underlying magics to alert anyone. He hated the unease. Too easy, where was the opposition?! Bridae looked similarly alarmed, as did David, though Tallic had little enough experience to believe they were doing well.
As they ghosted along a corridor, David caught Sheik's eye and motioned for one of the doors. He was the only one with an idea of the castle layout, so Sheik trusted his lead and they headed through. More corridors, more doors and linked rooms. The place was a labyrinth! There were some guards but just not enough...
Light shown from under one last door, tall, reinforced metal and wood. More light than from the simple torches that lined the rest of the place, Sheik was sure. He snuck to the door and rested his ear against it, but there was nothing heard beyond. He snuck a bit of ethereal energy to try and pick up any magical residue beyond and had to jerk back, senses blinded. Dear goddesses, there was a stone there! The magics pulsed and curled about one spot, the sheer amount blinding to anyone with the sense. Sheik's mouth set in a thin line. He motioned to the others to ready themselves and then opened the door...
...Only to have a spear fly through it and hit him in the chest. Sheik flew back, hit the ground, and didn't move.