The Twelve Kingdoms Fan Fiction ❯ A Legend Forgotten ❯ A Village Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Disclaimer: The Twelve Kingdom Characters belong solely to Fuyumi Ono, but Mariette and the other unknown characters I am writing about belong to me. If this disclaimer is wrong, then please do not sue me.)
Chapter 1: A Village Girl
The rain poured down on a village of ancient Japan, where there was a funeral going on. An eight-year-old girl with long black hair and green peasant clothes was standing in the rain as she stared down at the ground. There were other villagers in her area, but they kept their distance from her. One of the villagers looked toward the young girl and shrugged.
“Look at that little monster. She had the nerve to come to their funeral.”
Another villager nodded in agreement and added, “She's the one who cost them to die in the first place. They fed her without feeding themselves and suffered greatly.”
“She's nothing, but a monster.”
The young girl couldn't take the insults anymore and screamed, “My mommy and daddy loved me with all their heart and gave me a name I could love, so please call me Mariette instead of monster!” All the villagers glanced back at the young girl, known as Mariette, sending shivers down her back.
“Monsters like you don't deserve a name.”
Mariette burst into tears and ran off through the rain. A ten-year-old boy with brown hair saw Mariette run pass him and chased after her.
“Come back!” he called out as he tried to keep Mariette in sight. Mariette couldn't hear the boy's call through the pouring rain, so she continued to run with tears flowing down her cheeks.
Why did mommy and daddy have to die for my sake?
Mariette shut her eyes to try to prevent tears from escaping her eyes, but because of losing sight of the road she was on, she ended up running off a cliff. Mariette's eyelids flew open and saw the ocean below. She gave out a scream and looked back toward the ledge only to see the brown haired boy that was chasing her.
Mariette reached out to him before she collided into the raging ocean. Mariette held her breath under the ocean and hoped to God that she would survive. Mariette felt the ocean push her deeper down. She finally gave up holding her breath and gasped for air causing her to pass out under the water.
Yoko, who was in spirit form, gasped when she saw Mariette pass out and said, “She's supposed to be the future Queen of Kei, so why did she die?”
“Just watch, your majesty.”
Mariette's body gave a jerk making it clear that she was still alive and slowly began to rise to the surface. She soon reached the world of above and gasped for air. She coughed out water and looked around the calm ocean.
“Where exactly am I?” Mariette asked herself with exhaustion behind her voice. Mariette went to a back float position and stared up at the blue sky.
“I guess it stopped raining,” said Mariette. She soon began to drift on the ocean surface and closed her eyes.
I'll rest until I reach a shore, so I can go back to the village.
Mariette was soon fast asleep as she drifted through the ocean surface.
Yoko sighed in relief, when she saw that Mariette was safe and said, “Thank goodness.” She stared at Mariette's small form on the water and cracked a smile.
“So she was a Kaikyaku like me in the past?”
“That is correct, but please continue to watch Mariette.”
Yoko nodded and looked back at Mariette wondering where the small girl will land on.
(I'm sorry that the chapter is short, but I wanted to prolong the story a bit. Please send me some reviews and do not flame me or whatever.)