The Twelve Kingdoms Fan Fiction ❯ A Legend Forgotten ❯ Medicine Maker ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Disclaimer: The Twelve Kingdom Characters belong solely to Fuyumi Ono, but Mariette and the other unknown characters I am writing about belong to me. If this disclaimer is wrong, then please do not sue me.)
Chapter 14: Medicine Maker
Mariette opened her eyes still weak. She sat up and gasped in surprise when she noticed that she wasn't in the cave anymore. Mariette sighed in relief and said, “I guess the Youma really did follow my orders.”
“What do you mean by that?”
Mariette gasped in surprise and looked to her side only to see Narumi staring at her. Mariette asked who he was and where she was.
“My name is Narumi and you are in my grandpa's cabin,” said Narumi simply. Mariette gave a nod and said, “Nice to meet you.” Narumi stared at her closely causing her to flinch.
“So who are you, half-beast?”
“My name is Mariette, but how did you know I was a half-beast?” asked Mariette confusingly. Narumi yanked on one of her cat ears causing Mariette to cringe.
“The cat ears and tail are hard to miss, Half-beast,” said Narumi as he tugged on her ear. Mariette pulled her ear away from him.
“You don't have to pull so hard and don't call me half-beast,” said Mariette as she rubbed her ear. Narumi stuck his tongue at her.
“No way half-beast,” said Narumi in a mocking tone. Mariette groaned at him.
An old man suddenly entered the room causing Mariette to look at him. The old man smiled at her and said, “Thank goodness, you are awake.” Mariette gave a nod and asked who he was.
“My name is Soji, but my patients call me Doctor,” said the old man. Narumi crossed his arms and added, “And I call him grandpa.”
Mariette gave a nod of understanding and introduced herself to him. She also asked, “So how did I get here?” The old man looked toward the floor. Mariette looked at his point of view and saw the Youma in cat form looking up at her.
“Mr. Youma?” said Mariette in surprise.
“This Youma brought you and your friend here to get treated, which is amazing,” explained the old man. Mariette stared down at the Youma in surprise.
“You really did that, mister Youma? Even after hurting Wuya, you still helped her and me?” asked Mariette in surprise. The Youma nodded and bowed its head to her.
“I would do anything for my master.”
Mariette broke into a smile and leapt out of the bed she was on. She embraced the Youma with her tail swinging happily making the Youma confused.
“Thank you,” said Mariette happily. The Youma seemed to blush in Mariette's embrace. Soji and Narumi stared at Mariette in surprise.
“Is this Youma yours?” asked Soji in surprise. Mariette looked at them with a smile and nodded.
“But his name isn't Youma,” said Mariette. She hugged the Youma close and said, “His name is Kishi.” The Youma stared up at Mariette as warmth surrounded his body.
Mariette nodded and hugged Kishi closer.
“You are my new friend, Kishi,” said Mariette happily. Kishi nodded and licked her cheeks causing her to giggle.
Soji rubbed the back of his head with a smile and said, “A half-beast friends with a Youma. You don't see that everyday.” Narumi nodded in agreement.
Narumi stared at Mariette, who was still cuddling her new companion, and groaned.
I hate her.
Mariette suddenly remembered Wuya and looked at Soji in concern.
“Is Wuya OK?” asked Mariette.
“If you mean your friend, then she is just fine. She did lose a lot of blood, but the medicine I gave her should help out,” explained Soji. Mariette nodded and asked if she could see Wuya. Soji nodded and led Mariette out of the room with Narumi behind her.
They entered another room, where Wuya was fast asleep on a bed with a long bandage over her wounded leg. Mariette ran to Wuya's side with Kishi in her arms.
Wuya remained asleep. Soji crossed his arms and said, “I gave her another medicine to help her sleep, so she can regain her strength.” Mariette nodded.
Soji then looked at Narumi and said, “Can you remove her bandage?” Narumi nodded and approached Wuya. He removed the bandage from Wuya's leg gently. To Mariette's surprise, the wound was completely gone.
“No way!” yelled Mariette. She stared at Wuya's healed leg in amazement.
“There was a huge wound on her leg before and there was a lot of blood too. How did it disappear?” said Mariette in disbelief.
Soji chuckled and said, “I gave her a medicine that will heal a wound in minutes.” Mariette stared up at Soji in amazement.
“You must be a magician to be able to make so many medicines,” said Mariette in appraisal. Soji gave out another laugh and admitted that people have called him that. Mariette walked up to Soji and asked, “Can you teach me how to make medicines like that?”
Soji stared down at Mariette and saw the determination in her eyes. He smiled and nodded. Mariette cheered and thanked Soji repeatedly.
Narumi groaned and said, “Why teach a dirty half-beast?” Mariette looked at Narumi in surprise. Soji glared at Narumi and ordered him to leave the room. Narumi marched toward the door and then glared back at Mariette.
“I hate you,” he said making Mariette confused. Narumi left the room.
Soji gave out a sigh and looked down at Mariette.
“Narumi is always like that toward other people, so don't feel downhearted,” reassured Soji. Mariette nodded.
Soji taught Mariette about the plants that could be used to make medicines and how to make the medicines themselves. Mariette understood every instruction.
Soji then asked, “Can you handle the sight of blood?” Mariette looked down sadly and said, “I can see blood, but I can't stand the smell. It makes me feel very weak.”
“In order to help people with these medicines, you have to get over that weakness as much as you can,” said Soji. Mariette nodded and promised to try her best against her weakness.
When Mariette had learned almost everything about medicines that Soji made, Wuya was already awakening. Wuya looked at Mariette, who was examining a medicine leaf, from the bed.
Mariette perked up when se heard Wuya's voice. She looked back at her and broke into a bright smile. Mariette immediately embraced her and said, “Wuya, I'm glad you're OK.” Wuya asked what had happened since she passed out. Mariette explained thoroughly making sure not to leave out Soji's explanation.
Wuya nodded in understanding and glared down at Kishi.
“If Mariette didn't get attached to you, I would have killed you,” hissed Wuya. Kishi looked away from Wuya nervously.
Soji smiled at the two girls and said, “Now that you two are better, you can leave and join your parents.” Mariette and Wuya looked at each other and then back at Soji.
“We don't have any parents,” they said in unison. Soji's eyes widen.
“You mean you are orphans?” asked Soji in disbelief. Wuya and Mariette nodded. They suddenly gave a gasp. They jumped off the bed and ran out the door with Kishi and Soji behind them.
“Where are you going?” asked Soji as he ran after them. Mariette looked back at him and said, “We have to get back to Toshi before he gets worried.”
“But isn't it dangerous for you kids to be alone at this time of night?” asked Soji. Mariette smiled at him and said, “Don't worry, Doctor. Wuya, Toshi, and I have always stuck together.” With that said, Mariette told Kishi t transform. Kishi transformed into a huge wolf. Mariette and Wuya jumped onto his back.
Mariette looked back at Soji and said, “Good bye, Doctor, and thank you for treating Wuya and teaching me about your medicines.” Soji nodded with worry still in his heart. Mariette smiled and added, “And tell Narumi that I said Thank you.” Soji gave another nod.
Kishi ran into the woods out of sight with Wuya and Mariette on his back.
Soji stared in the direction they went and looked back at the cabin.
“They have no parents just like Narumi.”
Kishi ran through the woods with Wuya and Mariette on his back. Wuya stared at Kishi and gave out a sigh.
“I wonder how Toshi is going to react when he learns that we have another pet,” said Wuya. Mariette giggled and said, “It'll be quite a shock to him.” Wuya nodded in agreement. Wuya noticed Mariette's cat features sticking out and began to tuck them in. Mariette looked back at Wuya and asked, “Are you OK?” Wuya nodded and hugged Mariette from behind.
“I'm glad Toshi and I found you,” said Wuya as she hugged Mariette. Mariette smiled back at Wuya and said, “I'm glad too.”
Yoko smiled at the scene and said, “She learned how to make medicine. Maybe that will help her when she becomes the ruler.”
(Mega Update Number Three. Makes one wonder what Toshi was doing through all this. Next Mega update.)